Source of Lender Value if value is provided by the lender, write "Lender" (do not include a person’s name); or, if lender value is unconfirmed at the time of the application, write name and title (e.g. Xxxx Xxx, curator) of the individual estimating a temporary value to be considered for the application until the lender value is confirmed. Values may be updated for consideration prior to the meeting of the Advisory Panel; increased values will not be considered after the meeting of the Advisory Panel.
Source of Lender Value if value is provided by the lender, write "Lender"; or, if lender value is unconfirmed at the time of the application, write name and title (e.g. Xxxx Xxx, curator) of the individual estimating a temporary value to be considered for the application until the lender value is confirmed.
Source of Lender Value. 1) if value is provided by the lender, write "Lender"; if estimated by another, write name and title (e.g. curator) of the individual originating the temporary value for the application.