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  • No Improper Use of Materials During his or her employment with the Company, Employee will not improperly use or disclose any Confidential Information or trade secrets, if any, of any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality, and Employee will not bring onto the premises of the Company any unpublished documents or any property belonging to any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality unless consented to in writing by that former employer or person.

  • Marking of Licensed Products To the extent commercially feasible and consistent with prevailing business practices, Company shall xxxx, and shall cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees to xxxx, all Licensed Products that are manufactured or sold under this Agreement with the number of each issued patent under the Patent Rights that applies to such Licensed Product.

  • For clarity Research Tools are subject to the license grants in Sections 2.1-2.3, Section 2.8, the retained rights set forth in Sections 2.9, and the due diligence requirements in Section 6.

  • Use of Marks To the extent one party’s Marks must be utilized by the other party in connection with the operation of a particular Component System or the Licensed Services related to the particular Component System: the Company hereby grants to BNYM a non-exclusive, limited license to use its Marks solely in connection with the Licensed Services provided by the Component System; BNYM hereby grants to the Company a non-exclusive, limited license to use its Marks solely in connection with the Licensed Services provided by the Component System; all use of Marks shall be in accordance with the granting party’s reasonable policies regarding the advertising and usage of its Marks as established from time to time; the Company hereby grants BNYM the right and license to display the Company’s Mark’s on applicable BNYM Web Applications and in advertising and marketing materials related to the BNYM Web Application and the Licensed Services provided by the relevant Component System; each party shall retain all right, title and interest in and to its Marks worldwide, including any goodwill associated therewith, subject to the limited license granted in this Section 4.5; use of the Marks hereunder by the grantee pursuant to this limited license shall inure to the benefit of the trademark owner and grantees shall take no action that is inconsistent with the trademark owner’s ownership thereof; each party shall exercise reasonable efforts within commercially reasonable limits, to maintain all on-screen disclaimers and copyright, trademark and service xxxx notifications, if any, provided to it by the other party in writing from time to time, and all “point and click” features relating to Authorized Persons’ acknowledgment and acceptance of such disclaimers and notifications; and a party shall immediately cease using another party’s Marks immediately upon termination of the Licensed Rights governing the relevant Component System.

  • Licensed Technology The term "Licensed Technology" shall mean the ------------------- Licensed Patents, plus all improvements thereto developed by Licensor, and all related data, know-how and technology.

  • Collaboration Agreement The Collaboration Agreement shall not have been terminated in accordance with its terms and shall be in full force and effect.

  • Sublicense Grant Licensee will be entitled to grant Sublicenses to third parties under the license granted pursuant to Section 2.1 subject to the terms of this Section 2.3. Any such Sublicense shall be on terms and conditions in compliance with and not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. The grant of a Sublicense shall not in any way diminish or alter Licensee’s obligations under this Agreement.

  • Product Information Galapagos recognizes that by reason of, inter alia, Xxxxxx’x status as an exclusive licensee pursuant to the grants under Section 5.2, Xxxxxx has an interest in Galapagos’ retention in confidence of certain information of Galapagos. Accordingly, during the Term, Galapagos shall, and shall cause its Affiliates and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents to, keep completely confidential, and not publish or otherwise disclose, and not use directly or indirectly for any purpose other than to fulfill Galapagos’ obligations hereunder any Information owned or otherwise Controlled by Galapagos or any of its Affiliates specifically relating to any Licensed Compound or Licensed Product, or the Exploitation of any of the foregoing (the “Product Information”); except to the extent (x) the Product Information is in the public domain through no fault of Galapagos, its Affiliates or any of its or their respective officers, directors, employees, or agents; (y) such disclosure or use is expressly permitted under Section 9.3, or (z) such disclosure or use is otherwise expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement. For purposes of Section 9.3, Xxxxxx shall be deemed to be the disclosing Party with respect to Product Information under Section 9.3 and Galapagos shall be deemed to be the receiving Party with respect thereto. For further clarification, (i) without limiting this Section 9.1, to the extent Product Information is disclosed by Galapagos to Xxxxxx pursuant to this Agreement, such information shall, subject to the other terms and conditions of this Article 9, also constitute Confidential Information of Galapagos with respect to the use and disclosure of such Information by Galapagos (and Galapagos shall be deemed to be the disclosing Party with respect to Product Information under Section 9.3 and Xxxxxx shall be deemed to be the receiving Party with respect thereto), but (ii) the disclosure by Galapagos to Xxxxxx of Product Information shall not cause such information to cease to be subject to the provisions of this Section 9.1 with respect to the use and disclosure of such Confidential Information by Galapagos. If this Agreement is terminated in its entirety or with respect to the Terminated Territory, this Section 9.1 shall have no continuing force or effect with respect to the use or disclosure of such information solely in connection with the Exploitation of the Licensed Compound or Licensed Product for the benefit of the Terminated Territory, but the Product Information, to the extent disclosed by Xxxxxx to Galapagos hereunder, shall continue to be Confidential Information of Xxxxxx, subject to the terms of Sections 9.2, 9.3, and 9.7 for purposes of the surviving provisions of this Agreement.

  • Research Program Term The Research Program shall be conducted during the period of five years commencing as of the Agreement Date ("Research Program Term"). Upon not later than seventy-five (75) days' prior written notice JT may, in its sole judgment, terminate the Research Program at the end of the third (3/rd/) year and fourth (4/th/) year of the Research Program. The RMC may terminate the Research Program any time during the Research Program Term if it unanimously determines the Research Program is no longer scientifically useful or that all potential Products would not be commercially viable. In case of such an early termination by JT or the RMC, JT shall be exempt from any payment(s) under Section 10(a) that would have become due and payable after the effective date of such early termination. Following any termination of the Research Program (i) that occurs simultaneously with the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 13 (i.e., no compound or Lead Compound has been designated previously a Collaboration Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(b) and no Independent Lead Compound is being developed in accordance with Section 3(m)) or (ii) that is followed at some future date by the termination by JT of Development or co-promotion of any Collaboration Lead Compound and/or Product pursuant to Sections 3(l) or 5(c), respectively, or development of an Independent Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(m) (A) any licenses granted by Tularik to JT will terminate, (B) JT will grant to Tularik an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license, to make, use and sell compounds, Collaboration Lead Compounds or Products under JT's interest in Program Patents and Program Know-How and (C) under the terms and conditions to be separately agreed, JT will also grant to Tularik a nonexclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license under any JT Patent Rights and Know-How to the extent necessary to practice the license granted under the Program Patents and Program Know-How in (B) (including, with respect to compounds, a limited number of JT's library compounds approved by JT); provided, however, that in the event the Research Program terminates but the Agreement has not terminated with respect to designated Collaboration Lead Compounds, Independent Lead Compounds and/or Products as provided in Section 2(g)(ii), Sections 2(g)(A), (B) and (C) shall apply only to those compounds, Collaboration Lead Compounds, Independent Lead Compounds and Products for which Development or co-promotion shall have been terminated and/or to those compounds or Lead Compounds that have not been designated previously a Collaboration Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(b) or an Independent Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(m); provided further that in the event that JT elects to pursue a Discontinued Compound or a Non-Proposed Compound on or before the first anniversary of the expiration or termination of the Research Program Term pursuant to Section 3(b)(iii) or 3(b)(iv), respectively, Sections 2(g)(A), (B) and (C) shall not apply to such Discontinued Compound or Non-Proposed Compound until such time as JT shall have terminated the Development or co-promotion of such Discontinued Compound or Non- Proposed Compound. Tularik will then be free to pursue clinical development and registration of such compounds, Lead Compounds and/or Products without obligation to JT except as provided in Section 4(f) or Section 5(c), as appropriate.

  • License Grants Subject to the terms of this Agreement, M.I.T. hereby grants to COMPANY and its AFFILIATES for the TERM a royalty-bearing license under the PATENT RIGHTS to develop, make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, lease, and import LICENSED PRODUCTS in the FIELD in the TERRITORY and to develop and perform LICENSED PROCESSES in the FIELD in the TERRITORY.

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