SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2535 Facilities are sole use facilities and shall not include Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities, System Upgrade Facilities, or System Deliverability Upgrades. Contingent Facilities shall mean those Attachment Facilities and System Upgrade Facilities and/or System Deliverability Upgrades associated with Class Year Projects upon which the Large Facility’s Class Year Project Cost Allocations are dependent, and if delayed or not built, could impact the actual costs and timing of the Large Facility’s Project Cost Allocation for System Upgrade Facilities or System Deliverability Upgrades. Control Area shall mean an electric power system or combination of electric power systems to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied in order to: (1) match, at all times, the power output of the Generators within the electric power system(s) and capacity and energy purchased from entities outside the electric power system(s), with the Load within the electric power system(s); (2) maintain scheduled interchange with other Control Areas, within the limits of Good Utility Practice; (3) maintain the frequency of the electric power system(s) within reasonable limits in accordance with Good Utility Practice; and (4) provide sufficient generating capacity to maintain Operating Reserves in accordance with Good Utility Practice. A Control Area must be certified by the NPCC. Default shall mean the failure of a Party in Breach of this Agreement to cure such Breach in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement. Developer shall mean an Eligible Customer developing a Large Generating Facility, proposing to connect to the New York State Transmission System, in compliance with the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Developer’s Attachment Facilities shall mean all facilities and equipment, as identified in Appendix A of this Agreement, that are located between the Large Generating Facility and the Point of Change of Ownership, including any modification, addition, or upgrades to such facilities and equipment necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System. Developer’s Attachment Facilities are sole use facilities. Distribution System shall mean the Connecting Transmission Owner’s facilities and equipment used to distribute electricity that are subject to FERC jurisdiction, and are subject to the NYISO’s Large Facility Interconnection Procedures in Attachment X to the ISO OATT or Small ...
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SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2472 Base Case shall mean the base case power flow, short circuit, and stability data bases used for the Transmission Interconnection Studies by the NYISO, Connecting Transmission Owner, or the Transmission Developer, as described in Section 22.6.1 of the Transmission Interconnection Procedures. Breach shall mean the failure of a Party to perform or observe any material term or condition of this Agreement. Breaching Party shall mean a Party that is in Breach of this Agreement. Business Day shall mean Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Byway shall mean all transmission facilities comprising the New York State Transmission System that are neither Highways nor Other Interfaces. All transmission facilities in Zone J and Zone K are Byways. Calendar Day shall mean any day including Saturday, Sunday or a federal holiday. Capacity Region shall mean one of four subsets of the Installed Capacity statewide markets comprised of (1) Rest of State (i.e., Load Zones A through F); (2) Lower Xxxxxx Valley (i.e., Load Zones G, H and I); (3) New York City (i.e., Load Zone J); and (4) Long Island (i.e., Load Zone K). Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (“XXXX”) shall mean the service provided by NYISO to Transmission Developers that satisfy the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard or that are otherwise eligible to receive XXXX in accordance with Attachment S to the ISO OATT; such service being one of the eligibility requirements for participation as a NYISO Installed Capacity Supplier. Class Year Deliverability Study shall mean an assessment, conducted by the NYISO staff in cooperation with Market Participants, to determine whether System Deliverability Upgrades are required for Class Year XXXX Projects under the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard. Class Year Interconnection Facilities Study shall mean a study conducted by NYISO or a third party consultant for the Developer to determine a list of facilities (including Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades as identified in the Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study), the cost of those facilities, and the time required to interconnect the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System or with the Distribution System. The scope of the study is defined in Section 30.8 of the Standard Large Facility Interconnection Procedures. Confidential Information shall m...
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2603 Party’s indemnification obligation unless such failure or delay is materially prejudicial to the Indemnifying Party. Except as stated below, the Indemnifying Party shall have the right to assume the defense thereof with counsel designated by such Indemnifying Party and reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party. If the defendants in any such action include one or more Indemnified Parties and the Indemnifying Party and if the Indemnified Party reasonably concludes that there may be legal defenses available to it and/or other Indemnified Parties which are different from or additional to those available to the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to select separate counsel to assert such legal defenses and to otherwise participate in the defense of such action on its own behalf. In such instances, the Indemnifying Party shall only be required to pay the fees and expenses of one additional attorney to represent an Indemnified Party or Indemnified Parties having such differing or additional legal defenses. The Indemnified Party shall be entitled, at its expense, to participate in any such action, suit or proceeding, the defense of which has been assumed by the Indemnifying Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnifying Party (i) shall not be entitled to assume and control the defense of any such action, suit or proceedings if and to the extent that, in the opinion of the Indemnified Party and its counsel, such action, suit or proceeding involves the potential imposition of criminal liability on the Indemnified Party, or there exists a conflict or adversity of interest between the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party, in such event the Indemnifying Party shall pay the reasonable expenses of the Indemnified Party, and (ii) shall not settle or consent to the entry of any judgment in any action, suit or proceeding without the consent of the Indemnified Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2535 Default. Any Party may terminate this Agreement in accordance with Article 17.
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 1894 System Protection Facilities shall mean the equipment, including necessary protection signal communications equipment, required to (1) protect the New York State Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbances occurring at the Large Generating Facility and (2) protect the Large Generating Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbances occurring on the New York State Transmission System or on other delivery systems or other generating systems to which the New York State Transmission System is directly connected. System Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff shall mean the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), as filed with the Commission, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Developer is engaged in on-site test operations and commissioning of the Large Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation.
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2603 Hazardous Substances shall mean any chemicals, materials or substances defined as or included in the definition of “hazardous substances,” “hazardous wastes,” “hazardous materials,” “hazardous constituents,” “restricted hazardous materials,” “extremely hazardous substances,” “toxic substances,” “radioactive substances,” “contaminants,” “pollutants,” “toxic pollutants” or words of similar meaning and regulatory effect under any applicable Environmental Law, or any other chemical, material or substance, exposure to which is prohibited, limited or regulated by any applicable Environmental Law. Initial Synchronization Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are initially synchronized with the New York State Transmission System and upon which Trial Operation begins, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or Transmission Developer, as applicable, must provide notice of the Initial Synchronization Date(s) to the other Parties in the form of Appendix E-1 to this Agreement. In-Service Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are energized consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and available to provide Transmission Service under the NYISO’s Tariffs, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or Transmission Developer, as applicable, must provide notice of the In-Service Date(s) to the other Parties in the form of Appendix E-2 to this Agreement. IRS shall mean the Internal Revenue Service. Metering Equipment shall mean all metering equipment installed or to be installed at the Transmission Project pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to instrument transformers, MWh-meters, data acquisition equipment, transducers, remote terminal unit, communications equipment, phone lines, and fiber optics. Metering Points shall mean the location(s) identified by the NYISO for any Metering Equipment associated with the Transmission Project that are required for the Transmission Project to provide zonal or subzonal metering data. NERC shall mean the North American Electric Reliability Council or its successor organization. Network Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent wi...
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2510 Confidential Information shall mean any information that is defined as confidential by Article 11.2. Connecting Transmission Owner shall be the Connecting Transmission Owner(s) identified in connection with the Transmission Project pursuant to Attachment P of the ISO OATT. Critical Path Milestones shall mean the milestones identified as such in the Development Schedule in Attachment C to this Agreement that must be met for the Transmission Project to be constructed and operating by the Required Project In-Service Date. Default shall mean the failure of a Party in Breach of this Agreement to cure such Breach in accordance with Article 7.2 of this Agreement. Developer shall have the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph. Development Schedule shall mean the schedule of Critical Path Milestones and Advisory Milestones set forth in Appendix C to this Agreement. Effective Date shall mean the date upon which this Agreement becomes effective as determined in Article 2.1 of this Agreement. FERC shall mean the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or its successor. Force Majeure shall mean any act of God, labor disturbance, act of the public enemy, war, insurrection, riot, fire, storm or flood, explosion, breakage or accident to machinery or equipment, any order, regulation or restriction imposed by governmental, military or lawfully established civilian authorities, or any other cause beyond a Party’s control. A Force Majeure event does not include acts of negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the Party claiming Force Majeure. Good Utility Practice shall mean any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practice, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to delineate acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region. Governmental Authority shall mean any federal, state, local or other governmental regulatory or administrative agency, public authority, court, commission, department, board, or other governmental subdivision, legislature, rulemaking b...
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SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2535 or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to delineate acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region. Governmental Authority shall mean any federal, state, local or other governmental regulatory or administrative agency, court, commission, department, board, or other governmental subdivision, legislature, rulemaking board, tribunal, or other governmental authority having jurisdiction over any of the Parties, their respective facilities, or the respective services they provide, and exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, police, or taxing authority or power; provided, however, that such term does not include Developer, NYISO, Affected Transmission Owner, Connecting Transmission Owner, or any Affiliate thereof. Hazardous Substances shall mean any chemicals, materials or substances defined as or included in the definition of “hazardous substances,” “hazardous wastes,” “hazardous materials,” “hazardous constituents,” “restricted hazardous materials,” “extremely hazardous substances,” “toxic substances,” “radioactive substances,” “contaminants,” “pollutants,” “toxic pollutants” or words of similar meaning and regulatory effect under any applicable Environmental Law, or any other chemical, material or substance, exposure to which is prohibited, limited or regulated by any applicable Environmental Law. Highway shall mean 115 kV and higher transmission facilities that comprise the following NYCA interfaces: Xxxxxxxx East, West Central, Xxxxxx East, Xxxxx South, Central East/Total East, and UPNY-ConEd, and their immediately connected, in series, bulk power system facilities in New York State. Each interface shall be evaluated to determine additional “in series” facilities, defined as any transmission facility higher than 115 kV that (a) is located in an upstream or downstream zone adjacent to the interface and (b) has a power transfer distribution factor (DFAX) equal to or greater than five percent when the aggregate of generation in zones or systems adjacent to the upstream zone or zones that define the interface is shifted to the aggregate of generation in zones or systems adjacent to the downstream zone or zones that define the interface. In determining “in series” facilities for Xxxxxxxx East and West Central interfaces, the 115 kV and 230 kV tie lines between NYCA and PJM located in LBMP Zones A and B shall not participate in the transfer. Highway transmission facilities are listed in ISO Procedu...
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2510 Appendix C The Developer shall demonstrate to the NYISO that it timely meets the below Critical Path Milestones and Advisory Milestones contained herein and that such milestones remain in good standing. This Agreement is being executed prior to the completion of the Facilities Study under the Transmission Interconnection Procedures, the execution of Transmission Project Interconnection Agreements, the receipt of regulatory approvals, and the final design of the Xxxxxxxxx to Sugarloaf component, which could affect the milestones set forth herein. In the event that the completion of the Facilities Study, the execution of a Transmission Project Interconnection Agreements, receipt of regulatory approvals, or the final design of the Xxxxxxxxx to Sugarloaf component materially affect a milestone(s) set forth in this Appendix C, the Parties shall review the milestone(s) and the Developer shall seek to amend the milestone(s), as necessary, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 1 Commence Preliminary Engineering and Design of Principal Project Component1 Developer Advisory Completed 2 Commence Public Involvement Plan Developer Advisory Completed 3 Commence Land Acquisition Activities for the Transmission Project 4 Commence Facilities Study for Q#543 Developer Developer NYISO Connecting Transmission Owner(s)2 Advisory Completed Advisory Completed 1 References to “Principal Project Component” in the milestones contained in this Appendix C shall include all of the components listed in Appendices A and B of this Agreement with the exception of (i) the Network Upgrade Facilities that will be refined and/or identified in the Facilities Study for Q#543 pursuant to Attachment P to the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) and (ii) the Xxxxxxxxx to Sugarloaf component. Milestones related to the Xxxxxxxxx to Sugarloaf component will be separately identified by referring to the “Xxxxxxxxx to Sugarloaf Component.” 2 The Connecting Transmission Owners are Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“National Grid”), Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (“Con Edison”), Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (“Orange and Rockland”), and New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (“NYSEG”), which were identified in the System Impact Study for Q#543 and are listed in the milestones solely for informational purposes. Additional Connecting Transmission Owners may be identified in the Facilities Study for Q#543 under Attachment P to the OATT. SERVICE AG...
SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2709 Developer shall engineer, procure equipment, and construct the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities (or portions thereof) using Good Utility Practice and using standards and specifications provided in advance by the Connecting Transmission Owner; Developer’s engineering, procurement and construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities shall comply with all requirements of law to which Connecting Transmission Owner would be subject in the engineering, procurement or construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities; Connecting Transmission Owner shall review and approve the engineering design, equipment acceptance tests, and the construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities; Prior to commencement of construction, Developer shall provide to Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO a schedule for construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities, and shall promptly respond to requests for information from Connecting Transmission Owner or NYISO; At any time during construction, Connecting Transmission Owner shall have the right to gain unrestricted access to the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities and to conduct inspections of the same; At any time during construction, should any phase of the engineering, equipment procurement, or construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities not meet the standards and specifications provided by Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer shall be obligated to remedy deficiencies in that portion of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities; Developer shall indemnify Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO for claims arising from the Developer’s construction of Connecting Transmission Owner’s
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