the Grant Recipient breaches the Code of Conduct for Grant Recipients (the Sample Clauses

the Grant Recipient breaches the Code of Conduct for Grant Recipients (the. “Code of Conduct”) and/or fails to report an actual or suspected breach of the Code of Conduct by the Grant Recipient or its Representatives in accordance with paragraph 28. Rights reserved for the Authority in relation to an Event of Default
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Related to the Grant Recipient breaches the Code of Conduct for Grant Recipients (the

  • the Grant Recipient (a) possesses or will possess a Secure Legal Interest in the Site;

  • Grant Remedies Termination and Prohibited Activities 18 9.1 Remedies 18 9.2 Termination for Convenience 19 9.3 Termination for Cause 19

  • Limitation of Vendor Indemnification and Similar Clauses This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, is prohibited from indemnifying third-parties (pursuant to the Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution) except as otherwise specifically provided for by law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution states that "no debt shall be created by or on behalf of the State … " and the Texas Attorney General has opined that a contractually imposed obligation of indemnity creates a "debt" in the constitutional sense. Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. MW-475 (1982). Thus, contract clauses which require TIPS to indemnify Vendor, pay liquidated damages, pay attorney's fees, waive Vendor's liability, or waive any applicable statute of limitations must be deleted or qualified with ''to the extent permitted by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas." Does Vendor agree? Yes, I Agree Alternative Dispute Resolution Limitations This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, does not agree to binding arbitration as a remedy to dispute and no such provision shall be permitted in this Agreement with TIPS. Vendor agrees that any claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, except those specifically and expressly waived or negotiated within this Agreement, may be subject to non-binding mediation at the request of either party to be conducted by a mutually agreed upon mediator as prerequisite to the filing of any lawsuit arising out of or related to this Agreement. Mediation shall be held in either Camp or Titus County, Texas. Agreements reached in mediation will be subject to the approval by the Region 8 ESC's Board of Directors, authorized signature of the Parties if approved by the Board of Directors, and, once approved by the Board of Directors and properly signed, shall thereafter be enforceable as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees No Waiver of TIPS Immunity This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign or government immunity; nor constitute or be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department. The failure to enforce, or any delay in the enforcement, of any privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department under this Agreement or under applicable law shall not constitute a waiver of such privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities or be considered as a basis for estoppel. 5 Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Payment Terms and Funding Out Clause This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that TIPS and TIPS Members shall not be liable for interest or late-payment fees on past-due balances at a rate higher than permitted by the laws or regulations of the jurisdiction of the TIPS Member. Funding-Out Clause: Vendor agrees to abide by the applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Texas Local Government Code § 271.903, or any other statutory or regulatory limitation of the jurisdiction of any TIPS Member, which requires that contracts approved by TIPS or a TIPS Member are subject to the budgeting and appropriation of currently available funds by the entity or its governing body. 2

  • Independence from Material Breach Determination Except as set forth in Section X.D.1.c, these provisions for payment of Stipulated Penalties shall not affect or otherwise set a standard for OIG’s decision that CHSI has materially breached this CIA, which decision shall be made at OIG’s discretion and shall be governed by the provisions in Section X.D, below.

  • Employment of Consultants Part A General Consultants’ services shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of the Introduction and Section IV of the “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers” published by the Bank in January 1997 and revised in September 1997 and January 1999 (the Consultant Guidelines) and the following provisions of Section II of this Schedule. Part B: Quality- and Cost-based Selection

  • Employment of Consultants Part A: General Consultants’ services shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of the Introduction and Section IV of the “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers” published by the Bank in January 1997 and revised in September 1997 and January 1999 (the Consultant Guidelines) and the following provisions of Section II of this Schedule. Part B: Quality- and Cost-based Selection

  • RESTRICTION ON OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT 55.01 Unless otherwise specified by the Employer as being in an area that could represent a conflict of interest, employees shall not be restricted in engaging in other employment outside the hours they are required to work for the Employer.

  • License Grant & Restrictions hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide right to use the Service, solely for your own internal business purposes, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by and its licensors. You may not access the Service if you are a direct competitor of, except with's prior written consent. In addition, you may not access the Service for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes. You shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Service or the Content in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the Service or the Content; (iii) create Internet "links" to the Service or "frame" or "mirror" any Content on any other server or wireless or Internet-based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the Service in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service. User licenses cannot be shared or used by more than one individual User but may be reassigned from time to time to new Users who are replacing former Users who have terminated employment or otherwise changed job status or function and no longer use the Service. You may use the Service only for your internal business purposes and shall not: (i) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages in violation of applicable laws; (ii) send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including material harmful to children or violative of third party privacy rights; (iii) send or store material containing software viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; (iv) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Service or the data contained therein; or (v) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or its related systems or networks. Certain editions of the Service offer integration capabilities via an application programming interface, or API. The number of API calls you can make per account is limited as follows (excluding calls resulting from use of client applications, such as Offline Edition, and AppExchange applications): - Enterprise Edition (and Professional Edition with API access add-on): 1,000 calls/day/User (aggregated over all Users under the account), up to an aggregate maximum of 1,000,000 calls/day/account.

  • Employee Who Acts as Representative Where an employee wishes to represent at a meeting with the Employer, an employee who has presented a grievance, the Employer will, where operational requirements permit, grant leave with pay to the representative when the meeting is held in the headquarters area of such employee and leave without pay when the meeting is held outside the headquarters area of such employee.

  • Applicable law and competent court 15.1 The Agreement is governed by law of the Czech Republic.

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