Substrate Quality. Riparian function measures, See Section E.3.c.
Substrate Quality. The Permittee is not implementing or maintaining any measures specific to substrate quality.
Substrate Quality. The Permittee will allow NMFS and CDFW access to determine the feasibility of the introduction of spawning gravel and will allow implementation of spawning gravel enhancement projects. Up to three sites will be evaluated and potentially implemented.
Substrate Quality. Riparian Fencing
Substrate Quality. The Permittee will not implement any measures specifically to protect/improve substrate quality under Elevated Baseline Conditions, see section E.3.e.
Substrate Quality. The Permittee will allow the introduction of spawning gravel at up to 5 sites throughout the reach on the Enrolled Property. This effort is also in conjunction with a proposed potential “supplementation effort”.
Substrate Quality. All measures designed to minimize sediment are related to maintaining substrate quality and summarized in this section. The Participant will also implement measures specifically to substrate quality as summarized in section E.3.e.
Substrate Quality. The Permittee will not disturb existing spawning habitat and will provide access for enhancement projects if determined feasible by the Parties.
Substrate Quality. MSCWC shall promptly advise ISG if all or part of any shipment of ISG Substrate is obviously damaged or defective. MSCWC shall have no obligation to perform Coating Services on any damaged or defective ISG Substrate.
Substrate Quality. No actions are proposed in for Substrate Quality in elevated baseline for this Permittee.