Types of Expenses Subject to Reimbursement Sample Clauses

Types of Expenses Subject to Reimbursement. In-State Lodging Reimbursement for in-state lodging is limited to actual costs incurred when Contractor cannot reasonably avoid incurring this expense and the expense is necessary. Contractor shall seek commercial or government rates. The maximum allowable amount for lodging is the current rate for reimbursement according to the payment policy. Amounts exceeding the lodging expense maximums will be disallowed unless the higher rate has been preauthorized by the the Office of Public Defense Services.
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Related to Types of Expenses Subject to Reimbursement

  • Reimbursement of Expenses The Company shall reimburse Executive, upon presentation of proper expense statements, for all authorized, ordinary and necessary out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by Executive during the Term in connection with the performance of his services pursuant to this Agreement hereunder in accordance with the Company’s expense reimbursement policy.

  • Payment of Expenses The Company hereby agrees to pay, to the extent not paid at Closing, all Company expenses incidental to the performance of the obligations of the Company under this Agreement, including but not limited to (i) the Company’s legal and accounting fees and disbursements, (ii) the preparation, printing, filing, mailing and delivery (including the payment of postage with respect to such mailing) of the Registration Statement, the Preliminary Sale Prospectus and the Prospectus, including any pre or post effective amendments or supplements thereto, and the printing and mailing of this Agreement and related documents, including the cost of all copies thereof and any amendments thereof or supplements thereto supplied to the Underwriters in quantities as may be required by the Underwriters, (iii) fees incurred in connection with conducting background checks of the Company’s management team, up to a maximum of $2,000 per principal or $20,000 in the aggregate, (iv) the preparation, printing, engraving, issuance and delivery of the Units, the Common Stock and the Warrants included in the Units, including any transfer or other taxes payable thereon, (v) filing fees incurred in registering the Offering with FINRA and the reasonable fees of counsel to the Representative not to exceed $15,000 in connection therewith, (vi) fees, costs and expenses incurred in listing the Securities on Nasdaq or such other stock exchanges as the Company and the Representative together determine, (vii) all fees and disbursements of the transfer and warrant agent, (viii) all of the Company’s expenses associated with “due diligence” and “road show” meetings arranged by the Representative and any presentations made available by way of a netroadshow, including without limitation trips for the Company’s management to meet with prospective investors, all travel, food and lodging expenses associated with such trips incurred by the Company or such management; (ix) $100,000 to Odeon for its services and expenses as the QIU; and (x) all other costs and expenses customarily borne by an issuer incidental to the performance of its obligations hereunder which are not otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 3.10. If the Offering is consummated, the Representative may deduct from the net proceeds of the Offering payable to the Company on the Closing Date the expenses set forth above (which shall be mutually agreed upon between the Company and the Representative prior to Closing) to be paid by the Company to the Representative and others. If the Offering is not consummated for any reason (other than a breach by the Representative of any of its obligations hereunder), then the Company shall reimburse the Representative in full for its out-of-pocket accountable expenses actually incurred through such date, including, without limitation, reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel to the Representative.

  • Indemnification of City The Permittee shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees, from and against all suits or claims that may be based upon any damage or injury or death, to any person or property that may occur, or that may be alleged to have occurred, in the course of the use of the Premises by the Permittee, and also whether such claims be made by an owner, officer, principal, employee, or a contractor or its employees, of the Permittee, or by any third party, also including Event and Festival licensees and vendors, their owners, principals, employees, and their contractors and contractor’s employees, and by members of the public, and whether or not it shall be claimed that the damage or injury or death was caused through the negligent act or omission in whole or in part of the City and/or its officers and/or employees. The Permittee shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees, from and against all suits or claims that may be based upon any liability of the City, including such that may arise under U.S. Copyright Laws, to all music licensing agencies (including but not limited to SESAC, BMI and ASCAP) and any other third parties resulting from or accruing from Permittee’s unlicensed authorization, sponsoring or presenting recorded or live music on City property or in City buildings or facilities. The Permittee shall, at the Permittee’s own expense, pay all charges of attorneys, and all costs and other expenses arising therefrom or incurred in connection therewith, and if any judgment shall be rendered against the City and/or its officers and/or its employees in any such action, or actions, the Permittee, at the Permittee’s own expense, shall satisfy and discharge the same. The preceding shall not apply to require indemnification by Permittee for any liability, claims, suits, etc., arising from action by officers of the Bethlehem Police Department.

  • Deposits for Charges Subject to Escalation Deposits requested to cover estimated charges for timber subject to escalation under B3.2 shall be based upon Current Contract Rates and related de- posits in effect during previous calendar quarter. B4.215 Deposits When Payment Xxxxxx- xxxx. To the extent payment guarantee is provided under B4.3, requirements for advance cash deposits under B4.212 shall be waived for the value of timber on Sale Area that is cut, but not removed, and for the value of products removed from Sale Area for not more than a monthly billing period, subject to the provisions of B4.4. B4.216 Blanket Cash Deposits. Purchaser may make cash deposits under a written agreement to cover charges made under this and other timber sale con- tracts within the same National Forest. Forest Service shall allocate such deposits to such timber sales. When there is to be no timber cutting hereunder for 30 days or more and payment of current charges has been made, the allocation to this timber sale shall be reallocated to other timber sales within the same National Forest at Purchaser’s request. Purchaser shall not start cutting until allocation has again been made to this timber sale.

  • General Expenses You authorize the Manager to charge your account with your Underwriting Percentage of all expenses of a general nature incurred by the Manager and Co-Managers under the applicable AAU in connection with the Offering, including the negotiation and preparation thereof, or in connection with the purchase, carrying, marketing and sale of any securities under the applicable AAU and any Intersyndicate Agreement, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses, transfer taxes, costs associated with approval of the Offering by the NASD and the costs of currency transactions (including forward and hedging currency transactions) entered into to facilitate settlement of the purchase of Securities permitted under Section 3.1 hereof.

  • Exculpation and Indemnification (a) No Protected Person shall be liable to the Company or any Manager or any other Member for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it or by other Person with respect to the Company, including any negligent act or failure to act, except in the case of a liability resulting from such Protected Person’s own actual fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct, bad faith, breach of fiduciary duty, reckless disregard of duty or any intentional and material breach of this Agreement or conduct that is subject of a criminal proceeding (where such Protected Person has reasonable cause to believe that such conduct was unlawful). With the prior consent of the Board, any Protected Person may consult with legal counsel and accountants with respect to Company affairs (including interpretations of this Agreement) and shall be fully protected and justified in any action or inaction which is taken or omitted in good faith, in reliance upon and in accordance with the opinion or advice of such counsel or accountants. In determining whether a Protected Person acted with the requisite degree of care, such Protected Person shall be entitled to rely on written or oral reports, opinions, certificates and other statements of the directors, officers, employees, consultants, attorneys, accountants and professional advisors of the Company selected with reasonable care; provided that no such Protected Person may rely upon such statements if it believed that such statements were materially false.

  • Non-Reimbursable Expenses In addition to the non-reimbursable items set forth above in this Policy, the following is a non-exhaustive list of expenses that will not be reimbursed by Xxxxxxxxxx County:

  • Additional Expenses The Underwriter will pay all expenses (e.g., shipping, postage and courier costs) associated with the delivery of the Prospectus to prospective investors and investors, other than the costs of delivery to the Underwriter's facilities, provided, that if courier services (other than overnight delivery services utilized in the ordinary course of business) are required to ensure that the Prospectus is delivered to investors on the day immediately preceding the Closing Date, the Company will pay such courier expenses. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding of our agreement, please sign and return to the undersigned a counterpart hereof, whereupon this letter and your acceptance shall represent a binding agreement between the Underwriter and the Company. Very truly yours, PAINEWEBBER INCORPORATED By:____________________________ Name: Title: The foregoing Agreement is hereby confirmed and accepted as of the date hereof. GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. By:____________________________ Name: Title:

  • Indemnification of Agents Whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated, the Lenders shall indemnify upon demand each Agent-Related Person (to the extent not reimbursed by or on behalf of any Loan Party and without limiting the obligation of any Loan Party to do so), pro rata, and hold harmless each Agent-Related Person from and against any and all Indemnified Liabilities incurred by it; provided that no Lender shall be liable for the payment to any Agent-Related Person of any portion of such Indemnified Liabilities resulting from such Agent-Related Person’s own gross negligence or willful misconduct, as determined by the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction; provided that no action taken in accordance with the directions of the Required Lenders (or such other number or percentage of the Lenders as shall be required by the Loan Documents) shall be deemed to constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct for purposes of this Section 9.07. In the case of any investigation, litigation or proceeding giving rise to any Indemnified Liabilities, this Section 9.07 applies whether any such investigation, litigation or proceeding is brought by any Lender or any other Person. Without limitation of the foregoing, each Lender shall reimburse the Administrative Agent upon demand for its ratable share of any costs or out-of-pocket expenses (including Attorney Costs) incurred by the Administrative Agent in connection with the preparation, execution, delivery, administration, modification, amendment or enforcement (whether through negotiations, legal proceedings or otherwise) of, or legal advice in respect of rights or responsibilities under, this Agreement, any other Loan Document, or any document contemplated by or referred to herein, to the extent that the Administrative Agent is not reimbursed for such expenses by or on behalf of the Borrower, provided that such reimbursement by the Lenders shall not affect the Borrower’s continuing reimbursement obligations with respect thereto. The undertaking in this Section 9.07 shall survive termination of the Aggregate Commitments, the payment of all other Obligations and the resignation of the Administrative Agent.

  • Compensation and Reimbursement The Company agrees:

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