Unrepaired Damage Clause Sample Clauses

Unrepaired Damage Clause. The Insurer shall not be liable under this Section for any prior unrepaired damage prior to a loss.
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Related to Unrepaired Damage Clause

  • Damage to Equipment The Parties shall exercise all necessary precautions to avoid causing damage to the other Party’s poles and Equipment and other pole attachers’ Equipment and shall assume responsibility to each other for any and all loss from any damage to the other Party’s poles or Equipment and reimburse the other Party for the entire expense incurred in making such repairs. Each Party shall assume responsibility to third parties for any and all loss from any damage caused to third party’s Equipment by such Party and shall reimburse such third party for the entire expense incurred in making repairs.

  • Loss or Damage Lessee hereby assumes and shall bear the entire risk of any loss, theft, damage to, or destruction of, any unit of Equipment from any cause whatsoever from the time the Equipment is shipped to Lessee.

  • CASUALTY DAMAGE A. If all or any part of the Premises is damaged by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord in writing. During any period of time that all or a material portion of the Premises is rendered untenantable as a result of a fire or other casualty, the Rent shall xxxxx for the portion of the Premises that is untenantable and not used by Tenant. Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease if: (1) the Building or the Project shall be damaged so that, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, substantial alteration or reconstruction of the Building or the Project shall be required (whether or not the Premises has been damaged); (2) Landlord is not permitted by Law to rebuild the Building or the Project in substantially the same form as existed before the fire or casualty; (3) the Premises have been materially damaged and there is less than eighteen (18) months of the Term remaining on the date of the casualty; (4) any Mortgagee requires that the insurance proceeds be applied to the payment of the mortgage debt; or (5) a material uninsured loss to the Building or the Project occurs. Landlord may exercise its right to terminate this Lease by notifying Tenant in writing within 90 days after the date of the casualty. If Landlord does not terminate this Lease, Landlord shall commence and proceed with reasonable diligence to repair and restore the Building and the Premises Improvements (excluding any Alterations that were performed by Tenant in violation of this Lease). However, in no event shall Landlord be required to spend more than the insurance proceeds received by Landlord. Landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage to Tenant’s Property or to the business of Tenant resulting in any way from the fire or other casualty or from the repair and restoration of the damage. Landlord and Tenant hereby waive the provisions of any Law relating to the matters addressed in this Article, and agree that their respective rights for damage to or destruction of the Premises shall be those specifically provided in this Lease. Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease i 1: (a) a substantial portion of the Premises has been damaged by fire or other casualty and such damage cannot reasonably be repaired (as reasonably determined by Landlord) within 60 days after Landlord’s receipt of all required permits to restore the Premises; (b) there is less than eighteen (18) months of the Term remaining on the date of such casualty; and (c) Tenant provides Landlord with written notice of its intent to terminate within thirty (30) days after the date of the fire or other casualty.

  • Limits of Liability To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, (1) You agree that We and HomeServe, and both of our respective parents, successors, affiliates, approved technicians and Our and their officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors or similar parties acting on behalf of either Us or HomeServe shall not be liable to You or anyone else for: (a) any actual losses or direct damages that exceed the lowest applicable per repair Benefit Limit, or, if there is no maximum Benefit Limit, any actual losses or direct damages that exceed the cost of repairs provided for in the “What is a Covered Repair?” section(s) of this Service Agreement, relating to any repairs performed by Us, HomeServe or on behalf of either Us or HomeServe or services provided hereunder giving rise to such loss or damage; or (b) any amount of any form of indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential losses or damages, damages based on anticipated or lost profits, wages, or revenue, or damages based on diminution in value or a multiple of earnings, including those caused by any fault, failure, delay or defect in providing any repairs performed by Us, HomeServe or on behalf of either Us or HomeServe or services provided under this Service Agreement, regardless of whether such damages were foreseeable and whether or not We or HomeServe or anyone acting on behalf of either Us or HomeServe have been advised of the possibility of such damages (the damages listed in clauses (a) and (b), collectively the “Excluded Damages”); and (2) these limitations and waivers shall apply to all claims and all liabilities and shall survive the cancellation or expiration of this Service Agreement. You may have other rights that vary from state to state. Arbitration: YOU, NHRW AND HOMESERVE ALL AGREE TO RESOLVE DISPUTES BY BINDING ARBITRATION as follows:

  • No Floor Damage not keep any heavy articles or things that are likely to damage the floors or install and operate any machine or equipment save usual home appliances.

  • Repair of Damage If the Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty, then Landlord shall proceed to repair and restore (subject to receipt of insurance proceeds) the Premises to its condition preceding the damage, subject to the provisions of this Article 10. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant, and Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease, if such repairs and restoration are not in fact completed within Landlord's estimated time period, so long as Landlord shall have proceeded with reasonable due diligence. The Rent until such repairs shall be made shall be reduced in the proportion which the area of the part of the Premises which is not usable by Tenant bears to the total area of the Premises; provided, however, should Tenant reoccupy a portion of the Premises for the conduct of its business prior to the date such repairs are made, the Rent shall be reinstated with respect to such reoccupied portion of the Premises and shall be payable by Tenant from the date of such occupancy. Further, should Landlord, at its sole option, make available to Tenant, during the period of such repair, other space in the Building which is reasonably suitable for the temporary carrying on of Tenant's business, the Rent shall be reinstated with respect to such temporarily occupied space and shall be payable by Tenant from the date such space is occupied by Tenant. Whenever in this Article 10 reference is made to restoration of the Premises, (i) Tenant's obligation shall be as to all property within the Premises including Tenant's furniture, fixtures, equipment and other personal property, any and all Alterations, construction or other improvements made to the Premises by or on behalf of Tenant and any other leasehold improvements existing in the Premises on the date hereof, all of which shall be restored and replaced at Tenant's sole cost and expense and (ii) Landlord's obligation, if any, shall be as to the shell, which constitutes the structure of the Building and the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and other building systems up to the point of connection into the Premises. Landlord's obligation to repair or rebuild, and Tenant's right to rent abatement, as described in this Article 10, are only effective provided the damage or destruction is not due to the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of Tenant, its agents, employees, licensees or invitees. During any period of Tenant's repair and restoration following substantial completion of a Landlord's repair and restoration work, Rent and additional rent shall be payable as if said fire or other casualty had not occurred.

  • Loss and Damage Lessee shall assume and bear the risk of loss, theft and damage (including any governmental requisition, condemnation or confiscation) to the Equipment and all component parts thereof from any and every cause whatsoever, whether or not covered by insurance. No loss or damage to the Equipment or any component part thereof shall impair any obligation of Lessee under this Lease Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect except as hereinafter expressly provided. Lessee shall repair or cause to be repaired all damage to the Equipment. In the event that all or part of the Equipment shall, as a result of any cause whatsoever, become lost, stolen, destroyed or otherwise rendered irreparably unusable or damaged (collectively, the “Loss”) then Lessee shall, within ten (10) days after the Loss, fully inform Lessor in writing of such a Loss and shall pay to Lessor the following amounts: (i) the Monthly Lease Charges (and other amounts) due and owing under this Lease Agreement, plus (ii) one-hundred (100%) percent of the original cost of the Equipment subject to the Loss if the loss occurs in the first nine months of the Initial Term, and, thereafter, the original cost of the Equipment amortized by the subsequent Monthly Lease Charges received by Lessor during the Initial Term using an amortization rate of eight hundred and ninety (890) basis points over the interest rate of the three (3) year United States Treasury Note as reported by the Federal Reserve on the Commencement Date (collectively, the sum of (i) plus (ii) shall be the “Casualty Loss Value”). Notwithstanding the proceeding, if Lessee has provided notice to terminate the applicable Lease Schedule prior to informing Lessor in writing of a Loss and such Loss is not covered by insurance proceeds pursuant to Section 13 hereof, then Lessee shall pay two (2) times the Casualty Loss Value on the Equipment subject to such Loss. Upon receipt by Lessor of the Casualty Loss Value: (i) the applicable Equipment shall be removed from the Lease Schedule; and (ii) Lessee’s obligation to pay Lease Charges associated with the applicable Equipment shall cease. Lessor may request, and Lessee shall complete, an affidavit(s) that swears out the facts supporting the Loss of any item of Equipment.

  • CLOSURE TO PREVENT DAMAGE In accordance with Contract Clause G-220 STATE SUSPENDS OPERATION, the Contract Administrator will suspend road work or hauling right-of-way timber, forest products, or rock under the following conditions:  Wheel track rutting exceeds 6 inches on roads.  Surface or base stability problems persist.  Weather is such that satisfactory results cannot be obtained in an area of operations.  When, in the opinion of the Contract Administrator excessive road damage or rutting may occur. Operations must stop unless authority to continue working or hauling is granted in writing by the Contract Administrator. In the event that surface or base stability problems persist, Purchaser shall cease operations, or perform corrective maintenance or repairs, subject to specifications within this road plan. Before and during any suspension, Purchaser shall protect the work from damage or deterioration.

  • Assignment Liability Indemnity Force Majeure Consequential Damages and Default Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the liability, indemnification and insurance provisions of the Transmission Operating Agreement (“TOA”) or other applicable operating agreements shall apply to the relationship between the System Operator and the Interconnection Transmission Owner and the liability, indemnification and insurance provisions of the Tariff apply to the relationship between the System Operator and the Interconnection Customer and between the Interconnecting Transmission Owner and the Interconnection Customer.

  • The General Liability and Property Damage coverages required for performance of this Agreement shall include the State of Vermont and its agencies, departments, officers and employees as Additional Insureds. If performance of this Agreement involves construction, or the transport of persons or hazardous materials, then the required Automotive Liability coverage shall include the State of Vermont and its agencies, departments, officers and employees as Additional Insureds. Coverage shall be primary and non-contributory with any other insurance and self-insurance.

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