THE SEAL Sample Clauses
THE SEAL. The seal of the Company shall be in such form as the Board may from time to time determine. The Board may adopt one or more duplicate seals for use outside Bermuda.
THE SEAL. 37.1 The seal shall be used only by the authority of a resolution of the Board or of a committee of the Board. The Board may determine whether any instrument to which the seal is affixed, shall be signed and, if it is to be signed, who shall sign it. Unless otherwise determined by the Board:
(a) share certificates and, subject to the provisions of any instrument constituting the same, certificates issued under the seal in respect of any debentures or other securities, need not be signed and any signature may be applied to any such certificate by any mechanical, electronic or other means or may be printed on it; and
(b) every other instrument to which the seal is affixed shall be signed by two authorised persons or by a Director in the presence of a witness who attests the signature and for this purpose an authorised person is any Director or the secretary of the Company.
37.2 Any document may be executed under the seal by impressing the seal by mechanical means or by printing the seal or a facsimile of it on the document or by applying the seal or a facsimile of it by any other means to the document. A document executed, with the authority of a resolution of the Board, in any manner permitted by section 44(2) of the Companies Act and expressed (in whatever form of words) to be executed by the Company has the same effect as if executed under the seal.
37.3 Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may have an official seal for use in any place.
THE SEAL. The seal shall be used only by the authority of a resolution of the Board or of a committee of the Board. The Board may determine whether any instrument to which the seal is affixed, shall be signed and, if it is to be signed, who shall sign it. Unless otherwise determined by the Board:
THE SEAL. 38.1 The Seal of the Company shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Board, provided always that such authority may be given prior to or after the affixing of the Seal and if given after may be in general form confirming a number of affixings of the Seal. The Seal shall be affixed in the presence of any one or more persons as the Board may appoint for the purpose and every person as aforesaid shall sign every instrument to which the Seal of the Company is so affixed in their presence.
38.2 The Company may maintain a facsimile of its Seal in such countries or places as the Board may appoint and such facsimile Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Board provided always that such authority may be given prior to or after the affixing of such facsimile Seal and if given after may be in general form confirming a number of affixings of such facsimile Seal. The facsimile Seal shall be affixed in the presence of such person or persons as the Board shall for this purpose appoint and such person or persons as aforesaid shall sign every instrument to which the facsimile Seal of the Company is so affixed in their presence of and the instrument signed by a Director or the secretary (or an assistant secretary) of the Company or in the presence of any one or more persons as the board may appoint for the purpose.
38.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Director shall have the authority to affix the Seal, or the facsimile Seal, to any instrument for the purposes of attesting authenticity of the matter contained therein but which does not create any obligation binding on the Company.
THE SEAL. 33.1 The Board may authorise the production of a common seal of the Company and one or more duplicate common seals of the Company, which shall consist of a circular device with the name of the Company around the outer margin thereof and the country and year of registration in Bermuda across the centre thereof.
33.2 Any document required to be under seal or executed as a deed on behalf of the Company may be:
(a) executed under the Seal in accordance with these Bye-Laws; or
(b) signed or executed by any person authorised by the Board for that purpose, without the use of the Seal.
33.3 The Board shall provide for the custody of every Seal. A Seal shall only be used by authority of the Board or of a committee constituted by the Board. Subject to these Bye-Laws, any instrument to which a Seal is affixed shall be attested by the signature of:
(a) a Director; or
(b) the Secretary; or
(c) any one person authorised by the Board for that purpose. Bye-laws of Platinum Underwriters Holdings Ltd. 26 of 33
THE SEAL. The Seal, its custody 171.
THE SEAL. The Directors shall provide for safe custody of the Seal which shall only be used with the authority of the Directors or of a committee authorised by the Directors in that behalf; and every instrument to which the Seal shall be affixed shall be signed by one Director or the Secretary or by some other person appointed by the Directors for the purpose.
THE SEAL. 135 The Seal of the Company shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Board of Directors provided always that such authority may be given prior to or after the affixing of the Seal and if given after may be in general form confirming a number of affixings of the Seal. The Seal shall be affixed in the presence of any one or more persons as the Directors may appoint for the purpose and every person as aforesaid shall sign every instrument to which the Seal of the Company is so affixed in their presence. 136 The Company may maintain a facsimile of its Seal in such countries or places as the Directors may appoint and such facsimile Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Board of Directors provided always that such authority may be given prior to or after the affixing of such facsimile Seal and if given after may be in general form confirming a number of affixings of such facsimile Seal. The facsimile Seal shall be affixed in the presence of such person or persons as the Directors shall for this purpose appoint, and such person or persons as aforesaid shall sign every instrument to which the facsimile Seal of the Company is so affixed in their presence . 137 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Director shall have the authority to affix the Seal, or the facsimile Seal, to any instrument for the purposes of attesting authenticity of the matter contained therein but which does not create any obligation binding on the Company.
THE SEAL. 31.1 If the Company has a seal it shall only be used with the authority of the Directors or of a committee of Directors. The Directors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Director and by the Secretary or a second Director. The obligation under ARTICLE 5 relating to the sealing of share certificates shall apply only if the Company has a seal.
31.2 The Company may exercise the powers conferred by Section 39 of the Act with regard to having an official seal for use abroad, and such powers shall be vested in the Directors.
THE SEAL. The directors shall procure a seal for the Company and shall provide for its safe custody.