SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, orthotic devices, durable medical equipment, implants, radiation therapy chemotherapy and highly specialized drugs (e.g. Interferon, Procrit, Avonex, Embrel, etc.) will be covered, but must be approved and coordinated in advance by USA Medical Services. Special treatments will be provided by the Insurer or reimbursed at the cost that the Insurer would have incurred if pur- chased from its providers.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, appliances, orthotic durable medical equip- ment (implanted during surgery), implants, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and the following highly specialized drugs: Interferon beta-1a, PEGylated Interferon alpha-2a, Interferon beta-1b, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Bevacizumab, Cyclospo- xxxx A, Azathioprine, and Rituximab will be covered but must be approved and coordinated in advance by USA Medical Services. For coverage of prosthetic limbs, please refer to condition 6.2.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, appliances, orthotic durable medical equipment (implanted during surgery), implants, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and the following highly specialized drugs: Interferon beta-1a, PEGylated Interferon alpha-2a, Interferon beta-1b, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Bevacizumab, Cyclosporine A, Aza- thioprine, and Rituximab will be covered but must be approved and coordinated in advance by USA Medical Services. If special treatments are not pre-approved and coordinated as required, they will be paid or reimbursed at the usual, customary, and reasonable cost that the insurer would have incurred. For coverage of prosthetic limbs, please refer to condition 6.2.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, appli- ances, orthotic durable medical equipment, implants, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and the following highly specialized drugs: Interferon beta-1a, PEGylated Interferon alpha-2a, Interferon beta-1b, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Bevacizumab, Cyclosporine A, Azathioprine, and Rituximab will be covered but must be approved and coordinated in advance by USA Medical Services. For coverage of prosthetic limbs, please refer to condition 6.2.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Home respiratory therapy. It includes oxygen therapy (liquid, with concentrator or gas), aerosol therapy (in this case, the medication will be coasted by the Insured Party), ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level ventilation devices (BIPAP). - Speech therapy and phoniatry. Treatment of language, speaking and voice pathologies arising ex- clusively from organic processes. The treatment of learning disabilities (dyslexia, graphic dyslogia and dyscalculia) are excluded. - Laser therapy. Includes photo-coagulation in oph- thalmology, coloproctological surgery, gynaecologi- cal, ENT and dermatological surgery, as well as laser in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, in operations for benign prostatic hyperplasia, in lithotripsy of the uri- nary tract and in the endoluminal treatment of vari- cose veins and tracheobronchial injuries. All surgical or therapeutical techniques involving laser not included in the foregoing detail are expressly excluded. - Chemotherapy. Either on an inpatient or outpa- tient basis. The Insurer will only pay for cystostat- ic medication, marketed in Spain and authorized by The Spanish Health Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. Implantable reservoirs (port- a-cath) are included. Intraoperative chemother- apy treatments are expressly excluded, such as intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, appliances, orthotic durable medical equipment, implants, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and the following highly specialized drugs: Interferon beta-1-a, PEGylated Interferon alpha-2a, Interferon beta-1b, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Bevacizumab, Cyclosporine A, Azathioprine, and Rituximab will be covered but must be approved and coordinated in advance by USA Medical Services. If special treatments are not pre-approved and coordinated as required, they will be paid or reimbursed at the usual, customary, and reasonable cost that the insurer would have incurred. For coverage of prosthetic limbs, please refer to condition 6.2.
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Home respiratory therapy. It includes oxygen therapy (liquid, with concentrator or gas), aero- sol therapy (in this case, the medication will be coasted by the Insured Party), - Ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level ventilation devices (BIPAP). - Laser therapy. Including photocoagulation in ophthalmology, surgery in coloproctology, surgi- cal interventions in gynaecology, otorhinolaryn- gology and dermatology, as well as laser in mus- culoskeletal rehabilitation, in operations for be- nign prostatic hyperplasia and in the endoluminal treatment of varicose veins. All surgical or thera- peutical techniques involving laser not included in the foregoing detail are expressly excluded. - Oftalmológicos: Lentes intraoculares (monofo- cales y bifocales) para la corrección de la afaquia tras cirugía de cataratas (con exclusión de las len- tes tóricas).
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Electromagnetic Radiation Therapy. 3 months Laser Therapy: including photocoagula- tion treatments in ophthalmology as well as laser in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 3 months Percutaneous Nucleotomy 3 months Laser Therapy. Surgery in coloproctology, surgical interventions in gynaecology, oto- rhinolaryngology and dermatology, endo- luminal treatment of varicose veins and benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment. 10 months Diálysis. 10 months Shock-waves for musculotendinous cal- cifications. 10 months Renal Lithotripsy. 10 months Chemotherapy and Radiation Oncology. 10 months Medios de diagnóstico de alta tecnología. 3 meses Medios de diagnóstico intervencionista. 6 meses Intervenciones quirúrgicas en régimen ambulatorio (Intervenciones del grupo 0 al II según clasificación de la Organización Médica Colegial). 3 meses Ligadura de trompas y vasectomía. 6 meses Hospitalización por cualquier motivo o na- turaleza en régimen de internamiento o en hospital de día, así como las intervenciones quirúrgicas realizadas en estos regímenes. 10 meses Coste de Implantes quirúrgicos y prótesis. 10 meses Electrotermoterapia en rehabilitación. 3 meses Laserterapia: en tratamientos de fotocoag- ulación en oftalmología así como el láser en rehabilitación músculo-esquelética. 3 meses Nucleotomía percutánea. 3 meses Laserterapia. Cirugía en coloproctología, las intervenciones quirúrgicas en ginecología, otorrinolaringología, dermatología, el trata- miento endoluminal de las varices y el trata- miento de hiperplasia benigna de próstata. 10 meses Diálisis. 10 meses Ondas de choque para calcificaciones mus- culotendinosas. 10 meses Litotricia renal. 10 meses Quimioterapia y Oncología Radioterápica. 10 meses
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, orthotic devices, durable medical equipment, implants, radiation therapy and highly specialized drugs (e.g. Interferon, Procrit, Avonex, Embrel, etc.) will be covered up to the policy limit schedule, but must be approved and coordinated in advance by Assuria Medische
SPECIAL TREATMENTS. Prosthesis, orthotic devices (implanted during surgery), durable medical equipment, implants, radiation therapy chemotherapy and highly specialized drugs (e.g. Interferon, Procrit, Avonex, Embrel, etc.) will be