Common use of SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Clause in Contracts

SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of makinguPVC pipes and fittings: Soil, storing waste and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs vent pipes and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing fittings shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor solvent weld jointed uPVC pressure pipes and to the approval fittings: Pipes for water supply shall be of the architectclass stated Pipes of 40mm diameter and smaller shall be plain ended with solvent welded uPVC loose sockets and fittings Pipes of 50mm diameter and greater shall have sockets and spigots with push in type integral rubber ring joints. Bends shall be uPVC and all other fittings shall be cast iron, all with similar push-in type joints Copper pipes: Pipes shall be hard drawn and half-hard pipes of the class stated. Class 0 (Test cubes are measured separatelythin walled hard drawn) Breeze concrete pipes shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement not be bent. Class 1 (12:1thin walled half-hard), the ash graded up class 2 (half-hard) and class 3 (heavy walled half-hard) pipes shall only be bent with benders with inner and outer formers. Fittings to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails copper waste, vent and anti-syphon pipes, capillary solder fittings and compression fittings shall be "Cobra Watertech" type. Capillary solder fittings shall comply with ISO 2016. Only compression fittings shall be used in walls or in ground Carried to pass a 4,75mm meshCollection R Section 2 Bill No. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar 13 Plumbing and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Drainage (Provisional) Amount Fixing of formwork pipes Unless specifically otherwise stated, descriptions of pipes shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where fixing to walls etc, casting in, building in or suspending not exceeding 1m below suspension level Reducing fittings Where fittings have reducing ends or branches they are described as "left in" or reducing"permanent"), for fitting together in . In the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits case of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs pipes with diameters not exceeding 25060mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork only the largest end or branch size is given. Should the contractor wish to soffits use other fittings and bushes or reducers he may do so on the understanding that no claim in this regard will be entertained. In the case of pipes with diameters exceeding 60mm all sizes are given and no claim for extra bushes, reducers, etc will be entertained Exposed concrete surfaces Exposed surfaces of concrete stormwater channels, cover slabs, beamsinspection eye marker slabs, xxxxxx tops, cleaning eye tops, catchpits, inspection xxxxxxxx, etc shall be deemed finished smooth with plaster Excavations No claim for rock excavation will be entertained unless the contractor has timeously notified the quantity surveyor thereof prior to be propped up exceeding 1,5m backfilling "Soft rock" and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof "hard rock" shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made as defined in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)"

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Amount Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and to slabs not exceeding 3,5m high 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "EarthworksFoundations" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)CONCRETE

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Amount Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and to slabs not exceeding 3,5m high 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "EarthworksFoundations" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted 1 Strip footings m3 5 2 Bases m3 2 30MPa/19mm concrete 3 Surface beds m3 2 4 Isolated beams m3 2 5 Columns m3 4 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top of surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 wood float 6 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls m2 32 FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY III) Smooth formwork to sides 7 Isolated beams m2 9 Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three 8 Beams propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3m high m2 25 Smooth formwork to circular columns 9 220mm Diameter column 2,6m high No 2 REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete strength test cubeswork 10 Various Diameter bars t 3,14 Fabric reinforcement 11 Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete slabs, each size 150 x 150 x 150mmetc m2 32 Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing Formwork and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Reinforcement Prepared by

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing View site Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the site and testing of concrete test cubes satisfy himself as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectnature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained Explosives No explosives whatsoever may be used for demolition purposes unless otherwise stated General The testing contractor shall carry out the whole of the works with as little mess and noise as possible and with a minimum of disturbance to adjoining premises and their tenants. He shall provide proper protection and provide, erect and remove when directed, any temporary tarpaulins that may be necessary during the progress of the works, all to the satisfaction of the principal agent Water supply pipes and other piping that may be encountered and found necessary to disconnect or cut, shall be undertaken by an independent firm effectually stopped off or institution nominated by the contractor grubbed up and removed, and any new connections that may be necessary shall be made with proper fittings, to the approval satisfaction of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use principal agent Carried Forward R MADIBA VALLEY XXXX Xxxx No. 3 Alterations Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting Doors, fanlights, fittings, frames, linings, etc which are to be re-used shall be carried down thoroughly overhauled before refixing including taking off, easing and rehanging, cramping up, re-wedging as required and making good cramps, dowels, etc, and easing, oiling, adjusting and repairing ironmongery as necessary, replacing any glass damaged in removal or subsequently and stopping up all nail and screw holes with tinted plastic wood to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick match timber, unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits described. Re-painting or re-varnishing is given separately Prices for taking out of slabsdoors, beamswindows, etc shall include for removal of all beads, architraves, ironmongery, etc Prices for taking out and removing doors and frames shall include for removing door stops, cabin hooks, etc and making good floor and wall finishes to match existing With regard to building up of openings in existing walls, cement screeds and pavings, granolithic, tops of walls, etc, shall be deemed levelled and prepared for raising of brickwork Making good of finishes shall include making good of the brick and concrete surfaces onto which the new finishes are applied, where necessary The contractor will be required to take all dimensions affecting the existing buildings on the site and he will be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5held solely responsible for the accuracy of all such dimensions where used in the manufacture of new items (doors, windows, fittings, etc) TEMPORARY BARRIERS, SCREENS, ETC Temporary barriers, screens, etc including removal 1 Dust screen 2m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides between concrete floor and ceiling, of basessuitable timber framing with 375 micron polyethylene sheeting stapled on on one side, pile capsincluding corners, ground beamsends,etc m 116 2 Allow for covering and maintaining existing roof in a perfectly watertight condition during alterations by means of tarpaulins, properly secured and maintained in position m2 36 Carried Forward R MADIBA VALLEY XXXX Xxxx No. 3 Alterations Brought Forward R REMOVAL OF EXISTING WORK Breaking down and removing brickwork, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons3 Half brick walls m2 65 4 One brick walls m2 304 Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc., including thresholds, xxxxx, etc., (building up openings and making good finishes elsewhere measured) 5 Timber single door and frame, size 900 x 2100mm high No 25 6 Timber single door and frame, size 960 x 1850mm high No 1 8 Glazed steel window size 1616 x 978mm high No 3 Taking down and removing roofs, floors, panellig, ceilings, partitions, etc. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations9 Tile roof covering including timber purlins m2 36 10 PVC fascias, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling barge boards, etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs 94 11 PVC gutters, rainwater pipes, etc. m 136 12 Gypsum plasterboard ceilings, including beams cornices, timber brandering, etc m2 461 Taking up and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 removing vinyl floor coverings, carpets, etc and preparing screeds for new floor coverings 13 Vinyl tile floor covering m2 411 Taking out and removing ironmongery 14 Toilet roll holder fixed to wall No 8 15 Soap dispenser fixed to wall No 4 16 Hand dryer fixed to wall No 2 Carried Forward R MADIBA VALLEY XXXX Xxxx No. 3 Alterations Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)R

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. The contractor shall notify the Engineer/ Principal Agent of any concreting to order for inspection of the works. A minimum notice period of 48 hours is required. Concrete Prices / rates for all concrete items shall include for mixing , hoisting and lowering to all levels, placing working around reinforcing , vibrating compaction , pumping etc. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS SANS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectEngineer/ Principal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectEngineer/ Principal Agent . (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashCarried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 3 Concrete, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar Formwork and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Reinforcement Amount Brought Forward R Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R re- use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks itself. Formwork Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to propped up not exceeding 1,5m high unless otherwise described. Formwork to soffits of (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described described. Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to the sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will strip footings etc, shall only be measured where it is prescribed where, specifically instructed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Engineer/ Principal agent.

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Float glass The term "float glass" is used for monolithic annealed glass NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in/to an existing building GLAZING TO NEW STEEL WITH PUTTY 4mm Clear float glass (Provisional): A Panes exceeding 0,5m² and not exceeding 2m² m² 3 B Panes exceeding 2m² and not exceeding 4m² m² 2 Carried Forward to Summary of tests Section No. R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 04 - GLAZING Amount R Item No Quantity Rate Amount R SECTION NO. 2 : BUILDING WORK BILL NO. 05- PAINTWORK PREAMBLES The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests Contractor is referred to the architect. Model Preambles (2008), Painting The testing Contractor is referred to the Architects drawings The Contractor is referred to the Scope of Works Document The following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the requirements of the project and shall take precedence over the provisions of the said Model Preambles SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Paint Specifications All painting shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed done in accordance with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork Architects General Specifications Colours Unless otherwise described all paintwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together have a colour value in excess of 7 on the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain Xxxxxxx system in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed accordance with SANS 1091 All colours to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits selected by the Architect Sample panels of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed 2 x 2m size for all paint colours are to be propped up exceeding 1,5m presented on the walls and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed building for approval by the engineer for design reasonsArchitect before any final paint orders are placed by the Contractor. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse The cost of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed these sample panels is to be included in the allowance rates for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made each paintwork item in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofingthis bill. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 05 - PAINTWORK R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete Previously painted surfaces: Previously painted brick walls: Where hairline cracks are evident, fill in cracks with suitable filler. After the filler has been applied and dried, sand over lightly to smooth before painting. Where applicable, open up deeper cracks in a 'V' formation, remove residue, seal and fill cracks. Previously painted plastered surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down to remove dirt and other contaminants and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a steel trowel 7 Surface bedssuitable filler, slabssanded smooth and the surface coated with an approved primer Previously painted plaster board: Wash down ceilings and other plaster board surfaces with sugar soap and rinse well before painting Previously painted metal surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed. Surfaces shall be coated with an approved primer Previously painted wood surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth filled with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends suitable filler and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)sanded smooth

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Concrete general Surface beds cast in panels shall be cast in panels not exceeding 20m2 All reinforced concrete is to be compacted with a mechanical vibrator Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectfor approval. The testing shall be undertaken by an approved independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Mpelegeng Primary School Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Fabric reinforcement Standard welded steel fabric reinforcement shall be as included in Table 1 of SANS 1024 and shall have 300mm wide laps UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds Steps m3 3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. Ramps m3 3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 18 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete ramps for thickening size 150mm deep deep, 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling mm, backfilling, etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/196 5 Extra over concrete aprons for thickening size 150mm concrete 6 Slabs deep, 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including beams and inverted beams m3 all excavation to 100mm, backfilling, etc. m 237 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward to Collection R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface bedsSection No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Mpelegeng Primary School Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs6 Ramps, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK m2 9 7 Aprons, etc to falls m2 225 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals 8 Steps m2 6 9 Risers of steps not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH m 15 10 Edges of aprons not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 237 Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Mpelegeng Primary School Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Total Brought Forward from Page No. Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Mpelegeng Primary School Page No 66 67 R Amount Item No SECTION NO. 2 Quantity Rate BILL NO. 5 MASONRY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Construction Specifications - General Specification (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork PW371-A)" and "Construction Specifications - Particular Specification (PW371-B)" SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Sizes in descriptions Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick" shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick Brickwork Brickwork shall be carried up in a uniform manner, no part being raised more than 1.2m above adjoining work Face bricks Bricks shall be ordered timeously to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow obtain uniformity in size and colour All cutting to face bricks must be done by cutting saw and prices to include for preparing a set the use of three mechanical cutting saws Pointing Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork and face brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc SUPERSTRUCTURE Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 1 Piers m3 6 Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 5 MASONRY Mpelegeng Primary School Amount 2 Half brick walls in beamfilling m2 18 3 One brick walls m2 183 4 One brick walls in ramp walls m2 9 5 One brick walls in firewalls m2 75 BRICKWORK SUNDRIES 2,5mm Brickwork reinforcement 6 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 936 7 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in ramp walls m 54 Prestressed fabricated concrete strength test cubes, each size lintels including necessary temporary supports 8 110 x 75mm Lintels in lengths not exceeding 3m m 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Galvanised wire ties etc

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Carried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 2 Concrete, Formwork & Reinforcement (Provisional) AVON MULTIPURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTRE TENDER NUMBER: BM04/22/23 Amount Brought Forward R Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)"

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Samples: Conditions of Contract

SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Slate, marble, granite, etc Slate, marble, granite, etc is to be best quality from an approved quarry free from cracks and other defects and equal to samples to be submitted to and approved by the principal agent. Each stone is to hold its full size, square to the back and to be set on its natural quarry bed where applicable Carried to Collection R Bill No. 4 MASONRY THREE RONDAVELS COFFEE SHOP MPUMALANGA TOURISM AND PARKS Setting out Care shall be exercised in setting out the work, the preparation of tests The costs templates and the checking of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G the detail drawings. All measurements shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports be taken on the tests site where necessary and the full size setting out shall be done at the yard so as to ensure the proper fitting of each stone Before putting any work in hand the contractor is to submit to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval principal agent for his approval, details of the architectmanner in which he proposes to set out the slabs and joints in all wall facings, pavings, margins, skirtings, xxxxx, treads, risers, etc together with samples of grain or pattern matching. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashJoints in margins, free from coal or other foreign matterskirtings, to one part cement (12:1)xxxxx, the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening treads, risers, etc are to be first mixed kept to a minimum Face labours Face labours are to match samples to be submitted to and approved by the principal agent Arrises are to be clean and sharp except to treads and thresholds where they are to be slightly rounded Unless otherwise described all exposed edges, projections, etc shall be finished to match the face finish Bedding and jointing Slate, marble, granite and other floor pavings are to be bedded solidly on and including mortar beddings and are to have tightly fitting butt joints unless otherwise stated Where stonework is to be fixed with adhesive to screeded or plastered surfaces, the adhesive is to be suitable for and compatible with the type of stone. The contractor will be liable for any defects to stonework caused by the adhesive. The screeds and plaster will be executed by others and will be given separately Where wall linings are to be mechanically fixed, phosfor bronze rods, expanding bolts, etc are to be used with solid cement into a mortar bedding. The fixing system shall be concealed and shall be submitted to the ash added afterwards principal agent for approval before the work commences. Such approval will not release the contractor from his responsibility for the work Carried to Collection R Bill No. 4 MASONRY THREE RONDAVELS COFFEE SHOP MPUMALANGA TOURISM AND PARKS Where soffit linings are suspended the suspension system shall be concealed and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description shall be submitted to the principal agent for approval before work commences Where tolerance screws are required these are to be stainless steel expanding bolt type with matching stainless steel brackets and PVC clad dowels with nuts, washers, etc Damaged work Damaged stonework shall be discarded and replaced at the contractor's expense. No touching up will be permitted except in exceptional cases with the principal agent's consent Descriptions Descriptions of formwork stonework shall be deemed to include use preparatory work, labours to backs, beds and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent")joints, templates, mortices for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping bolts etc and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried hoisting and setting in position, bedding, jointing and pointing, casing and protecting from injury and cleaning down at completion and sealing of marble surfaces with two coats ? sealant Descriptions of recessed pointing to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc stonework shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc Drawings Reference is to be made to the drawings annexed to (issued separately with?) these bills of quantities User note Slate slabs not exceeding 250vary in thickness from approximately 15mm to 25mm Marble and granite slabs for floor and wall finishes are generally 20mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork Marble and granite slabs for worktops are also available in 32mm thickness if required Carried to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasonsCollection R Bill No. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward MASONRY THREE RONDAVELS COFFEE SHOP MPUMALANGA TOURISM AND PARKS R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)NATURAL STONE

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing Excavations: No claim for soft or hard rock excavations will be entertained unless the contractor has timeously notified the quantity surveyor thereof prior to backfilling Exposed surfaces of concrete test cubes stormwater channels, cover slabs, inspection eye marker slabs, xxxxxx tops, cleaning eye tops, catchpits, inspection xxxxxxxx, etc shall be finished smooth with plaster. Nature of material to be excavated: The material to be excavated is assumed to be predominantly of a composition that will allow excavation in "earth" as required under clause 7 specified, but including a percentage of excavation in "Testssoft rock" and "hard rock". Keeping excavations free of SABS 1200 G water: No water shall include be allowed to stand in any part of the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectexcavations. The testing excavations shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by protected from flooding and water in the contractor and to the approval excavations, whether as a result of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashflooding, free from coal rain or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm meshcauses and shall immediately be removed. The finer materials Contractor shall allow for removing seepage and other water from subterranean sources from the screening are excavations by pumping, baling or otherwise. Accurate records of all such dewatering shall be kept to determine the total volume of water so removed and a clear distinction shall be first mixed with the cement into a mortar made between water from subterranean sources and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description other water Carried to Collection R Amount Item No Quantity Rate Amount Carting away of formwork excavated material: Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of loading excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of material onto trucks directly from the excavations, provision or alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site. Density testing on filling: Rates for which filling, etc. shall include for all density and soil type testing to prove that the specified compaction is made achieved. When additional testing is done on instruction of the Principal Agent and these tests are successful, they will be paid for additionally. Filling and layer work materials: References such as "G1", "G2", etc and "C1", "C2", etc in descriptions of filling and layer work materials refer to corresponding references in the document "EarthworksGuidelines for Road Construction Materials. TRH 14 : 1985" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19compiled by the Committee of State Road Authorities and the properties set out therein for each kind shall be applicable to the respective materials described hereinafter GENERAL SITE WORKS SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 1 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, xxxxxx, shrubs and trees not exceeding 200mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 girth, xxxx, etc m2 269 BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Digging up topsoil 2 Surface beds cast in panels Stripping average 100mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on waterproofingsite m2 269 Carried to Collection R Item No Extra over all excavations for carting away: Quantity Rate 3 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the Contractor. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED 30 CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)WALKWAYS

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost General The relevant SABS standards of tests The costs work must be applied to all aspects and components of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes the works Ceiling sub-structural system to engineers detail Fixing Items described as required under clause 7 "Testsnailed" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or institution nominated by the contractor and pins, or to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matterbe shot-pinned, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include use screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 500mm centres, and waste only (except where described as "left in" or bolted"permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc bolts have been given elsewhere Ceilings Unless otherwise described ceilings shall be deemed to be slabs horizontal Bulkheads Bulkheads are defined as those portions of ceilings which are stepped down from the general ceiling level in a particular room or area and which generally occur along the perimeter. Their purpose is either to conceal services or to create architectural features Bulkheads have only been described as such where they conform to the above definition and where the horizontal or vertical dimensions do not exceeding 250exceed 1 200mm. Where these dimensions are more than 1 200mm thick unless such portions of ceilings have been included in the appropriate general items of ceilings Carried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 7 Ceilings, Partitions & Access Flooring Amount Brought Forward R Unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc bulkheads shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of baseshorizontal along the length Steel components All steel components for ceilings, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed partitions are to be included galvanised in accordance with SANS 121 CEILING Suspended 600x1200 Vinyl Ceiling Tiles. 39 600x1200x12mm thick vinyl laminated gypsum board suspended ceiling tiles. Laid on pre-painted exposed Tee suspension system including galvanized main tees, cross tees, all strictly in accordance with the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavationsmanufacturer's instructions m2 51 Suspended 600 x 1200 Fibre Cement Ceiling 40 Suspended 6mm thick Fibre cement ceiling boards on 600x1200mm Grid layout. Laid on pre-painted exposed Tee suspension system including galvanized main tees, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling cross tees, etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19all strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions m2 39 Suspended 600 x 1200 Acoustic Ceiling 41 Suspended acoustic 20mm concrete 6 Slabs thick, white, moisture resistant 600x1200mm lay-in ceiling tiles. Laid on pre- painted exposed Tee suspension system including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 galvanized main tees, cross tees, etc. all strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions m2 850 Brandered Fibre Cement Ceiling 42 6mm thick Fibre cement ceiling boards fixed to 38x38mm timber brandering, with H-Profile Jointing Strips. All strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions m2 267 Section No. 2 Bill No. 7 Ceilings, Partitions & Access Flooring Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth Flash Ceiling 43 Plasterboard ceilings with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp 'H' profile jointing strips nailed to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons 38x38mm sw brandering. Trap door for ceiling access. 25mm aluminium Shadowline to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends all wall edges. m2 157 CORNICES 25mm Shadow joint between plastered walls and reveals not exceeding 300ceilings 44 25mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)aluminium Shadow line m 1,100 Sundries 45 Trap Doors No 10

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams 1 100mm Thick Aprons m3 3 2 V drains m3 4 TEST BLOCKS 3 Making and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size testing 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)mm concrete strength test cube No 5

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Lightweight concrete Lightweight concrete shall have a density of 600kg/m3 for the top 50mm and 400kg/m3 for the remaining thickness. The minimum thickness at outlets, channels, etc shall be 50mm Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause Clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectArchitect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and Contractor to the approval of the architect. Architect (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks itself. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc slabs, etc. shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, sides of columns, sides and soffits of beams, etc etc. shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,53.5m high above bearing level unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc etc. will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Rates for all formwork shall be deemed to include propping CONCRETE UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/1915MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds Plinth m3 0.4 REINFORCED CONCRETE 30Mpa/19mm concrete 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. waterproofing m3 290 3 Aprons Apron slabs cast in panels to falls on waterproofing m3 89 4 Ramps Thickening in surface beds m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 5 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 18 6 Roof slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 19 7 Gutter slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 19 8 Stairs including landings, beams and inverted beams m3 2 9 Ring beams m3 46 10 Walls m3 24 11 Columns m3 3 TEST BLOCKS 12 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cube (Provisional) No 93 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 power float 13 Surface beds, slabs, etc. m2 129 14 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing and currents m2 679 Finish top surfaces surface of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons float. Add oxide paint to achieve pigmented charcoal colour finish. 15 Concrete to falls FORMWORK and currents to aprons m2 593 Take delivery of, set up in exact position and cast holding down bolt, frame, etc, into concrete 16 Set of four holding down bolts No 48 GROUTING 25 MPa non-shrink cementitious grout 17 30mm Cementitious grout below steel base plates as per engineer specification m2 4 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 18 Walls m2 49 19 Walls with total height exceeding 5m and not exceeding 6,5m above bearing level m2 38 20 Rectangular columns with total height not exceeding 3,5m above bearing level m2 44 21 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 25 SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY III) Smooth Formwork to sides 22 Inverted beams m2 31 23 Inverted beams above concrete m2 107 24 Edges exceeding 300mm high m2 15 25 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 23 Formwork to soffits 26 Slabs propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high m2 250 27 Landings m2 4 28 Stairs with sloping soffits m2 7 Formwork to sides and soffits 29 Isolated beams propped up exceeding 3,5m and not exceeding 5m high m2 430 Boxing in smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three form 30 25 x 25mm Vertical chamfer at corners to columns m 157 31 25 x 25mm Chamfer along top or bottom edge m 1025 MOVEMENT JOINTS ETC Expansion joints with "Flexcell" impregnated fibreboard between concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them surfaces 32 10mm Joints not exceeding 300mm wide m 50 REINFORCEMENT Mild steel reinforcement to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewithstructural concrete work 33 16mm Diameter bars t 0.2 34 12mm Diameter bars t 0.2 35 10mm Diameter bars t 1.2 36 8mm Diameter bars t 1.2 High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 38 25mm Diameter bars t 1.4 39 20mm Diameter bars t 2.4 40 16mm Diameter bars t 12.8 41 12mm Diameter bars t 13.2 42 10mm Diameter bars t 19 Carried to Section Summary SECTION 2 BILL No. (Provisional)4

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Carried to Collection R Xxxx No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Amount Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and to slabs not exceeding 3,5m high 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "EarthworksFoundations" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted 1 Strip footings m3 5 2 Bases m3 2 30MPa/19mm concrete 3 Surface beds m3 2 4 Isolated beams m3 2 5 Columns m3 4 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top of surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 wood float 6 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls m2 32 FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY III) Smooth formwork to sides 7 Isolated beams m2 9 Carried to Collection R Xxxx No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three 8 Beams propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3m high m2 25 Smooth formwork to circular columns 9 220mm Diameter column 2,6m high No 2 REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete strength test cubeswork 10 Various Diameter bars t 3,14 Fabric reinforcement 11 Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete slabs, each size 150 x 150 x 150mmetc m2 32 Carried to Collection R Xxxx No. 3 Concrete, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing Formwork and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Reinforcement Prepared by

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost General Wherever possible abridged descriptions have been used for those items in this Bill which appear under the main trade headings in subsequent Bills. The full descriptions of tests these items in the Preambles, as referred to above, to the various trade bills are to, and do apply equally to this section The costs descriptions are generally in accordance with the most recent edition of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of The Standard System for Measuring Building Work.Special reference is made to SABS 1200 G shall include specifications for civil worksSpecial reference is made to Specifications and details of Department of Public Works Drainage Detail (December 1998)Special reference is made to Specifications of Materials and Methods to be used of Department of Public Works (DP 371) Protection of existing services The contractor must make allowance against the cost of providing cube moulds necessary relevant items for the purpose, for testing costs following: (a) Necessary care to be taken when excavating near existing services in or across the path of excavations (b) Protection and for submitting reports on maintaining such service in operation by means of temporary supports or shoring as necessary (c) Delays and disruption of the tests progress of the work due to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken existence of the service (d) Repairs necessitated by an independent firm or institution nominated damage caused by the contractor Controlling and re-routing of traffic The contractor must make allowance next to the approval relevant item for the following: (a) Temporary road traffic signs required for controling traffic (b) Construction and maintenance of bypass/es and associated facilities where and when required (c) Warning lights, flagmen, barricades where and when required (d) Ensure that the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist road is open at the end of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed each day's work and is left in good and safe trafficable condition complete with the cement into a mortar signs and the ash added afterwards necessary protection facilities Nature of ground A soils investigation has been carried out on site by the engineer and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description the report is annexed to these bills of formwork quantities. Descriptions of excavations shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described all ground conditions classifiable as "left inearth" or "permanent"), for fitting together described in the required forms, wedging, plumbing above report and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting where conditions of a more difficult character are indicated these are separately measured Material of a more difficult character Should the contractor consider that any of the excavations are more difficult in character than excavations in "earth" he shall be carried down to immediately notify the principal agent in writing. Failing such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford notification the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc excavations shall be deemed to be slabs in "earth" and shall be measured and valued accordingly The contractor may use any method he chooses to excavate any class of material, but his chosen method of excavation shall not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits determine the classification of slabs, beams, etc the material excavated Carting away of excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site Type and quality of material supplied by the Contractor The type and quality of imported materials G3, G4, G5 & G7 supplied by the contractor must comply with TRH 14 "Guidelines for road and construction materials" issued by CSIR Where sand is substituted for imported material type G7, or where sand is in situ, the compaction is to be propped 100% Mod AASHTO density to a depth of 400mm for in-situ sand TEMPORARY BARRIERS, SCREENS, ETC Temporary barriers, screens, etc including removal 1 Diamond mesh fencing 2,100mm high including green shade netting, posts, uprights, etc complete and removing and making good on completion of the works m 421 2 Galvanised steel double gate overall size 6,000 x 2,100mm high including green shade netting, posts, uprights, etc complete and removing and making good on completion of works No 1 SITE CLEARANCE ETC Site clearance 3 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, xxxxxx, shrubs and trees not exceeding 1,5m 200mm girth, xxxx, etc m2 11088 4 Stripping average 150mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on site m2 11088 REMOVAL OF TREES ETC Taking out and removing, grubbing up roots and filling in holes 5 Tree xxxxx exceeding 200mm and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork 500mm girth No 3 Cutting down and removing, grubbing up roots and filling in holes 6 Tree exceeding 200mm and not exceeding 500mm girth No 2 BULK EXCAVATION, FILLING, ETC Open face excavation in earth for soil raft 7 Open face excavation to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beamsform platforms, etc will only m3 253 Extra over bulk excavation in earth for excavation in 8 Soft rock m3 25 9 Hard rock m3 13 Extra over all excavations for carting away 10 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be measured where it is prescribed located by the engineer contractor m3 253 Keeping excavations free of water 11 Keeping excavations free of all water other than subterranean water Item 1 Backfilling of excavation to construct soil raft with material obtained from excavations compacted in 150mm layers to 95% Mod AASHTO density at -1% to +2% of OMC 12 Over site to make up levels m3 42 Back filling of excavation with G5 imported granular material compacted in 150mm thick layers to 93% Mod AASHTO density at -1% to +2% of OMC 13 Over site to form platforms m3 187 Coarse river sand filling supplied by the contractor compacted to 100% Mod AASHTO density 14 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc m3 372 Compaction of surfaces 15 Compaction of ground surface under floors etc including scarifying for design reasonsa depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 2545 Prescribed density tests on filling 16 Mod AASHTO density test No 51 17 DCP "dinamic cone penetration" tests No 6 GEOTEXTILE Supply and installation of RockPC 100/100 geotextile to manufacturer specification or similar approved 18 To soil raft m2 2482 Carried to Section Summary SECTION No. Formwork necessitated 2 BILL No. 2 FOUNDATIONS MODEL PREAMBLES FOR TRADES For Preambles refer to "MODEL PREAMBLES FOR TRADES 2008". These "MODEL PREAMBLES", published by irregularity or collapse the Association of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be South African Quantity Surveyors, are deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk these Bills of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made Quantities and tenderers are to ensure that they are in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)possession thereof.

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Carried to Collection R Xxxx No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Amount Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and to slabs not exceeding 3,5m high 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "EarthworksFoundations" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)CONCRETE

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost General Surfaces are to be completely dry and free of tests The costs of making, storing all surface contamination Specified primer coats are to be applied prior to filling Fill all surface defects with suitable filling material and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds allow to dry Sand flush with surrounding surface and dust off All subsequent coatings are to be dry in depth before overcoating All masking and drop sheeting necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall protect adjacent surfaces are to be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated supplied by the contractor Specific substrates preparation The contractor is to allow for all the preparation requirements where the term "prepare" is stated, as per these supplementary preambles Carried to Collection R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R Amount Cement plastered surfaces Scrape down to remove cement splashes Once suitably primed fill all surface defects on exterior surfaces and on internal surfaces Sand flush with surrounding surface and dust off Gypsum skimmed surfaces Scrape off all splashes or runs Wipe down entire surface with a damp cloth to remove surface powder and dust Once primed as specified fill all surface defects Sand flush with surrounding surface and wipe clean. Woodwork to be painted Treat all knots and other resinous areas with Knotting Compound Prime all nail and screw heads with specified, and stop up If necessary flush fill all suitably primed grain Sand down to a smooth surface in the approval direction of the architectgrain, rounding off all sharp edges and dust off All exterior woodwork and internal frames to be primed all round prior to fixing Window rebates to be primed and undercoated prior to glazing Carried to Collection R Bill No. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R Screeded floors Wash off all oils, free from coal grease or other foreign matter, surface contamination and a scrubbing brush Wash off with clean water and allow to one part cement (12:1), dry in depth It is imperative that the ash graded up entire floor be totally dry in depth prior to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description commencement of formwork painting Patch surface defects Colours Unless otherwise described all paintwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together have a colour value in excess of 7 on the Xxxxxxx system in accordance with SANS 1091 Sealants Approved acrylic paintable sealants are to be included in the required formsrate (preparations) PREPARATORY WORK TO EXISTING WORK Previously painted plastered surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, wedgingfilled with a suitable filler and finished smooth Previously painted wood surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, plumbing filled with suitable filler and fixing finished smooth Carried to true angles Collection R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R COLOURS Unless otherwise described, all paintwork shall be deemed to have a colour value in excess of 7 on the Xxxxxxx system in accordance with SANS 1091 When staining timber, the resultant colour or shade must be to the complete satisfaction of the Principal Agent before any overcoating or preservative is applied DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, SCHEDULES, PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall refer to the drawings, specifications, details, schedules provided by the Architect / Specialists for detailed performance requirements related to this project NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in/to existing buildings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carried to Collection R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R PAINTWORK, ETC TO NEW WORK ON PLASTERBOARD SURFACES One coat plaster primer and two coats Hygiene Low Sheen or similar approved by Architect - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist A On ceilings m² 260 One coat alkali resistant primer and two coats premium quality ultra matt, fully washable and stain resistant acrylic emulsion paint for interior use or similar approved by Architect - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist B On partitions m² 1 736 One coat alkali resistant primer and two coats superior quality acrylic emulsion paint for exterior use or similar approved by Architect - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist C On partitions m² 437 ON WOOD Stop, fill, sand down and prepare wood surfaces as necessary and apply one undercoat and two coats polyurethane enamel paint or similar approved by Architect - Detailed scope to ensure easy release during stripping be provided by the Architect / Specialist D On doors m² 100 PAINTWORK, ETC TO PREVIOUSLY PAINTED WORK ON INTERNAL FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES One coat primer and two coats acrylic paint for reconditioning as necessary before re-use interior use, on work in poor condition - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist E Walls and columns m² 22 ON EXTERNAL FLOATED PLASTER SURFACES Carried to Collection R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R One coat primer and two coats acrylic paint for interior use, on work in poor condition - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist A Walls and columns m² 42 One undercoat and three coats paint, on work in poor condition - Detailed scope to be provided by the Architect / Specialist B Doors including frame m² 20 Carried to Collection Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK COLLECTION Total Brought Forward from Page No. 72 74 75 76 77 Carried to Summary R Bill No. 8 PAINTWORK TENDER NO : CIA 6152 / 2019 / R Amount Brought Forward R Item No Unit Quantity Rate EXTERNAL WORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PREAMBLES The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction Model Preambles for Trades (2017 edition) as is sufficiently strong to afford published by the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits Association of solid slabs etc South African Quantity Surveyors shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise incorporated in these bills of quantities and no claims arising from brevity of description of items fully described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking said Model Preambles will be entertained The following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the risk of collapse requirements of the sides project and shall take precedence over the provisions of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)said Model Preambles

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. The contractor shall notify the Engineer/ Principal Agent of any concreting to order for inspection of the works. A minimum notice period of 48 hours is required. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports report s on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze Concrete Prices / rates for all concrete items shall consist include for mixing , hoisting and lowering to all levels, placing working around reinforcing , vibrating compaction , pumping etc. Carried Forward R Section No. 3 Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Amount Brought Forward R Cost of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashtests The costs of making, free from coal or other foreign matterstoring and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SANS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm meshEngineer/ Principal Agent. The finer materials from testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the screening contractor and to the approval of the Engineer/ Principal Agent . (Test cubes are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated measured separately) Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R re- use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks itself. Formwork Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re- use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain i n position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to propped up not exceeding 1,5m high unless otherwise described. Formwork to soffits of (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described described. Carried Forward R Section No. 3 Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Brought Forward R Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to the sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will strip footings etc, shall only be measured where it is prescribed where, specifically instructed by the engineer for design reasonsEngineer/ Principal agent. Formwork necessitated All formwork must be designed by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured the Contractor and the cost thereof shall be deemed Contractor must submit fully detailed and dimensioned working drawings to be included in the allowance Principal Agent for taking the risk of collapse checking purposes. Acceptance of the sides proposal shall not relieve the Contractor of the excavationsresponsibility for the safety and stability of the formwork nor for loss or damage arising out of defective design, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)materials and/or workmanship.

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes Fixing Items described as required under clause 7 "Testsnailed" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm deemed to be fixed with hardened steel nails or institution nominated by the contractor and pins, or to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matterbe shot-pinned, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork brickwork or concrete Items described as "plugged" shall be deemed to include use screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 500mm centres, and waste only (except where described as "left in" or bolted"permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc bolts have been given elsewhere Ceilings Unless otherwise described ceilings shall be deemed to be slabs horizontal Bulkheads Bulkheads are defined as those portions of ceilings which are stepped down from the general ceiling level in a particular room or area and which generally occur along the perimeter. Their purpose is either to conceal services or to create architectural features Bulkheads have only been described as such where they conform to the above definition and where the horizontal or vertical dimensions do not exceeding 250exceed 900mm. Where these dimensions are more than 900mm thick unless such portions of ceilings have been included in the appropriate general items of ceilings Unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc bulkheads shall be deemed to be propped horizontal along the length Steel components All steel components for ceilings, partitions, etc are to be galvanised in accordance with SANS 121 SUSPENDED CEILINGS SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Proprietary suspended ceilings Hangers, suspension grids, "lay-in" panels, etc are to be in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations Flush plastered gypsum plasterboard suspended ceilings Ceilings shall comprise 9.5mm gypsum plasterboard boards screwed to and including screw-up exceeding 1,5m suspension grid consisting of main tees at 1 200mm centres and galvanised steel capped cross tees at 400mm centres and with tape fixed over joints and the whole finished with gypsum plaster trowelled to a smooth polished surface The grid shall be suspended by means of galvanised steel L- section hangers at suitable centres, securely shot-pinned or screwed to concrete, steel or wood Flush plastered gypsum plasterboard suspended bulkheads Bulkheads shall comprise galvanised steel studding of 63,5mm top and bottom tracks with vertical studs at maximum 400mm centres, pop-riveted to the top and bottom tracks with similar additional vertical studs as necessary at abutments, ends, etc and covered as described with plasterboard screwed to studding with drywall screws at maximum 300mm centres. Boards shall be butt-jointed and finished with tape and jointing compound and the whole finished with gypsum plaster trowelled to a smooth polished surface to the thickness recommended by the manufacturer Descriptions shall be deemed to include any additional studs at ends and intersections, corner beads, cornices at junctions with ceilings, jointing compound, tape, etc 1200 x 600 x 15mm "Ecophon Gedina E density glass wool" or equal and approved pre-painted acoustic panels on exposed suspension grid system including hangers, necessary hold-down clips and wedges, etc m² 620 1 Ceilings suspended in panels not exceeding 3,51m high unless otherwise described Formwork below concrete slab soffits 2 Extra over ceiling for opening for 100mm diameter downlighter No 39 9.5mm "Gyproc RhinoBoard" or equally approved bulkhead 12.5mm thick on screw-up tee suspension grid including hangers, etc. with tape fixed over joints and the whole finished with gypsum plaster trowelled to sides of basesa smooth polished surface 3 Rectangular bulkheads against wall 600mm wide x 300mm high, pile capssuspended not exceeding 1m below timber purlins at 400mm centres m 86 4 Rectangular sloping bulkheads against wall 600mm wide x 300mm high, ground beamssuspended not exceeding 1m below sloping timber purlins at 400mm centres m 47 5 Extra over ceiling for opening for 100mm diameter downlighter No 26 "Xxxx" or equal and approved cornices, perimeter trims, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by to suspended ceilings 6 15mm Shadowline "Plaster trim" pre-painted recessed wall angles, plugged m 220 Total Carried to Final Summary R Item 7 8 10 Description BILL NO 5 IRONMONGERY Note: Tenderers are advised to study the engineer General Preambles for design reasonsTrades before pricing this Bill. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this Bill shall be deemed to be included in a fixed price for the allowance for taking the risk duration of collapse this project. Supply and Installation of the ironmongery to wooden doors Door hinges Cylinder sash lock Pair of approximately 120mm door handles on both sides of the excavationsdoor Pull handle, provision for which is made in bolted Door closer "EarthworksCisa" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19or similar Door stop, plugged Kickplate aluminium size 200 x 800mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds'Assa abloy' or similar Push plate, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)bolted Coat hook

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Engineering specifications The contractor is referred to the engineer's general notes and specifications attached to these bills of quantities and must allow for all costs deemed to be incurred in complying with the aforementioned specifications Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause Clause 7 "Tests" of SABS SANS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectprincipal agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. principal agent (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Carried to soffits Collection R Bill No. 4 Concrete, Formwork & Reinforcement SANSA Building Works 2002Q006 - Provisional Bills of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Quantities Amount Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,51.5m and not exceeding 3,53.5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/19mm concrete 1 A Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top blinding under footings and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED bases m³ 25 UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19CAST AGAINST BRICKWORK 15MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces B Filling to cavity of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp hollow walls m³ 39 C Filling to falls Finishing top surfaces cavity of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)brick piers m³ 1

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectPrincipal Agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectPrincipal Agent. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Amount Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and to slabs not exceeding 3,5m high 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "EarthworksFoundations" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted 1 Strip footings m3 5 2 Bases m3 2 30MPa/19mm concrete 3 Surface beds m3 2 4 Isolated beams m3 2 5 Columns m3 4 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top of surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 wood float 6 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls m2 32 FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY III) Smooth formwork to sides 7 Isolated beams m2 9 Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set 8 Beams propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3m high m2 25 Smooth formwork to circular columns 9 220mm Diameter column 2,6m high No 2 REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) High tensile steel reinforcement to structural concrete work 10 Various Diameter bars t 3,14 Fabric reinforcement 11 Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete slabs, etc m2 32 Carried to Collection R Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting Section No. 4 Bill No. 3 Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement COLLECTION Total Brought Forward from Page No. Carried Forward to Summary of three concrete strength test cubesSection No. 4 Bill No. 3 Concrete, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing Formwork and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Reinforcement Prepared by Takgalang Consulting

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Float glass The term "float glass" is used for monolithic annealed glass NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in/to existing buildings GLAZING TO STEEL WITH PUTTY 4mm Clear float glass: A Panes exceeding 0,5m² and not exceeding 2m² (Provisional) m² 3 Carried Forward to Summary of tests Section No. R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 07 - GLAZING Amount R Item No Quantity Rate Amount R SECTION NO. 2 : BUILDING WORK BILL NO. 08 - PAINTWORK PREAMBLES The costs Contractor is referred to the Model Preambles (2008), Painting The Contractor is referred to all of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary Architect's drawings for the purposefollowing buildings; B140, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests B141, B142, B143, B144, B145, B146 & B147 The Contractor is referred to the architect. Scope of Works Document The testing following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the requirements of the project and shall take precedence over the provisions of the said Model Preambles SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Paint Specifications All painting shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed done in accordance with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork Architects General Specifications Colours Unless otherwise described all paintwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together have a colour value in excess of 7 on the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain Xxxxxxx system in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed accordance with SANS 1091 All colours to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits selected by the Architect Sample panels of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed 2 x 2m size for all paint colours are to be propped up exceeding 1,5m presented on the walls and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed building for approval by the engineer for design reasonsArchitect before any final paint orders are placed by the Contractor. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse The cost of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed these sample panels is to be included in the allowance rates for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made each paintwork item in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofingthis bill. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 08 - PAINTWORK R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete Previously painted surfaces: Previously painted brick walls: Where hairline cracks are evident, fill in cracks with suitable filler. After the filler has been applied and dried, sand over lightly to smooth before painting. Where applicable, open up deeper cracks in a 'V' formation, remove residue, seal and fill cracks. Previously painted plastered surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down to remove dirt and other contaminants and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a steel trowel 7 Surface bedssuitable filler, slabssanded smooth and the surface coated with an approved primer Previously painted plaster board: Wash down ceilings and other plaster board surfaces with sugar soap and rinse well before painting Previously painted metal surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed. Surfaces shall be coated with an approved primer Previously painted wood surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth filled with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends suitable filler and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)sanded smooth

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself itself. Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc etc. shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc etc. will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" LOCAL PRODUCTION AND CONTENT FOR DESIGNATED SECTORS Tenderers are advised to study the Standard Bidding Document (SBD 6.2) in respect of Minimum threshold for Local Content requirements forming part of this tender as Prescribed in the Preferential Procurment regulations, 2017. Section No.2 Bill No.3 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT PROVISIONAL BILLS OF QUANTITIES Carried to Summary Amount R UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19CAST AGAINST EXCAVATED SURFACES 15MPa/10mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 blinding under footings and column bases m³ rate only 25Mpa/19mm Concrete 2 Strip footings m³ 1 bldg 4: 1 3 Bases m³ 1 bldg 4: 1, 4 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc waterproofing m³ 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Platform - Tactile - 10

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Concrete general Surface beds cast in panels shall be cast in panels not exceeding 20m2 All reinforced concrete is to be compacted with a mechanical vibrator Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectfor approval. The testing shall be undertaken by an approved independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Ramphelane Secondary School Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED Fabric reinforcement Standard welded steel fabric reinforcement shall be as included in Table 1 of SANS 1024 and shall have 300mm wide laps REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST ON/IN FORMWORK 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface Walkway surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds2 Walkway surface beds m2 36 REINFORCEMENT (PROVISIONAL) Mesh reinforcement etc m2 36 Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, slabsFORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Ramphelane Secondary School Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, etc 10 Aprons FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Total Brought Forward from Page No. Carried Forward to falls Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)& REINFORCEMENT Ramphelane Secondary School R Amount

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Concrete general Surface beds cast in panels shall be cast in panels not exceeding 20m2 All reinforced concrete is to be compacted with a mechanical vibrator Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectfor approval. The testing shall be undertaken by an approved independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward to Collection R Section No. 2 4 X 4-CLASSROOMS WITH STORES Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Xxxx Xxxxxxx Primary School Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete Fabric reinforcement Standard welded steel fabric reinforcement shall be as included in Table 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top of SANS 1024 and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding shall have 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)laps

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Carried to Collection Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED REINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/1930MPa/19mm concrete 1 9 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs 23 TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 10 Making and testing 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. mm concrete strength test cube (Provisional)) No 6

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing View site Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the site and testing of concrete test cubes satisfy himself as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectnature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained Explosives No explosives whatsoever may be used for demolition purposes unless otherwise stated General The testing contractor shall carry out the whole of the works with as little mess and noise as possible and with a minimum of disturbance to adjoining premises and their tenants. He shall provide proper protection and provide, erect and remove when directed, any temporary tarpaulins that may be necessary during the progress of the works, all to the satisfaction of the principal agent Water supply pipes and other piping that may be encountered and found necessary to disconnect or cut, shall be undertaken by an independent firm effectually stopped off or institution nominated by the contractor grubbed up and removed, and any new connections that may be necessary shall be made with proper fittings, to the approval satisfaction of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use principal agent Carried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Demotions and Alterations Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting Doors, fanlights, fittings, frames, linings, which are to be re-used shall be carried down thoroughly overhauled before refixing including taking off, easing and rehanging, cramping up, re-wedging as required and making good cramps, dowels, and easing, oiling, adjusting and repairing ironmongery as necessary, replacing any glass damaged in removal or subsequently and stopping up all nail and screw holes with tinted plastic wood to such construction as match timber, unless otherwise described. Re-painting or re-varnishing is sufficiently strong given separately Prices for taking out of doors, windows, shall include for removal of all beads, architraves, ironmongery, Prices for taking out and removing doors and frames shall include for removing door stops, cabin hooks, and making good floor and wall finishes to afford the required support without damage match existing With regard to building up of openings in existing walls, cement screeds and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits pavings, granolithic, tops of solid slabs etc walls, shall be deemed levelled and prepared for raising of brickwork Making good of finishes shall include making good of the brick and concrete surfaces onto which the new finishes are applied, where necessary The contractor will be required to take all dimensions affecting the existing buildings on the site and he will be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits held solely responsible for the accuracy of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured all such dimensions where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included used in the allowance manufacture of new items (doors, windows, fittings) Provide the necessary protection for taking the risk existing work under roof including sanitaryware, tiled floors doors and windows were required. 1 Protection of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete existing works Item Taking out and removing roof sheeting and packing it aside 2 Remove carefully roof sheeting Item Taking out/off and carefully removing timber roof trusses 3 Remove carefully roof trusses Item Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top Demotions and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Alterations Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces Breakaway/Taking out ceiling 4 Remove carefully existing ceiling Item Breakaway/Taking floors 5 Remove the existing vinyl, and cart away Item Strip existing Lighting installation in each building and disposing of concrete smooth with a steel trowel the light fittings and debris as per the client's instructions 6 Disconnect and remove existing electrical connections to be reused and installed Item Strip existing Plumbing installation in the roof space in each building and disposing of the light fittings and debris as per the client's instructions 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc Close off and remove existing plumbing and piping to be reused and installed Item MAKING GOOD OF FINISHES Making good of wall finishes 8 Ramp Making good of wall finishes Item Making good of floor finishes 9 In-situ treatment of floors Item CREDIT Credit reusable material 10 Credit reusable material including roof sheeting and timber trusses Item Carried Forward to falls Finishing top surfaces Summary of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends Section No. 2 R Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Demotions and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewithAlterations Item No SECTION NO. (Provisional)2 Unit Quantity Rate BILL NO. 2

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing View site Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the site and testing of concrete test cubes satisfy himself as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectnature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained Explosives No explosives whatsoever may be used for demolition purposes unless otherwise stated General The testing contractor shall carry out the whole of the works with as little mess and noise as possible and with a minimum of disturbance to adjoining premises and their tenants. He shall provide proper protection and provide, erect and remove when directed , any temporary tarpaulins that may be necessary during the progress of the works, all to the satisfaction of the principal agent Water supply pipes and other piping that may be encountered and found necessary to disconnect or cut, shall be undertaken by an independent firm effectually stopped off or institution nominated by the contractor grubbed up and removed, and any new connections that may be necessary shall be made with proper fittings, to the approval satisfaction of the architectprincipal agent Carried to Collection R Bill No. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist 2 Alterations SANSA Building Works 2002Q006 - Provisional Bills of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashQuantities Amount Doors, free from coal or other foreign matterfanlights, to one part cement (12:1)fittings, the ash graded up to particles frames, linings, etc. which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork re-used shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary thoroughly overhauled before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down fixing including taking off, easing and rehanging, cramping up, re- wedging as required and making good cramps, dowels, etc, and easing, oiling, adjusting and repairing ironmongery as necessary, replacing any glass damaged in removal or subsequently and stopping up all nail and screw holes with tinted plastic wood to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick match timber, unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits . Re-painting or re-varnishing is given separately Prices for taking out of slabsdoors, beamswindows, etc shall include for removal of all beads, architraves, ironmongery, etc Prices for taking out and removing doors and frames shall include for removing door stops, cabin hooks, etc and making good floor and wall finishes to match existing With regard to building up of openings in existing walls, cement screeds and pavings, granolith, tops of walls, etc, shall be deemed levelled and prepared for raising of brickwork Making good of finishes shall include making good of the brick and concrete surfaces onto which the new finishes are applied, where necessary The contractor will be required to take all dimensions affecting the existing buildings on the site and he will be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5held solely responsible for the accuracy of all such dimensions where used in the manufacture of new items (doors, windows, fittings, etc) TEMPORARY BARRIERS, SCREENS, ETC Temporary barriers, screens, etc including removal A Drywall barrier 2.5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of basesgalvanised steel channel section rails and studs covered on one side with 12,7mm gypsum plaster board and finished with two coats interior quality PVA emulsion paint, pile capsincluding corners, ground beamsends, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks itself. Formwork to soffits of solid (solid) slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design fordesign reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 BUILDINGS Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT Amount NOTE : Unless otherwise stated herein, all items in this bill shall be deemed to fall into Work Group No 110 for JBCC CPAP purposes UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/1915Mpa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds Blinding under footings and bases m3 12 10Mpa/19mm concrete 2 Aprons m3 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE 30MPa/19mm concrete 3 Stub columns m3 1 4 Columns m3 4 5 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. water proofing m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls 74 6 Thickening under surface beds m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 7 Strip footings m3 58 8 Bases m3 17 9 Stub columns m3 1 10 Columns m3 3 11 Beams m3 22 12 Slabs including beams m3 21 Carried to Collection R Page 50 Section No. 2 BUILDINGS Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT TEST CUBES 13 Making and inverted beams m3 testing 150 x 150 x 150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional) No 31 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 power float to a smooth surface 14 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp m2 730 15 Ramps to falls to a rough non- slip finish m2 Rate only Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 to a smooth surface 16 Aprons to falls FORMWORK m2 19 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 17 Bases and stub columns m2 6 18 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 50 SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY IIACCURACY) Smooth formwork to sides and soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set 18 Soffits of three concrete strength test cubesslabs propped up exceeding 1.5m and not exceeding 3.5m high m2 21 19 Soffits of slabs propped up exceeding 3.5m and not exceeding 5m high m2 124 20 Beams propped up not exceeding 3.5m high m2 156 21 Beams propped exceeding 3.5m and not exceeding 5.0m high m2 42 22 Rectangular columns with height exceeding 3.5m and not exceeding 5m m2 40 Carried to Collection R Page 51 Section No. 2 BUILDINGS Bill No. 2 CONCRETE, each size 150 x 150 x 150mmFORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT 22 Edges, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing risers, ends and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 569 23 Curved edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)concrete

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. General The Concrete works shall be in accordance with the Engineer's specifications as per Annexures "Part D.9 - Concrete Specifications" and "Part D.10 - Industrial Floor Specifications" appended hereto. The Contractor is to notify the Principal Agent immediately if a conflict between the Engineer's Specification, Architectural Drawings and/or these Bills of Quantities are found. The quantities are provisional and will be re-measured upon completion of the works. The Contractor shall not use these quantities for ordering of materials. The Contractor must immediately notify the Quantity Surveyor if discrepancies are found between the quantities and/or descriptions in these Bills of Quantities and the Contractor's quantities measured from construction drawings and specifications. Components cast against excavated surfaces have not been measured or described separately and the Contractor is to ensure adequate allowance for casting against exacated surfaces are made within the relevant items. Concrete All exposed sharp corners to be chamfered 25 x 25mm unless otherwise indicated Carried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 2 Concrete, Formwork & Reinforcement Amount Brought Forward R Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectprincipal agent. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architectprincipal agent. (Test cubes are measured provisionally and separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc slabs and beams shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork Finishing Finishing the surfaces of surface beds and slabs level and smooth to sides of basesreceive screed, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity xxxxx or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be any other finish are deemed to be included in the allowance rate for taking the risk surface bed or slab. Mesh reinforcement Mesh reinforcement is measured net, contractor to take condideration of collapse of the sides of the excavationslapping Carried Forward R Section No. 2 Bill No. 2 Concrete, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Formwork & Reinforcement Brought Forward R UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19CAST ON/IN FORMWORK REINFORCED CONCRETE 30MPa/20mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 11 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)Ring beam m3 50

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of makingFixing Floor coverings, storing and testing of concrete test cubes wall linings, etc shall, where applicable, be fixed with adhesive as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated recommended by the contractor and to the approval manufacturers of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashflooring, free from coal or other foreign matterlinings, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. etc The finer materials from the screening following floor covering are to be first mixed supplied and applied in strict accordance with the cement into a mortar manufacturer's specification. Levels of different floor finishes with screeds to be feathered where required NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in/to existing buildings Carried Forward R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 05 - FLOOR COVERINGS, ETC Amount R Brought Forward R FLOOR COVERINGS VINYL FLOOR COVERINGS 300 x 300 x 2.5mm Thick thru-flash semi-flexible vinyl tiles fixed with adhesive to existing floor screed: A On floors m² 63 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 05 - FLOOR COVERINGS, ETC Item No Quantity Rate Amount R SECTION NO. 2 : BUILDING WORK BILL NO. 06 - METALWORK PREAMBLES The Contractor is refered to the Model Preambles (2008), Ironmongery The Contractor is referred to all of the Architect's drawings for the following buildings; B209, B211 & B213 The Contractor is referred to the Scope of Works Document The following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the requirements of the project and shall take precedence over the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description provisions of formwork the said Model Preambles SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Descriptions of bolts, anchors, etc Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include use nuts and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing washers Descriptions of expansion anchors and fixing to true angles bolts and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping chemical anchors and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc bolts shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise include nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete Items described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc as "plugged" shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not exceeding 3,5m high unless 600mm centres Fixing Unless otherwise described Formwork to sides described, descriptions of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof items shall be deemed to include for fixing to brickwork or concrete NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels carried out in/to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 existing buildings Carried Forward SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 06 - METALWORK R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)R

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost General Wherever possible abridged descriptions have been used for those items in this Bill which appear under the main trade headings in subsequent Bills. The full descriptions of tests these items in the Preambles, as referred to above, to the various trade bills are to, and do apply equally to this section The costs descriptions are generally in accordance with the most recent edition of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of The Standard System for Measuring Building Work.Special reference is made to SABS 1200 G shall include specifications for civil worksSpecial reference is made to Specifications and details of Department of Public Works Drainage Detail (December 1998)Special reference is made to Specifications of Materials and Methods to be used of Department of Public Works (DP 371) Protection of existing services The contractor must make allowance against the cost of providing cube moulds necessary relevant items for the purpose, for testing costs following: (a) Necessary care to be taken when excavating near existing services in or across the path of excavations (b) Protection and for submitting reports on maintaining such service in operation by means of temporary supports or shoring as necessary (c) Delays and disruption of the tests progress of the work due to the architect. The testing shall be undertaken existence of the service (d) Repairs necessitated by an independent firm or institution nominated damage caused by the contractor Controlling and re-routing of traffic The contractor must make allowance next to the approval relevant item for the following: (a) Temporary road traffic signs required for controling traffic (b) Construction and maintenance of bypass/es and associated facilities where and when required (c) Warning lights, flagmen, barricades where and when required (d) Ensure that the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist road is open at the end of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed each day's work and is left in good and safe trafficable condition complete with the cement into a mortar signs and the ash added afterwards necessary protection facilities SABS specifications references Where reference is made to SABS 1200 specifications (all sections) it will be deemed to exclude clause 8 "Measurements and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Payments" Nature of formwork ground Descriptions of excavations shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described all ground conditions classifiable as "left inearth" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing Conditions of a more difficult character are indicated and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits these are separately measured. Carting away of solid slabs etc excavated material Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly form the excavations or, alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site Type and quality of material supplied by the Contractor The type and quality of imported materials G3, G4, G5 & G7 supplied by the contractor must comply with TRH 14 "Guidelines for road and construction materials" issued by CSIR Where sand is substituted for imported material type G7, or where sand is in situ, the compaction is to be slabs 100% Mod AASHTO density to a depth of 400mm for in-situ sand INTERLOCKING PLANTER BLOCKS "Loffelstein" precast concrete interlocking planter blocks finished smooth on exposed surfaces 1 Retaining structure with stepped face and curves as required to suit slopes of 65 degrees "Loffelstein L300" interlocking planter blocks laid with horizontal bed joints to 5 degree slope including backfilling with earth obtained from the excavations including cement stabilization as deemed necessary and filling the blocks with garden soil lightly tamped as the work proceeds m2 88 ROADWORKS (MINOR ROADS) Preparation of site [1200DM] Rip, shape and compact in-situ road-bed material to minimum 93% Mod AASHTO density (100% for sand) [C# 8.3.3] 2 150mm for roads and parking m2 2666 3 150m for platforms m2 2712 Earthworks [SANS 1200 DM] Open face excavation over sloping site 4 Open face excavation to form platform under parking areas etc and depositing excavated material over site including haulage not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork 1km from perimeter of excavations m3 2151 Extra over for (Provisional): 5 Intermediate rock excavation: rate to soffits include excavation and transportation of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed excavated hard rock to a location to be propped up identified by the contractor [C# 8.3.2 (b2)] m3 323 6 Hard rock excavation: rate to include excavation and transportation of excavated hard rock to a location to be identified by the contractor [C# 8.3.2 (b2)] m3 215 7 Excavate and dispose of unsuitable material from trench bottom to suitable location to be identified by the contractor (Provisional) m3 1345 Sub-grade [SANS 1200 DM] 8 Over site of G9 material in accordance with SABS 1200 DM compacted to 93% AASHTO density m3 407 Sub-base [SANS 1200 ME] 9 Over site of G5 material in accordance with SABS 1200 DM compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density m3 807 Base [SANS 1200 MFL / SDM8-3] 10 Over site of G4 material (stabilized with 2% cement, C4) in accordance with SABS 1200 DM compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density m3 807 Keeping excavations free of water 11 Keeping excavations free of all water other than subterranean water Item 1 Prescribed density tests on filling 12 'Modified AASHTO Density" tests No 108 Soil insecticide 13 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming m2 5378 Precast concrete block road surfacing Segmented paving [SANS 1200 MJ] Construction of paving complete as per specification inclusive of 20mm sandbed [C# 8.2.2] 14 80mm Class 35 MPa concrete type S-A Light grey interlocking pavers to SANS 1058 laid in herringbone pattern on roads and parking m2 2123 Cutting units to fit edge restraints [C# 8.2.3] 15 Radius not exceeding 1,520m m 25 16 Radius exceeding 20m and not exceeding 3,5straight sections m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19145 Concrete hardstand 35MPa/19mm unreinforced concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 17 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over 542 Making and testing concrete for thickening size strength test cubes 18 150 x 150 x 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Test cubes No 98 Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 power float and a coarse hard grass broom 19 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing and currents m2 2712 Movement joints with 10mm bitumen impregnated softboard through concrete surface beds 20 10mm Joints not exceeding 300mm thick m 285 Saw-cut joints 21 3 x 43mm Joints in top surfaces of concrete surface beds and reamed 8mm wide x 8mm deep m 1329 Vertical joggle construction joints through concrete, including thick cement slurry to one face 22 Surface beds not exceeding 300mmm thick and reamed 8mm wide x 8mm deep m 271 Two-part grey polysulphide sealing compound, including backing cord, bond breaker, primer, etc 23 8 x 8mm In joints in top of surfaces m 1329 24 10 x 10mm In joints in top of surfaces, including raking out expansion joint filler as necessary m 271 Kerbing Kerbing and channelling [SANS 1200 MK / C# 8.2.2 / SDMK8-1] Precast concrete mountable xxxxx on concrete bedding according to detail drawing [SDMK 5-1]: 25 180 x 280mm High semi-mountable xxxxx (SANS 927 Fig 7a) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, including excavation, backfilling, etc - BK4 m 882 26 180 x 280mm High semi-mountable xxxxx (SANS 927 Fig 7a) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, circular on plan exceeding 4m radius, formed with including excavation, backfilling, etc - BK2 m 128 27 300 x 125mm High channels forming V-channels (SANS 927 Fig 14) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, including excavation, backfilling, etc - 2 x C1 m 276 28 300 x 125mm High channels forming V-channels (SANS 927 Fig 14) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, circular on plan exceeding 4m radius, including excavation, backfilling, etc - 2 x C1 m 25 29 65 x 150mm High edge beam (SANS 927 Fig 13) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, including excavation, backfilling, etc - E1 m 221 30 65 x 150mm High edge beam (SANS 927 Fig 13) with 150 x 150 x 300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at the back of each joint, circular on plan exceeding 4m radius, including excavation, backfilling, etc - E1 m 25 Waterproofing One layer of 375 micron "Gundle Hyperlastic Orange" waterproof sheeting sealed at laps with "Superstick" tape 31 Under paving etc m2 5378 Stormwater channels Concrete stormwater channels 32 Excavation not exceeding 2m deep for channels m3 58 33 Risk of collapse of sides of excavations not exceeding 1,5m deep m2 137 34 35MPa/19mm reinforced concrete in bottoms and sides of channels m3 39 35 Finishing bottoms of channels smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons steel trowel to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK m2 89 36 Rough formwork (DEGREE OF ACCURACY degree of accuracy II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals of channels m2 137 37 Smooth formwork (degree of accuracy I) to sides of channels above sloping bottoms m2 105 38 20 x 20mm Deep recess in sides along top edges for concrete channels m 210 39 10mm Expansion joints with "Flexcell" softboard between concrete bottoms of channels not exceeding 300mm high m 30 40 10mm Expansion joints with "Flexcell" softboard between concrete sides of channels not exceeding 300mm wide m 14 41 Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete bottoms and sides of channels m2 194 42 30 x 30 x 3mm Angle section corner protectors in varying lengths with 25 x 3mm x 50mm long flat section bent lugs each 150mm girth welded on at 300mm centres, including embedding in concrete kg 309 43 Extra over for mitred and welded L-intersection No 16 44 "Mentis" or similar approved grating of 500mm wide SMOOTH FORMWORK banded panels with 30 x 4,5mm bearer bars in suitable lengths m 105 Ancillary roadworks [SANS 1200 MM] Road markings [C# 8.4.1] Prepare and apply one coat white reflective road marking paint on rough concrete surfaces, paving surfaces and/or asphalt road surfaces 45 100mm Wide line (DEGREE OF ACCURACY IIsolid) Smooth formwork m 150 46 300mm Wide line (solid) m 24 47 Parking bay numerals 150mm wide extreme No 26 48 Type RTM1 sign road marking "STOP" 3000 x 1500mm wide extreme No 2 49 Type WM5 sign road marking "YIELD" 3000 x 1500mm wide extreme No 2 50 Type RM17.3 "wheelchair" sign road marking 1200 x 1200mm wide extreme No 2 51 Type WM7.3, 4000 x 1000mm wide (extreme) traffic arrow No 12 52 6000 x 2000mm Wide (extreme) traffic island No 2 Supply and erect road signs, galvanized, constructed from 1,6 mm thick sheet steel, with painted background, symbols, characters legends and borders in engineering grade retro- flective material, complete with pole, mountings and concrete [C# 8.3.6] 53 Standard road sign type R1 [C# 8.3.6] No 2 54 Standard road sign type R2 [C# 8.3.6] No 4 55 Standard road sign type W204 and R201-20 fixed together [C# 8.3.6] No 2 56 Standard road sign type W306 [C# 8.3.6] No 3 BOUNDARY WALLS Rates for boundary walls are to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 include for taking all necessary precautions to ascertain position of and preventing damage to services in ground over which such boundary walls are to be constructed. Nevertheless, the Contractor shall bear the full responsibility for any such damage to services which may occur and the cost of consequent repairs shall be for the Contractor's account, and rates shall include for the occurrence of this risk. The Contractor is to allow for leveling, filling and excavating to maintain a regular ground level at finished ground level and the bottom of the boundary wall. 57 Boundary wall consisting of a one and a half brick wall, 2000mm high, with 300 x 300mm wide brick piers every 10m filled in with concrete, including 600 x 250mm thick 25MPa reinforced concrete footing (95kg/m3), 200mm high one and a half brick wall in foundations, including bar reinforcement and necessary waterproofing under and to sides of walls, 1800mm high one and a half brick wall in superstructure, including bar reinforcement and finished both sides with "Firelight satin" or similar approved face brickwork in stretcher bond pointed with recessed joint, 1970mm high, with facebrick brick-on edge header course coping pointed with recessed joints on all exposed faces, including movement joints formed of 10mm thick softboard built-in vertically between brickwork every 5m c/c and uPVC weepholes built into brick walls at relevant intervals, all in accordance with the architect's specifications and engineer's drawings m 297 R 450 000.00 Welded mild steel gates, etc 58 Motorized security sliding gate 4 200 x 1 800mm high overall including heavy duty rail, 3mm diameter galvanized wire with aperture size 76.2mm x 25mm complete with hot dipped galvanized finish then marine fusion bond coated (acid modified), inclusive of welded gate frame consisting of 100 x 100mm posts with stays set in and including 20 x 20mm rails, on 500 x 500 x 500mm concrete bases, etc No 1 59 Single pedestrian gate 1200 x 1800mm high overall consisting of 50 x 50 x 3mm hollow section frame and 50 x 50 x 3mm hollow section horizontal middle rail filled in vertically with 20mm diameter solid bars at 100mm centres and fitted with a pair of suitable pivot hinges and brackets with fish tail lugs built into brick walls and including ears for padlock, etc complete (type G03) No 1 LANDSCAPING 60 Allow the budgetary amount of R450,000.00 (Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rand) for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubeslandscaping Item 1 Carried to Section Summary SECTION SUMMARY 1 Site services 0 Xxxxxxxxx, each size 150 x 150 x 150mmParking Areas, sending them etc Carried to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewithFinal Summary SECTION 4 BILL No. (Provisional)1

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Preparation of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing surfaces Surfaces shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor dry and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ashclean, free from coal or other foreign of dust, sand, grit and flaking particles, laitance and loose matter, contaminants such as oil, grease, etc. Surfaces shall have a moisture content not exceeding 4%. All free standing water to be removed prior to application of primers or compounds. Absorbent surfaces to be thoroughly pre-soaked in fresh water. Oil, grease, animal fats, etc. to be removed with suitable 'Ivory Chemicals' product to be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Once clean, surfaces to be profiled mechanically (scabbling, blasting, scarifying, chipping or grinding) or by means of acid etching, one part cement (12:1)'Ivory Concrete Etchant' thinned with two parts water applied at the rate of 2m²/1 litre in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Moisture tests: Before any finishes, the ash graded up coverings, etc are applied to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening screeds, plastering, etc or any other in-situ finish moisture tests are to be first mixed with carried out to the cement into a mortar and complete satisfaction of the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary Principal Agent to ensure easy release during stripping and that these surfaces have the correct moisture content for reconditioning as necessary before re-use the finish to be applied Carried Forward R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 5 BILL NO. 05 - PLASTERING Amount R Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beamsLabours, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m Labours such as fair, rounded and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of baseschamfered edges, pile capstrowel cuts, ground beamsthroats, V-joints, angles, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk descriptions Cement plaster Unless otherwise described, cement plaster shall be taken to mean Class 1 cement plaster General Making good of collapse finishes shall include making good of the sides brick and concrete surfaces onto which the new finishes are applied, where necessary The Contractor will be held solely liable for the protection of all windows and doors where projection plaster is rendered on the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)external facade.

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost of tests The costs of makinguPVC pipes and fittings: Soil, storing waste and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs vent pipes and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect. The testing fittings shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval solvent weld jointed Fixing of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist pipes Unless specifically otherwise stated, descriptions of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork pipes shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use walls etc, casting in, building in or suspending not exceeding 1m below suspension level Carried Forward R Section No. 5 Bill No. 2 SEWER (PROVISIONAL) Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction Reducing fittings Where fittings have reducing ends or branches they are described as is sufficiently strong to afford "reducing". In the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits case of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs pipes with diameters not exceeding 25060mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork only the largest end or branch size is given. Should the contractor wish to soffits use other fittings and bushes or reducers he may do so on the understanding that no claim in this regard will be entertained. In the case of pipes with diameters exceeding 60mm all sizes are given and no claim for extra bushes, reducers, etc will be entertained Exposed concrete surfaces Exposed surfaces of concrete stormwater channels, cover slabs, beamsinspection eye marker slabs, xxxxxx tops, cleaning eye tops, catchpits, inspection xxxxxxxx, etc shall be deemed finished smooth with plaster Excavations No claim for rock excavation will be entertained unless the contractor has timeously notified the quantity surveyor thereof prior to backfilling Laying, backfilling, bedding, etc. of pipes Pipes shall be propped up exceeding 1,5m laid and not exceeding 3,5m high unless bedded and trenches shall be carefully backfilled in accordance with manufacturers' instructions Where no manufacturers' instructions exist, pipes shall be laid in accordance with clauses 5.1 and 5.2 of each of the following: SABS 1200 L : Medium-pressure pipelines LD : Sewers LE : Stormwater drainage Pipe trenches etc shall be backfilled in accordance with clauses 3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 7 of SABS 1200 DB : Earthworks (Pipe trenches) Pipes shall be bedded in accordance with clauses 3.1 to 3.4.1, 5.1 to 5.3 and 7 of SABS 1200 LB : Bedding (Pipes). Unless otherwise described Formwork to sides bedding of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof rigid pipes shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 class B bedding Carried Forward R Section No. 5 Bill No. 2 SEWER (PROVISIONAL) Brought Forward R Finishing SITE CLEARANCE 1 Clear and grub roots along sewer pipeline 1.5m wide 2 Remove top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp soil to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends ditto nominal depth 150mm and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)stockpile m 2 590 SOIL DRAINAGE

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Float glass The term "float glass" is used for monolithic annealed glass NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in and to existing building GLAZING TO WOOD WITH PUTTY 4mm Clear float glass: A Panes exceeding 0,5m² and not exceeding 2m² (Provisional) m² 1 B Panes exceeding 2m² and not exceeding 4m² (Provisional) m² 6 Carried Forward to Summary of tests Section No. R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 08 - GLAZING Amount R Item No Quantity Rate Amount R SECTION NO. 2 : BUILDING WORK BILL NO. 08 - PAINTWORK PREAMBLES The costs Contractor is referred to the Model Preambles (2008), Painting The Contractor is referred to all of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary Architect's drawings for the purposefollowing buildings; B209, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests B211 & B213 The Contractor is referred to the architect. Scope of Works Document The testing following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the requirements of the project and shall take precedence over the provisions of the said Model Preambles SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Paint Specifications All painting shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed done in accordance with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork Architects General Specifications Colours Unless otherwise described all paintwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together have a colour value in excess of 7 on the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain Xxxxxxx system in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed accordance with SANS 1091 All colours to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits selected by the Architect Sample panels of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed 2 x 2m size for all paint colours are to be propped up exceeding 1,5m presented on the walls and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed building for approval by the engineer for design reasonsArchitect before any final paint orders are placed by the Contractor. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse The cost of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed these sample panels is to be included in the allowance rates for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made each paintwork item in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofingthis bill. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 09 - PAINTWORK R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete Previously painted surfaces: Previously painted brick walls: Where hairline cracks are evident, fill in cracks with suitable filler. After the filler has been applied and dried, sand over lightly to smooth before painting. Where applicable, open up deeper cracks in a 'V' formation, remove residue, seal and fill cracks. Previously painted plastered surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down to remove dirt and other contaminants and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a steel trowel 7 Surface bedssuitable filler, slabssanded smooth and the surface coated with an approved primer Previously painted plaster board: Wash down ceilings and other plaster board surfaces with sugar soap and rinse well before painting Previously painted metal surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed. Surfaces shall be coated with an approved primer Previously painted wood surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth filled with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends suitable filler and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)sanded smooth

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Concrete general Surface beds cast in panels shall be cast in panels not exceeding 20m2 All reinforced concrete is to be compacted with a mechanical vibrator Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architectfor approval. The testing shall be undertaken by an approved independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-re- use Carried Forward to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Rantobeng Secondary School Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up exceeding 1,5m and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" Fabric reinforcement Standard welded steel fabric reinforcement shall be as included in Table 1 of SANS 1024 and shall have 300mm wide laps UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds Steps m3 1 2 Ramps m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofing. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 33 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete ramps for thickening size 150mm deep deep, 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling mm, backfilling, etc. m 3 5 Extra over concrete aprons for thickening size 150mm deep, 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm, backfilling, etc. m 364 REINFORCED CONCRETE CAST ON/IN FORMWORK Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Rantobeng Secondary School 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams Surface beds cast in panels on existing m3 2 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 7 Surface beds, slabsbeds m2 12 8 Ramps, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK m2 7 9 Aprons, etc to falls m2 344 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 10 Steps m2 2 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals Risers of steps not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH m 5 12 Edges of surface beds not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 12 13 Edges of aprons not exceeding 300mm high or wide m 364 Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Rantobeng Secondary School Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT COLLECTION Total Brought Forward from Page No. Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 2 Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORK & REINFORCEMENT Rantobeng Secondary School Page No 66 67 68 R Amount Item No SECTION NO. 2 Quantity Rate BILL NO. 5 MASONRY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Construction Specifications - General Specification (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork PW371-A)" and "Construction Specifications - Particular Specification (PW371-B)" SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Sizes in descriptions Where sizes in descriptions are given in brick units, "one brick" shall represent the length and "half brick" the width of a brick Brickwork Brickwork shall be carried up in a uniform manner, no part being raised more than 1.2m above adjoining work Face bricks Bricks shall be ordered timeously to soffits obtain uniformity in size and colour All cutting to face bricks must be done by cutting saw and prices to include for the use of mechanical cutting saws Pointing Descriptions of recessed pointing to fair face brickwork and face brickwork shall be deemed to include square recessed, hollow recessed, weathered pointing, etc SUPERSTRUCTURE Brickwork of NFP bricks in class II mortar 1 Piers m3 2 Carried to Collection R Section No. 2 RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING Bill No. 5 MASONRY Rantobeng Secondary School Amount 2 Half brick walls m2 23 3 Half brick walls in beamfilling m2 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three 4 One brick walls m2 39 5 One brick walls in ramp walls m2 3 6 One brick walls in firewalls m2 30 BRICKWORK SUNDRIES Bonding new brickwork to existing 7 Forming toothings and bonding new brickwork to existing m2 1 2,5mm Brickwork reinforcement 8 75mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 51 9 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally m 212 10 150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in ramp walls m 35 Prestressed fabricated concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 lintels including necessary temporary supports 11 110 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges 75mm Lintels in connection therewith. (Provisional)lengths not exceeding 3m

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Granolithic The method to be used shall be either the monolithic method or the bonded method For granolithic applied monolithically, the concrete floor shall be swept clean after bleeding of tests The costs of making, storing the concrete has ceased and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G the slab has begun to stiffen; any remaining bleed water shall include be removed and the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests granolithic applied immediately thereafter. For granolithic to be bonded to the architectfloor slab after it has hardened, the slab surface shall be hacked (preferably by mechanical means) until all laitance, dirt, oil, etc is dislodged and swept clean of all loose matter. The testing slab shall then be wetted and kept damp for at least six hours before applying the granolithic Granolithic shall attain a compressive strength of at least 41MPa. The coarse aggregate shall comply with SANS 1083 and shall generally be capable of passing a 10mm mesh sieve. Where the thickness of the granolithic exceeds 25mm, the size of the coarse aggregate shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and increased to the approval maximum size compatible with the thickness of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork granolithic Granolithic shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together laid in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed to be slabs panels not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits of slabs14m² for monolithic finishes, beams, etc shall be deemed to be propped up not exceeding 1,5m 9,5m² for bonded finishes and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork 6m² for all external granolithic. Wherever possible, panels shall be square but at no time should the length of the panel exceed 1,5 times its width Carried to sides Collection R Section No. 2 4 X 4-CLASSROOMS WITH STORES Bill No. 10 PLASTERING Xxxx Xxxxxxx Primary School Amount Where possible joints between panels shall be positioned over joints in the floor slab and shall be at least 3mm wide through the full thickness of basesthe finish, pile capsseparated by strips of wood or fibreboard and finished with V-joints Monolithic granolithic shall be applied to the partially set slab and thoroughly compacted and lightly wood floated to the required levels Bonded granolithic shall be applied to the slab after applying a 1:1 sand-and-cement slurry brushed over the surface and allowed to partially set before applying the granolithic. The granolithic shall be throughly compacted and lightly wood floated to the required levels After wood floating, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed by the engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured monolithic and bonded granolithic shall remain undisturbed until bleeding has ceased and the cost thereof surface has stiffened. Any remaining bleed water and laitance shall then be removed and the surface steel trowelled or power floated Granolithic shall be deemed to covered with clean hessian with waterproof building foil over and kept wet for at least seven days after laying Coloured granolithic shall be included tinted with an approved colouring pigment mixed into the granolithic in the allowance proportion of 1kg pigment per pocket of cement, of uniform appearance and consistent colour throughout SCREEDS Screeds wood floated for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavationstiles, provision for which is made in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm on concrete 1 Surface beds m3 30mm Thick to floors and landings m2 1 064 2 Surface beds cast 30mm Thick to floors and landings in panels thresholds m2 4 GRANOLITHIC Untinted wood floated granolithic, on waterproofingconcrete 3 Average 30mm thick to walkway m2 236 Untinted steel trowelled granolithic, on concrete 4 30mm Thick to floors and landings in thresholds m2 2 Carried to Collection R Section No. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 2 4 Ramps m3 X 4-CLASSROOMS WITH STORES Bill No. 10 PLASTERING Xxxx Xxxxxxx Primary School INTERNAL PLASTER Cement plaster steel trowelled, on brickwork 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete On walls m2 1 296 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a steel trowel 7 Surface beds, slabs, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)On narrow widths m2 64

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SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES. Cost Float glass The term "float glass" is used for monolithic annealed glass NOTE Unless otherwise described, all work in this trade is to be carried out in and to existing building GLAZING TO STEEL WITH PUTTY 4mm Clear float glass: A Panes exceeding 0,5m² and not exceeding 2m² (Provisional). m² 1 B Panes exceeding 4m² and not exceeding 6m² (Provisional). m² 3 Carried Forward to Summary of tests Section No. R SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 06 - GLAZING Amount R Item No Quantity Rate Amount R SECTION NO. 2 : BUILDING WORK BILL NO. 07 - PAINTWORK PREAMBLES The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests Contractor is referred to the architect. Model Preambles (2008), Painting The testing Contractor is referred to the Architects drawings The Contractor is referred to the Scope of Works Document The following "Supplementary Preambles" are incorporated in this bill to satisfy the requirements of the project and shall take precedence over the provisions of the said Model Preambles SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Paint Specifications All painting shall be undertaken by an independent firm or institution nominated by the contractor and to the approval of the architect. (Test cubes are measured separately) Breeze concrete shall consist of twelve parts clean dry furnace ash, free from coal or other foreign matter, to one part cement (12:1), the ash graded up to particles which will pass a 16,5mm ring from a minimum which fails to pass a 4,75mm mesh. The finer materials from the screening are to be first mixed done in accordance with the cement into a mortar and the ash added afterwards and thoroughly incorporated Formwork Description of formwork Architects General Specifications Colours Unless otherwise described all paintwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as "left in" or "permanent"), for fitting together have a colour value in excess of 7 on the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re-use Carried Forward R Amount Brought Forward R The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain Xxxxxxx system in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself Formworks to soffits of solid slabs etc shall be deemed accordance with SANS 1091 All colours to be slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described Formwork to soffits selected by the Architect Sample panels of slabs, beams, etc shall be deemed 2 x 2m size for all paint colours are to be propped up exceeding 1,5m presented on the walls and not exceeding 3,5m high unless otherwise described Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc will only be measured where it is prescribed building for approval by the engineer for design reasonsArchitect before any final paint orders are placed by the Contractor. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse The cost of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed these sample panels is to be included in the allowance rates for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made each paintwork item in "Earthworks" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE 20MPa/19mm concrete 1 Surface beds m3 2 Surface beds cast in panels on waterproofingthis bill. m3 3 Aprons cast in panels to falls m3 4 Ramps m3 5 Extra over concrete for thickening size 150mm deep 200mm top and tapering to 100mm at bottom including all excavation to 100mm backfilling etc. m REINFORCED CONCRETE 25MPa/19mm concrete 6 Slabs including beams and inverted beams m3 CONCRETE SUNDRIES 102 6 Carried Forward SECTION NO. 2 BILL NO. 07 - PAINTWORK R Brought Forward R Finishing top surfaces of concrete Previously painted surfaces: Previously painted brick walls: Where hairline cracks are evident, fill in cracks with suitable filler. After the filler has been applied and dried, sand over lightly to smooth before painting. Where applicable, open up deeper cracks in a 'V' formation, remove residue, seal and fill cracks. Previously painted plastered surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down to remove dirt and other contaminants and allowed to dry completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks shall be opened, filled with a steel trowel 7 Surface bedssuitable filler, slabssanded smooth and the surface coated with an approved primer Previously painted plaster board: Wash down ceilings and other plaster board surfaces with sugar soap and rinse well before painting Previously painted metal surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed. Surfaces shall be coated with an approved primer Previously painted wood surfaces: Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered or peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks and crevices shall be primed, etc 8 Ramp to falls Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth filled with a wood float 9 Surface beds, slabs, etc 10 Aprons to falls FORMWORK ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough formwork to sides 11 Edges, risers, ends suitable filler and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide SMOOTH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Smooth formwork to soffits 12 Slabs TEST CUBES 13 Allow for preparing a set of three concrete strength test cubes, each size 150 x 150 x 150mm, sending them to an approved Testing Laboratory for testing and paying all charges in connection therewith. (Provisional)sanded smooth

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