Vaccines. The company will cover the costs and administration of medically required vaccines, according to the national vaccination program (children and adults), including the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to protect against cervical cancer, influenza vaccine (flu), legally vaccinated required for travel vaccines against pneumococcus, and medicines against malaria.
Vaccines. CalOptima shall not reimburse County for the cost of vaccines that are available under the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, a Federal program, which provides free vaccines for eligible populations, including Medi-Cal covered children, age eighteen (18) years and younger.
Vaccines. The Employer will provide vaccines and toxoids for nurses and their families at no cost, this will include HPV, Zoster, Varicella and immunizations recommended for travel.
Vaccines. This Agreement will not prevent arrangements being made for the supply of vaccines or similar products for the Healthcare Services.
Vaccines. Member agrees to use the full portfolio of vaccine-related pharmaceutical products covered under the MPPG contracts in the volume and ratios contemplated by the recommended immunization schedules. All vaccine-purchasing contracts previously entered into will be discontinued by member.
Vaccines. All vaccines, required for employment shall be provided to House Staff Officers, upon request without charge.
Vaccines. A. Administration of Vaccines to Detainees:
1. Subject to section V.A.2 below regarding the supply of vaccines, and so long as consistent with CDC guidance and the PRR, Defendants shall offer a COVID-19 vaccine to all unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated detainees at the Facility, in line with the medical exceptions noted below at Section V.C, and shall administer a COVID-19 vaccine to every detainee who consents to receive one. Federal Defendants will screen for current vaccination status prior to administering a vaccine. This agreement specifies timelines for providing vaccines below in section V.B.
2. The Federal Defendants shall be the primary provider of COVID-19 vaccinations to detainees. They shall make reasonable efforts to secure and maintain a supply of COVID-19 vaccines at the Facility sufficient to carry out this agreement.
i. In the event that the Federal Defendants no longer have a sufficient supply of COVID-19 vaccines, Federal Defendants shall immediately make reasonable efforts to obtain an alternative provider of such vaccines, such as a local health authority.
ii. As soon as the Federal Defendants know that they are unable to procure a supply of COVID-19 vaccines that allows them to satisfy the terms of this agreement, Federal Defendants shall inform Plaintiffs’ counsel and the Court within one business day.
iii. Federal Defendants will further inform Plaintiffs’ counsel of what efforts have been made to find an alternative provider of vaccines as required in section V.A.2.i.
iv. Federal Defendants may fail to comply with the terms of this section that require a vaccine supply only if they have strictly complied with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. In this event, Plaintiffs may seek further relief from the Court to mitigate the potential harm to Class Members due to the lack of vaccine supply.
3. In implementing this section, the Federal Defendants shall administer a COVID-19 vaccine that has been given emergency use authorization by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) or a COVID-19 vaccine that has received full approval from the FDA.
4. Consistent with CDC guidance and the PRR, Federal Defendants shall offer and administer COVID-19 vaccine booster shots to consenting detainees as recommended by the CDC and subject to section V.A.2 above concerning the supply of vaccines. “Booster shots” refers to COVID-19 vaccines that are not part of an initial one- or two-dose vaccination regimen.
B. Timeline for Administering Xxxxxx...
Vaccines. Due to logistical issues specific to vaccines, Preferred Family Medicine does not supply or administer vaccines in the office. Generally, vaccines may be obtained from local pharmacies and/or government-sponsored health clinics.
Vaccines. The capitation rates do not include projected costs associated with COVID-19 vaccine drug and administration utilization. This assumption was established due to the drug cost being reimbursed by CMS and the vaccine administrative costs being covered by Medicare. Each of the program adjustments listed above were determined to be immaterial on a stand-alone basis (i.e., impacted the rates by less than 0.1%). We evaluated the composite impact of all of the immaterial items listed above to assess whether an aggregate impact should be applied in the CY 2022 rate development process. Based on this analysis, the impact of immaterial program adjustments is immaterial on a composite basis (i.e., impacted the rates by less than 0.1%), so no further adjustments were applied.
Vaccines. For every exam where vaccines take place a separate entry is to be made. Please note any vaccine separately should you feel it is important to your claims processing. For the exams that occur within the 5-day accident waiting period and ARE regarding an accident. the entry will be labelled as above and followed by relevant findings.