Stop Payments for Online Xxxx Pay Transactions Sample Clauses

Stop Payments for Online Xxxx Pay Transactions. (a) If your stop payment order notice gives us a reasonable opportunity to act on it before the check is cashed, you may stop payment of an online xxxx pay check you authorized through the Portal or by other electronic means. Stop payment authorizations expire six (6) months after the date we first receive your stop payment order.
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Stop Payments for Online Xxxx Pay Transactions. (a) Under certain circumstances, you may be able to place a stop payment order by calling the WealthCare Saver toll-free number at 0-000-000-0000 and providing the following information: (i) your HSA account number;

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  • CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Xxxx Anti-Lobbying Amendment - Continued If you answered "No, Vendor does not certify - Lobbying to Report" to the above attribute question, you must download, read, execute, and upload the attachment entitled "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities - Standard Form - LLL", as instructed, to report the lobbying activities you performed or paid others to perform. 2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Federal Rule Compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h)), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR part 15). (Contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excess of $100,000) Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members requires the proposer certify that in performance of the contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excess of $250,000, the vendor will be in compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h)), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR part 15). Does vendor certify compliance? Yes

  • Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts Lobbying Activities A. The CONSULTANT certifies, by signing and submitting this Contract, to the best of its knowledge and belief after diligent inquiry, and other than as disclosed in writing to the LPA prior to or contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Contract by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT has complied with Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code, and specifically, that:

  • The OCN, From XXX, and Invoice Number will control the invoice sequencing The From XXX will be used to identify to <<customer_name>> which BellSouth XXX is sending the message. BellSouth and <<customer_name>> will use the invoice sequencing to control data exchange. BellSouth will be notified of sequence failures identified by <<customer_name>> and resend the data as appropriate. THE DATA WILL BE PACKED USING ATIS EMI RECORDS.

  • Rollovers of Exxon Xxxxxx Settlement Payments If you receive a qualified settlement payment from Exxon Xxxxxx litigation, you may roll over the amount of the settlement, up to $100,000, reduced by the amount of any qualified Exxon Xxxxxx settlement income previously contributed to a Traditional or Xxxx XXX or eligible retirement plan in prior taxable years. You will have until your tax return due date (not including extensions) for the year in which the qualified settlement income is received to make the rollover contribution. To obtain more information on this type of rollover, you may wish to visit the IRS website at

  • Additional Procedures Applicable to High Value Accounts 1. If a Preexisting Individual Account is a High Value Account as of December 31, 2013, the Reporting [FATCA Partner] Financial Institution must complete the enhanced review procedures described in paragraph D of this section with respect to such account by December 31, 2014. If based on this review, such account is identified as a U.S. Reportable Account, the Reporting [FATCA Partner] Financial Institution must report the required information about such account with respect to 2013 and 2014 in the first report on the Account. For all subsequent years, information about the account should be reported on an annual basis.

  • Minimum Site Requirements for TIPS Sales (when applicable to TIPS Sale). Cleanup: When performing work on site at a TIPS Member’s property, Vendor shall clean up and remove all debris and rubbish resulting from their work as required or directed by the TIPS Member or as agreed by the parties. Upon completion of work, the premises shall be left in good repair and an orderly, neat, clean and unobstructed condition. Preparation: Vendor shall not begin a project for which a TIPS Member has not prepared the site, unless Vendor does the preparation work at no cost, or until TIPS Member includes the cost of site preparation in the TIPS Sale Site preparation includes, but is not limited to: moving furniture, installing wiring for networks or power, and similar pre‐installation requirements. Registered Sex Offender Restrictions: For work to be performed at schools, Vendor agrees that no employee of Vendor or a subcontractor who has been adjudicated to be a registered sex offender will perform work at any time when students are, or reasonably expected to be, present unless otherwise agreed by the TIPS Member. Vendor agrees that a violation of this condition shall be considered a material breach and may result in the cancellation of the TIPS Sale at the TIPS Member’s discretion. Vendor must identify any additional costs associated with compliance of this term. If no costs are specified, compliance with this term will be provided at no additional charge. Safety Measures: Vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees on the worksite, and shall erect and properly maintain all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public. Vendor shall post warning signs against all hazards created by the operation and work in progress. Proper precautions shall be taken pursuant to state law and standard practices to protect workers, general public and existing structures from injury or damage. Smoking: Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to the TIPS Member’s or local smoking statutes, codes, ordinances, and policies.

  • Modifications and Updates to the Wire Center List and Subsequent Transition Periods In the event BellSouth identifies additional wire centers that meet the criteria set forth in Section, but that were not included in the Initial Wire Center List, BellSouth shall include such additional wire centers in a carrier notification letter (CNL). Each such list of additional wire centers shall be considered a “Subsequent Wire Center List”.

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxx XXX Reported for Federal Tax Purposes You must file Form 5329 with the IRS to report and remit any penalties or excise taxes. In addition, certain contribution and distribution information must be reported to the IRS on Form 8606 (as an attachment to your federal income tax return.)

  • Service Jointly Provisioned with an Independent Company or Competitive Local Exchange Company Areas 4.5.1 BellSouth will in some instances provision resold services in accordance with the General Subscriber Services Tariff and Private Line Tariffs jointly with an Independent Company or other Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.

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