Unit Acreage Specifications. Unit # Gross Acres Net Acres Total Deletions Existing Roads Leave Tree Acres Power Line Other 2 94.16 94.16 0.00 3 68.35 64.35 4.00 4.00 4 68.12 68.12 0.00 5 83.20 81.70 1.50 1.50 ROW6 2.90 2.90 0.00 Total 415.68 406.98 8.70 7.20 1.50 0.00 0.00 This timber sale was cruised using the variable plot sampling method. The double basal area system was employed; a small BAF to determine Basal Area (count trees) and a large BAF to determine the Volume-Basal Area Ratio (cruise trees). Each plot was a full plot. Plot locations were created using a computer generated grid, and found using a hand held GPS unit. Unit # Small BAF (count) Large BAF (cruise) Sighting height Grid size (plot spacing in feet) % Cruise to count Target % Cruise to count Actual Total number of Plots 1 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 38% 43 2 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 30% 41 3 27.78 80.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 32 4 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 43% 32 5 40 122.5 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 37 ROW6 33.61 n/a D4H 200’ 100% 100% 17 Total 44% 43% 202 Minor species cruise intensity: We grade the first tree of all minor species encountered with the smaller BAF; then followed through with the small BAF to large BAF ratio. Minimum top dib: Ponderosa pine and western red cedar: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 5.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. All other species: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 4.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. Minimum dbh: Ponderosa pine and western red-cedar: 8.0 inches DBH All other species: 7.0 inches DBH Log lengths: Saw logs: 32 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Firewood: 40 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Utility: 16 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Take / Leave tree description: Harvest all timber nor marked with purple paint, and all dead standing and down timber except for 2-2-2. Leave the two largest snags per acre, preferred snags are western larch and Xxxxxxx fir. Cut all timber between orange Right-of-Way tags exterior to the timber sale units. Commercial species observed in sale area, but not in cruise: Utility wood: Comprised of non-board foot volume and volume below the minimum top diameter of 5” or 40% of DOB at 16’ to a minimum of a 2.6” top. Status codes used: D - dead Sort codes used D – saw log, U – utility log, F - firewood Species table used: NE 2 inch Grade table used: Eastgrad Other tables used (cruise adjustment): Location: Center of Xxxxxxx county, 8 miles north-northwest of Colville, Washington. Aspect: North, East, South and West Elevation: 1850 to 3000 Slope: Xxxx 0 – 0% to 60%, Average 20% Unit 2 – 0% to 60%, Average 25% Unit 3 – 0% to 55%, Average 30% Unit 4 – 0% to 50%, Average 30% Unit 5 – 0% to 50%, Average 25% Harvest Methods: 100% Ground based yarding. Stand Composition: The stands are second growth Xxxxxxx-fir and ponderosa pine (primary leave tree species) with larger residual trees. There is a minor component of western red cedar and grand fir. Stand Health: Small root rot pockets scattered through areas of the sale. Timber Quality: The harvest timber is a mix of domestic quality Xxxxxxx-fir (78%) and western larch (14%). Small amounts of western red cedar (2%), grand fir (2%), and ponderosa pine (2%) are also to be harvested. Non-board Foot Volume: The total sale volume contains 50 mbf utility wood and 175 mbf of firewood. Other Considerations: There is a leave tree area in the center of unit 5 near a draw that is bound by “leave tree area” tags and pink ribbon. Based on Volume Unit # Trust 03 Vol. mbf Trust 05 Vol. mbf Combined Vol. mbf Total 3866 1592 5458 % of Total 70.83% 29.17% 100.00% CC: Timber Sales Document Center & File #30-096913 TC PSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Project) X00X X00X X00 Xx00X0 XXXX X00X X00X X00 XxXXX0 Project: Acres ECHORIDG 406.98 Page Date Time 1 7/9/2018 3:21:45PM Spp S So Gr T rt ad % Net BdFt Bd. Ft. per Acre Def% Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent of Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 DF D 2 33 4.0 3,625 3,479 1,416 81 19 3 97 32 14 274 1.91 12.7 DF D 3 49 2.4 5,265 5,136 2,090 100 0 0 1 99 32 8 102 0.74 50.3 DF D 4 16 4.0 1,811 1,739 708 61 39 24 26 50 25 5 32 0.34 54.1 DF U UT 2 33.1 161 107 44 86 14 65 35 18 4 13 0.20 8.3 DF Totals 78 3.7 10,861 10,462 4,258 11 55 27 6 5 6 89 28 7 83 0.70 125.4 DF D F W 100 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 DF Totals 2 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 WL D 2 10 1.9 196 192 78 99 1 100 32 13 196 1.25 1.0 WL D 3 71 3.5 1,328 1,281 521 100 100 32 8 82 0.57 15.6 WL D 4 18 331 331 135 91 9 24 10 66 25 5 32 0.24 10.3 RC D 4 9 .0 22 22 9 100 53 47 22 6 29 0.37 .8 RC Totals 2 6.0 267 251 102 50 50 5 4 91 28 9 119 1.10 2.1 GF D 2 29 47 47 19 100 100 32 14 270 1.62 .2 GF D 3 56 1.8 92 91 37 100 100 32 8 103 0.61 .9 GF D 4 13 22 22 9 93 7 7 71 22 27 5 32 0.25 .7 GF U UT 2 2 2 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.20 .2 GF Totals 1 1.0 162 161 65 14 57 29 2 10 88 29 7 84 0.57 1.9 PP D 4 50 13.6 171 148 60 40 60 1 99 32 15 279 1.72 .5 PP D 5 50 11.1 160 142 58 100 15 33 52 26 7 49 0.52 2.9 PP Totals 2 12.4 331 290 118 49 20 31 7 16 76 27 8 85 0.74 3.4 Totals 3.8 13,937 13,412 5,458 12 57 25 6 5 6 87 3 28 7 80 0.66 167.4 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT ECHORIDG PAGE DATE 1 0/0/0000 XXX XXX 00X 00X 00X 00X XX XXXXX 01 ECHORIDG 36 ECHORIDG TYPE ACRES 00U1 THR 406.98 ROW6 PLOTS 202 TREES595 CuFt S BdFt E PLOTS TREES ESTIMATED TREES TOTAL PER PLOT TREES PERCENT SAMPLE TREES TOTAL 202 595 2.9 CRUISE 140 257 1.8 36,496 .7 REFOREST BLANKS 20 100 % SAMPLE TREES TREES /ACRE STAND SUMMARY AVG BOLE REL BASAL DBH LEN DEN AREA XXXXX XX/AC NET BF/XX XXXXX CF/AC NET CF/AC XXXX FIR 186 67.4 14.5 73 20.4 77.7 10,861 10,462 2,456 2,444 W LARCH 38 13.6 12.5 90 3.3 11.7 1,868 1,817 388 388 P PINE 12 2.1 14.8 55 0.7 2.5 331 290 68 68 WR CEDAR 4 1.1 18.7 78 0.5 2.0 267 251 66 66 GR FIR 5 1.0 12.2 80 0.2 .8 162 161 31 31 TOTAL 257 89.7 14.2 74 26.2 98.8 13,937 13,412 3,129 3,113 CONFIDENCE LIMITS OF THE SAMPLE 68.1 TIMES OUT OF 100 THE VOLUME WILL BE WITHIN THE SAMPLE ERROR CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - BF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 90.0 6.6 261 280 298 XXXX FIR-D 158.3 59.7 143 355 567 W LARCH 67.1 10.9 174 196 217 W LARCH-D 46.9 26.8 71 98 124 P PINE 138.5 41.7 182 312 442 WR CEDAR 64.3 36.7 155 245 335 GR FIR 72.6 36.1 169 264 359 TOTAL 97.2 6.1 251 267 284 378 94 42 CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - CF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 77.7 5.7 58 62 65 XXXX FIR-D 120.5 45.4 43 79 115 W LARCH 60.7 9.8 38 42 46 W LARCH-D 31.7 18.1 24 29 35 P PINE 118.9 35.8 40 63 86 WR CEDAR 55.5 31.7 44 65 85 GR FIR 71.0 35.3 33 51 69 TOTAL 82.8 5.2 56 59 62 274 68 30 CL 68.1 COEFF TREES/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 57.8 4.1 65 67 70 XXXX FIR-D 492.9 34.6 2 3 3 W LARCH 254.5 17.9 11 14 16 W LARCH-D 614.9 43.2 1 2 3 P PINE 454.2 31.9 1 2 3 WR CEDAR 568.3 40.0 1 1 1 GR FIR 864.4 60.8 0 1 2 TOTAL 36.4 2.6 87 90 92 53 13 6 CL 68.1 COEFF BASAL AREA/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 PROJECT ECHORIDG DATE 7/9/2018 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX 00U1 THR 406.98 202 000 X X 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX XXX0 XXXX FIR 44.2 3.1 75 78 80 XXXX FIR-D 413.7 29.1 2 2 3 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 10 12 14 W LARCH-D 606.6 42.6 1 2 2 P PINE 416.7 29.3 2 3 3 WR CEDAR 606.4 42.6 1 2 3 CL 68.1 SD: 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 45.6 3.2 10,127 10,462 10,797 XXXX FIR-D 459.1 32.3 178 263 348 W LARCH 237.5 16.7 1,514 1,817 2,120 W LARCH-D 620.3 43.6 95 168 242 P PINE 491.0 34.5 190 290 390 WR CEDAR 646.7 45.5 137 251 365 GR FIR 775.3 54.5 73 161 248 TOTAL 15.7 1.1 13,264 13,412 13,559 10 2 1 CL 68.1 COEFF NET CUFT FT/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 43.9 3.1 2,369 2,444 2,520 XXXX FIR-D 416.1 29.3 47 66 86 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 325 388 451 W LARCH-D 608.9 42.8 28 50 71 P PINE 463.9 32.6 46 68 90 WR CEDAR 622.0 43.7 37 66 94 GR FIR 778.6 54.7 14 31 48 TOTAL 3.2 .2 3,106 3,113 3,120 0 0 0 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T37N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 35 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U1 95.75 43 38 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 37 2.3 3,523 3,443 330 95 5 2 98 32 14 271 1.76 12.7 DF D 3 43 4.1 4,038 3,872 371 100 100 32 9 108 0.79 35.9 DF D 4 19 4.5 1,791 1,710 164 58 42 26 21 52 25 5 32 0.35 52.9 DF U UT 1 80 80 8 100 100 14 4 10 0.15 8.0 DF Totals 95 3.5 9,433 9,105 872 12 50 36 2 6 5 89 27 7 83 0.71 109.4 PP D 5 100 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 PP Totals 3 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 WL D 3 75 165 165 16 100 100 32 7 60 0.67 2.8 WL D 4 25 55 55 5 100 100 20 5 20 0.20 2.8 WL Totals 2 220 220 21 25 75 25 75 26 6 40 0.49 5.5 Type Totals 3.4 9,914 9,577 917 12 52 34 2 6 6 88 27 7 80 0.69 119.6 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T36N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 01 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U2 94.16 41 39 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 30 2.5 3,788 3,692 348 91 9 4 96 32 14 255 1.93 14.5 DF D 3 49 3.7 6,063 5,840 550 100 100 32 9 103 0.81 56.5 DF D 4 19 7.2 2,531 2,349 221 55 45 22 26 52 25 5 32 0.35 74.1 DF U UT 2 56.6 406 176 17 100 9 91 27 4 17 0.23 10.4 DF Totals 96 5.7 12,788 12,056 1,135 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 155.4 WL D 2 26 125 125 12 100 100 32 13 210 1.66 .6 WL D 3 64 11.4 340 301 28 100 100 32 8 83 0.74 3.6 WL D 4 8 39 39 4 100 100 28 5 30 0.24 1.3 WL U UT 2 6 6 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.24 .6 WL Totals 4 7.6 511 472 44 10 64 27 1 8 90 29 8 77 0.71 6.1 Type Totals 5.8 13,299 12,528 1,180 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 161.5 % Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs S So Gr Bd. Ft. per Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Dia Bd CF/ Spp T rt ad BdFt Def% Gross Net Net MBF 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 Ft In Ft Lf /Acre 22 1.4 1,587 1,566 101 100 100 32 13 249 1.90
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Timber Sale Agreement, Timber Sale Agreement, Timber Sale Agreement
Unit Acreage Specifications. Unit # Gross Acres Net Acres Total Deletions Existing Roads RMZ / WMZ Leave Tree Acres Power Line Existing Roads Other 1 196.58 194.88 1.70 1.70 2 94.16 94.16 27.10 27.10 0.00 3 68.35 64.35 4.00 4.00 96.64 90.64 6.00 2.30 3.70 4 68.12 68.12 63.67 63.67 0.00 RW 5 83.20 81.70 1.50 1.50 ROW6 2.90 2.90 1.00 1.00 Total 384.99 377.29 7.70 0.00 Total 415.68 406.98 8.70 7.20 1.50 0.00 2.30 5.40 0.00 This timber sale was cruised using the variable plot sampling method. The double basal area system was employed; a small BAF to determine Basal Area (count trees) and a large BAF to determine the Volume-Basal Area Ratio (cruise trees). Each plot was a full plot. Plot locations were created using a computer generated grid, and found using a hand held GPS unit. Unit # Small BAF (count) Large BAF (cruise) Sighting height Grid size (plot spacing in feet) % Cruise to count Target % Cruise to count Actual Total number of Plots 1 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 38% 43 2 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 30% 41 3 27.78 20.00 80.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33250 X 250 25% 3626.0% 32 135 2 20.00 54.45 D4H 250 X 250 37% 50.0% 20 3 33.61 134.44 D4H 250 X 250 25% 29.5% 61 4 33.61 100.28 27.78 111.11 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33250 X 250 25% 4330.8% 32 5 40 122.5 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 37 ROW6 33.61 n/a D4H 200’ 46 RW5 100% 1001 Total 29.1% 17 Total 44% 43% 202 263 Minor species cruise intensity: We grade the first tree of all minor species encountered with the smaller BAF; then followed through with the small BAF to large BAF ratio. Minimum top dib: Ponderosa pine and western red cedar: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 5.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. All other species: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 4.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. Minimum dbh: Ponderosa pine and western red-cedarpine: 8.0 inches DBH All other species: 7.0 inches DBH Log lengths: Saw logs: 32 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Firewood: 40 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Utility: 16 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Take / Leave tree description: Harvest all timber nor marked green conifers that meet the minimum cruise specifications and are not banded with purple blue paint, and all dead standing and down timber except for 2-2-2. Leave the two largest snags per acre, preferred snags are western larch and Xxxxxxx fir. Cut all timber between orange Right-of-Way tags exterior to the timber sale units. Commercial species observed in sale area, but not in cruise: Utility wood: Comprised of non-board foot volume and volume below the minimum top diameter of 5” or 40% of DOB at 16’ to a minimum of a 2.6” top. Status codes used: D - dead Sort codes used D – saw log, U – utility log, F - firewood log Species table used: NE 2 inch Grade table used: Eastgrad Other tables used (cruise adjustment): Location: Center Southern Xxxxxxx County, 11 miles west of Xxxxxxx county, 8 miles north-northwest of ColvilleSpringdale, Washington. Aspect: North, East, South and West Elevation: 1850 2200 to 3000 2600 Slope: Xxxx 0 – 0% to 6040%, Average 2025% Unit 2 – 0% to 60%, Average 2530% Unit 3 – 0% to 5545%, Average 3020% Unit 4 – 0% to 50%, Average 30% Unit 5 – 0% to 50%, Average 25% Harvest Methods: 100% Ground based yardingbase yarding with the longest skidding of 1200 feet. Stand Composition: The stands are second growth Xxxxxxx-fir and fir, ponderosa pine (primary leave tree species) and western larch with larger residual trees. There is a minor component of grand fir, lodgepole pine, and western red cedar hemlock. Stand Health: There are scattered patches of root rot in the Xxxxxxx-fir and grand fir. Stand Health: Small root rot pockets scattered through areas of Light mistletoe in the salewestern larch. Some bark beetle activity in the ponderosa pine. Timber Quality: The harvest timber is a mix of domestic good quality Xxxxxxx-fir (7852%) and ), ponderosa pine (19%), western larch (14%). Small amounts of western red cedar (217%), grand fir (28%), and ponderosa lodgepole pine (23%) are also to be harvestedand western hemlock (less than 1%). Non-board Foot Volume: The 78 mbf of the total sale volume contains 50 mbf is comprised of utility wood and 175 mbf of firewoodwood. Other Considerations: There is a leave tree area in the center of unit 5 near a draw that is bound by “leave tree area” tags and pink ribbon. Based on Volume Based on Acres Unit # Trust 03 Vol. mbf Trust 05 04 Vol. mbf Combined Vol. mbf Xxxxxxx Co. 3 1,718 3 1,721 90.64 RW 5 1 1 1.00 Total 3866 1592 5458 3,574 497 4,071 377.29 % of Total 70.8387.79% 29.1712.21% 100.00% CC: Timber Sales Document Center & File #30-096913 100.00% TC PSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Project) X00X X00X X00 Xx00X0 XxXX00 XXXX X00X X00X X00 XxXXX0 S05 Ty00U4 Project: Acres ECHORIDG 406.98 Page Date OCORRAL 377.29 PageDate Time 1 7/9/2018 3:21:45PM 2/13/2018 3:50:11PM Spp S So Gr T rt ad % Net BdFt Bd. Ft. per Acre Def% Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent of Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft BdFt CF/ Lf 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 DF D 2 33 4.0 3,625 3,479 1,416 81 19 3 97 29 7.3 1,764 1,635 617 68 32 14 274 1.91 12.7 100 32 15 291 1.90 5.6 DF D 3 49 2.4 5,265 5,136 2,090 100 0 0 52 2.5 2,997 2,921 1,102 93 7 1 99 32 8 102 0.74 50.3 100 0.72 29.3 DF D 4 16 4.0 1,811 1,739 708 61 39 17 2.1 943 924 349 81 19 25 24 26 50 25 51 24 5 32 0.34 54.1 31 0.31 29.9 DF U UT 2 33.1 161 107 44 86 108 108 41 100 58 6 36 20 3 14 65 35 18 4 13 0.20 8.3 0.17 7.8 DF Totals 78 3.7 10,861 10,462 4,258 52 3.9 5,813 5,588 2,108 15 52 23 9 5 5 90 27 7 77 0.64 72.7 PP D 4 36 1.4 758 748 282 80 20 7 93 32 14 262 1.61 2.8 PP D 5 64 3.8 1,360 1,308 494 85 11 4 5 14 79 2 28 8 86 0.72 15.2 PP Totals 19 3.0 2,118 2,056 776 54 36 10 3 11 84 1 29 9 114 0.87 18.1 GF D 3 55 27 5.8 526 496 187 92 8 100 32 8 93 0.57 5.4 GF D 4 44 23.0 515 397 150 94 6 36 22 43 23 5 29 0.24 13.9 GF U UT 1 5 5 2 100 100 16 3 10 0.12 .5 GF Totals 8 14.2 1,047 898 339 42 53 5 16 10 74 25 6 89 28 7 83 0.70 125.4 DF D F W 100 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 DF Totals 2 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 45 0.35 19.8 WL D 2 10 1.9 196 192 78 99 1 14 5.7 296 279 105 100 100 32 13 196 1.25 1.0 198 1.37 1.4 WL D 3 71 3.5 1,328 1,281 521 59 1.9 1,136 1,114 420 98 2 100 32 8 88 0.59 12.6 WL D 4 22 3.8 425 409 154 57 43 24 12 64 24 5 31 0.26 13.3 WL U UT 5 80 80 30 100 53 47 20 4 15 0.12 5.5 WL Totals 17 2.8 1,937 1,883 710 17 67 16 8 3 90 27 6 57 0.45 32.9 LP D 3 66 1.6 245 241 91 68 32 100 32 9 126 0.83 1.9 LP D 4 30 9.4 118 107 40 90 10 4 34 62 28 5 34 0.33 3.1 LP U UT 4 14 14 5 100 100 16 4 10 0.20 1.4 LP Totals 3 4.0 376 361 136 30 48 21 5 10 85 27 6 56 0.49 6.4 WH D 3 100 18.2 7 5 2 100 100 32 8 82 0.57 15.6 WL D 4 18 331 331 135 91 9 24 10 66 25 90 0.83 .1 WH Totals 0 18.2 7 5 32 0.24 10.3 RC D 4 9 .0 22 22 9 100 53 47 22 6 29 0.37 .8 RC Totals 2 6.0 267 251 102 50 50 5 4 91 28 9 119 1.10 2.1 GF D 2 29 47 47 19 100 100 32 14 270 1.62 .2 GF D 3 56 1.8 92 91 37 100 100 32 8 103 0.61 .9 GF D 4 13 22 22 9 93 90 0.83 .1 Totals 4.5 11,297 10,791 4,071 15 55 23 7 7 71 22 27 5 32 0.25 .7 GF U UT 2 2 2 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.20 .2 GF Totals 1 1.0 162 161 65 14 57 29 2 10 88 29 7 84 0.57 1.9 PP D 4 50 13.6 171 148 60 40 60 1 99 32 15 279 1.72 .5 PP D 5 50 11.1 160 142 58 100 15 33 52 26 7 49 0.52 2.9 PP Totals 2 12.4 331 290 118 49 20 31 7 16 76 27 8 85 0.74 3.4 Totals 3.8 13,937 13,412 5,458 12 57 25 6 5 6 87 3 28 0 27 7 80 0.66 167.4 72 0.58 149.9 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT ECHORIDG OLCORRAL PAGE DATE 1 0/0/0000 7/20/2017 TWP RGE SC TRACT 29N 39E 05 XXXXXX XX 29N 39E 00 XXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XX00 XXX 00X 00X 00X 00X XX XXXXX 01 ECHORIDG 36 ECHORIDG TYPE ACRES 00U1 THR 406.98 ROW6 377.29 00U4 PLOTS 202 TREES595 CuFt S BdFt E 263 TREES 000 XxXx X XxXx X PLOTS TREES ESTIMATED TREES TOTAL PER PLOT TREES PERCENT SAMPLE TREES TOTAL 202 595 2.9 263 823 3.1 CRUISE 140 257 1.8 36,496 .7 149 248 1.7 30,396 .8 DBH COUNT REFOREST COUNT 84 196 2.3 BLANKS 20 30 100 % SAMPLE TREES TREES /ACRE STAND SUMMARY AVG BOLE REL BASAL DBH LEN DEN AREA XXXXX XX/AC NET BF/XX XXXXX CF/AC NET CF/AC XXXX FIR 186 67.4 14.5 73 20.4 77.7 10,861 10,462 2,456 2,444 124 39.3 13.8 68 10.9 40.6 5,813 5,588 1,257 1,257 P PINE 60 9.2 18.0 77 3.8 16.2 2,118 2,056 456 455 W LARCH 38 13.6 12.5 90 3.3 11.7 1,868 1,817 388 388 P PINE 12 2.1 14.8 55 0.7 2.5 331 290 68 68 WR CEDAR 4 1.1 18.7 78 0.5 2.0 267 251 66 66 34 13.2 12.6 91 3.2 11.5 1,937 1,883 397 397 GR FIR 5 1.0 12.2 80 0.2 .8 162 161 31 31 18 14.2 9.4 65 2.2 6.9 1,047 898 194 176 TOTAL 257 89.7 14.2 74 26.2 98.8 13,937 13,412 3,129 3,113 248 80.6 13.3 71 21.4 78.1 11,297 10,791 2,391 2,370 CONFIDENCE LIMITS OF THE SAMPLE 68.1 TIMES OUT OF 100 THE VOLUME WILL BE WITHIN THE SAMPLE ERROR CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - BF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 7 10 15 XXXX FIR 90.0 6.6 261 280 298 XXXX FIR-D 158.3 59.7 143 355 567 92.6 8.4 206 225 244 P PINE 44.2 6.4 339 362 385 W LARCH 67.1 10.9 174 196 217 W LARCH-D 46.9 26.8 71 98 124 P PINE 138.5 41.7 182 312 442 WR CEDAR 64.3 36.7 155 245 335 53.9 9.2 000 000 000 GR FIR 72.6 36.1 169 78.7 19.1 67 83 99 LP PINE 78.3 24.7 96 127 159 WHEMLOCK TOTAL 81.3 5.3 221 233 246 264 359 TOTAL 97.2 6.1 251 267 284 378 94 42 CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - CF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 77.7 5.7 58 62 65 XXXX FIR-D 120.5 45.4 43 79 115 W LARCH 60.7 9.8 38 42 46 W LARCH-D 31.7 18.1 24 29 35 P PINE 118.9 35.8 40 63 86 WR CEDAR 55.5 31.7 44 65 85 GR FIR 71.0 35.3 33 51 69 TOTAL 82.8 5.2 56 59 62 274 68 30 135 66 CL 68.1 COEFF TREES/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 7 10 15 XXXX FIR 57.8 4.1 65 67 70 XXXX FIR-D 492.9 34.6 2 3 3 90.1 5.6 37 39 41 P PINE 194.6 12.0 8 9 10 W LARCH 254.5 17.9 11 14 16 W LARCH-D 614.9 43.2 1 2 3 P PINE 454.2 31.9 1 2 3 WR CEDAR 568.3 40.0 1 1 1 204.7 12.6 12 13 15 GR FIR 864.4 60.8 269.0 16.6 12 14 17 LP PINE 336.3 20.7 4 5 6 WHEMLOCK 1621.7 100.0 0 1 2 0 0 TOTAL 36.4 2.6 87 90 92 53 13 6 54.3 3.3 78 81 83 118 60 29 CL 68.1 COEFF BASAL AREA/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 7 10 15 PROJECT ECHORIDG DATE 7/9/2018 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX 00U1 THR 406.98 202 000 X X 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX XXX0 XXXX FIR 44.2 3.1 75 78 80 XXXX FIR-D 413.7 29.1 2 2 3 89.4 5.5 38 41 43 P PINE 182.7 11.3 14 16 18 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 191.3 11.8 10 12 14 W LARCH-D 606.6 42.6 1 2 2 P 11 13 GR FIR 269.3 16.6 6 7 8 LP PINE 416.7 29.3 322.0 19.9 2 3 3 WR CEDAR 606.4 42.6 1 2 3 CL 68.1 SD: 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. WHEMLOCK 1621.7 100.0 0 0 0 TOTAL 38.6 2.4 76 78 80 60 30 15 XXXX FIR 45.6 3.2 10,127 10,462 10,797 XXXX FIR-D 459.1 32.3 178 263 348 W LARCH 237.5 16.7 1,514 1,817 2,120 W LARCH-D 620.3 43.6 95 168 242 P PINE 491.0 34.5 190 290 390 WR CEDAR 646.7 45.5 137 251 365 GR FIR 775.3 54.5 73 161 248 TOTAL 15.7 1.1 13,264 13,412 13,559 10 2 1 CL 68.1 COEFF NET CUFT FTBF/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 7 10 15 XXXX FIR 43.9 3.1 2,369 2,444 2,520 XXXX FIR-D 416.1 29.3 47 66 86 101.6 6.3 P PINE 178.5 11.0 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 325 388 451 W LARCH-D 608.9 42.8 28 50 71 192.5 11.9 5,238 5,588 5,938 1,829 2,056 2,282 1,659 1,883 2,106 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT OLCORRAL PAGE DATE 2 7/20/2017 XXX 00X 00X XXX 00X 00X XX 00 05 TRACT XXXXXX XX OLD CORRAL TYPE RW05 00U4 ACRES THR 377.29 PLOTS 263 TREES 000 Xx Xx X XxXx X XX XX: 68.1 .00 COEFF VAR. S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 7 INF. POP.10 GR FIR 274.3 16.9 746 898 1,050 LP PINE 379.8 23.4 276 361 445 WHEMLOCK 1621.7 100.0 0 5 11 TOTAL 50.3 3.1 10,456 10,791 11,125 101 52 25 CL SD: 68.1 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% V BAR/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 7 INF. POP. 10 XXXX FIR 129 138 146 P PINE 463.9 32.6 46 68 90 WR CEDAR 622.0 43.7 37 66 94 47.4 2.9 113 127 141 W LARCH 145 164 184 GR FIR 778.6 54.7 14 31 48 75.0 4.6 108 130 152 LP PINE 184.0 11.3 95 124 153 WHEMLOCK 1621.7 100.0 0 70 141 TOTAL 3.2 .2 3,106 3,113 3,120 0 0 0 36.5 2.3 134 138 142 53 27 13 T TS PCSTGR TSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG OCORRAL Date 7/9/2018 2/13/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T37N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 35 XXXXXXXX 3:50:11PM X00X X00X X00 X00X0 X00X X00X S05 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxxxx Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00X 00X 00 XXX XXXXXX 00U1 95.75 43 38 194.88 135 102 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. 4-5 Log Scale Dia.66-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 Length 00-00 00-00 36-99 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 37 2.3 3,523 3,443 330 95 5 2 98 4 5.3 145 137 27 100 100 32 14 271 1.76 12.7 279 2.02 .5 DF D 3 72 3.3 2,094 2,026 395 96 4 100 32 8 90 0.71 22.5 DF D 4 21 619 619 121 88 12 27 35 38 22 5 27 0.31 22.9 DF U UT 3 60 60 12 100 100 18 3 10 0.17 6.0 DF Totals 43 2.6 2,918 2,842 554 21 71 8 8 8 84 26 6 55 0.53 51.9 PP D 4 38 1.9 1,052 1,031 201 80 20 9 91 32 14 255 1.60 4.0 PP D 5 62 4.0 1,742 1,672 326 87 10 3 5 17 78 28 8 83 0.70 20.2 PP Totals 41 3.2 2,794 2,704 527 54 37 10 3 14 83 29 9 112 0.87 24.2 WL D 2 11 93 93 18 100 100 32 13 209 1.18 .4 WL D 3 73 4.2 597 572 111 93 7 100 32 8 85 0.62 6.7 WL D 4 13 23.1 134 103 20 62 38 40 60 22 6 26 0.33 4.0 WL U UT 3 22 22 4 100 100 16 4 10 0.15 2.2 WL Totals 12 6.7 847 790 154 11 72 17 8 92 26 7 60 0.52 13.3 LP D 3 36 56 56 11 100 100 32 11 170 1.42 .3 LP D 4 49 4.3 77 74 14 96 4 4 96 26 5 28 0.38 2.7 LP U UT 15 22 22 4 100 100 16 4 10 0.22 2.2 LP Totals 2 2.1 156 153 30 61 39 17 46 37 22 5 29 0.42 5.2 GF D 3 66 87 87 17 100 100 32 7 70 0.41 1.2 GF D 4 34 45 45 9 28 72 100 17 6 16 0.28 2.9 GF Totals 2 132 132 26 9 91 34 66 22 6 32 0.34 4.1 4,038 3,872 371 WH D 3 100 18.2 13 10 2 100 100 32 9 108 0.79 35.9 DF D 4 19 4.5 1,791 1,710 164 58 42 26 21 52 25 5 32 0.35 52.9 DF U UT 1 80 80 8 100 100 14 4 90 0.83 .1 WH Totals 0 18.2 13 10 0.15 8.0 DF Totals 95 3.5 9,433 9,105 872 12 50 36 2 6 5 89 27 7 83 0.71 109.4 PP D 5 100 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 PP Totals 3 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 WL D 3 75 165 165 16 100 100 32 7 60 0.67 2.8 WL D 4 25 55 55 5 100 100 20 5 20 0.20 2.8 WL Totals 2 220 220 21 25 75 25 75 26 6 40 0.49 5.5 9 90 0.83 .1 Type Totals 3.4 9,914 9,577 917 3.3 6,859 6,631 1,292 12 52 34 2 6 6 88 27 64 20 4 7 80 0.69 119.6 10 83 26 7 67 0.61 98.9 T TS PCSTGR TSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG OCORRAL Date 7/9/2018 2/13/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T36N Xxx 00X 3:50:11PM X00X X00X X00 X00X0 X0000 X00X X00X S05 X0000 Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 01 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U2 94.16 41 39 XxXx XxXx 00X 00X 00 XXX XXXXXX 0000 27.10 20 23 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre PP D 4 37 1,199 1,199 32 72 28 100 32 15 321 1.75 3.7 PP D 5 63 4.6 2,058 1,964 53 74 6 20 3 17 59 20 28 8 95 0.73 20.8 DF D 3 70 2.6 1,471 1,434 39 100 100 32 8 84 0.67 17.1 DF D 4 30 7.7 659 608 16 67 33 15 40 45 24 5 28 0.36 21.5 DF Totals 37 4.1 2,130 2,042 55 20 80 4 12 84 27 6 53 0.52 38.6 GF D 3 77 94 94 3 100 100 32 7 70 0.53 1.3 GF D 4 23 27 27 1 100 100 16 5 20 0.20 1.3 GF Totals 2 121 121 3 22 78 22 78 24 6 45 0.42 2.7 WL D 2 58 8.0 107 98 3 100 100 32 14 230 1.74 .4 WL D 3 36 60 60 2 100 100 32 10 140 0.81 .4 WL D 4 6 9 9 0 100 100 18 6 20 0.37 .4 WL Totals 3 4.9 175 167 5 41 59 5 95 27 10 130 1.07 1.3 LP D 3 100 86 86 2 100 100 32 6 50 0.43 1.7 LP Totals 2 86 86 2 100 100 32 6 50 0.43 1.7 Type Totals 3.3 5,769 5,579 151 8 60 19 13 3 10 79 7 28 7 81 0.67 68.8 T TSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: OCORRAL Date 2/13/2018 Time 3:50:11PM X00X X00X X00 X00X0 X00X X00X S05 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxxxx Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 29N 39E 05 OLD CORRAL 00U3 90.64 61 64 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. 4-5 Log Scale Dia.66-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 Length 00-00 00-00 36-99 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 30 2.5 3,788 3,692 348 91 9 4 96 41 9.2 4,542 4,124 374 62 38 100 32 14 255 1.93 14.5 15 292 1.95 14.1 DF D 3 49 3.7 6,063 5,840 550 46 2.1 4,590 4,493 407 89 11 1 99 32 9 110 0.75 41.0 DF D 4 11 3.1 1,181 1,145 104 87 13 25 13 62 25 5 34 0.31 33.4 DF U UT 2 119 119 11 100 86 14 17 3 11 0.16 10.8 WL D 2 11 10.2 666 597 54 100 100 32 13 196 1.51 3.0 WL D 3 56 1.2 3,015 2,979 270 100 100 32 8 88 0.57 33.7 WL D 4 27 1,415 1,415 128 55 45 22 11 67 25 5 32 0.25 43.6 WL U UT 6 288 288 26 100 46 54 21 4 16 0.12 18.4 WL Totals 28 1.9 5,382 5,279 478 20 69 11 8 3 89 27 6 53 0.41 98.8 GF D 3 61 6.4 1,974 1,848 168 91 9 100 32 8 96 0.60 19.2 GF D 4 38 30.5 1,613 1,120 102 98 2 43 32 25 22 5 26 0.24 42.8 GF U UT 1 21 21 2 100 100 16 3 10 0.12 2.1 GF Totals 16 17.1 3,608 2,990 271 37 57 6 17 12 71 25 6 47 0.37 64.1 LP D 3 52 266 266 24 100 100 32 9 103 0.81 56.5 DF 110 0.71 2.4 LP D 4 19 7.2 2,531 2,349 221 55 45 48 11.0 268 238 22 26 52 25 5 32 0.35 74.1 DF U UT 2 56.6 406 176 17 100 9 91 27 4 17 0.23 10.4 DF Totals 96 5.7 12,788 12,056 1,135 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 155.4 WL D 2 26 125 125 12 100 100 32 13 210 1.66 .6 WL D 5 45 0.29 5.4 LP Totals 3 64 11.4 340 301 28 100 5.5 534 504 46 47 53 100 32 8 83 0.74 3.6 WL 6 65 0.42 7.8 PP D 4 8 39 39 68 227 227 21 57 43 100 32 15 348 2.24 .7 PP D 5 32 7.8 115 106 10 59 41 11 89 25 9 96 0.84 1.1 PP Totals 2 2.6 342 333 30 19 52 29 4 100 100 96 28 5 30 0.24 1.3 WL U UT 2 6 6 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.24 .6 WL Totals 4 7.6 511 472 44 10 64 27 1 8 90 29 8 77 0.71 6.1 11 190 1.44 1.8 Type Totals 5.8 13,299 12,528 1,180 12 57 28 3 6.5 20,298 18,986 1,721 19 52 21 9 7 4 8 88 28 89 27 7 78 0.70 161.5 70 0.55 271.7 T TSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: OCORRAL Date 2/13/2018 Time 3:50:11PM X00X X00X X00 X00X0 X00X X00X S05 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxxxx Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 29N 39E 05 OLD CORRAL 00U4 63.67 46 48 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs S So Gr Bd. Ft. per Acre Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Dia Bd CF/ Spp T rt ad BdFt Def% Gross Net Net MBF 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length 00-00 00-00 36-99 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 35 4.2 3,546 3,397 216 74 26 100 32 14 291 1.79 11.7 DF D 3 44 2.0 4,184 4,098 261 95 5 2 98 32 9 105 0.70 39.0 DF D 4 17 2.4 1,731 1,689 108 69 31 24 21 56 25 5 33 0.30 50.4 DF U UT 4 288 288 18 100 14 6 80 26 3 23 0.17 12.7 DF Totals 67 2.8 9,749 9,472 603 15 46 29 9 5 5 90 28 7 83 0.62 113.7 PP D 4 21 440 440 28 100 100 32 13 222 1.31 2.0 PP D 5 79 2.5 1,686 1,644 105 87 13 5 3 92 29 8 91 0.75 18.0 PP Totals 15 2.0 2,126 2,084 133 68 32 4 2 94 30 9 104 0.81 20.0 WL D 2 41 474 474 30 100 100 32 12 192 1.19 2.5 WL D 4 9 93 93 6 100 20 80 21 5 21 0.27 4.3 WL Totals 8 1,151 1,151 73 8 51 41 2 6 92 28 8 88 0.64 13.0 LP D 3 91 2.7 861 838 53 45 55 100 32 10 136 0.84 6.2 LP D 4 7 16.9 79 65 4 19 81 19 81 22 6 26 0.33 2.6 LP U UT 2 13 13 1 100 100 16 3 10 0.12 1.3 LP Totals 6 3.9 954 917 58 3 47 50 3 97 27 8 91 0.68 10.0 GF D 4 100 608 608 39 100 100 32 5 50 0.23 12.2 GF Totals 4 608 608 39 100 100 32 5 50 0.23 12.2 Type Totals 2.4 14,588 14,233 906 15 48 30 6 4 4 92 28 7 84 0.61 169.0 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: OCORRAL Date 2/13/2018 Time 3:50:11PM T29N Twp29N R39E X00 XXX00 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 00X 00 XXXXXX XX X00X R39E S05 TRW05 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt RW05 1.00 1 11 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length 00-00 00-00 36-99 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf /Acre 22 1.4 1,587 1,566 101 DF D 3 52 210 210 0 100 100 32 13 249 1.907 70 0.67 3.0 DF D 4 48 190 190 0 100 11 11 79 27 5 38 0.29 5.0 DF U UT 11 3 0.00 1.0 DF Totals 62 400 400 0 48 53 5 5 90 27 5 44 0.43 9.0 GF D 3 28 20.0 50 40 0 100 100 32 6 40 0.37 1.0 GF D 4 72 100 100 0 50 50 100 32 6 50 0.38 2.0 GF Totals 22 6.7 150 140 0 36 64 100 32 6 47 0.38 3.0 PP D 5 100 110 110 0 100 18 82 23 7 55 0.53 2.0
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Timber Sale Agreement
Unit Acreage Specifications. Unit # Gross Acres Net Acres Total Deletions Existing Roads Leave Tree Acres Power Line Other 2 94.16 94.16 0.00 *Removed from sale 3 68.35 64.35 4.00 4.00 114.4 109.1 5.3 3.9 1.4 4 68.12 68.12 0.00 177.3 172.1 5.2 5.2 5 83.20 81.70 1.50 1.50 ROW6 2.90 2.90 0.00 218.0 215.9 2.1 1.6 0.5 6 27.6 27.6 0.0 7 94.8 93.3 1.5 0.4 1.1 Total 415.68 406.98 8.70 7.20 1.50 0.00 0.00 710.5 695.4 15.1 12.1 1.6 0.0 1.4 *1.4 other acres removed from unit 3 due to active rock pit as noted on timber sale maps This timber sale was cruised using the variable plot sampling method. The double basal area system was employed; a small BAF to determine Basal Area (count trees) and a large BAF to determine the Volume-Basal Area Ratio (cruise trees). Each plot was a full plot. Plot locations were created using a computer generated grid, and found using a hand held GPS unit. *Unit 7 was stratified using orthophotos and lidar prior to cruising to account for significantly different timber densities within the unit. Unit # Small BAF (count) Large BAF (cruise) Sighting height Grid size (plot spacing in feet) % Cruise to count Target % Cruise to count Actual Total number of Plots 1 33.61 100.28 20 54.45 D4H 310300’x 300’ x 310’ 3337% 3834.2% 43 2 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 30% 41 36 3 27.78 111.11 D4H 300’x 300’ 25% 28.9% 50 4 20 80.28 D4H 310300’x 300’ x 31025% 20.9% 80 5 10 40 D4H 300’x 300’ 3325% 3630.9% 32 4 33.61 100.28 106 6 40 80.28 D4H 310285’x 285’ x 31050% 52.3% 14 7 20/33.61 80.28/134.44 D4H 300’x 300’ 3325% 4327.3% 32 5 40 122.5 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 37 ROW6 33.61 n/a D4H 200’ 100% 100% 17 42 Total 44% 43% 202 328 Minor species cruise intensity: We grade the first tree of all minor species encountered with the smaller BAF; then followed through with the small BAF to large BAF ratio. Minimum top dib: Ponderosa pine and western red cedarredcedar: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 5.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. All other species: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 4.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. Minimum dbh: Ponderosa pine and & western red-cedarredcedar: 8.0 inches DBH All other species: 7.0 inches DBH Log lengths: Saw logs: 32 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Firewood: 40 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Utility: 16 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Take / Leave tree description: Harvest all timber nor marked green conifers that meet the minimum cruise specifications that are NOT banded with purple paint, and all dead standing and down timber except for 2-2-2. Leave the two largest snags per acre, preferred snags are western larch and Xxxxxxx fir. Cut all timber between orange Right-of-Way tags exterior to the timber sale units. Commercial species observed in sale area, but not in cruise: Western hemlock Utility wood: Comprised of non-board foot volume and volume below the minimum top diameter of 5” or 40% of DOB at 16’ to a minimum of a 2.6” top. Status codes used: D - dead L – leave tree Sort codes used D – saw log, U – utility log, F - firewood log Species table used: NE 2 inch Grade table used: Eastgrad Other tables used (cruise adjustment): Location: Center Southern Xxxxxxx County; units 1-5 are 4 miles xxx xxxx xx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xx; units 6 & 7 are 6 miles east-northeast of Xxxxxxx county, 8 miles north-northwest of ColvilleLoon Lake, Washington. Aspect: North, East, South and West Elevation: 1850 2100 to 3000 4000 Slope: Xxxx 0 – 0% to 6015%, Average 5% Unit 3 – 0% to 40%, Average 20% Unit 2 – 0% to 60%, Average 25% Unit 3 4 – 0% to 55%, Average 3035% Unit 4 5 – 0% to 30%, Average 20% Unit 6 – 0% to 50%, Average 3035% Unit 5 7 – 0% to 5070%, Average 2545% Harvest Methods: 10090% Ground based base yarding, 10% uphill yarding or tether/cable assist. Stand Composition: The stands are second growth Xxxxxxx-fir fir, ponderosa pine, and ponderosa pine (primary leave tree species) western larch with larger residual trees. There is a minor component of western red cedar and grand fir, lodgepole pine, and western redcedar. Stand Health: Small There are areas of root rot pockets scattered through areas of and mistletoe within the salesale area. Timber Quality: The harvest timber is a mix of domestic quality Xxxxxxx-fir (7842%) ), ponderosa pine (26%), and western larch (1419%). Small , with small amounts of grand fir (9%), lodgepole pine (3%), and western red cedar redcedar (2%), grand fir (2%), and ponderosa pine (2%) are also to be harvested. Non-board Foot Volume: The 90 mbf of the total sale volume contains 50 mbf is comprised of utility wood and 175 mbf of firewoodwood. Other Considerations: There is a leave tree area in the center of unit 5 near a draw that is bound by “leave tree area” tags and pink ribbon. Based on Volume | Based on Acres Unit # Trust 03 Vol. mbf Trust 05 Vol. 04 mbf Trust 07 mbf Combined Vol. mbf Trust 03 Trust 04 Trust 07 Total 3866 1592 5458 1821 606 1688 4115 198.3 215.9 281.2 % of Total 70.8344.25% 29.1714.73% 100.0041.02% CC: Timber Sales Document Center & File #30-096913 58.98% 28.52% 31.05% 40.44% Entire sale is located within Xxxxxxx County. TC PSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Project) X00X X00X X00 Xx00X0 XXXX X00X X00X X00 XxXXX0 S16 Ty00U7 Project: Acres ECHORIDG 406.98 KINGSFH 695.40 Page Date Time 1 7/9/2018 3:21:45PM 4/15/2019 8:24:25AM Spp S So Gr T rt ad % Net BdFt Bd. Ft. per Acre Def% Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent of Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 DF PP D 4 42 2.2 664 649 452 90 10 1 99 32 14 266 1.71 2.4 PP D 5 58 4.4 909 869 605 100 11 15 75 26 7 62 0.60 13.9 PP Totals 26 3.4 1,573 1,519 1,056 57 39 4 6 9 85 27 8 93 0.80 16.4 WL D 2 33 4.0 3,625 3,479 1,416 81 19 3 97 5.2 397 377 262 65 35 100 32 14 274 1.91 12.7 DF 259 1.64 1.5 WL D 3 49 2.4 5,265 5,136 2,090 56 4.2 661 634 441 100 0 0 1 99 32 8 102 0.74 50.3 87 0.62 7.3 WL D 4 9 103 103 72 83 17 39 27 34 22 5 26 0.26 3.9 WL U UT 2 19 19 13 100 100 17 3 10 0.16 1.9 WL Totals 19 4.1 1,181 1,132 787 9 58 22 11 5 3 92 27 7 78 0.62 14.5 GF D 2 56 1.2 298 294 205 73 27 100 32 15 316 1.62 .9 GF D 3 23 2.8 122 118 82 100 1 13 86 31 7 72 0.53 1.7 GF D 4 18 95 95 66 86 14 39 20 41 23 5 29 0.27 3.3 GF U UT 3 10 10 7 100 95 5 17 3 10 0.16 1.0 GF Totals 9 1.3 525 518 360 18 25 41 15 9 7 84 25 7 75 0.57 6.9 DF D 2 39 5.5 1,017 961 669 91 9 1 99 32 14 258 1.79 3.7 DF D 3 40 4.4 1,043 997 693 96 4 0 2 97 32 8 85 0.66 11.7 DF D 4 16 4.0 1,811 1,739 708 61 39 24 26 50 17 1.1 430 425 296 63 37 25 41 34 23 5 32 0.34 54.1 28 0.32 14.9 DF U UT 2 33.1 161 107 44 86 14 65 35 18 4 13 0.20 8.3 78 78 54 100 85 15 17 3 11 0.14 7.4 DF Totals 78 3.7 10,861 10,462 4,258 11 55 27 42 4.1 2,568 2,462 1,712 14 45 37 4 8 9 84 25 6 5 6 89 28 7 83 0.70 125.4 DF D F W 100 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 DF Totals 2 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 WL D 2 10 1.9 196 192 78 99 1 100 32 13 196 1.25 1.0 WL 65 0.61 37.8 LP D 3 71 3.5 1,328 1,281 521 77 7.0 142 132 92 100 100 32 8 82 0.57 15.6 WL 80 0.58 1.6 LP D 4 18 331 331 135 91 9 24 10 66 17 28 28 19 100 11 89 25 5 32 0.24 10.3 28 0.29 1.0 LP U UT 6 10 10 7 100 100 24 3 10 0.16 1.0 LP Totals 3 5.5 179 169 118 22 78 2 20 78 28 6 47 0.41 3.6 RC D 3 77 5.5 96 91 63 85 15 9 91 30 7 66 0.59 1.4 RC D 4 9 .0 22 22 9 23 26 26 18 100 53 47 28 72 22 6 29 0.37 .8 27 0.34 1.0 RC Totals 2 6.0 267 251 102 4.4 122 117 81 88 12 13 16 71 27 7 50 50 5 4 91 28 9 119 1.10 2.1 GF D 2 29 47 47 19 100 100 32 14 270 1.62 .2 GF D 3 56 1.8 92 91 37 100 100 32 0.51 2.3 Totals 3.8 6,148 5,917 4,115 10 51 33 6 7 8 103 0.61 .9 GF D 4 13 22 22 9 93 7 7 71 22 27 5 32 0.25 .7 GF U UT 2 2 2 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.20 .2 GF Totals 1 1.0 162 161 65 14 57 29 2 10 88 29 7 84 0.57 1.9 PP D 4 50 13.6 171 148 60 40 60 1 99 32 15 279 1.72 .5 PP D 5 50 11.1 160 142 58 100 15 33 52 85 26 7 49 0.52 2.9 PP Totals 2 12.4 331 290 118 49 20 31 7 16 76 27 8 85 0.74 3.4 Totals 3.8 13,937 13,412 5,458 12 57 25 6 5 6 87 3 28 7 80 0.66 167.4 73 0.64 81.5 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT ECHORIDG KINGSFH PAGE DATE 1 0/0/0000 XXX XXX 00X 00X 00X 00X XX XXXXX 01 ECHORIDG 36 ECHORIDG 4/15/2019 TWP RGE SC TRACT 30N 39E 26 Q KINGS FH 30N 42E 16 Q KINGS FH TYPE ACRES 00U1 THR 406.98 ROW6 695.40 00U7 PLOTS 202 TREES595 CuFt S BdFt E 328 TREES 000 XxXx X XxXx X PLOTS TREES ESTIMATED TREES TOTAL PER PLOT TREES PERCENT SAMPLE TREES TOTAL 202 595 2.9 328 976 3.0 CRUISE 140 257 1.8 36,496 .7 156 241 1.5 31,280 .8 DBH COUNT REFOREST COUNT 130 337 2.6 BLANKS 20 42 100 % SAMPLE TREES TREES /ACRE STAND SUMMARY AVG BOLE REL BASAL DBH LEN DEN AREA XXXXX XX/AC NET BF/XX XXXXX CF/AC NET CF/AC XXXX FIR 186 67.4 14.5 73 89 21.0 13.4 61 5.6 20.4 77.7 10,861 10,462 2,456 2,444 2,568 2,000 000 000 P PINE 79 10.2 15.6 61 3.4 13.6 1,573 1,519 349 349 W LARCH 38 13.6 12.5 90 3.3 11.7 1,868 1,817 388 388 P PINE 12 2.1 14.8 55 0.7 2.5 331 290 68 68 WR CEDAR 4 1.1 18.7 78 0.5 2.0 267 251 66 66 GR FIR 5 1.0 12.2 80 0.2 .8 162 161 31 31 46 5.8 14.9 87 1.8 7.0 1,181 1,132 247 247 TOTAL 257 89.7 14.2 74 26.2 98.8 13,937 13,412 3,129 3,113 241 45.0 13.8 64 12.6 46.8 6,148 5,917 1,353 1,353 CONFIDENCE LIMITS OF THE SAMPLE 68.1 TIMES OUT OF 100 THE VOLUME WILL BE WITHIN THE SAMPLE ERROR CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - BF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 90.0 6.6 261 280 298 XXXX FIR-D 158.3 59.7 143 355 567 95.1 10.1 211 235 258 P PINE 77.1 8.7 229 250 272 W LARCH 67.1 10.9 174 196 217 W LARCH-D 46.9 26.8 71 98 124 P PINE 138.5 41.7 182 312 442 66.8 9.9 261 290 319 GR FIR 101.9 26.3 304 412 520 WR CEDAR 64.3 36.7 155 245 335 GR FIR 72.6 36.1 169 264 359 70.6 31.4 59 87 114 LP PINE 83.8 47.9 34 65 96 TOTAL 97.2 6.1 251 267 284 378 94 42 89.3 5.8 241 256 270 319 80 35 CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - CF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 77.7 5.7 90.5 9.6 49 54 60 P PINE 64.5 7.3 50 54 58 62 65 XXXX FIR-D 120.5 45.4 43 79 115 W LARCH 60.7 9.8 38 42 46 W LARCH-D 31.7 18.1 24 29 35 P PINE 118.9 35.8 40 63 86 59.5 8.9 56 62 67 GR FIR 95.4 24.6 57 75 94 WR CEDAR 55.5 31.7 44 65 85 GR FIR 71.0 35.3 33 51 69 82.2 36.6 17 26 36 LP PINE 75.2 43.0 9 16 23 TOTAL 82.8 5.2 79.4 5.1 53 56 59 62 274 68 30 252 63 28 CL 68.1 COEFF TREES/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 57.8 4.1 65 67 70 XXXX FIR-D 492.9 34.6 2 3 3 127.4 7.0 20 21 22 P PINE 190.4 10.5 9 10 11 W LARCH 254.5 17.9 11 14 16 W LARCH-D 614.9 43.2 297.5 16.4 5 6 7 GR FIR 443.9 24.5 3 4 5 WR CEDAR 629.6 34.7 1 2 3 P LP PINE 454.2 31.9 519.9 28.7 1 2 3 WR CEDAR 568.3 40.0 1 1 1 GR FIR 864.4 60.8 0 1 2 TOTAL 36.4 2.6 87 90 92 53 13 6 83.0 4.6 43 45 47 275 69 31 CL 68.1 COEFF BASAL AREA/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 127.2 7.0 P PINE 159.7 8.8 W LARCH 237.1 13.1 19 20 22 12 14 15 6 7 8 TC PSTATS PROJECT ECHORIDG STATISTICS PROJECT KINGSFH PAGE DATE 7/9/2018 2 4/15/2019 XXX 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX 00U1 THR 406.98 202 000 X X XXX 00X 00X XX 00 XXXXXXXX XXX0 XXXX 16 TRACT Q KINGS FH Q KINGS FH TYPE 00U1 00U7 ACRES THR 695.40 PLOTS 328 TREES 000 Xx Xx X XxXx X XX XX: 68.1 .00 COEFF VAR. S.E.% BASAL AREA/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 GR FIR 44.2 3.1 75 78 80 XXXX FIR-D 413.7 29.1 2 411.5 22.7 2 3 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 10 12 14 W LARCH-D 606.6 42.6 4 WR CEDAR 586.0 32.3 1 1 2 2 P LP PINE 416.7 531.9 29.3 2 3 3 WR CEDAR 606.4 42.6 1 1 2 3 TOTAL 62.5 3.4 45 47 48 156 39 17 CL 68.1 SD: 68.1 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 45.6 3.2 10,127 10,462 10,797 XXXX FIR-D 459.1 32.3 178 263 348 127.0 7.0 2,289 2,462 2,634 P PINE 158.4 8.7 1,386 1,519 1,651 W LARCH 237.5 16.7 1,514 1,817 2,120 W LARCH-D 620.3 43.6 95 168 242 P PINE 491.0 34.5 190 290 390 228.7 12.6 990 1,132 1,275 GR FIR 467.8 25.8 384 518 652 WR CEDAR 646.7 45.5 137 251 365 GR FIR 775.3 54.5 73 161 248 601.7 33.2 78 117 156 LP PINE 547.7 30.2 118 169 220 TOTAL 15.7 1.1 13,264 13,412 13,559 10 2 1 70.4 3.9 5,688 5,917 6,147 198 50 22 CL SD: 68.1 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET CUFT FT/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 127.4 7.0 545 586 627 P PINE 156.4 8.6 319 349 379 W LARCH 230.6 12.7 215 247 278 GR FIR 432.2 23.8 75 98 121 WR CEDAR 590.2 32.6 22 32 42 LP PINE 545.4 30.1 29 41 54 TOTAL 64.7 3.6 1,304 1,353 1,401 167 42 19 CL SD: 68.1 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% V BAR/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 43.9 3.1 2,369 2,444 2,520 XXXX FIR-D 416.1 29.3 47 66 86 112 120 129 P PINE 102 112 122 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 325 388 451 W LARCH-D 608.9 42.8 28 50 71 P PINE 463.9 32.6 46 68 90 51.0 2.8 141 161 182 GR FIR 277.4 15.3 125 169 213 WR CEDAR 622.0 43.7 37 66 414.4 22.9 63 94 GR FIR 778.6 54.7 14 31 48 125 LP PINE 152.0 8.4 83 118 154 TOTAL 3.2 .2 3,106 3,113 3,120 40.5 2.2 122 127 131 65 16 0 0 0 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - 77.40 36 75 Percent Net Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T37N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 35 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U1 95.75 43 38 S E Spp Volume Average Log S So T rt D D Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 37 2.3 3,523 3,443 330 95 5 2 98 32 14 271 1.76 12.7 DF D 3 43 4.1 4,038 3,872 371 100 100 32 9 108 0.79 35.9 DF D 4 19 4.5 1,791 1,710 164 58 42 26 21 52 25 5 32 0.35 52.9 DF U UT 1 80 80 8 100 100 14 4 10 0.15 8.0 DF Totals 95 3.5 9,433 9,105 872 12 50 36 2 6 5 89 27 7 83 0.71 109.4 PP D 5 100 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 PP Totals 3 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 WL D 3 75 165 165 16 100 100 32 7 60 0.67 2.8 WL D 4 25 55 55 5 100 100 20 5 20 0.20 2.8 WL Totals 2 220 220 21 25 75 25 75 26 6 40 0.49 5.5 Type Totals 3.4 9,914 9,577 917 12 52 34 2 6 6 88 27 7 80 0.69 119.6 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T36N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 01 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U2 94.16 41 39 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 30 2.5 3,788 3,692 348 91 9 4 96 32 14 255 1.93 14.5 DF D 3 49 3.7 6,063 5,840 550 100 100 32 9 103 0.81 56.5 DF D 4 19 7.2 2,531 2,349 221 55 45 22 26 52 25 5 32 0.35 74.1 DF U UT 2 56.6 406 176 17 100 9 91 27 4 17 0.23 10.4 DF Totals 96 5.7 12,788 12,056 1,135 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 155.4 WL D 2 26 125 125 12 100 100 32 13 210 1.66 .6 WL D 3 64 11.4 340 301 28 100 100 32 8 83 0.74 3.6 WL D 4 8 39 39 4 100 100 28 5 30 0.24 1.3 WL U UT 2 6 6 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.24 .6 WL Totals 4 7.6 511 472 44 10 64 27 1 8 90 29 8 77 0.71 6.1 Type Totals 5.8 13,299 12,528 1,180 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 161.5 % Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs S So Gr Bd. Ft. per Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Dia Bd CF/ Spp T rt ad BdFt Def% Gross Net Net MBF 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ Log Length 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 Ln Dia Bd Spp Def% Ft In Ft Logs CF/ Per Lf /Acre 22 1.4 1,587 1,566 101 PP PP 4 5 30 70 2.7 1,453 3.4 3,383 1,413 3,268 109 253 87 13 100 3 18 100 79 32 13 249 1.9014 29 63 3.2 4,836 4,681 362 70 26 4 2 12 85 29 8 94 0.73 49.6 DF DF DF D 2 D 3 D 4 24 44 32
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Timber Sale Agreement
Unit Acreage Specifications. Unit # Gross Acres Net Acres Total Deletions Existing Roads Leave Tree Acres Power Line Other 2 94.16 94.16 0.00 69.78 68.23 1.55 1.55 3 68.35 64.35 4.00 4.00 74.49 71.69 2.80 2.50 0.30 4 68.12 68.12 0.00 86.67 86.08 0.59 0.59 5 83.20 81.70 1.50 1.50 ROW6 2.90 2.90 0.00 99.62 98.34 1.28 1.14 0.14 Total 415.68 406.98 8.70 7.20 1.50 0.00 0.00 504.63 464.74 39.89 10.35 29.10 0.30 0.14 This timber sale was cruised using the variable plot sampling method. The double basal area system was employed; a small BAF to determine Basal Area (count trees) and a large BAF to determine the Volume-Basal Area Ratio (cruise trees). Each plot was a full plot. Plot locations were created using a computer generated grid, and found using a hand held GPS unit. Unit # Small BAF (count) Large BAF (cruise) Sighting height Grid size (plot spacing in feet) % Cruise to count Target % Cruise to count Actual Total number of Plots 1 33.61 20 100.28 D4H 310210’ x 310210’ 3320% 3831% 43 132 2 33.61 20 100.28 D4H 310210’ x 310210’ 3320% 27% 71 3 20 46.95 D4H 230‘ x 230’ 43% 43% 78 4 20 46.95 D4H 230’ x 230’ 43% 42% 53 5 10 33.61 D4H 230’ x 230’ 30% 30% 41 3 27.78 80.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 3369 Total 31% 3635% 32 4 33.61 100.28 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 43% 32 5 40 122.5 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 37 ROW6 33.61 n/a D4H 200’ 100% 100% 17 Total 44% 43% 202 403 Minor species cruise intensity: We grade the first tree of all minor species encountered with the smaller BAF; then followed through with the small BAF to large BAF ratio. Minimum top dib: Ponderosa pine and western red cedarpine: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 5.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. All other species: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 4.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. Minimum dbh: Ponderosa pine and western red-cedarpine: 8.0 inches DBH All other species: 7.0 inches DBH Log lengths: Saw logs: 32 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Firewood: 40 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Utility: 16 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Take / Leave tree description: Harvest all timber nor marked green conifers that meet the minimum cruise specifications and are not banded with purple paint, and all dead standing and down timber except for 2-2-2. Leave the two largest snags per acre, preferred snags are western larch and Xxxxxxx fir. Cut all timber between orange Right-of-Way tags exterior to the timber sale units. Commercial species observed in sale area, but not in cruise: Western hemlock, lodge pole pine Utility wood: Comprised of non-board foot volume and volume below the minimum top diameter of 5” or 40% of DOB at 16’ to a minimum of a 2.6” top. Status codes used: D - dead none Sort codes used D – saw log, U – utility log, F - firewood log Species table used: NE 2 inch Grade table used: Eastgrad Other tables used (cruise adjustment): n/a Location: Center of Xxxxxxx countyCounty, 8 Units 1 and 2 are 10 miles northsouth-northwest southeast of Colville, Washington, units 3-5 are 5 miles south-southeast of Colville, WA. Aspect: North, East, South and West Elevation: 1850 to 3000 1680-2500 Slope: Xxxx 0 Unit 1 – 0% to 6050%, Average 2025% Unit 2 – 0% to 6040%, Average 2520% Unit 3 – 0% to 55%, Average 30% Unit 4 – 0% to 5030%, Average 3020% Unit 5 – 0% to 5065%, Average 2535% Harvest Methods: 100% Ground based yardingbase yarding with the longest skidding of 1400 feet. Stand Composition: The stands are second growth ponderosa pine and Xxxxxxx-fir and ponderosa pine (primary leave tree species) with larger residual trees. There is a minor component of western red cedar larch, and grand fira potential for a small amount of western hemlock. Stand Health: Small root rot pockets Overall healthy stand, some bug kill in scattered through areas of the sale. Timber Quality: The harvest timber is a mix of domestic quality Xxxxxxx-fir (78%) and western larch (14%). Small amounts of western red cedar (2%), grand fir (2%), and ponderosa pine (2%) are also to be harvestedwith a few blow down patches. Non-board Foot Volume: The total sale volume contains 50 mbf utility wood and 175 mbf Lots of firewood. Other Considerations: There is a leave tree area in the center of unit 5 near a draw that is bound by “leave tree area” tags and pink ribbon. Based on Volume Unit # Trust 03 Vol. mbf Trust 05 Vol. mbf Combined Vol. mbf Total 3866 1592 5458 % of Total 70.83% 29.17% 100.00% CC: Timber Sales Document Center & File #30-096913 TC PSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Project) X00X X00X X00 Xx00X0 XXXX X00X X00X X00 XxXXX0 Project: Acres ECHORIDG 406.98 Page Date Time 1 7/9/2018 3:21:45PM Spp S So Gr T rt ad % Net BdFt Bd. Ft. per Acre Def% Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent of Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 DF D 2 33 4.0 3,625 3,479 1,416 81 19 3 97 32 14 274 1.91 12.7 DF D 3 49 2.4 5,265 5,136 2,090 100 0 0 1 99 32 8 102 0.74 50.3 DF D 4 16 4.0 1,811 1,739 708 61 39 24 26 50 25 5 32 0.34 54.1 DF U UT 2 33.1 161 107 44 86 14 65 35 18 4 13 0.20 8.3 DF Totals 78 3.7 10,861 10,462 4,258 11 55 27 6 5 6 89 28 7 83 0.70 125.4 DF D F W 100 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 DF Totals 2 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 WL D 2 10 1.9 196 192 78 99 1 100 32 13 196 1.25 1.0 WL D 3 71 3.5 1,328 1,281 521 100 100 32 8 82 0.57 15.6 WL D 4 18 331 331 135 91 9 24 10 66 25 5 32 0.24 10.3 RC D 4 9 .0 22 22 9 100 53 47 22 6 29 0.37 .8 RC Totals 2 6.0 267 251 102 50 50 5 4 91 28 9 119 1.10 2.1 GF D 2 29 47 47 19 100 100 32 14 270 1.62 .2 GF D 3 56 1.8 92 91 37 100 100 32 8 103 0.61 .9 GF D 4 13 22 22 9 93 7 7 71 22 27 5 32 0.25 .7 GF U UT 2 2 2 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.20 .2 GF Totals 1 1.0 162 161 65 14 57 29 2 10 88 29 7 84 0.57 1.9 PP D 4 50 13.6 171 148 60 40 60 1 99 32 15 279 1.72 .5 PP D 5 50 11.1 160 142 58 100 15 33 52 26 7 49 0.52 2.9 PP Totals 2 12.4 331 290 118 49 20 31 7 16 76 27 8 85 0.74 3.4 Totals 3.8 13,937 13,412 5,458 12 57 25 6 5 6 87 3 28 7 80 0.66 167.4 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT ECHORIDG PAGE DATE 1 0/0/0000 XXX XXX 00X 00X 00X 00X XX XXXXX 01 ECHORIDG 36 ECHORIDG TYPE ACRES 00U1 THR 406.98 ROW6 PLOTS 202 TREES595 CuFt S BdFt E PLOTS TREES ESTIMATED TREES TOTAL PER PLOT TREES PERCENT SAMPLE TREES TOTAL 202 595 2.9 CRUISE 140 257 1.8 36,496 .7 REFOREST BLANKS 20 100 % SAMPLE TREES TREES /ACRE STAND SUMMARY AVG BOLE REL BASAL DBH LEN DEN AREA XXXXX XX/AC NET BF/XX XXXXX CF/AC NET CF/AC XXXX FIR 186 67.4 14.5 73 20.4 77.7 10,861 10,462 2,456 2,444 W LARCH 38 13.6 12.5 90 3.3 11.7 1,868 1,817 388 388 P PINE 12 2.1 14.8 55 0.7 2.5 331 290 68 68 WR CEDAR 4 1.1 18.7 78 0.5 2.0 267 251 66 66 GR FIR 5 1.0 12.2 80 0.2 .8 162 161 31 31 TOTAL 257 89.7 14.2 74 26.2 98.8 13,937 13,412 3,129 3,113 CONFIDENCE LIMITS OF THE SAMPLE 68.1 TIMES OUT OF 100 THE VOLUME WILL BE WITHIN THE SAMPLE ERROR CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - BF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 90.0 6.6 261 280 298 XXXX FIR-D 158.3 59.7 143 355 567 W LARCH 67.1 10.9 174 196 217 W LARCH-D 46.9 26.8 71 98 124 P PINE 138.5 41.7 182 312 442 WR CEDAR 64.3 36.7 155 245 335 GR FIR 72.6 36.1 169 264 359 TOTAL 97.2 6.1 251 267 284 378 94 42 CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - CF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 77.7 5.7 58 62 65 XXXX FIR-D 120.5 45.4 43 79 115 W LARCH 60.7 9.8 38 42 46 W LARCH-D 31.7 18.1 24 29 35 P PINE 118.9 35.8 40 63 86 WR CEDAR 55.5 31.7 44 65 85 GR FIR 71.0 35.3 33 51 69 TOTAL 82.8 5.2 56 59 62 274 68 30 CL 68.1 COEFF TREES/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 57.8 4.1 65 67 70 XXXX FIR-D 492.9 34.6 2 3 3 W LARCH 254.5 17.9 11 14 16 W LARCH-D 614.9 43.2 1 2 3 P PINE 454.2 31.9 1 2 3 WR CEDAR 568.3 40.0 1 1 1 GR FIR 864.4 60.8 0 1 2 TOTAL 36.4 2.6 87 90 92 53 13 6 CL 68.1 COEFF BASAL AREA/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 PROJECT ECHORIDG DATE 7/9/2018 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX 00U1 THR 406.98 202 000 X X 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX XXX0 XXXX FIR 44.2 3.1 75 78 80 XXXX FIR-D 413.7 29.1 2 2 3 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 10 12 14 W LARCH-D 606.6 42.6 1 2 2 P PINE 416.7 29.3 2 3 3 WR CEDAR 606.4 42.6 1 2 3 CL 68.1 SD: 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 45.6 3.2 10,127 10,462 10,797 XXXX FIR-D 459.1 32.3 178 263 348 W LARCH 237.5 16.7 1,514 1,817 2,120 W LARCH-D 620.3 43.6 95 168 242 P PINE 491.0 34.5 190 290 390 WR CEDAR 646.7 45.5 137 251 365 GR FIR 775.3 54.5 73 161 248 TOTAL 15.7 1.1 13,264 13,412 13,559 10 2 1 CL 68.1 COEFF NET CUFT FT/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 43.9 3.1 2,369 2,444 2,520 XXXX FIR-D 416.1 29.3 47 66 86 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 325 388 451 W LARCH-D 608.9 42.8 28 50 71 P PINE 463.9 32.6 46 68 90 WR CEDAR 622.0 43.7 37 66 94 GR FIR 778.6 54.7 14 31 48 TOTAL 3.2 .2 3,106 3,113 3,120 0 0 0 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T37N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 35 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U1 95.75 43 38 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 37 2.3 3,523 3,443 330 95 5 2 98 32 14 271 1.76 12.7 DF D 3 43 4.1 4,038 3,872 371 100 100 32 9 108 0.79 35.9 DF D 4 19 4.5 1,791 1,710 164 58 42 26 21 52 25 5 32 0.35 52.9 DF U UT 1 80 80 8 100 100 14 4 10 0.15 8.0 DF Totals 95 3.5 9,433 9,105 872 12 50 36 2 6 5 89 27 7 83 0.71 109.4 PP D 5 100 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 PP Totals 3 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 WL D 3 75 165 165 16 100 100 32 7 60 0.67 2.8 WL D 4 25 55 55 5 100 100 20 5 20 0.20 2.8 WL Totals 2 220 220 21 25 75 25 75 26 6 40 0.49 5.5 Type Totals 3.4 9,914 9,577 917 12 52 34 2 6 6 88 27 7 80 0.69 119.6 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T36N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 01 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U2 94.16 41 39 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 30 2.5 3,788 3,692 348 91 9 4 96 32 14 255 1.93 14.5 DF D 3 49 3.7 6,063 5,840 550 100 100 32 9 103 0.81 56.5 DF D 4 19 7.2 2,531 2,349 221 55 45 22 26 52 25 5 32 0.35 74.1 DF U UT 2 56.6 406 176 17 100 9 91 27 4 17 0.23 10.4 DF Totals 96 5.7 12,788 12,056 1,135 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 155.4 WL D 2 26 125 125 12 100 100 32 13 210 1.66 .6 WL D 3 64 11.4 340 301 28 100 100 32 8 83 0.74 3.6 WL D 4 8 39 39 4 100 100 28 5 30 0.24 1.3 WL U UT 2 6 6 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.24 .6 WL Totals 4 7.6 511 472 44 10 64 27 1 8 90 29 8 77 0.71 6.1 Type Totals 5.8 13,299 12,528 1,180 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 161.5 % Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs S So Gr Bd. Ft. per Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Dia Bd CF/ Spp T rt ad BdFt Def% Gross Net Net MBF 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 Ft In Ft Lf /Acre 22 1.4 1,587 1,566 101 100 100 32 13 249 1.90regeneration.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Timber Sale Agreement
Unit Acreage Specifications. Unit # Gross Acres Net Acres Total Deletions Existing Roads RMZ / WMZ Leave Tree Acres Power Line Existing Roads Other 2 94.16 94.16 Total 577.17 568.20 8.97 0.00 3 68.35 64.35 4.00 4.00 4 68.12 68.12 3.35 5.62 0.00 5 83.20 81.70 1.50 1.50 ROW6 2.90 2.90 0.00 Total 415.68 406.98 8.70 7.20 1.50 0.00 0.00 This timber sale was Units 1 to 7 and 9 were cruised using the variable plot sampling method. The double basal area system was employed; a small BAF to determine Basal Area (count trees) and a large BAF to determine the Volume-Basal Area Ratio (cruise trees). Each plot was a full plot. Plot locations were created using a computer generated grid, and found using a hand held GPS unit. Unit 8 was strip cruised on a 20% grid. Unit # Small BAF (count) Large BAF (cruise) Sighting height Grid size (plot spacing in feet) % Cruise to count Target % Cruise to count Actual Total number of Plots 1 33.61 100.28 134.44 D4H 310’ 310 x 310’ 33310 25% 3829.8% 40 2 20.00 20.00 D4H 310 x 310 100% 100.0% 3 3 27.78 111.11 D4H 310 x 310 25% 27.2% 43 2 33.61 100.28 4 27.78 111.11 D4H 310’ 310 x 310’ 33310 25% 3028.9% 41 3 5 20.00 62.50 D4H 310 x 310 32% 31.7% 27 6 27.78 80.28 111.11 D4H 310’ 310 x 310’ 33310 25% 3624.4% 32 4 33.61 100.28 41 7 20.00 20.00 D4H 310’ 310 x 310’ 33% 43% 32 5 40 122.5 D4H 310’ x 310’ 33% 36% 37 ROW6 33.61 n/a D4H 200’ 310 100% 100.0% 2 8 20% Strip Cruise D4H 330 x330 100% 17 100.0% 12 9 33.61 134.44 D4H 310 x 310 25% 23.1% 40 Total 4450.1% 43% 202 249 Minor species cruise intensity: We grade the first tree of all minor species encountered with the smaller BAF; then followed through with the small BAF to large BAF ratio. Minimum top dib: Ponderosa pine and western red cedarpine: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 5.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. All other species: Trees less than 17.5” DBH have a minimum top of 4.6” dib. Trees 17.6” and greater DBH have a minimum top dib of 40% of DOB at 16’or a 6” top whichever is greater. Minimum dbh: Ponderosa pine and western red-cedarpine: 8.0 inches DBH All other species: 7.0 inches DBH Log lengths: Saw logs: 32 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Firewood: 40 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Utility: 16 feet where possible, minimum of 12 feet Take / Leave tree description: Xxxxx 0-0, 0, 0 & 0 Xxxxxxx all green conifers that meet the minimum cruise specifications and are not banded with blue paint. Units 5 & 8 Harvest all timber nor marked green conifers that meet the minimum cruise specifications and are not banded with purple paint, and all dead standing and down timber except for 2-2-2. Leave the two largest snags per acre, preferred snags are western larch and Xxxxxxx fir. Cut all timber between orange Right-of-Way tags exterior to the timber sale units. Commercial species observed in sale area, but not in cruise: Utility wood: Comprised of non-board foot volume and volume below the minimum top diameter of 5” or 40% of DOB at 16’ to a minimum of a 2.6” top. Status codes used: D - dead Sort codes used D – saw log, U – utility log, F - firewood Species table used: NE 2 inch Grade table used: Eastgrad Other tables used (cruise adjustment): : Location: Center Southwestern Okanogan County, 13 miles west of Xxxxxxx county, 8 miles north-northwest of ColvilleOkanogan, Washington. Aspect: North, East, East and South and West Elevation: 1850 2680 to 3000 3800 Slope: Xxxx 0 – 0% to 6040%, Average 2022% Unit 2 – 0% to 6020%, Average 2510% Unit 3 – 0% to 5525%, Average 3012% Unit 4 – 0% to 5040%, Average 3023% Unit 5 – 0% to 50%, Average 2518% Unit 6 – 0% to 40%, Average 20% Unit 7 – 0% to 40%, Average 20% Unit 8 – 0% to 35%, Average 19% Unit 9 – 0% to 45%, Average 20% Harvest Methods: 100% Ground based yardingbase yarding with the longest skidding of 1400 feet. Stand Composition: The stands are second growth Xxxxxxx-fir and ponderosa pine (primary leave tree species) with larger residual trees. There is a minor component of western red cedar and grand firlarch. Stand Health: Small root rot pockets scattered through areas of There are a few broken tops from the salewind. Timber Quality: The harvest timber is a mix of domestic good quality Xxxxxxx-fir (7868%), ponderosa pine (28%) and western larch (143%). Small amounts of western red cedar (2%), grand fir (2%), and ponderosa pine (2%) are also to be harvested. Non-board Foot Volume: The 23 mbf of the total sale volume contains 50 mbf is comprised of utility wood and 175 mbf of firewoodwood. Other Considerations: There is a leave tree area in the center of unit 5 near a draw that is bound by “leave tree area” tags and pink ribbon. Based on Volume Unit # Trust 03 Vol. mbf Trust 05 Vol. mbf Combined Vol. mbf Total 3866 1592 5458 % of Total 70.83% 29.17% 100.00% CC: Timber Sales Document Center & File #30-096913 TC PSPCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Project) X00X X00X X00 Xx00X0 XXXX X00X X00X X00 XxXXX0 Project: Acres ECHORIDG 406.98 Page Date Time 1 7/9/2018 3:21:45PM Spp S So Gr T rt ad % Net BdFt Bd. Ft. per Acre Def% Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent of Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 DF D 2 33 4.0 3,625 3,479 1,416 81 19 3 97 32 14 274 1.91 12.7 DF D 3 49 2.4 5,265 5,136 2,090 100 0 0 1 99 32 8 102 0.74 50.3 DF D 4 16 4.0 1,811 1,739 708 61 39 24 26 50 25 5 32 0.34 54.1 DF U UT 2 33.1 161 107 44 86 14 65 35 18 4 13 0.20 8.3 DF Totals 78 3.7 10,861 10,462 4,258 11 55 27 6 5 6 89 28 7 83 0.70 125.4 DF D F W 100 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 DF Totals 2 6.1 280 263 107 11 34 25 30 5 21 75 28 7 80 0.73 3.3 WL D 2 10 1.9 196 192 78 99 1 100 32 13 196 1.25 1.0 WL D 3 71 3.5 1,328 1,281 521 100 100 32 8 82 0.57 15.6 WL D 4 18 331 331 135 91 9 24 10 66 25 5 32 0.24 10.3 RC D 4 9 .0 22 22 9 100 53 47 22 6 29 0.37 .8 RC Totals 2 6.0 267 251 102 50 50 5 4 91 28 9 119 1.10 2.1 GF D 2 29 47 47 19 100 100 32 14 270 1.62 .2 GF D 3 56 1.8 92 91 37 100 100 32 8 103 0.61 .9 GF D 4 13 22 22 9 93 7 7 71 22 27 5 32 0.25 .7 GF U UT 2 2 2 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.20 .2 GF Totals 1 1.0 162 161 65 14 57 29 2 10 88 29 7 84 0.57 1.9 PP D 4 50 13.6 171 148 60 40 60 1 99 32 15 279 1.72 .5 PP D 5 50 11.1 160 142 58 100 15 33 52 26 7 49 0.52 2.9 PP Totals 2 12.4 331 290 118 49 20 31 7 16 76 27 8 85 0.74 3.4 Totals 3.8 13,937 13,412 5,458 12 57 25 6 5 6 87 3 28 7 80 0.66 167.4 TC PSTATS PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT ECHORIDG PAGE DATE 1 0/0/0000 XXX XXX 00X 00X 00X 00X XX XXXXX 01 ECHORIDG 36 ECHORIDG TYPE ACRES 00U1 THR 406.98 ROW6 PLOTS 202 TREES595 CuFt S BdFt E PLOTS TREES ESTIMATED TREES TOTAL PER PLOT TREES PERCENT SAMPLE TREES TOTAL 202 595 2.9 CRUISE 140 257 1.8 36,496 .7 REFOREST BLANKS 20 100 % SAMPLE TREES TREES /ACRE STAND SUMMARY AVG BOLE REL BASAL DBH LEN DEN AREA XXXXX XX/AC NET BF/XX XXXXX CF/AC NET CF/AC XXXX FIR 186 67.4 14.5 73 20.4 77.7 10,861 10,462 2,456 2,444 W LARCH 38 13.6 12.5 90 3.3 11.7 1,868 1,817 388 388 P PINE 12 2.1 14.8 55 0.7 2.5 331 290 68 68 WR CEDAR 4 1.1 18.7 78 0.5 2.0 267 251 66 66 GR FIR 5 1.0 12.2 80 0.2 .8 162 161 31 31 TOTAL 257 89.7 14.2 74 26.2 98.8 13,937 13,412 3,129 3,113 CONFIDENCE LIMITS OF THE SAMPLE 68.1 TIMES OUT OF 100 THE VOLUME WILL BE WITHIN THE SAMPLE ERROR CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - BF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 90.0 6.6 261 280 298 XXXX FIR-D 158.3 59.7 143 355 567 W LARCH 67.1 10.9 174 196 217 W LARCH-D 46.9 26.8 71 98 124 P PINE 138.5 41.7 182 312 442 WR CEDAR 64.3 36.7 155 245 335 GR FIR 72.6 36.1 169 264 359 TOTAL 97.2 6.1 251 267 284 378 94 42 CL 68.1 COEFF SAMPLE TREES - CF # OF TREES REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 77.7 5.7 58 62 65 XXXX FIR-D 120.5 45.4 43 79 115 W LARCH 60.7 9.8 38 42 46 W LARCH-D 31.7 18.1 24 29 35 P PINE 118.9 35.8 40 63 86 WR CEDAR 55.5 31.7 44 65 85 GR FIR 71.0 35.3 33 51 69 TOTAL 82.8 5.2 56 59 62 274 68 30 CL 68.1 COEFF TREES/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 57.8 4.1 65 67 70 XXXX FIR-D 492.9 34.6 2 3 3 W LARCH 254.5 17.9 11 14 16 W LARCH-D 614.9 43.2 1 2 3 P PINE 454.2 31.9 1 2 3 WR CEDAR 568.3 40.0 1 1 1 GR FIR 864.4 60.8 0 1 2 TOTAL 36.4 2.6 87 90 92 53 13 6 CL 68.1 COEFF BASAL AREA/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 PROJECT ECHORIDG DATE 7/9/2018 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX 00U1 THR 406.98 202 000 X X 00X 00X 00 XXXXXXXX XXX0 XXXX FIR 44.2 3.1 75 78 80 XXXX FIR-D 413.7 29.1 2 2 3 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 10 12 14 W LARCH-D 606.6 42.6 1 2 2 P PINE 416.7 29.3 2 3 3 WR CEDAR 606.4 42.6 1 2 3 CL 68.1 SD: 1.0 COEFF VAR.% S.E.% NET BF/ACRE LOW AVG HIGH # OF PLOTS REQ. 5 10 INF. POP. 15 XXXX FIR 45.6 3.2 10,127 10,462 10,797 XXXX FIR-D 459.1 32.3 178 263 348 W LARCH 237.5 16.7 1,514 1,817 2,120 W LARCH-D 620.3 43.6 95 168 242 P PINE 491.0 34.5 190 290 390 WR CEDAR 646.7 45.5 137 251 365 GR FIR 775.3 54.5 73 161 248 TOTAL 15.7 1.1 13,264 13,412 13,559 10 2 1 CL 68.1 COEFF NET CUFT FT/ACRE # OF PLOTS REQ. INF. POP. SD: 1.0 VAR.% S.E.% LOW AVG HIGH 5 10 15 XXXX FIR 43.9 3.1 2,369 2,444 2,520 XXXX FIR-D 416.1 29.3 47 66 86 W LARCH 230.2 16.2 325 388 451 W LARCH-D 608.9 42.8 28 50 71 P PINE 463.9 32.6 46 68 90 WR CEDAR 622.0 43.7 37 66 94 GR FIR 778.6 54.7 14 31 48 TOTAL 3.2 .2 3,106 3,113 3,120 0 0 0 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T37N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 35 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U1 95.75 43 38 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 37 2.3 3,523 3,443 330 95 5 2 98 32 14 271 1.76 12.7 DF D 3 43 4.1 4,038 3,872 371 100 100 32 9 108 0.79 35.9 DF D 4 19 4.5 1,791 1,710 164 58 42 26 21 52 25 5 32 0.35 52.9 DF U UT 1 80 80 8 100 100 14 4 10 0.15 8.0 DF Totals 95 3.5 9,433 9,105 872 12 50 36 2 6 5 89 27 7 83 0.71 109.4 PP D 5 100 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 PP Totals 3 3.6 262 252 24 100 8 44 49 26 7 54 0.49 4.6 WL D 3 75 165 165 16 100 100 32 7 60 0.67 2.8 WL D 4 25 55 55 5 100 100 20 5 20 0.20 2.8 WL Totals 2 220 220 21 25 75 25 75 26 6 40 0.49 5.5 Type Totals 3.4 9,914 9,577 917 12 52 34 2 6 6 88 27 7 80 0.69 119.6 T TS PCSTGR Species, Sort Grade - Board Foot Volumes (Type) Page 1 Project: ECHORIDG Date 7/9/2018 Time 3:21:46PM T36N Xxx 00X X00X X00 X00X0 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx 38E 01 XXXXXXXX X00X X00X X00 X00X0 Type Acres Plots Sample Trees CuFt BdFt 00U2 94.16 41 39 S E Spp S So T rt Gr ad % Net BdFt Bd. Def% Ft. per Acre Gross Net Total Net MBF Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs Per /Acre 4-5 Log Scale Dia.6-11 12-16 17+ Log12-20 Length21-30 00-00 00-00 Ln Ft Dia In Bd Ft CF/ Lf DF D 2 30 2.5 3,788 3,692 348 91 9 4 96 32 14 255 1.93 14.5 DF D 3 49 3.7 6,063 5,840 550 100 100 32 9 103 0.81 56.5 DF D 4 19 7.2 2,531 2,349 221 55 45 22 26 52 25 5 32 0.35 74.1 DF U UT 2 56.6 406 176 17 100 9 91 27 4 17 0.23 10.4 DF Totals 96 5.7 12,788 12,056 1,135 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 155.4 WL D 2 26 125 125 12 100 100 32 13 210 1.66 .6 WL D 3 64 11.4 340 301 28 100 100 32 8 83 0.74 3.6 WL D 4 8 39 39 4 100 100 28 5 30 0.24 1.3 WL U UT 2 6 6 1 100 100 14 5 10 0.24 .6 WL Totals 4 7.6 511 472 44 10 64 27 1 8 90 29 8 77 0.71 6.1 Type Totals 5.8 13,299 12,528 1,180 12 57 28 3 4 8 88 28 7 78 0.70 161.5 % Percent Net Board Foot Volume Average Log Logs S So Gr Bd. Ft. per Acre Log Scale Dia. Log Length Ln Dia Bd CF/ Spp T rt ad BdFt Def% Gross Net Net MBF 4-5 6-11 12-16 17+ 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 Ft In Ft Lf /Acre 22 1.4 1,587 1,566 101 100 100 32 13 249 1.90:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Timber Sale Agreement