of Attachment Z The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for all System Upgrade Facility costs as required by Section of Attachment Z or its share of any System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades costs resulting from the final Attachment S process, as applicable, and Attachment 6 to this Agreement shall be revised accordingly.
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO 2603 Hazardous Substances shall mean any chemicals, materials or substances defined as or included in the definition of “hazardous substances,” “hazardous wastes,” “hazardous materials,” Initial Synchronization Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are initially synchronized with the New York State Transmission System and upon which Trial Operation begins, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or Transmission In-Service Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are energized consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and available to provide Transmission Service under the NYISO’s Tariffs, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or IRS shall mean the Internal Revenue Service. Metering Equipment shall mean all metering equipment installed or to be installed at the Transmission Project pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to instrument transformers, MWh-meters, data acquisition equipment, transducers, remote terminal unit, communications equipment, phone lines, and fiber optics. Metering Points shall mean the location(s) identified by the NYISO for any Metering Equipment associated with the Transmission Project that are required for the Transmission Project to provide zonal or subzonal metering data. NERC shall mean the North American Electric Reliability Council or its successor organization. Network Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to the New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed Transmission Project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Transmission Interconnection Standard. For purposes of this Agreement, the Network Upgrade Facilities are described in Appendix A of this Agreement. New York State Transmission System shall mean the entire New York State electric
Agreement No WR71980064 Sheet 9 of 31
DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.
CONTRACT NO PB066AA Signature Page
Purpose of Attachment Facilities Except as may be required by Applicable Laws and Regulations, or as otherwise agreed to among the Parties, the Attachment Facilities shall be constructed for the sole purpose of interconnecting the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System and shall be used for no other purpose.
Amendment No 14 includes provisions for a new portfolio of the Trust (the EQ/Franklin Xxxxxxxxx Founding Strategy Portfolio) and updates the names of certain existing Portfolios.