Sublicensing by Eureka Sample Clauses

Sublicensing by Eureka. Subject to the requirements of Section, Eureka and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses through multiple tiers of the rights granted by Licensee to Eureka under Section 7.2.1 to any Affiliate and Third Parties.
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Related to Sublicensing by Eureka

  • Sublicense to Use the Xxxxxxx Trademarks As exclusive licensee of the rights to use and sublicense the use of the "Xxxxxxx," "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Investments, Inc." and "Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx & Xxxxx, Inc." trademarks (together, the "Xxxxxxx Marks"), you hereby grant the Trust a nonexclusive right and sublicense to use (i) the "Xxxxxxx" name and xxxx as part of the Trust's name (the "Fund Name"), and (ii) the Xxxxxxx Marks in connection with the Trust's investment products and services, in each case only for so long as this Agreement, any other investment management agreement between you and the Trust, or any extension, renewal or amendment hereof or thereof remains in effect, and only for so long as you are a licensee of the Xxxxxxx Marks, provided however, that you agree to use your best efforts to maintain your license to use and sublicense the Xxxxxxx Marks. The Trust agrees that it shall have no right to sublicense or assign rights to use the Xxxxxxx Marks, shall acquire no interest in the Xxxxxxx Marks other than the rights granted herein, that all of the Trust's uses of the Xxxxxxx Marks shall inure to the benefit of Xxxxxxx Trust Company as owner and licensor of the Xxxxxxx Marks (the "Trademark Owner"), and that the Trust shall not challenge the validity of the Xxxxxxx Marks or the Trademark Owner's ownership thereof. The Trust further agrees that all services and products it offers in connection with the Xxxxxxx Marks shall meet commercially reasonable standards of quality, as may be determined by you or the Trademark Owner from time to time, provided that you acknowledge that the services and products the Trust rendered during the one-year period preceding the date of this Agreement are acceptable. At your reasonable request, the Trust shall cooperate with you and the Trademark Owner and shall execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to maintain and protect (including but not limited to in connection with any trademark infringement action) the Xxxxxxx Marks and/or enter the Trust as a registered user thereof. At such time as this Agreement or any other investment management agreement shall no longer be in effect between you (or your successor) and the Trust, or you no longer are a licensee of the Xxxxxxx Marks, the Trust shall (to the extent that, and as soon as, it lawfully can) cease to use the Fund Name or any other name indicating that it is advised by, managed by or otherwise connected with you (or any organization which shall have succeeded to your business as investment manager) or the Trademark Owner. In no event shall the Trust use the Xxxxxxx Marks or any other name or xxxx confusingly similar thereto (including, but not limited to, any name or xxxx that includes the name "Xxxxxxx") if this Agreement or any other investment advisory agreement between you (or your successor) and the Fund is terminated.

  • Sublicensing Licensee shall have the right to grant sublicenses or to assign any or all of the rights granted hereunder only to an entity which has been approved in writing by CSMC (each, “Permitted Sublicensee”). Any such Permitted Sublicensee shall be subject in all respects to the provisions contained in this Agreement and Licensee will remain primarily liable to CSMC for, and shall be responsible for monitoring and enforcing, performance of all of Licensee’s obligations hereunder by any such Permitted Sublicensee. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as an express condition of any such sublicense, any such Permitted Sublicensee shall be required to agree in writing to be bound by commercially reasonable reporting and record keeping, indemnification and inspection provisions, and the applicable provisions of this Agreement, including, without limitation, those pertaining to the use of CSMC’s name and marks, indemnification of CSMC and the use of CSMC’s Confidential Information. Permitted Sublicensees may not further sublicense without CSMC’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Licensee shall promptly forward to CSMC a copy of any and all fully executed sublicense agreements, any subsequent amendments, and all copies of Permitted Sublicensees’ profit sharing or royalty reports, in no event more than thirty (30) days following execution or receipt thereof, as applicable. Licensee shall also keep CSMC reasonably informed with respect to the progress of any relations entered into with any Permitted Sublicensees. If Licensee shall conduct one or more audits of its Permitted Sublicensees hereunder during the term hereof, Licensee shall provide copies of all audit reports to CSMC on a timely basis. The covenants pertaining to the use of CSMC’s name and marks, the indemnification of CSMC and the use of CSMC’s Confidential Information in any sublicense or assignment shall run for the benefit of CSMC, who shall be expressly stated as being a third-party beneficiary thereof with respect to the covenants set forth in this Agreement. Licensee understands and agrees that none of its permitted sublicenses hereunder shall reduce in any manner any of its obligations set forth in this Agreement.

  • Assignment and Sublicensing The rights and licenses granted hereunder may not be sublicensed, conveyed, assigned or otherwise transferred by Licensee to any third party without NCT Hearing's prior written consent in each instance. In addition, Licensee shall have the right to have Licensed Products manufactured for it by others but only after obtaining NCT Hearing's prior written consent and only under nondisclosure agreements implemented in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 hereof.

  • Sublicensing Rights Novartis and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses of the license granted in Section 5.3.1(a), Section 5.3.2, and Section 5.3.3, and Intellia and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses of the license granted in Section 5.3.1(b), provided that (a) such sublicense (i) is in writing, (ii) is subject and subordinate to, and consistent with, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (iii) requires the applicable sublicensee to comply with all applicable terms of this Agreement [***]; (b) with respect to Novartis or any of its Affiliates as the sublicensing Party to the extent required by the Key License Agreements as in effect on the Effective Date or the agreements for any Included Intellia New In-Licensed Intellectual Property, Novartis promptly notifies Intellia of the grant of each sublicense and provides Intellia a copy of the final executed sublicense agreement, redacted for information not pertinent to this Agreement to the extent that such redactions do not reasonably impair Intellia’s ability to ensure compliance with this Agreement, the Key License Agreements or agreements for any Included Intellia New In-Licensed Intellectual Property, as applicable, (c) Novartis or Intellia, as applicable, shall be responsible for the failure by its sublicensees to comply with, and Novartis or Intellia, as applicable, guarantees the compliance by each of its sublicensees with, all relevant restrictions, limitations and obligations in this Agreement, and [***]. CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT WERE OMITTED AND REPLACED WITH “[***]”. A COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION REQUESTING CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED.

  • Royalties on Net Sales Novo will pay to Neose royalties as a percentage of annual Net Sales of each New Product during the Term at the applicable rates set forth in this Section 4.1 and in accordance with this Section 4:

  • Sublicense Agreements Sublicenses shall be granted only pursuant to written agreements, which shall be subject and subordinate to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such Sublicense agreements shall contain, among other things, provisions to the following effect:

  • Grant of Sublicense Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Adviser hereby grants to the Trust a non-transferable sublicense to use the Index (and associated data and information) listed on Exhibit A in the manner set forth in, and subject to the terms of, the License Agreement.

  • Survival of Sublicenses Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, any sublicense granted by Unity hereunder to a Third Party Sublicensee shall survive, provided that such Third Party Sublicensee continues to pay to Ascentage the milestones and royalties that would have been due to Ascentage under this Agreement based on such Third Party Sublicensee’s activities had this Agreement not terminated. For clarity, in the event that a Third Party Sublicensee fails to pay to Ascentage the applicable milestones and royalties due to Ascentage based on such Third Party Sublicensee’s activities, Ascentage shall be entitled to terminate such surviving sublicense by providing such Third Party Sublicensee written notice of termination, which notice shall take effect [***] ([***]) days after it is received by such Third Party Sublicensee unless such Third Party Sublicensee has cured any such breach or default prior to the expiration of the [***] ([***]) day period.

  • Sublicense (a) The license granted in Paragraph 2.1 includes the right of LICENSEE to grant Sublicenses to third parties during the Term but only for as long as the license to Patent Rights is exclusive.

  • Sublicense to Use the Scudder Trademarks As exclusive licensee of the rights to use anx xxxxxcense the use of the "Scudder," "Scudder Investments" and "Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inx." xxxdemaxxx (xxgether, the "Scuddex Xxxxx"), xxx xerexx xxant the Trust a nonexclusive right xxx xxxlicense to use (i) the "Scudder" name and mark as part of the Trust's name (the "Fund Namx"), xxd (ii) the Scudder Marks in connection with the Trust's investment products xxx xxxvices, in each case only for so long as this Agreement, any other investment management agreement between you or any organization which shall have succeeded to your business as investment manager ("your Successor") and the Trust, or any extension, renewal or amendment hereof or thereof remains in effect, and only for so long as you are a licensee of the Scudder Marks, provided however, that you agree to use your best xxxxxxx to maintain your license to use and sublicense the Scudder Marks. The Trust agrees that it shall have no right to suxxxxxxxe or assign rights to use the Scudder Marks, shall acquire no interest in the Scudder Marks othxx xxxx the rights granted herein, that all of txx Xxxxt's uses of the Scudder Marks shall inure to the benefit of Scudder Trust Company xx xxxer and licensor of the Scudder Marks (xxx "Xrademark Owner"), and that the Trust shall nxx xxxxlenge the validity of the Scudder Marks or the Trademark Owner's ownership thereof. The Truxx xxxxher agrees that all services and products it offers in connection with the Scudder Marks shall meet commercially reasonable standards of duaxxxx, xs may be determined by you or the Trademark Owner from time to time, provided that you acknowledge that the services and products the Trust rendered during the one-year period preceding the date of this Agreement are acceptable. At your reasonable request, the Trust shall cooperate with you and the Trademark Owner and shall execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to maintain and protect (including but not limited to in connection with any trademark infringement action) the Scudder Marks and/or enter the Trust as a registered user thereof. Xx xxch time as this Agreement or any other investment management agreement shall no longer be in effect between you (or your Successor) and the Trust, or you no longer are a licensee of the Scudder Marks, the Trust shall (to the extent that, and as soon ax, xx xawfully can) cease to use the Fund Name or any other name indicating that it is advised by, managed by or otherwise connected with you (or your Successor) or the Trademark Owner. In no event shall the Trust use the Scudder Marks or any other name or mark confusingly similar therexx (xxxluding, but not limited to, any name or mark that includes the name "Scudder") if this Agreement or any other investment advisory agrexxxxx xetween you (or your Successor) and the Fund is terminated.

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