Common use of The School will Clause in Contracts

The School will. ♦ Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will meet the individual needs of your child ♦ Promote the school Values of ‘Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Expect and encourage a high standard of behaviour and work ♦ Create a safe and caring environment for your child ♦ Contact parents if there is a concern regarding attendance, punctuality, behaviour or any concerns which affect their work or social inclusion ♦ Keep parents informed about general school matters through newsletters and notices and pupil’s progress through written reports and parent’s meetings ♦ Provide regular homework suitable for the pupil’s age range The Parents/Carers will support the school by : ♦ Ensuring that their child/children attends school daily and is punctual ♦ Wearing the correct uniform ♦ Supervising their child/children on the playground before and after school ♦ Provide an explanation ( phone/writing/Parent App) for absence on the first day ♦ Ensuring that their child/children are picked up on time ♦ Attend parent meetings ♦ Support the school’s policy and guidelines and ethos on attendance, behaviour, safety, teaching and learning ♦ Keep the school informed of any concerns or problems which may affect their child’s learning or behaviour ♦ Support and promote the school Values of Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Encourage your child to use his/her initiative and develop confidence, independence and resilience The Children: ♦ Attend school regularly, on time, wearing the correct school uniform ♦ Follow the schools rules ,values and ethos on a daily basis ♦ Be responsible for their choices regarding work, attitude and behaviour ♦ Show ‘Respect for All’ for all staff ,children, parents and visitors Headteacher: Mrs. J Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X00 0XX

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The School will. ♦ Provide ✓ Ensure staff are role models for children by being polite, kind and respectful to all. ✓ Care for all children and provide a safe and happy learning environment where children can achieve their potential. ✓ Follow safeguarding practices and procedures to keep children safe from harm. ✓ Encourage children to do their best at all times and to take care of their surroundings and of others around them. ✓ Teach a broad and balanced curriculum which will meet and ensure all children have full access to all aspects of the individual needs curriculum. ✓ Provide children with a bright, stimulating learning environment. ✓ Track the progress of your child ♦ Promote the school Values all children and give additional support when necessary. ✓ Inform parents of ‘Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Expect and encourage a high standard of behaviour and work ♦ Create a safe and caring environment for your child ♦ Contact parents if there is a concern regarding attendance, punctuality, behaviour or any concerns which affect their work or social inclusion ♦ children’s progress at regular meetings. ✓ Keep parents informed about general school matters activities through newsletters newsletters, the school website, noticeboards, texts and notices flyers for special events. ✓ Be welcoming at all times and pupil’s progress through written reports and parent’s meetings ♦ Provide regular homework suitable offer opportunities for the pupilwhole family to become involved in the life of the school. Headteacher’s age range The Parentssignature: X Xxxxx As Parents or Carers I/Carers will support we will: ✓ Make sure my/our child arrives promptly ready to start school at 8.45am. ✓ Make sure my/our child attends regularly and ring the school before 9:30am if my/our child is absent ✓ Be a role model for my/our child by : ♦ Ensuring that their being polite, kind and respectful to others. ✓ Make sure my/our child comes properly equipped and wearing correctly labelled school uniform and provide them with a labelled drinks bottle containing water. ✓ Not take holidays during term time unless it is absolutely necessary. If a holiday needs to be taken, I/we will speak with the Headteacher who will decide whether or not it should be authorised. ✓ Use Parent Pay to access school communication and keep up to date with events. ✓ Attend open evenings/events/workshops held to discuss our child’s progress. ✓ Give support with any homework or other opportunities for home learning. ✓ Read with my child/children attends school daily at least 4 times every week and is punctual ♦ Wearing the correct uniform ♦ Supervising record this in their child/reading diary, KS2 children on the playground before and after school ♦ Provide an explanation ( phone/writing/Parent App) for absence on the first day ♦ Ensuring that may also write in their child/children are picked up on time ♦ Attend parent meetings ♦ Support the school’s policy and guidelines and ethos on attendance, behaviour, safety, teaching and learning ♦ Keep own diary to record home reading. ✓ Make sure the school informed is aware of any concerns or problems which may that might affect their my/our child’s learning work or behaviour. ✓ Complete consent forms/online promptly. ✓ Pay for items including lunches and/or clubs in advance, thereby not incurring a debt. ✓ Support the school’s expectations of good behaviour ♦ Support and promote work with the school Values of Responsibilityto help my child behave in accordance with the school rules. Parent’s/Xxxxx’s signature: As a pupil I will: ✓ Be Ready, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Encourage your child to use his/her initiative Be Safe and develop confidence, independence Be Respectful at all times. ✓ Follow the school values and resilience The Children: ♦ Attend school regularly, on time, wearing the Playground Charter ✓ Wear correct school uniform ♦ Follow every day. ✓ Have appropriate P.E. kit in school, including trainers for the schools rules ,values daily run. ✓ Bring all equipment needed each day. ✓ Try hard with all school work and ethos on homework and do all tasks to the best of my ability. ✓ Look after and not lose any school books that I take home. ✓ Help us to look after our school. ✓ Try hard to be a daily basis ♦ Be responsible for their choices regarding work, attitude and behaviour ♦ Show ‘Respect for All’ for all staff ,children, parents and visitors Headteacher: Mrs. J Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X00 0XX school role model.

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Samples: School Agreement

The School will. Provide a foundation for lifelong learning • Meet the requirements of the National Curriculum • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will meet the individual needs • Enable children to do their best at all times by setting appropriate targets • Encourage children to take pride in their achievements • Encourage children to show a caring attitude towards each other • Encourage children to take care of your child ♦ Promote the school Values of ‘Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Expect and encourage a high standard of behaviour and work ♦ Create their surroundings • Provide a safe and caring secure environment for your child ♦ Contact the children • Enable children to talk about anything that is worrying them • Welcome parents if there is a concern regarding attendance, punctuality, behaviour or in to school and keep them informed about school and government initiatives • Inform parents of their children’s progress and suggest ways that they can support their education • Ensure that parents know procedures for expressing any concerns which affect their work or social inclusion ♦ Keep parents informed about general school matters through newsletters and notices and pupil’s progress through written reports and parent’s meetings ♦ Provide regular homework suitable for the pupil’s age range The Parents/Carers will support • Ensure that all the school community is aware of safeguarding children and child protection procedures THE PARENTS WILL: • Encourage children in their learning and offer appropriate support • Encourage their children to become independent and take responsibility for their personal organisation • Attend parents’ evenings to discuss their children’s learning • Make sure their children arrive on time • Make sure their children attend regularly, inform the school of any absence and avoid taking holidays in term time where possible • Inform the school of anything, which, they feel, may be affecting their children’s learning • Share any concerns they have by : ♦ Ensuring that their child/children attends school daily and is punctual ♦ Wearing talking to the correct uniform ♦ Supervising their child/children on the playground before and after school ♦ Provide an explanation ( phone/writing/Parent App) for absence on class teacher, in the first day ♦ Ensuring that their child/children are picked up on time ♦ Attend parent meetings ♦ instance, and then the headteachers if appropriate • Support the school’s policy and guidelines and ethos on attendance, behaviour, safety, teaching and learning ♦ Keep expectations of behaviour when they are with their children in the school informed environment THE CHILD WILL: • Try to respect the feelings of any other children and adults • Try their best to co-operate with others • Show regard for their own safety and the safety of others • Try their best to behave in a courteous manner • Have a positive attitude in all they do • Take pride in their work and try their best • Share their successes with their families • Tell someone if they have worries or concerns or problems which may affect their child’s learning or behaviour ♦ Support and promote that are making them unhappy • Strive to take care of the school Values and its surroundings • Try their best to be a responsible member of Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Encourage your child the school community REVIEW FRAMEWORK Headteacher Xxxx Xxxxxxx Signed 16/01/23 Chair of Governors Xxxxx Xxxxx Signed 16/01/23 The policy will be reviewed every 2 years (or sooner in the event of revised legislation or guidance). REVIEWED BY: REVIEW DATE: January 2025 If you have any queries or require further information please do not hesitate to use his/her initiative and develop confidence, independence and resilience The Children: ♦ Attend school regularly, contact us on time, wearing the correct school uniform ♦ Follow the schools rules ,values and ethos on a daily basis ♦ Be responsible for their choices regarding work, attitude and behaviour ♦ Show ‘Respect for All’ for all staff ,children, parents and visitors Headteacher: Mrs. J Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X00 0XX 000000 or email

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The School will. ♦ Provide Encourage the whole school community to support the aims of the school • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum based on the national curriculum and Norfolk Policy Guidelines • Encourage high standards of achievement and presentation • Match our teaching to the pupils’ abilities and seek to bring out the best in every child, encouraging each child to discover his/her own special talents • Continue to set and meet challenging targets • Set homework regularly for pupils which will meet reinforces their current learning • Provide a welcoming environment to encourage attendance, monitor the individual needs of your child ♦ attendance and liaise with parents • Promote the school Values of ‘Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Expect and encourage a high standard standards of behaviour and work ♦ Create will take action in line with our Code of Conduct /Positive Behaviour Policy when these standards are not met • Communicate fully with parents using a safe variety of means on all aspects of school life • Promote a sense of identity and caring environment for your child ♦ Contact parents if there is a concern regarding attendance, punctuality, behaviour or any concerns which affect their work or social inclusion ♦ Keep parents informed about general community by ensuring all pupils adhere to our dress code as detailed in our school matters through newsletters and notices and pupil’s progress through written reports and parent’s meetings ♦ Provide regular homework suitable for the pupil’s age range The prospectus Parents/Carers will support the school by We will: ♦ Ensuring that their child/children attends school daily and is punctual ♦ Wearing the correct uniform ♦ Supervising their child/children on the playground before and after school ♦ Provide an explanation ( phone/writing/Parent App) for absence on the first day ♦ Ensuring that their child/children are picked up on time ♦ Attend parent meetings ♦ Support the school’s policy ethos and guidelines aims • Encourage our child to make the most of the opportunities offered • Ensure our child attends school regularly and ethos on attendancetime • Ensure that our child arrives at school between 8.40-8.50 a.m. • Understand that if our child arrives later than 8.50 a.m. he/she will be late! • Ensure our child arrives at school in the correct uniform and suitably equipped • Provide a note of explanation or telephone when our child is absent or late • Ensure family holidays are taken outside of term time, behaviour, safety, teaching and learning ♦ Keep will ensure our child is in school for the Statutory Test week in Year 6. • Support the school informed in its efforts to maintain high standards of behaviour and assist in implementing the Code of Conduct and Behaviour policy procedures if asked to do so • Support the variety of learning opportunities and encourage our child to complete homework tasks • Inform the school of any concerns or problems which may might affect their our child’s learning work or behaviour ♦ Support behaviour, including any medical condition. • Communicate fully with the school, including positive feedback in addition to concerns and promote the school Values of Responsibility, Expectation, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care, Teamwork ’ through ‘Respect for All’ ♦ Encourage your child queries • Attend Assertive Mentoring parent meetings to use his/her initiative and develop confidence, independence and resilience The Childrendiscuss our child’s progress Pupils I will try my best to: Attend school regularly, on timeat the right times, wearing with the correct appropriate equipment • Wear school uniform ♦ Follow • Do all my class work and homework as well as I can • Be polite and considerate to everyone in school and keep the schools rules ,values school’s Code of Conduct • Take care of my school and ethos on a daily basis ♦ Be responsible for their choices regarding work, attitude and behaviour ♦ Show ‘Respect for All’ for all staff ,children, parents and visitors Headteacher: Mrs. J Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X00 0XX in it

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Samples: School Agreement

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