UCreation of Fares by the Sponsoring Operator Sample Clauses

UCreation of Fares by the Sponsoring Operator. Before a Sponsoring Operator for any goods or services Creates a Permanent Fare or a Temporary Fare (by itself or in conjunction with any other Operator(s)) that includes the right to obtain those goods or services it must:-
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Related to UCreation of Fares by the Sponsoring Operator

  • Audits by The District and Correction of Accounts During the term of this Agreement and for a period of six (6) years following the termination of this Agreement, the District may begin an audit of Contractor’s provision of goods and/or services under this Agreement. Contractor agrees to retain and make available for inspection all of its records pertaining to its performance of this Agreement, including billing records and any banking records that may reflect proceeds from any transactions with the District, during the term of this Agreement and for at least six (6) years following the termination of this Agreement. If Contractor receives notice that The District is auditing its performance under this Agreement or litigation results from this Agreement, then Contractor agrees to retain and make available for inspection all of its records pertaining to its performance of this Agreement, including billing records and any banking records that may reflect proceeds from any transactions with the District, for an additional three (3) years following the conclusion of the audit or the entry of a final judgment in any such litigation and the final resolution of any possible appeals of a final judgment in any such litigation. If the District determines as result of its audit, that Contractor has failed to satisfy the invoicing or documentation requirements of this Agreement, has improperly billed the District for goods and/or services that were not actually provided, or has overcharged the District for goods and/or services that were actually provided by Contractor, then Contractor shall repay the District, without interest, for any improper payments or overpayments made by the District to Contractor within thirty (30) days of a written demand by the District. If Contractor fails to repay the District for any improper payments or overpayments within thirty (30) days of the District’s written demand, then Contractor will owe the District interest accrued daily at the rate of 7.0% per annum from the date of the District’s written demand until the improper payment and/or overpayment is repaid in full by Contractor. Conversely, if an audit initiated by the District reveals that the District owes additional compensation to Contractor pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, then the District will pay the additional compensation to Contractor, without interest, within thirty (30) days of the completion of its audit. If the District fails to pay Contractor for any additional compensation owed under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after completion of its audit, then the District will pay Contractor interest on the additional compensation accrued daily at the rate of 7.0% per annum from the date of the completion of the District’s audit.

  • Termination of Agreement, Resignation, or Removal of Custodian Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other. We can resign as custodian at any time effective 30 days after we send written notice of our resignation to you. Upon receipt of that notice, you must make arrangements to transfer your Xxxx XXX to another financial organization. If you do not complete a transfer of your Xxxx XXX within 30 days from the date we send the notice to you, we have the right to transfer your Xxxx XXX assets to a successor Xxxx XXX trustee or custodian that we choose in our sole discretion, or we may pay your Xxxx XXX to you in a single sum. We will not be liable for any actions or failures to act on the part of any successor trustee or custodian, nor for any tax consequences you may incur that result from the transfer or distribution of your assets pursuant to this section. If this agreement is terminated, we may charge to your Xxxx XXX a reasonable amount of money that we believe is necessary to cover any associated costs, including but not limited to one or more of the following. • Any fees, expenses, or taxes chargeable against your Xxxx XXX • Any penalties or surrender charges associated with the early withdrawal of any savings instrument or other investment in your Xxxx XXX If we are a nonbank custodian required to comply with Regulations section 1.408-2(e) and we fail to do so or we are not keeping the records, making the returns, or sending the statements as are required by forms or regulations, the IRS may require us to substitute another trustee or custodian. We may establish a policy requiring distribution of the entire balance of your Xxxx XXX to you in cash or property if the balance of your Xxxx XXX drops below the minimum balance required under the applicable investment or policy established.

  • Termination for Convenience of the County Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, the County may, at any time, and without cause, terminate this Contract in whole or in part, upon not less than seven (7) days' written notice to the Contractor. Such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a notice of termination specifying the effective date of the termination and the extent of the Work to be terminated. The Contractor shall immediately stop Work in accordance with the notice and comply with any other direction as may be specified in the notice or as provided subsequently by the County. The County shall pay the Contractor for the Work completed prior to the effective date of the termination and such other payment Contractor is entitled to under Attachment A, section III. “Performance Requirements” and such payment shall be Contractor's sole remedy under this Contract. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be entitled to anticipatory or unearned profits, consequential damages, or other damages of any sort as a result of a termination or partial termination under this Paragraph. The Contractor shall insert in all subcontracts that the sub-consultant shall stop Work on the date of and to the extent specified in a notice of termination, and shall require sub-consultant’s to insert the same condition in any lower tier subcontracts.

  • Termination for Convenience by The District The District may terminate this Agreement for convenience, for any reason or no reason at all, on fourteen (14) days advance written notice to Contractor. This advance written notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date the notice is sent by the District to the address for written notices provided below by hand delivery, U.S. Mail, commercial delivery service, such as Fed Ex or UPS, or fax. If this Agreement is so terminated, then the District shall only pay Contractor for goods and/or services provided by Contractor and accepted by the District up to, through, and including the date of termination. Following the termination of this Agreement under this Section, the parties’ duties to one another shall cease except for those obligations that shall survive the termination of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the District’s payment obligations for goods and/or services accepted by the District before the date of termination, and the Contractor’s duties to insure and/or indemnify the District and to cooperate with any audit. Termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section shall not limit either of the parties’ remedies for any breach of this Agreement.

  • Suits by the Corporation The Corporation shall have the right to enforce full payment of the Exercise Price of all Common Shares issued by the Warrant Agent to a Registered Warrantholder hereunder and shall be entitled to demand such payment from the Registered Warrantholder or alternatively to instruct the Warrant Agent to cancel the share certificates and amend the securities register accordingly.

  • Appointment of Key Sub-Contractors The Supplier shall ensure that all Sub-Contracts contain a provision: requiring the Supplier to pay any undisputed sums which are due from it to the Sub-Contractor within a specified period not exceeding thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice; requiring that any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor shall be considered and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion and that undue delay in doing so shall not be sufficient justification for failing to regard an invoice as valid and undisputed; requiring the Sub-Contractor to include in any Sub-Contract which it in turn awards suitable provisions to impose, as between the parties to that Sub-Contract, requirements to the same effect as those required by sub-clauses 5.17.1 and 5.17.2 directly above; and conferring a right to the Customer to publish the Supplier’s compliance with its obligation to pay undisputed invoices within the specified payment period. The Supplier shall pay any undisputed sums which are due from it to a Sub-Contractor within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice. Any invoices submitted by a Sub-Contractor to the Supplier shall be considered and verified by the Supplier in a timely fashion. Undue delay in doing so shall not be sufficient justification for the Supplier failing to regard an invoice as valid and undisputed. Notwithstanding any provision of Clauses 9.2 (Confidentiality) and 13 (Publicity, Media and Official Enquiries) if the Supplier notifies the Customer that the Supplier has failed to pay an undisputed Sub-Contractor’s invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt, or the Customer otherwise discovers the same, the Customer shall be entitled to publish the details of the late or non-payment (including on Government websites and in the press).

  • Termination of the Services You may, by written request, terminate the Services provided for in this Agreement. We may terminate your use of the Services at any time. In the event of termination of the Services, you will remain liable for all transactions performed on your account.

  • PROCEDURE TO CANCEL AGREEMENT BY THE STUDENT ALL requests for cancellation of the housing agreement must be IN WRITING OR REPRODUCIBLE ELECTRONIC FORMAT and submitted to UCF DHRL at the address for official communications shown in this agreement.

  • Termination by the Owner for Convenience § 14.4.1 The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Owner’s convenience and without cause.

  • Review by the Association of Procurement Decisions The Procurement Plan shall set forth those contracts which shall be subject to the Association’s Prior Review. All other contracts shall be subject to Post Review by the Association.

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