Use of Account. Your line of credit and Card information will be disclosed to you when you receive your Card. As long as you are not in default, the full amount of your credit line is available to buy or lease goods or services wherever the Card is honored. In most cases, you will be asked to present your Card and sign a sales slip or to give your Personal Identification Number. Your cash advance limit is available for cash advances at a financial institution or at any automated teller machine that accepts the Card. The total amount charged on your Account, including purchases, cash advances, Finance Charges, fees or other charges must always remain below your credit limit. Should your balance exceed your established credit line, you agree to pay an Over Limit Fee of $30.00 for each statement period in which your new balance exceeds your credit limit. Internet gambling may be illegal in the jurisdiction in which you are located, including the United States. Your card may only be used for legal transactions. Display of a payment card logo by an online merchant does not mean that Internet gambling transactions are lawful in all jurisdictions in which you may be located. Additional Cards. You may request in writing additional Cards for authorized users provided that those persons sign an authorized user form. However, if you do, you are liable for all charges made by those persons. You must notify us in writing to revoke permission for any person you previously authorized to use your Account. If you tell us to revoke another person's use of your Account, we may close the Account and issue a new Card or Cards with a different Account number. You are responsible for the use of each Card issued on your Account according to the terms of this Agreement.
Appears in 15 contracts
Samples: Visa® Business Credit Card Agreement, Visa® Business Credit Card Agreement, Visa® Business Credit Card Agreement