Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates Sample Clauses

Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption-certificate requirement, then, if the Purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption. Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 41.6. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax if the Purchasing Party (a) furnishes the Providing Party with a letter signed by an officer requesting such an exemption and citing the provision in the Applicable Law which clearly allows such exemption and (b) supplies the Providing Party with an indemnification agreement, reasonably acceptable to the Providing Party (e.g., an agreement commonly used in the industry), which holds the Providing Party harmless on an after-tax basis with respect to its forbearing to collect such Tax.
Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption certificate requirement, then, if the Purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption. Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section.41.
Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption-certificate requirement, then, if Cordia complies with such procedure, Verizon shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption. Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 39.6. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then Verizon shall not collect such Tax if Cordia (a) furnishes Verizon with a letter signed by an officer requesting such an exemption and citing the provision in the Applicable Law which clearly allows such exemption and (b) supplies Verizon with an indemnification agreement, reasonably acceptable to Verizon (e.g., an agreement commonly used in the industry), which holds Verizon harmless on an after-tax basis with respect to its forbearing to collect such Tax.
Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption-certificate requirement, then, if the purchasing Party
Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption certificate requirement, then, if the purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the providing Party shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption. Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 41.6. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then the providing Party shall not collect such Tax if the purchasing Party furnishes the providing Party with documentation certifying the purchasing Party’s right to an exemption.
Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption certificate requirement, then, if the Purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption° Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section.41.7. If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax if the Purchasing Party (a) furnishes the Providing Party with a letter signed by an officer requesting such an exemption and citing the provision in the Applicable Law which clearly allows such exemption and (b) supplies the Providing Party with an indemnification agreement, acceptable to the Providing Party, which holds the Providing Party harmless on an after-tax basis with respect to its forbearing to collect such Tax. 41_5 Liability for Uncollected Tax, Interest and Penalty. 41.5.1 If the Providing Party has not received an exemption certificate from the Purchasing Party and the Providing Party fails to bill the Purchasing Party for any Tax as required by Section 41_1, then, as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, (a) the Purchasing Party shall remain liable for such unbilled Tax and any interest assessed thereon and (b) the Providing Party shall be liable for any penalty assessed with respect to such unbilled Tax by a taxing authority. 41.5.2 If the Providing Party properly bills the Purchasing Party for any Tax but the Purchasing Party fails to remit such Tax to the Providing Party as required by Section 41 °2, then, as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, the Purchasing Party shall be liable for such uncollected Tax and any interest assessed thereon, as well as any penalty assessed with respect to such uncollected Tax by the applicable taxing authority° MSI SC Compv30c 22 41.5.3 IftheProvidinPgartydoesnotcollecat nyTaxasrequiredbySection 41.1becaustehePurchasinPgartyhasprovidedsuchProvidinPgarty withanexemptiocnertificattehatislaterfoundtobeinadequate, invalidorinapplicabbleya taxingauthorityth, en,asbetweetnhe ProvidinPgartyandthePurchasinPgarty,thePurchasinPgartyshall beliableforsuchuncollecteTdaxandanyinteresat ssessetdhereon, aswellasanypenaltyassessewd ithrespecttosuchuncollec...

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