Siri et la Dictée Sample Clauses

Siri et la Dictée. Si votre appareil iOS prend en charge Siri et le service Dictée, ces dernières peuvent vous permettre d’effectuer des requêtes, de transmettre des commandes et de dicter du texte à votre appareil au moyen de votre voix. Lorsque vous utilisez Siri ou le service Dictée, ce que vous dites est enregistré et envoyé à Apple pour être converti en texte et pour traiter vos requêtes. Votre appareil envoie également à Apple d’autres informations, xxxxxx que vos noms et pseudonymes, les noms, pseudonymes et relations entre vos contacts et vous-même (par ex., « mon père »), les morceaux de musique de votre collection et les appareils de votre foyer compatibles avec HomeKit (par ex., « éclairage du salon »), (xxxxxxx dans leur ensemble comme vos « Données utilisateur »). Toutes ces données sont utilisées pour permettre à Siri et au service Dictée de mieux vous comprendre et de reconnaître ce que vous dites. Elles ne sont pas liées à d’autres données qu’Apple pourrait avoir du fait que vous ayez utilisé d’autres services Apple. De par l’utilisation de Siri ou du service Dictée, vous acceptez et convenez qu’Apple, ses filiales et agents transmettent, recueillent, conservent, traitent et utilisent ces informations, y compris vos entrées vocales et les Données utilisateur, pour offrir et améliorer Siri, Dictée et d’autres fonctionnalités de dictée dans d’autres produits et services Apple. Si vous avez activé les Services de localisation, l’emplacement de votre appareil iOS au moment où vous effectuez une demande à Xxxx peut également être envoyé à Apple pour aider Xxxx à améliorer l’exactitude de sa réponse quant à vos demandes de localisation. Vous pouvez désactiver la fonctionnalité de localisation de Siri en accédant au réglage des Services de localisation de votre appareil iOS et en désactivant le réglage individuel de la localisation de Siri.

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  • International Olympic Committee; International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement As instructed from time to time by ICANN, the names (including their IDN variants, where applicable) relating to the International Olympic Committee, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement listed at xxxx:// shall be withheld from registration or allocated to Registry Operator at the second level within the TLD. Additional International Olympic Committee, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement names (including their IDN variants) may be added to the list upon ten (10) calendar days notice from ICANN to Registry Operator. Such names may not be activated in the DNS, and may not be released for registration to any person or entity other than Registry Operator. Upon conclusion of Registry Operator’s designation as operator of the registry for the TLD, all such names withheld from registration or allocated to Registry Operator shall be transferred as specified by ICANN. Registry Operator may self-­‐allocate and renew such names without use of an ICANN accredited registrar, which will not be considered Transactions for purposes of Section 6.1 of the Agreement.

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  • Printing of Collective Agreement The Hospital and Union agree that the cost of printing the collective agreements will be shared equally between the parties. The Union will be responsible for having the collective agreements printed in booklet format within sixty (60) days of its signing by both parties.

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING BOYCOTTING CERTAIN ENERGY COMPANIES (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree, when it is applicable, to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: If (a) company is not a sole proprietorship; (b) company has ten (10) or more full-time employees; and (c) this contract has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ch. 2274 of SB 13 (87th session), the company hereby certifies and verifies that the company, or any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of these entities or business associations, if any, does not boycott energy companies and will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. For purposes of this contract, the term “company” shall mean an organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, that exists to make a profit. The term “boycott energy company” shall mean “without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with a company because the company (a) engages in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacturing of fossil fuel-based energy and does not commit or pledge to meet environmental standards beyond applicable federal and state law, or (b) does business with a company described by paragraph (a).” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 809.001(1).

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  • JOC Pricing of Itemized List of RS Means Non-Prepriced Items No response The Vendor may download the optional Pricing of Itemized List of RS Means Non-Prepriced Items form from the attachment tab, fill in the requested information, and upload the completed spreadsheet. DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. Valid Reference Email addresses are REQUIRED on the spreadsheet. The vendor must download the References spreadsheet from the attachment tab, fill in the requested information and upload the completed spreadsheet. DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files.

  • CFR PART 200 Domestic Preferences for Procurements As appropriate and to the extent consistent with law, the non-Federal entity should, to the greatest extent practicable under a Federal award, provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). The requirements of this section must be included in all subawards including all contracts and purchase orders for work or products under this award. For purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Produced in the United States” means, for iron and steel products, that all manufacturing processes, from the initial melting stag through the application of coatings, occurred in the United States. Moreover, for purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Manufactured products” means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe, aggregates such as concrete, class, including optical fiber, and lumber. Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, Vendor certifies that to the greatest extent practicable Vendor will provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). Does vendor agree? Yes

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN FOREIGN-OWNED COMPANIES IN CONNECTION WITH CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: Proposing Company is prohibited from entering into a contract or other agreement relating to critical infrastructure that would grant to the company direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure in this state, excluding access specifically allowed by the Proposing Company for product warranty and support purposes. Company, certifies that neither it nor its parent company nor any affiliate of company or its parent company, is (1) owned by or the majority of stock or other ownership interest of the company is held or controlled by individuals who are citizens of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; (2) a company or other entity, including governmental entity, that is owned or controlled by citizens of or is directly controlled by the government of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; or (3) headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country. For purposes of this contract, “critical infrastructure” means “a communication infrastructure system, cybersecurity system, electric grid, hazardous waste treatment system, or water treatment facility.” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.0101(2) of SB 1226 (87th leg.). The company verifies and certifies that company will not grant direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure, except for product warranty and support purposes, to prohibited individuals, companies, or entities, including governmental entities, owned, controlled, or headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country, as determined by the Governor.