Statutory licence appeal a) Assistance with the application process either in relation to an original application or application for renewal of a statutory licence, mandatory registration or British standard certificate of registration.
Statutory licence appeal. An appeal to the relevant statutory or regulatory authority, court or tribunal following a decision by a licensing or regulatory authority to suspend, or alter the terms of, or refuse to renew, or cancel your licence, mandatory registration or British standard certificate of registration.
Statutory licence appeal. DAS will represent you in appealing to the relevant statutory or regulatory authority, court or tribunal following a decision by a licensing or regulatory authority to suspend, or alter the terms of, or refuse to renew, or cancel your licence, mandatory registration or British standard certificate of registration.
Statutory licence appeal. We will pay legal expenses costs to defend your legal rights in appealing to the relevant statutory or regulatory authority, court or tribunal following a decision by a licensing or regulatory authority to suspend, or alter the terms of, or refuse to renew, or cancel your licence, mandatory registration or British standard certificate of registration.