Termination of direct endorsement approval Sample Clauses

Termination of direct endorsement approval. If a mortgagee’s direct en- dorsement approval is terminated, it may not underwrite single family in- sured mortgages for the area(s) identi- fied in the termination notice, unless the direct endorsement approval is re- instated by the Secretary in accord- ance with paragraph (e) of this section, notwithstanding any other provision of this part except § 202.3(c)(2)(vii)(A).
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Related to Termination of direct endorsement approval

  • Certificate of Insurance/Endorsements A certificate of insurance from an insurer with a Best's rating of no less than A- indicating compliance with the required coverages has been received by State Procurement Bureau, X.X. Xxx 000000, Xxxxxx, XX 00000-0000. The certificates must name the State of Montana as certificate holder and Contractor shall provide copies of additional insured endorsements required by Contractor’s commercial general liability and automobile liability policies. Contractor must notify State immediately of any material change in insurance coverage, such as changes in limits, coverages, change in status of policy, etc. State reserves the right to require complete copies of insurance policies at all times.

  • Required Endorsements The Commercial General Liability policy shall contain the following endorsements, which shall accompany the Certificate of Insurance:

  • Product Endorsement Contractor shall comply with Council Policy 000-41 which requires that other than listing the City as a client and other limited endorsements, any advertisements, social media, promotions or other marketing referring to the City as a user of a product or service will require prior written approval of the Mayor or designee. Use of the City Seal or City logos is prohibited.

  • Certificate of Substantial Completion The certificate prepared by the Designer and approved by the Owner to the effect that the Work has reached Substantial Completion.

  • Additional Endorsements The Auto and Commercial General Liability Policies shall name the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents for and on behalf of The Texas A&M University System as additional insured’s.

  • Non-Endorsement As a result of the selection of a consultant to supply services to the City, the consultant agrees to make no reference to the City in any literature, promotional material, brochures, sales presentation or the like without the express written consent of the City.

  • Policy Cancellation Endorsement Except for ten days notice for non-payment of premium, each insurance policy shall be endorsed to specify that without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City of Sparks, the policy shall not be cancelled, non-renewal or coverage and/or limits reduced or materially altered, and shall provide that notices required by this paragraph shall be sent by certified mailed to the address specified above. A copy of this signed endorsement must be attached to the Certificate of Insurance.

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