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For more information visit our privacy policy.Submitting False Claims; Monetary Penalties The AOC shall be entitled to remedy any false claims, as defined in California Government Code section 12650 et seq., made to the AOC by the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the standards set forth in Government Code section 12650 et seq. Any Contractor or Subcontractor who submits a false claim shall be liable to the AOC for three times the amount of damages that the AOC sustains because of the false claim. A Contractor or Subcontractor who submits a false claim shall also be liable to the AOC for (a) the costs, including attorney fees, of a civil action brought to recover any of those penalties or damages, and (b) a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each false claim.
Claims Payment The Reinsurer will be liable to the Company for its share of the benefits owed under the express contractual terms of the Reinsured Policies and as specified under the terms of this Agreement. The Reinsurer will not participate in any ex gratia payments made by the Company (i.e., payments the Company is not required to make under the Reinsured Policy terms.) The payment of death benefits by the Reinsurer will be in one lump sum regardless of the mode of settlement under the Reinsured Policy. Benefit payments from the Reinsurer will be due within 30 days of the claim satisfying the requirements established under this Agreement. The Reinsurer’s share of any interest payable under the terms of a Reinsured Policy or applicable law which is based on the death benefits paid by the Company, will be payable provided that the Reinsurer will not be liable for interest accruing on or after the date of the Company’s payment of benefits. The Reinsurer’s share will be based upon the same interest rate and days used by the Company to calculate their interest paid. The Reinsurer will make payment to the Company for each such claim. For Waiver of Premium claims, the Company will continue to pay premiums for reinsurance, except premiums for disability reinsurance. The Reinsurer will pay its proportionate share of the gross premium waived by the Company on the Reinsured Policy, including its share of the premiums for benefits that remain in effect during disability. I414848US-12 (11-01-2011) QT#04028US11 (COLI & BXXx) For claims on Accelerated Benefit riders reinsured under this Agreement, the benefit amount payable by the Reinsurer will be calculated by multiplying the total accelerated death benefit rider payout by the ratio of the reinsured Net Amount at Risk, as defined in Exhibit C -1, to the face amount of the Reinsured Policy.
Environmental and Social Safeguards (a) The Borrower, through PMD, shall ensure that each Sub-Project is prepared, implemented and monitored in accordance with the Implementation Guidelines for Social and Environmental Safeguards, which form a supplement to the Operations Manual, and all guidelines and checklists set out therein, including those specifically provided for Indigenous Peoples and land donation, and the Negative List. (b) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Implementation Guidelines for Social and Environmental Safeguards and those of this Agreement, the latter shall prevail. 2. The Borrower, through PMD, shall apply the section of the Implementation Guidelines for Social and Environmental Safeguards in each Sub-Project that may affect Indigenous Peoples, in a manner to ensure that the Sub-Project shall: (a) avoid, and, if not possible, minimize cultural, social and economic adverse effects on Indigenous Peoples, caused or likely to be caused by the Project, by taking appropriate mitigating measures; and (b) through a process of free, prior and informed participation, involve concerned Indigenous Peoples in the design and implementation of Sub- projects in which such people reside or make their living and design and implement measures so as to ensure that the benefits received by the Indigenous Peoples under the Project are in harmony with their economic, social and cultural preferences, and likely to protect their customary user rights and reduce, mitigate and offset any adverse impacts of Sub-projects. 3. The Borrower, through PMD, shall ensure that the proceeds of Kecamatan Grants shall not be used to finance the acquisition of land or compensation for involuntary resettlement and that no Sub-Project shall require or permit the involuntary acquisition of land or involuntary resettlement. The Borrower, through PMD, shall ensure that in any Sub-Project involving land donation, the planning and verification procedures for land donation (voluntary donation and donation with compensation) set out in the Implementation Guidelines for Social and Environmental Safeguards shall have been followed and documented in a manner satisfactory to the Bank and PMD prior to the commencement of the Sub-Project. 4. The Borrower shall ensure that the proceeds of the Loan are not used to finance any activities or materials on the Negative List as set out in Section A.2 of Annex 1 to this Schedule 2. 5. Without limiting the obligations under Section II.A of this Schedule 2, the Borrower shall include in each Project Report: (a) information on the status of compliance with the Implementation Guidelines for Social and Environmental Safeguards; (b) details of measures taken for each Sub-Project in the implementation of such guidelines; (c) conditions, if any, in any Sub-Project which interfere or threaten to interfere with the implementation of such guidelines; and (d) remedial measures taken or required to be taken to address such conditions.
Data Protection Impact Assessment If, pursuant to Data Protection Law, Customer (or its Controllers) are required to perform a data protection impact assessment or prior consultation with a regulator, at Customer’s request, SAP will provide such documents as are generally available for the Cloud Service (for example, this DPA, the Agreement, audit reports or certifications). Any additional assistance shall be mutually agreed between the Parties.
Claims Plus Claims Plus is a service that provides notice to Registrars that a domain name they are trying to register matches a trademark registered in a trademark database used by the Registry Operator.
Retiree Benefits – Process for Payment Any bargaining unit nurse who retires and wishes to participate in the benefit plans as outlined in article 17.01(h) will provide advance payment of the benefits either through post-dated cheques provided on a yearly basis or through a preauthorized withdrawal process. It is understood that any transaction would be dated the first of each and every month. The Employer will notify the Union of the benefit costs to retired nurses in January of each year, and each time the benefit costs are renegotiated by the Employer.
Claims Conditions a. In the event You incur a loss You must notify Us by providing the following: i. A completed claim form with Us, as soon as practicable. ii. Invoices from Your treating Veterinarian listing the services performed, products provided and the itemized charges for Treatment, including packages and/or discounts. iii. A payment receipt when submitting a handwritten invoice. If payment receipt is not provided the invoice will be verified with Your Veterinarian prior to claim processing. b. We reserve the right to ask for information from any Veterinarian that has ever seen Your Pet(s) in order to assess its health. c. We, at Our expense, have the right to have any covered Pet(s) examined by a Veterinarian of Our choice as often as reasonably necessary while a claim is pending. d. If You disagree with the decision made by Us, You have the right to an appeal. Any claim submitted for reconsideration must be submitted within sixty days (60), or as soon as reasonably practicable, of the decision and must be in writing on a Claims Redetermination Request Form. If the appeal is regarding a disagreement over medical facts, rather than Policy coverage or terms, We may, at Our own discretion, consult with an impartial Veterinarian selected by Us, who is independent and not controlled by Us, to conduct a review. Any such redetermination by the impartial Veterinarian will be binding on Us. e. If We pay a claim contrary to this Policy’s terms and conditions, that payment does not waive Our rights to apply those terms and conditions to any paid or any future claim. We also have the right to stop payment or recover from You any claim amount paid incorrectly. f. If You or anyone acting on Your behalf submits a fraudulent claim, all pending and future benefits under the Policy will be lost with respect to the Policy. g. No action can be taken against Us unless You have complied with all of the terms and conditions of this Policy, and ninety-one
Treatment of Unallowable Costs Previously Submitted for Payment Endo further agrees that within ninety (90) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement it shall identify to applicable Medicare and TRICARE fiscal intermediaries, carriers, and/or contractors, and Medicaid fiscal agents and FEHBP carriers and/or contractors, any Unallowable Costs (as defined in this paragraph) included in payments previously sought from the United States, or any State Medicaid program, including, but not limited to, payments sought in any cost reports, cost statements, information reports, or payment requests already submitted by Endo or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and shall request, and agree, that such cost reports, cost statements, information reports, or payment requests, even if already settled, be adjusted to account for the effect of the inclusion of the Unallowable Costs. Xxxx agrees that the United States, at a minimum, shall be entitled to recoup from Endo any overpayment plus applicable interest and penalties as a result of the inclusion of such Unallowable Costs on previously-submitted cost reports, information reports, cost statements, or requests for payment. Any payments due after the adjustments have been made shall be paid to the United States pursuant to the direction of the Department of Justice and/or the affected agencies. The United States reserves its rights to disagree with any calculations submitted by Endo or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates on the effect of inclusion of Unallowable Costs (as defined in this paragraph) on Endo or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates’ cost reports, cost statements, or information reports.
Claims Submission We will submit your claims and assist you in any way we reasonably can to help get your claims paid. Your insurance company may need you to supply certain information directly. It is your responsibility to comply with their request. Please be aware that the balance of your claim is your responsibility whether or not your insurance company pays your claim. Your insurance benefit is a contract between you and your insurance company; we are not party to that contract.
Data Protection Impact Assessment and Prior Consultation Processor shall provide reasonable assistance to the Company with any data protection impact assessments, and prior consultations with Supervising Authorities or other competent data privacy authorities, which Company reasonably considers to be required by article 35 or 36 of the GDPR or equivalent provisions of any other Data Protection Law, in each case solely in relation to Processing of Company Personal Data by, and taking into account the nature of the Processing and information available to, the Contracted Processors.