STORY-FORMED PEOPLE. Everyone has a story. You have a story, and I have a story. We all desire to tell our stories. We express our stories in many different ways. Some of us express our story in different mediums of art, music, written and spoken word. Social media has made it possible for us to tell our story through a Facebook status and in 140 characters or less with Twitter. Telling our stories is really about worship. We love to tell our stories because we are created to worship. When we tell our stories, we are revealing the deepest longings of our hearts: what is important to us, what we are passionate about, our values, what is crucial to our lives, and ultimately what it is we are living for. Whatever that is, it is our god – our functional savior. The truth is everyone is seeking a savior either in themselves or in some other created thing. What self-salvation projects have you embarked on?
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  • Pharmacy Benefits - Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies from a Pharmacy This plan covers prescription drugs listed on our formulary and diabetic equipment or supplies bought from a pharmacy as a pharmacy benefit. These benefits are administered by our Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM). Our formulary includes a tiered copayment structure and indicates that certain prescription drugs require preauthorization. If a prescription drug is not on our formulary, it is not covered. For specific coverage information or a copy of the most current formulary, please visit our website or call our Customer Service Department. Prescription drugs and diabetic equipment or supplies are covered when dispensed using the following guidelines: • the prescription must be medically necessary, consistent with the physician’s diagnosis, ordered by a physician whose license allows him or her to order it, filled at a pharmacy whose license allows such a prescription to be filled, and filled according to state and federal laws; • the prescription must consist of legend drugs that require a physician’s prescription under law, or compound medications made up of at least one legend drug requiring a physician’s prescription under law; • the prescription must be dispensed at the proper place of service as determined by our Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. For example, certain prescription drugs may only be covered when obtained from a specialty pharmacy; and • the prescription is limited to the quantities authorized by your physician not to exceed the quantity listed in the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits. Prescription drugs are subject to the benefit limits and the amount you pay shown in the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits.

  • Texas Education Code Chapter 22 Contractor Certification for Contractor Employees Introduction Texas Education Code Chapter 22 requires entities that contract with school districts to provide service s to obtain criminal history record information regarding covered employees. Contractors must certify to the district t hat they have complied. Covered employees with disqualifying criminal histories are prohibited from serving at a sch ool district. Definitions: Covered employees: Employees of a contractor or subcontractor who have or will have continuing dutie s related to the service to be performed at the District and have or will have direct contact with students. The District will be the final arbiter of what constitutes direct contact with students. Disqualifying criminal history: Any conviction or other criminal history information designated by the District, or one of the following offenses, if at the time of the o ffense, the victim was under 18 or enrolled in a public school: (a) a felony offense under Title 5, Texas Penal Code; (b) an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; or (c) an equivalent offense under federal law or the laws of another state. I certify that: NONE (Section A) of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractors are covered employees, as defined abo ve. If this box is checked, I further certify that Contractor has taken precautions or imposed conditions to ensure tha t the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor will not become covered employees. Contractor will maintain t hese precautions or conditions throughout the time the contracted services are provided. OR SOME (Section B) or all of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor are covered employees. If this box is checked, I further certify that: (1) Contractor has obtained all required criminal history record information regarding its covered employees. None of the covered employees has a disqualifying criminal history. (2) If Contractor receives information that a covered employee subsequently has a reported criminal history, Contra ctor will immediately remove the covered employee from contract duties and notify the District in writing within 3 busi ness days. (3) Upon request, Contractor will provide the District with the name and any other requested information of covered employees so that the District may obtain criminal history record information on the covered employees. (4) If the District objects to the assignment of a covered employee on the basis of the covered employee's criminal h istory record information, Contractor agrees to discontinue using that covered employee to provide services at the District. Noncompliance or misrepresentation regarding this certification may be grounds for contract termination. None Texas Business and Commerce Code § 272 Requirements as of 9-1-2017 SB 807 prohibits construction contracts to have provisions requiring the contract to be subject to the laws of anothe r state, to be required to litigate the contract in another state, or to require arbitration in another state. A contract wit h such provisions is voidable. Under this new statute, a “construction contract” includes contracts, subcontracts, or agreements with (among others) architects, engineers, contractors, construction managers, equipment lessors, or materials suppliers. “Construction contracts” are for the design, construction, alteration, renovation, remodeling, or repair of any building or improvement to real property, or for furnishing materials or equipment for the project. The t erm also includes moving, demolition, or excavation. BY RESPONDING TO THIS SOLICITATION, AND WHEN APPLI CABLE, THE PROPOSER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH THE TEXAS BUSINESS AND COMMERCE CODE § 272 WH EN EXECUTING CONTRACTS WITH TIPS MEMBERS THAT ARE TEXAS GOVERNMENT ENTITIES. 7 5 Texas Government Code 2270 Verification Form Texas Government Code 2270 Verification Form Texas 2017 House Xxxx 89 has been signed into law by the governor and as of September 1, 2017 will be codified as Texas Government Code § 2270 and 808 et seq. The relevant section addressed by this form reads as follows: Texas Government Code Sec. 2270.002. PROVISION REQUIRED IN CONTRACT. A governmental entity may not ent er into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the c ompany that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract.engaged by ESC Region 8/The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) 0000 Xxxxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx,XX,00000 verify by this writing that the above-named company affirms that it (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycot t Israel during the term of this contract, or any contract with the above-named Texas governmental entity in the futur e. I further affirm that if our company’s position on this issue is reversed and this affirmation is no longer valid, that t he above-named Texas governmental entity will be notified in writing within one (1) business day and we understand that our company’s failure to affirm and comply with the requirements of Texas Government Code 2270 et seq. shall be grounds for immediate contract termination without penalty to the above-named Texas governmental entity. AND our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Pu blic Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://x I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct. YES

  • Destination CSU-Pueblo scholarship This articulation transfer agreement replaces all previous agreements between CCA and CSU-Pueblo in Bachelor of Science in Physics (Secondary Education Emphasis). This agreement will be reviewed annually and revised (if necessary) as mutually agreed.

  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Medical Supplies, Prosthetic Devices, Enteral Formula or Food, and Hair Prosthesis (Wigs) This plan covers durable medical equipment and supplies, prosthetic devices and enteral formula or food as described in this section. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) DME is equipment which: • can withstand repeated use; • is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; • is not useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury; and • is for use in the home. DME includes supplies necessary for the effective use of the equipment. This plan covers the following DME: • wheelchairs, hospital beds, and other DME items used only for medical treatment; and • replacement of purchased equipment which is needed due to a change in your medical condition or if the device is not functional, no longer under warranty, or cannot be repaired. DME may be classified as a rental item or a purchased item. In most cases, this plan only pays for a rental DME up to our allowance for a purchased DME. Repairs and supplies for rental DME are included in the rental allowance. Preauthorization may be required for certain DME and replacement or repairs of DME. Medical Supplies Medical supplies are consumable supplies that are disposable and not intended for re- use. Medical supplies require an order by a physician and must be essential for the care or treatment of an illness, injury, or congenital defect. Covered medical supplies include: • essential accessories such as hoses, tubes and mouthpieces for use with medically necessary DME (these accessories are included as part of the rental allowance for rented DME); • catheters, colostomy and ileostomy supplies, irrigation trays and surgical dressings; and • respiratory therapy equipment. Diabetic Equipment and Supplies This plan covers diabetic equipment and supplies for the treatment of diabetes in accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-30. Covered diabetic equipment and supplies include: • therapeutic or molded shoes and inserts for custom-molded shoes for the prevention of amputation; • blood glucose monitors including those with special features for the legally blind, external insulin infusion pumps and accessories, insulin infusion devices and injection aids; and • lancets and test strips for glucose monitors including those with special features for the legally blind, and infusion sets for external insulin pumps. The amount you pay differs based on whether the equipment and supplies are bought from a durable medical equipment provider or from a pharmacy. See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits and the Summary of Medical Benefits for details. Coverage for some diabetic equipment and supplies may only be available from either a DME provider or from a pharmacy. Visit our website to determine if this is applicable or call our Customer Service Department. Prosthetic Devices Prosthetic devices replace or substitute all or part of an internal body part, including contiguous tissue, or replace all or part of the function of a permanently inoperative or malfunctioning body part and alleviate functional loss or impairment due to an illness, injury or congenital defect. Prosthetic devices do not include dental prosthetics. This plan covers the following prosthetic devices as required under R.I. General Law § 27-20-52: • prosthetic appliances such as artificial limbs, breasts, larynxes and eyes; • replacement or adjustment of prosthetic appliances if there is a change in your medical condition or if the device is not functional, no longer under warranty and cannot be repaired; • devices, accessories, batteries and supplies necessary for prosthetic devices; • orthopedic braces except corrective shoes and orthotic devices used in connection with footwear; and • breast prosthesis following a mastectomy, in accordance with the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 and R.I. General Law 27-20-29. The prosthetic device must be ordered or provided by a physician, or by a provider under the direction of a physician. When you are prescribed a prosthetic device as an inpatient and it is billed by a provider other than the hospital where you are an inpatient, the outpatient benefit limit will apply. Enteral Formulas or Food (Enteral Nutrition) Enteral formula or food is nutrition that is absorbed through the intestinal tract, whether delivered through a feeding tube or taken orally. Enteral nutrition is covered when it is the sole source of nutrition and prescribed by the physician for home use. In accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-56, this plan covers enteral formula taken orally for the treatment of: • malabsorption caused by Crohn’s Disease; • ulcerative colitis; • gastroesophageal reflux; • chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction; and • inherited diseases of amino acids and organic acids. Food products modified to be low protein are covered for the treatment of inherited diseases of amino acids and organic acids. Preauthorization may be required. The amount that you pay may differ depending on whether the nutrition is delivered through a feeding tube or taken orally. When enteral formula is delivered through a feeding tube, associated supplies are also covered. Hair Prosthesis (Wigs) This plan covers hair prosthetics (wigs) worn for hair loss suffered as a result of cancer treatment in accordance with R.I. General Law § 27-20-54 and subject to the benefit limit and copayment listed in the Summary of Medical Benefits. This plan will reimburse the lesser of the provider’s charge or the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. If the provider’s charge is more than the benefit limit, you are responsible for paying any difference. Early Intervention Services (EIS) This plan covers Early Intervention Services in accordance with R.I. General Law §27- 20-50. Early Intervention Services are educational, developmental, health, and social services provided to children from birth to thirty-six (36) months. The child must be certified by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) to enroll in an approved Early Intervention Services program. Services must be provided by a licensed Early Intervention provider and rendered to a Rhode Island resident. Members not living in Rhode Island may seek services from the state in which they reside; however, those services are not covered under this plan. Early Intervention Services as defined by DHS include but are not limited to the following: • speech and language therapy; • physical and occupational therapy; • evaluation; • case management; • nutrition; • service plan development and review; • nursing services; and • assistive technology services and devices.

  • Medical Benefits - Prescription Drugs Administered by a Provider (other than a pharmacist) This plan covers prescription drugs as a medical benefit, referred to as “medical prescription drugs”, when the prescription drug requires administration (or the FDA approved recommendation is administration) by a licensed healthcare provider (other than a pharmacist). Please note: Specialty prescription drugs meeting these requirements or recommendations are covered as a pharmacy benefit and not a medical benefit. These medical prescription drugs include, but are not limited to, medications administered by infusion, injection, or inhalation, as well as nasal, topical or transdermal administered medications. For some of these medical prescription drugs, the cost of the prescription drug is included in the allowance for the medical service being provided, and is not separately reimbursed.

  • Traditional Medicine Cooperation 1. The aims of Traditional Medicine cooperation will be: (a) to build on existing agreements or arrangements already in place for Traditional Medicine cooperation; and (b) to promote information exchanges on Traditional Medicine between the Parties. 2. In pursuit of the objectives in Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties will encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the following activities, including, but not limited to: (a) encouraging dialogue on Traditional Medicine policies and promotion of respective Traditional Medicine; (b) raising awareness of active effects of Traditional Medicine; (c) encouraging exchange of experience in conservation and restoration of Traditional Medicine; (d) encouraging exchange of experience on management, research and development for Traditional Medicine; (e) encouraging cooperation in the Traditional Medicine education field, mainly through training programs and means of communication; (f) having a consultation mechanism between the Parties' Traditional Medicine authorities; (g) encouraging cooperation in Traditional Medicine therapeutic services and products manufacturing; and (h) encouraging cooperation in research in the fields of Traditional Medicine in order to contribute in efficacy and safety assessments of natural resources and products used in health care.

  • Specialty Prescription Drugs (+ Prorated copayments for a shorter supply period may apply for network pharmacy only. See Prescription Drug section for details. When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribeddosing period. Tier 5: $125 Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribeddosing period. Specialty Prescription Drugs purchasedat a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a Specialty Pharmacy. Our reimbursement is based on the pharmacy allowance. Tier 5: 50% Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Not Covered Not Covered Covered Benefits Network Pharmacy Non-network Pharmacy (+) Preauthorization is required for thisservice. Please see Preauthorization in Section 3 for more information. You Pay You Pay Infertility Prescription Drugs - Three(3) in-vitro cycles will be covered per plan year with a total of eight (8) in-vitro cycles covered in a member’s lifetime. When purchased at a Specialty, Mail Order, or Retail Pharmacy Tier 1: 20% Not Covered Tier 2: 20% Not Covered Tier 3: 20% Not Covered Tier 4: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+) Tier 5: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): Specialty Prescription Drugs purchased at a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a specialty pharmacy. Tier 5: 20% Not Covered Contraceptive Methods- Preventive Coverage includes barrier method (diaphragmor cervical cap), hormonal method (birth control pill), and emergency contraception. For non-preventive contraceptive prescription drugs and devices, the amount you pay will depend on the tier placement of the contraceptive prescription drug or device. See above for details. When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy: Up to a 365-day supply of contraceptive prescription drugs is available at all network retail pharmacies. For more information about this option, visit our website. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Up to a 90-day supply. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered

  • Designated Prescription Drug Prescribers and Pharmacies We may limit your selection of a pharmacy to a single pharmacy location and/or a single prescribing provider or practice. Those members subject to this designation include, but are not limited to, members that have a history of: • being prescribed prescription drugs by multiple providers; • having prescriptions drugs filled at multiple pharmacies; • being prescribed certain long acting opioids and other controlled substances, either in combination or separately, that suggests a need for monitoring due to: o quantities dispensed; o daily dosage range; or o the duration of therapy exceeds reasonable and established thresholds. The Amount You Pay for Prescription Drugs Our formulary includes a tiered copayment structure, which means the amount you pay for a prescription drug will vary by tier. See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for your copayment structure, benefit limits and the amount you pay. When you buy covered prescription drugs and diabetic equipment and supplies from a retail network pharmacy, you will be responsible for the copayment and deductible (if any) at the time of purchase. You will be responsible for paying the lower of your copayment, the retail cost of the drug, or the pharmacy allowance. Specialty prescription drugs are generally obtained from a specialty pharmacy. If you buy a specialty prescription drug from a retail network pharmacy, you will be responsible for a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if you bought the specialty drug from a specialty pharmacy. The amount you pay for the following prescription drugs is not subject to the tiered copayment structure: • Contraceptive methods; • Over-the-counter (OTC) preventive drugs; • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and smoking cessation prescription drugs; • Infertility specialty prescription drugs; and • Covered diabetic equipment or supplies bought at a network pharmacy. See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for benefit limits and the amount you pay. This plan allows for medication synchronization in accordance with R.I. General Law

  • Mastectomy Services Inpatient This plan provides coverage for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in a hospital following a mastectomy and a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in a hospital following an axillary node dissection. Any decision to shorten these minimum coverages shall be made by the attending physician in consultation with and upon agreement with you. If you participate in an early discharge, defined as inpatient care following a mastectomy that is less than forty-eight (48) hours and inpatient care following an axillary node dissection that is less than twenty-four (24) hours, coverage shall include a minimum of one (1) home visit conducted by a physician or registered nurse.

  • Surgery Services and Mastectomy Related Treatment This plan provides benefits for mastectomy surgery and mastectomy-related services in accordance with the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 and Rhode Island General Law 27-20-29 et seq. For the member receiving mastectomy-related benefits, coverage will be provided in a manner determined in consultation with the attending physician, physician assistant, or an advance practice registered nurse and the patient, for: • all stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy was performed; • surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance; • prostheses; and • treatment of physical complications at all stages of the mastectomy, including lymphedema. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount you pay.

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