Siri en Dicteren Sample Clauses

Siri en Dicteren. De voorziening Siri en de dicteerfunctie in de iOS-software zijn mogelijk niet in alle talen of regio's beschikbaar en de beschikbaarheid van de voorzieningen kan per regio variëren. Als uw iOS-apparaat Siri en de dicteerfunctie ondersteunt, kunt u met uw stem verzoeken en opdrachten sturen naar uw apparaat en tekst dicteren. Wanneer u Siri of de dicteerfunctie gebruikt, wordt alles wat u zegt opgenomen en naar Apple verstuurd, zodat het xxx xxxxxx omgezet in tekst en xxx xxxxxx gebruikt om uw verzoeken te verwerken. Uw apparaat verzendt ook andere informatie naar Apple, zoals uw voor- en bijnaam, de namen en bijnamen van uw contactpersonen en de relaties die u met deze contactpersonen hebt, en titels van nummers in uw muziekverzameling (gezamenlijk "gebruikersgegevens" genoemd). Deze gegevens xxxxxx gebruikt om Siri en de dicteerfunctie beter te laten herkennen wat u zegt. De gegevens xxxxxx niet gekoppeld aan andere gegevens die Apple mogelijk van u ontvangt via het gebruik van andere Apple diensten. Wanneer u gebruikmaakt van Siri of de dicteerfunctie, stemt u ermee in dat Apple en dochterondernemingen en vertegenwoordigers van Apple deze informatie, inclusief uw gesproken invoer en gebruikersgegevens, verzenden, verzamelen, beheren, verwerken en gebruiken om Siri, de dicteerfunctie en dicteervoorzieningen in andere Apple producten en diensten te leveren en te verbeteren. Indien u locatievoorzieningen hebt ingeschakeld, wordt de locatie van uw iOS-apparaat op het moment dat u een verzoek naar Siri stuurt mogelijk ook naar Apple gestuurd, zodat Siri nauwkeuriger kan reageren op uw locatiespecifieke verzoeken. U kunt de locatiespecifieke functionaliteit van Siri uitschakelen door naar de instelling voor locatievoorzieningen op uw iOS- apparaat te gaan en deze instelling alleen voor Siri uit te schakelen. Via Siri kunt u met uw iOS-apparaat werken zonder dat u het xxxxx xx ontgrendelen. Als u een toegangscode hebt ingesteld op uw iOS-apparaat en xxxx voorkomen dat Siri via het vergrendelscherm toegankelijk is, tikt u achtereenvolgens op 'Instellingen', 'Algemeen' en 'Codeslot' en schakelt u de Siri-optie uit. U kunt Siri en de dicteerfunctie ook xx xxxxx tijde volledig uitschakelen. Hiervoor gaat u naar Instellingen en tikt u op 'Algemeen' > 'Siri'. Xxxxxxx Xxxx vervolgens uit.
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  • Disputes between a Contracting Party and an Investor (1) Any dispute which may arise between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party in connection with an investment on the territory of that other Contracting Party shall be subject to negotiations between the parties in dispute. (2) If any dispute between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party continues to exist after a period of three months, investor shall be entitled to submit the case either to: (a) The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes having regard to the applicable provisions of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States opened for signature at Washington D.C. on 18 March 1965, or in case both Contracting Parties have not become parties to this Convention, (b) An arbitrator or international ad hoc arb1 tral tribunal established under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The parties to the dispute may agree in writing to modify these Rules. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both Parties to the dispute.Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The parties to the dispute may agree in writing to modify these Rules. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both Parties to the dispute.

  • Settlement of Disputes between Contracting Parties 1. Should any dispute arise concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement the Contracting Parties shall try to settle the dispute amicably. 2. If the dispute cannot be settled in a such manner it shall, upon the request of either Contracting Party, be submitted to an ad hoc Arbitral Tribunal in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 3. The Arbitral Tribunal shall be constituted in the following way: within two months of the receipt of the request for arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators will choose a national of a third State who, on the approval by the two Contracting Parties, shall act as chairman of the Tribunal (hereinafter referred to as "the Chairman"). The Chairman shall be appointed within two months from the date of appointment of the other two arbitrators. 4. If within the period specified in paragraph 3 of this Article either Contracting Party shall not have appointed its arbitrator or the two arbitrators shall not have agreed on the chairman, a request may be made to the President of the International Court of Justice to make the appointment. If he is a national of either Contracting Party or if he is otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the Vice-President shall be invited to make the appointment. If the Vice-President also is a national of either Contracting Party or is prevented from discharging the said function, the member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Contracting Party shall be invited to make the appointment. 5. The Arbitral Tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes, such decision shall be final and binding. Each contracting Party shall bear the costs of its own arbitrator and its counsel in the arbitral proceedings, the costs of the chairman and the remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by both Contracting Parties. The Tribunal may, however, in its decision direct that a higher proportion of costs shall be borne by one of the two Contracting Parties. The Arbitral Tribunal shall determine its own procedure.

  • Procurement from UN Agencies Goods estimated to cost less than $100,000 equivalent per contract may be procured directly from Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 and 3.9 of the Procurement Guidelines.

  • Settlement of Disputes between the Contracting Parties 1. Disputes between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement should, if possible, be settled through diplomatic channels. 2. If a dispute between the contracting Parties cannot thus be settled, it shall upon the request of either Contracting Party be submitted to an arbitral tribunal. 3. Such as arbitral tribunal shall be constituted for each individual case in the following way. Within two months of the receipt of the request for arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one member of the tribunal. Those two members shall then select a national of a third State who an approval by the two Contracting Parties shall be appointed Chairman of the tribunal. The Chairman shall be appointed within two months from the date of appointment of the other two members. 4. If within the periods specified in paragraph 3 of this Article the necessary appointments have not been made either Contracting Party may, in the absence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make any necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Contracting Party or if he is otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the Vice-President shall be invited to make the necessary appointments. If the vice- President is a national of either Contracting Party or if he too is prevented form discharging the said function, the members of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Contracting Party Shall be invited to make the necessary appointments. 5. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be binding on both Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of its own member of the tribunal and of its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the cost of the Chairman and the remaining cost shall be borne in equal parts by the Contracting Parties. The tribunal may, however, in its decision direct that a higher proportion of costs shall be borne by one of the two Contracting Parties, and this award shall be binding on both Contracting Parties. The tribunal shall determine its won procedure.

  • Are There Distribution Rules That Apply After Death Special rules apply in the case of the divorce or death of a beneficiary of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account. In particular, any balances to the credit of a beneficiary must, within 30 days of death, be either: (i) rolled over to another beneficiary’s Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4) (in which case the distribution will not be subject to tax) or (ii) distributed to a death beneficiary or the beneficiary’s estate (in which case the distribution will be subject to tax).

  • Nutzung und Beschränkungen (a) Gemäß den Bestimmungen dieses Lizenzvertrags erteilt dir Apple hiermit eine eingeschränkte, einfache Lizenz zur Nutzung der HomePod-Software auf einem einzigen HomePod. Ausgenommen wie in Absatz 2(b) unten gestattet und vorbehaltlich separater Lizenzvereinbarungen zwischen dir und Apple ist im Rahmen dieses Lizenzvertrags die Existenz der HomePod-Software auf mehr als einem HomePod gleichzeitig nicht gestattet. Xxxxxx ist es untersagt, die HomePod-Software zu verteilen oder über ein Netzwerk bereitzustellen, in dem sie von mehr als einem Gerät gleichzeitig verwendet werden kann. Diese Lizenz gewährt dir keinerlei Rechte zur Nutzung von Apple eigenen Benutzeroberflächen und anderem geistigem Eigentum an Design, Entwicklung, Fertigung, Lizenzierung oder Verteilung von Drittanbietergeräten und -zubehör oder Drittanbietersoftware für die Verwendung mit dem HomePod. Einige dieser Rechte stehen unter separaten Lizenzen von Apple zur Verfügung. (b) Mit diesem Lizenzvertrag erhältst du eine eingeschränkte, einfache Lizenz zum Laden von HomePod- Softwareaktualisierungen, die möglicherweise von Apple für dein HomePod-Modell zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Software auf jedem HomePod, dessen Eigentümer du bist oder der deiner Kontrolle unterliegt, zu aktualisieren oder wiederherzustellen. Im Rahmen dieses Lizenzvertrags ist es nicht gestattet, HomePod-Geräte zu aktualisieren oder wiederherzustellen, deren Eigentümer du nicht bist oder die nicht deiner Kontrolle unterliegen. Xxxxxx ist es untersagt, die HomePod- Softwareaktualisierungen zu verteilen oder über ein Netzwerk bereitzustellen, in dem sie von mehr als einem Gerät oder mehr als einem Computer gleichzeitig verwendet werden können. (c) Es ist dir nicht gestattet und du verpflichtest dich, es zu unterlassen und Dritten nicht zu gestatten, die HomePod-Software oder jegliche Dienste, die von der HomePod-Software bereitgestellt werden, oder Teile davon zu kopieren (sofern dies nicht ausdrücklich im Rahmen dieses Lizenzvertrags gestattet ist), zu dekompilieren, zurückzuentwickeln, zu disassemblieren, zu modifizieren, zu entschlüsseln, Versuche zur Ableitung des Quellcodes zu unternehmen oder abgeleitete Werke der HomePod-Software oder jeglicher in der HomePod-Software enthaltener Dienste oder Teilen davon zu erstellen (sofern dies nicht und nur in dem Ausmaß, in dem jegliche vorgenannte Beschränkung durch gesetzliche Vorschriften untersagt ist oder durch die Lizenzbestimmungen, die die Nutzung von möglicherweise in der HomePod- Software enthaltenen Open-Source-Komponenten regeln, gestattet ist). Du verpflichtest dich, es zu unterlassen, jegliche Schutzrechtshinweise (einschließlich Xxxxxx- und Urheberrechtshinweise), die möglicherweise innerhalb der Apple-Software hinzugefügt oder enthalten sind, zu entfernen, zu verdecken oder zu ändern. (d) Die HomePod-Software darf zur Reproduktion von Materialien verwendet werden, sofern sich diese Verwendung auf die Reproduktion von Materialien beschränkt, (i) die nicht durch Urheberrechte geschützt sind, (ii) für die du das Urheberrecht besitzt oder (iii) zu deren Reproduktion du bevollmächtigt oder durch Gesetze autorisiert bist. Das Eigentums- und Urheberrecht an den Inhalten, die über deinen HomePod angezeigt oder darauf gespeichert werden bzw. auf die über deinen HomePod zugegriffen wird, liegt bei den jeweiligen Eigentümern dieser Inhalte. Solche Inhalte sind möglicherweise durch Urheberrechte oder andere Rechte und Verträge hinsichtlich des geistigen Eigentums geschützt und können den Nutzungsbestimmungen des Dritten unterliegen, der diese Inhalte bereitstellt. Soweit hierin nicht anderweitig festgelegt, gewährt dir diese Lizenz keinerlei Rechte zum Verwenden solcher Inhalte, noch garantiert sie, dass diese Inhalte weiterhin für dich verfügbar sein werden. (e) Du erklärst dich damit einverstanden, die HomePod-Software und -Dienste (wie in Absatz 5 unten definiert) in Übereinstimmung mit xxxxx anwendbaren Gesetzen zu verwenden, einschließlich lokale Gesetze des Xxxxxx oder der Region, in dem bzw. der du wohnhaft bist oder in dem bzw. der du die HomePod-Software und -Dienste lädst oder verwendest. Funktionen der HomePod-Software und - Dienste sind möglicherweise nicht in xxxxx Sprachen oder Regionen verfügbar; einige Funktionen können je nach Region variieren und einige sind möglicherweise eingeschränkt oder werden von deinem Dienstanbieter nicht bereitgestellt.

  • Disputes between the Contracting Parties (1) Disputes between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this I Agreement should, as far as possible, be settled through negotiation. (2) If a dispute between the Contracting Parties cannot thus be settled within six months from the ist time the dispute arose, it shall upon the request of either Contracting Party be submitted to an arbitral tribunal. (3) Such an arbitral tribunal shall be constituted for each individual case in the following way. by Within two months of the receipt of the request for arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one its member of the tribunal. Those two members shall then select a national of a third State who on approval by the two Contracting Parties shall be appointed Chairman of the tribunal. The Chairman shall be appointed within two months from the date of appointment of the other two members. (4) If within the periods specified in paragraph (3) of this Article the necessary appointments have in not been made, either Contracting Party may, in the absence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make any necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Contracting Party or if he is otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the Vice President shall be invited to make the necessary appointments. If the Vice President is a national of either Contracting Party or if he too is prevented from discharging the said function, the Member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Contracting Party shall be invited to make the necessary appointments. (5) The arbitral tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decisions shall be binding on both Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of its own member of the tribunal and of its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the cost of the Chairman and the remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by the Contracting Parties. The tribunal may, however, in its decision direct that a higher proportion of costs shall be borne by one of the two Contracting Parties, and this award shall be binding on both Contracting Parties. The tribunal shall determine its own procedures.

  • Rollovers of Settlement Payments From Bankrupt Airlines If you are a qualified airline employee who has received a qualified airline settlement payment from a commercial airline carrier under the approval of an order of a federal bankruptcy court in a case filed after September 11, 2001, and before January 1, 2007, you are allowed to roll over any portion of the proceeds into your Xxxx XXX within 180 days after receipt of such amount, or by a later date if extended by federal law. For further detailed information and effective dates you may obtain IRS Publication 590-A, Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), from the IRS or refer to the IRS website at

  • Settlement of Disputes between the Parties 1. Any dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Chapter shall, as far as possible, be settled with consultation through diplomatic channel. 2. If a dispute cannot thus be settled within 6 months, it shall, upon the request of either Party, be submitted to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal. 3. Such tribunal comprises of 3 arbitrators. Within 2 months of the receipt of the written notice requesting arbitration, each Party shall appoint one arbitrator. Those 2 arbitrators shall, within further 2 months, together select a national of a third State having diplomatic relations with both Parties who, upon approval by the Parties, shall be appointed as Chairman of the arbitral tribunal. 4. If the arbitral tribunal has not been constituted within 4 months from the receipt of the written notice requesting arbitration, either Party may, in the absence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make any necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Party or is otherwise prevented from discharging the said functions, the Member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Party or is not otherwise prevented from discharging the said functions shall be invited to make such necessary appointments. 5. The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its award in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the principles of international law recognized by both Parties. 6. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its award by a majority of votes. Such award shall be final and binding upon both Parties. The arbitral tribunal shall, upon the request of either Party, explain the reasons of its award. 7. Each Party shall bear the costs of its appointed arbitrator and of its representation in arbitral proceedings. The relevant costs of the Chairman and tribunal shall be borne in equal parts by the Parties.

  • International Olympic Committee; International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement As instructed from time to time by ICANN, the names (including their IDN variants, where applicable) relating to the International Olympic Committee, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement listed at xxxx:// shall be withheld from registration or allocated to Registry Operator at the second level within the TLD. Additional International Olympic Committee, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement names (including their IDN variants) may be added to the list upon ten (10) calendar days notice from ICANN to Registry Operator. Such names may not be activated in the DNS, and may not be released for registration to any person or entity other than Registry Operator. Upon conclusion of Registry Operator’s designation as operator of the registry for the TLD, all such names withheld from registration or allocated to Registry Operator shall be transferred as specified by ICANN. Registry Operator may self-­‐allocate and renew such names without use of an ICANN accredited registrar, which will not be considered Transactions for purposes of Section 6.1 of the Agreement.

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