Tenant’s First Right to Lease Lxxx 3 Sample Clauses

Tenant’s First Right to Lease Lxxx 3. If and when Landlord unilaterally elects to build Lusk 3 (i.e., not as the result of Tenant’s Lxxx 3 Trigger Notice described above in this Addendum), before entering into its first lease or letter of intent to lease all or a portion of Lxxx 0, Xxxxxxxx shall first give written notice to Tenant of its intent to develop and lease Lxxx 3, along with the terms on which Landlord would lease all of Lxxx 3 to Tenant, including rent, tenant improvement allowance, and rental increases (the “Lxxx 3 Offer”). If Tenant unconditionally accepts the Lxxx 3 Offer in writing within 30 days after its receipt of the Lxxx 3 Offer, this Lease will be amended to include all of Lxxx 3 as part of the Premises and to incorporate the terms of the Lxxx 3 Offer as to the Phase 3 Premises. Otherwise, this paragraph expires and becomes void in its entirety; provided, however, if Landlord’s initial lease of Lxxx 3 is for less than all of Lxxx 3 (with the balance of Lxxx 3 referred to as the Lxxx 3 Remainder Space”), then before entering into its first lease or letter of intent to lease all or a portion of the Lxxx 3 Remainder Space, Landlord shall first give written notice to Tenant of its intent to lease the Lxxx 3 Remainder Space, along with the terms on which Landlord would lease all of the Lxxx 3 Remainder Space to Tenant, including rent, tenant improvement allowance, and rental increases (the “Lxxx 3 Remainder Offer”). If Tenant unconditionally accepts the Lxxx 3 Remainder Offer in writing within 15 days after its receipt of the Lxxx 3 Remainder Offer, this Lease will be amended to include all of the Lxxx 3 Remainder Space as part of the Premises and to incorporate the terms of the Lxxx 3 Remainder Offer as to the Phase 3
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Related to Tenant’s First Right to Lease Lxxx 3

  • Right to Lease Landlord reserves the absolute right to effect such other tenancies in the Project as Landlord in the exercise of its sole business judgment shall determine to best promote the interests of the Building or Project. Tenant does not rely on the fact, nor does Landlord represent, that any specific tenant or type or number of tenants shall, during the Lease Term, occupy any space in the Building or Project.

  • Option to Lease The Receiver hereby grants to the Assuming Institution an exclusive option for the period of ninety (90) days commencing the day after Bank Closing to cause the Receiver to assign to the Assuming Institution any or all leases for leased Bank Premises, if any, which have been continuously occupied by the Assuming Institution from Bank Closing to the date it elects to accept an assignment of the leases with respect thereto to the extent such leases can be assigned; provided, that the exercise of this option with respect to any lease must be as to all premises or other property subject to the lease. If an assignment cannot be made of any such leases, the Receiver may, in its discretion, enter into subleases with the Assuming Institution containing the same terms and conditions provided under such existing leases for such leased Bank Premises or other property. The Assuming Institution shall give notice to the Receiver within the option period of its election to accept or not to accept an assignment of any or all leases (or enter into subleases or new leases in lieu thereof). The Assuming Institution agrees to assume all leases assigned (or enter into subleases or new leases in lieu thereof) pursuant to this Section 4.6. If the Assuming Institution gives notice of its election not to accept an assignment of a lease for one or more of the leased Bank Premises within seven (7) days of Bank Closing, then, not withstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the Assuming Institution shall not be liable for any of the costs or fees associated with appraisals for the Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment located on such leased Bank Premises.

  • Access to Leased Premises Landlord may enter the Leased Premises after business hours, upon twenty-four (24) hour notice to Tenant (and at any time and without notice in case of emergency), for the purposes of (a) inspect the Leased Premises, (b) exhibiting the Leased Premises to prospective purchasers, lenders or, within one hundred eighty (180) days of the end of the Term, prospective, (c) determining whether Tenant is complying with all of its obligations hereunder, (d) supplying janitorial service and any other services to be provided by Landlord to Tenant hereunder, (e) post notices of non-responsibility, and (f) make repairs required of Landlord under the terms hereof or repairs to any adjoining space or utility services or make repairs, alterations or improvements to any other portion of the Building. For such purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in, on or about the Leased Premises (excluding Tenant’s vaults, safes, storage facilities for sensitive materials, confidential patient files and similar areas designated in writing by Tenant in advance); and Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said doors in any emergency in order to obtain entry to the Leased Premises. If, as a result of any such inspection or for any reason, Landlord reasonably determines that Tenant has failed to meet its obligations under Section 5.2 hereof, Landlord shall so notify Tenant and Tenant shall immediately commence to cure any such failure. In the event Tenant refuses or neglects to commence and complete such cure within a reasonable time, Landlord may make or cause to be made such repairs. In such event, Landlord’s cost to make such repairs shall constitute an Advance.

  • Landlord’s Option to Repair Notwithstanding the terms of Section 11.1 of this Lease, Landlord may elect not to rebuild and/or restore the Premises, Building and/or Project, in which event this Lease shall terminate, by notifying Tenant in writing of such termination within sixty (60) days after the date of discovery of the damage, such notice will include a termination date giving Tenant sixty (60) days to vacate the Premises, but this Lease may be so terminated Landlord may so elect only if the Building or Project shall be damaged by fire or other casualty or cause, whether or not the Premises are affected, and one or more of the following conditions is present: (i) in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, repairs cannot reasonably be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of discovery of the damage (when such repairs are made without the payment of overtime or other premiums); (ii) the holder of any mortgage on the Building or Project or ground lessor with respect to the Building or Project shall require that the insurance proceeds or any portion thereof be used to retire the mortgage debt, or shall terminate the ground lease, as the case may be; (iii) the damage is not fully covered by Landlord’s insurance policies or that portion of the proceeds from Landlord’s insurance policies allocable to the Building or the Project, as the case may be; (iv) Landlord decides to rebuild the Building or Common Areas so that they will be substantially different structurally or architecturally; (v) the damage occurs during the last twelve (12) months of the Lease Term; or (vi) any owner of any other portion of the Project, other than Landlord, does not intend to repair the damage to such portion of the Project; provided, however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or a portion thereof or Common Areas necessary to Tenant’s occupancy and as a result of such damage the Premises are unfit for occupancy, and provided that Landlord does not elect to terminate this Lease pursuant to Landlord’s termination right as provided above, and either (a) the repairs cannot, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord’s contractor, be completed within two hundred seventy (270) days after being commenced, or (b) the damage occurs during the last twelve months of the Lease Term and will reasonably require in excess of ninety (90) days to repair, Tenant may elect, no earlier than sixty (60) days after the date of the damage and not later than ninety (90) days after the date of such damage, to terminate this Lease by written notice to Landlord effective as of the date specified in the notice, which date shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the date such notice is given by Tenant.

  • Option to Extend Lease Term At the expiration of the original Lease Term, Tenant may extend this Lease as to the entire Premises or a portion of the Premises for two (2) extended terms of five (5) years each (each an “Extended Term”) by giving Landlord written notice (the “Option Notice”) of its intention to do so not later than twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the original Lease Term, and thereafter twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the applicable Extended Term; provided, however, that Tenant is not in material default beyond any applicable notice and cure period under the Lease on the date of giving such notice or on the date of commencement of such Extended Term. The Option Notice shall set forth Tenant’s election to extend the Lease for all or a portion of the Premises. If Tenant elects to extend the Lease for only a portion of the Premises, the portion of the Premises for which Tenant elects not to extend the Lease shall be: (i) either located entirely on one floor of the Premises or located on one entire floor and a portion of the other floor; (ii) a minimum of 15,000 RSF; (iii) adjacent to a window line and easily accessible; and (iv) shall be in a readily marketable and leasable location. Landlord shall be responsible for any and all costs to separate the portion of the Premises for which Tenant elects not to extend the Lease from the remainder of the Premises such that the space is a separate easily accessible and readily marketable space promptly following the commencement of the applicable Extended Term. Any termination of the entire Lease shall result in automatic termination of this option. Tenant’s right to extend the Lease Term provided herein is personal to Tenant and may not be assigned or otherwise transferred except in connection with a permitted assignment of this Lease, including to a Tenant’s Affiliate. The Extended Term shall be upon all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, except that the following rights of Tenant during the original Lease Term shall not apply during such Extended Term unless granted as part of the Fair Market Rental: (a) any right to rent-free possession; (b) any right to further extension of the Lease Term beyond the Extended Terms set forth herein above; (c) any right to continue to pay the same Base Rent; (d) any right to additional Tenant Allowance; (e) any right to terminate the Extended Term early; (f) any right to continue to exclude HVAC Capital Expenditures; (g) cost of security for the Building; and (h) the right to the continuation of any cap on Controllable Operating Expenses from the previous year (it being understood that the Operating Expenses for the first twelve (12) months of each new Extended Term shall be the actual Operating Expenses without any cap and thereafter the cap set forth in Section 4.2(e) shall apply). Landlord and Tenant hereby acknowledge and agree that the Base Rent during each Extended Term shall be equal to ninety-five (95%) of the Base Rent component of the “Fair Market Rental” and one hundred percent (100%) of the economic concessions, including without limitation, free rent, improvement allowance, base year and other monetary concessions, component of the Fair Market Rental for the Premises, as determined by as follows:

  • Damage to Leased Premises 14 10.1 Landlord's Duty To Restore................................... ..........14 10.2 Insurance Proceeds......................................................14 10.3 Landlord's Right To Terminate ..........................................14 10.4 Tenant's Right To Terminate.............................................15 10.5 Tenant's Waiver.........................................................15

  • FORM OF TENANT’S ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE The undersigned as Tenant under that certain Lease (the “Lease”) made and entered into as of ___________, 201_ by and between _______________ as Landlord, and the undersigned as Tenant, for Premises on the ______________ floor(s) of the office building located at [INSERT BUILDING ADDRESS], certifies as follows:

  • Agreement to Lease Lessor hereby agrees to lease the Aircraft to Lessee, and Lessee hereby agrees to lease the Aircraft from Lessor, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Lease.

  • Landlord’s Recapture Right If, at any time during the term of the Lease, Tenant fails to satisfy the Operating Condition (defined below), for reasons other than Excused Closure (defined below), and such failure continues for six (6) consecutive months or more, then upon notice from Landlord to Tenant at any time thereafter (provided that the Operating Condition remains unsatisfied), Landlord shall have the right to terminate the Lease and to recapture the Leased Premises, without payment to Tenant, effective upon the date set forth in Landlord’s termination notice (but not sooner than 30 days after the date of the termination notice).

  • TO LEASE This Rider No. 1 is made and entered into by and between LBA REALTY FUND III - COMPANY VII, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”), and INPHI CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”), as of the day and year of the Lease between Landlord and Tenant to which this Rider is attached. Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that, notwithstanding anything contained in the Lease to the contrary, the provisions set forth below shall be deemed to be part of the Lease and shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of the Lease. All references in the Lease and in this Rider to the “Lease” shall be construed to mean the Lease (and all Exhibits and Riders attached thereto), as amended and supplemented by this Rider. All capitalized terms not defined in this Rider shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Lease.

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