Common use of Value Label Notes Iss Rev Clause in Contracts

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 0

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Samples: Codelists for Onix for Books

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Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 07 US open market edition An edition from a US publisher sold only in territories whereexclusive rights are not held. Rights details should be carried in PR.21 (ONIX 2.1) OR P.21 (ONIX 3.0) as usual 3 08 Livre scolaire, déclaré par l’éditeur In France, a category of book that has a particular legal status, claimed by the publisher 5 09 Livre scolaire (non spécifié) In France, a category of book that has a particular legal status, designated independently of the publisher 5 10 Supplement to newspaper Edition published for sale only with a newspaper or periodical 7 11 Precio libre textbook In Spain, a school textbook for which there is no fixed or suggested retail price and which is supplied by thepublisher on terms individually agreed with the bookseller 8 12 News outlet edition For editions sold only through newsstands/newsagents 14 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay tradetitle may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free beingfree of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant despublications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 00 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘The Conquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’. Use only when Sentence or Title case are not possible (for example because of system limitations). Do NOT use simply because title is (correctly) in all caps (eg ‘BBQ USA’) 0 44 00 Undefined 0 01 Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource) The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation,as in ‘Pride and prejudice / Sense and sensibility / Northanger Abbey’ 0 02 ISSN key title of serial Serials only 0 03 Title in original language Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item 0 04 Title acronym or initialism For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg ‘JAMA’, ‘JACM’ 0 05 Abbreviated title An abbreviated form of Title Type 01 0 06 Title in other language A translation of Title Type 01 into another language 0 07 Thematic title of journal issue Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic 0 08 Former title Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title 0 10 Distributor’s title For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements notproperly part of the title 4 11 Alternative title on cover An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book 7 12 Alternative title on back An alternative title that appears on the back of a book 7 13 Expanded title An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required forsubmissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency 7 14 Alternative title An alternative title that the book is widely known by, whether it appears on the book or not 25 01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISBN-10 10-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLYidentifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13 of the manifestation of the work) 0 14 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 0 11 ISTC International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated) 0 15 ISBN-13 13-character ISBN of a manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available (13 digits, without spaces or hyphens) 7 18 ISRC International Standard Recording Code 7 32 GLIMIR Global Library Manifestation Identifier, OCLC’s ‘manifestation cluster’ ID 34 33 OWI OCLC Work Identifier 34 39 ISCC International Standard Content Code, a ‘similarity hash’ identifier derived algorithmically from the content itself (see xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxx). <IDValue> is the 27-character case- sensitive string (including one hyphen) comprising the Meta-ID and Content-ID components of a full ISCC generated from a digital manifestation of the work. Use only with ONIX 3.0 50 A01 By (author) Author of a textual work 0 A02 With With or as told to: ‘ghost’ or secondary author of a literary work (for clarity, should not be used for true ‘ghost’ authors who are not credited on the book and whose existence issecret) 0 38 A03 Screenplay by Writer of screenplay or script (film or video) 0 A04 Libretto by Writer of libretto (opera): see also A31 0 A05 Lyrics by Author of lyrics (song): see also A31 0 A06 By (composer) Composer of music 0 A07 By (artist) Visual artist when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of reproductions of artworks 0 A08 By (photographer) Photographer when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of photographs 0 A09 Created by For example of editorial concept, of board game, etc 0 50 A10 From an idea by 0 A11 Designed by 0 A12 Illustrated by Artist when named as the creator of artwork which illustrates a text, or the originator (sometimes ‘penciller’ for collaborative art) of the artwork of a graphic novel or comic book 0 29 A13 Photographs by Photographer when named as the creator of photographs which illustrate a text 0 A14 Text by Author of text which accompanies art reproductions or photographs, or which is part of a graphic novel or comic book 0 A15 Preface by Author of preface 0 A16 Prologue by Author of prologue 0 A17 Summary by Author of summary 0 A18 Supplement by Author of supplement 0 A19 Afterword by Author of afterword 0 A20 Notes by Author of notes or annotations: see also A29 0 A21 Commentaries by Author of commentaries on the main text 0 A22 Epilogue by Author of epilogue 0 A23 Foreword by Author of foreword 0 A24 Introduction by Author of introduction: see also A29 0 A25 Footnotes by Author/compiler of footnotes 0 A26 Memoir by Author of memoir accompanying main text 0 A27 Experiments by Person who carried out experiments reported in the text 0 A29 Introduction and notes by Author of introduction and notes: see also A20 and A24 0 A30 Software written by Writer of computer programs ancillary to the text 0 A31 Book and lyrics by Author of the textual content of a musical drama: see also A04 and A05 0 A32 Contributions by Author of additional contributions to the text 0 A33 Appendix by Author of appendix 0 A34 Index by Compiler of index 0 A35 Drawings by 0 A36 Cover design or artwork by Use also for the cover artist of a graphic novel or comic book if named separately 0 A37 Preliminary work by Responsible for preliminary work on which the work is based 0 A38 Original author Author of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an author of the current edition 0 A39 Maps by Maps drawn or otherwise contributed by 4 A40 Inked or colored by Use for secondary creators when separate persons are named as having respectively drawn and inked/colored/ finished artwork, eg for a graphic novel or comic book. Use with A12 for ‘drawn by’. Use A40 for ‘finished by’, but prefer more specific codes A46 to A48 instead of A40 unless the more specific secondary roles are inappropriate, unclear or unavailable 5 29 A41 Paper engineering by Designer or paper engineer of die-cuts, press-outs or of pop-ups in a pop-up book, who may be different from the illustrator 7 38 A42 Continued by Use where a standard work is being continued by somebody other than the original author 7 A43 Interviewer 7 A44 Interviewee 7 A45 Comic script by Writer of dialogue, captions in a comic book (following an outline by the primary writer) 29 A46 Inker Renders final comic book line art based on work of the illustrator or penciller. Preferred to code A40 29 A47 Colorist Provides comic book color art and effects. Preferred to code A40 29 A48 Letterer Creates comic book text balloons and other text elements (where this is a distinct role from script writer and/orillustrator) 29 A51 Research by Person or organization responsible for performing research on which the work is based. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 A99 Other primary creator Other type of primary creator not specified above 0 B01 Edited by 0 B02 Revised by 0 B03 Retold by 0 B04 Abridged by 0 B05 Adapted by 0 B06 Translated by 0 B07 As told by 0 B08 Translated with commentary by This code applies where a translator has provided a commentary on issues relating to the translation. If the translator has also provided a commentary on the work itself, codes B06 and A21 should be used 0 B09 Series edited by Name of a series editor when the product belongs to a series 0 B10 Edited and translated by 0 B11 Editor-in-chief 0 B13 Volume editor 0 B14 Editorial board member 0 B15 Editorial coordination by 0 B16 Managing editor 0 B17 Founded by Usually the founder editor of a serial publication: Begruendet von 1 B18 Prepared for publication by 2 B21 General editor 2 B22 Dramatized by 2 B23 General rapporteur In Europe, an expert editor who takes responsibility for the legal content of a collaborative law volume 2 B24 Literary editor An editor who is responsible for establishing the text used in an edition of a literary work, where this is recognised as adistinctive role (in Spain, ‘editor literario’) 6 B25 Arranged by (music) 7

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Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay title may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- long-form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade categorytradecategory, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-coffee- table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a ofa periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 0 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘The Conquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’. Use only when Sentence or Title case are not possible (for example because of system limitations). Do NOT use simply because title is (correctly) in all caps (eg ‘BBQ USA’) 0 44 00 Undefined 0 01 Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource) The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, withsuitable punctuation, as in ‘Pride and prejudice / Sense and sensibility / Northanger Abbey’ 0 02 ISSN key title of serial Serials only 0 03 Title in original language Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item 0 04 Title acronym or initialism For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg ‘JAMA’, ‘JACM’ 0 05 Abbreviated title An abbreviated form of Title Type 01 0 06 Title in other language A translation of Title Type 01 into another language 0 07 Thematic title of journal issue Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic 0 08 Former title Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title 0 10 Distributor’s title For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements notproperly part of the title 4 11 Alternative title on cover An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book 7 12 Alternative title on back An alternative title that appears on the back of a book 7 13 Expanded title An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required for submissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency 7 14 Alternative title An alternative title that the book is widely known by, whether it appears on the book or not 25 01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISBN-10 10-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13 of the manifestation of the work) 0 14 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 0 11 ISTC International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated) 0 15 ISBN-13 13-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available (13 digits, without spaces or hyphens) 7 18 ISRC International Standard Recording Code 7 32 GLIMIR Global Library Manifestation Identifier, OCLC’s ‘manifestation cluster’ ID 34 33 OWI OCLC Work Identifier 34 A01 By (author) Author of a textual work 0 A02 With With or as told to: ‘ghost’ or secondary author of a literary work (for clarity, should not be used for true ‘ghost’authors who are not credited on the book and whose existence is secret) 0 38 A03 Screenplay by Writer of screenplay or script (film or video) 0 A04 Libretto by Writer of libretto (opera): see also A31 0 A05 Lyrics by Author of lyrics (song): see also A31 0 A06 By (composer) Composer of music 0 A07 By (artist) Visual artist when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of reproductions of artworks 0 A08 By (photographer) Photographer when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of photographs 0 A09 Created by 0 A10 From an idea by 0 A11 Designed by 0 A12 Illustrated by Artist when named as the creator of artwork which illustrates a text, or the originator (sometimes ‘penciller’for collaborative art) of the artwork of a graphic novel or comic book 0 29 A13 Photographs by Photographer when named as the creator of photographs which illustrate a text 0 A14 Text by Author of text which accompanies art reproductions or photographs, or which is part of a graphic novel or comic book 0 A15 Preface by Author of preface 0 A16 Prologue by Author of prologue 0 A17 Summary by Author of summary 0 A18 Supplement by Author of supplement 0 A19 Afterword by Author of afterword 0 A20 Notes by Author of notes or annotations: see also A29 0 A21 Commentaries by Author of commentaries on the main text 0 A22 Epilogue by Author of epilogue 0 A23 Foreword by Author of foreword 0 A24 Introduction by Author of introduction: see also A29 0 A25 Footnotes by Author/compiler of footnotes 0 A26 Memoir by Author of memoir accompanying main text 0 A27 Experiments by Person who carried out experiments reported in the text 0 A29 Introduction and notes by Author of introduction and notes: see also A20 and A24 0 A30 Software written by Writer of computer programs ancillary to the text 0 A31 Book and lyrics by Author of the textual content of a musical drama: see also A04 and A05 0 A32 Contributions by Author of additional contributions to the text 0 A33 Appendix by Author of appendix 0 A34 Index by Compiler of index 0 A35 Drawings by 0 A36 Cover design or artwork by Use also for the cover artist of a graphic novel or comic book if named separately 0 A37 Preliminary work by Responsible for preliminary work on which the work is based 0 A38 Original author Author of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an author of the current edition 0 A39 Maps by Maps drawn or otherwise contributed by 4 A40 Inked or colored by Use for secondary creators when separate persons are named as having respectively drawn and inked/colored/finished artwork, eg for a graphic novel or comic book. Use with A12 for ‘drawn by’. Use A40 for ‘finished by’, but prefer more specific codes A46 to A48 instead of A40 unless the more specific secondary rolesare inappropriate, unclear or unavailable 5 29 A41 Paper engineering by Designer or paper engineer of die-cuts, press-outs or ofpop-ups in a pop-up book, who may be different from the illustrator 7 38 A42 Continued by Use where a standard work is being continued by somebody other than the original author 7 A43 Interviewer 7 A44 Interviewee 7 A45 Comic script by Writer of dialogue, captions in a comic book (following an outline by the primary writer) 29 A46 Inker Renders final comic book line art based on work of the illustrator or penciller. Preferred to code A40 29 A47 Colorist Provides comic book color art and effects. Preferred to code A40 29 A48 Letterer Creates comic book text balloons and other text elements(where this is a distinct role from script writer and/or illustrator) 29 A51 Research by Person or organization responsible for performing research on which the work is based. For use in ONIX3.0 only 39 A99 Other primary creator Other type of primary creator not specified above 0 B01 Edited by 0 B02 Revised by 0 B03 Retold by 0 B04 Abridged by 0 B05 Adapted by 0 B06 Translated by 0 B07 As told by 0 B08 Translated with commentary by This code applies where a translator has provided a commentary on issues relating to the translation. If the translator has also provided a commentary on the work itself, codes B06 and A21 should be used 0 B09 Series edited by Name of a series editor when the product belongs to a series 0 B10 Edited and translated by 0 B11 Editor-in-chief 0 B13 Volume editor 0 B14 Editorial board member 0 B15 Editorial coordination by 0 B16 Managing editor 0 B17 Founded by Usually the founder editor of a serial publication: Begruendet von 1 B18 Prepared for publication by 2 B22 Dramatized by 2 B23 General rapporteur In Europe, an expert editor who takes responsibility for the legal content of a collaborative law volume 2 B24 Literary editor An editor who is responsible for establishing the text used in an edition of a literary work, where this is recognised as a distinctive role (in Spain, ‘editor literario’) 6 B25 Arranged by (music) 7 B26 Technical editor Responsible for the technical accuracy and language, may also be involved in coordinating and preparing technical material for publication 15 30 B27 Thesis advisor or supervisor 23 B28 Thesis examiner 23 B29 Scientific editor Responsible overall for the scientific content of the publication 30 B30 Historical advisor For use in ONIX 3.0 only 37 B31 Original editor Editor of the first edition (usually of a standard work) whois not an editor of the current edition. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 37 B99 Other adaptation by Other type of adaptation or editing not specified above 0 C01 Compiled by For puzzles, directories, statistics, etc 0 31 C02 Selected by For textual material (eg for an anthology) 0 31 C03 Non-text material selected by Eg for a collection of photographs etc 31 C04 Curated by Eg for an exhibition 31 C99 Other compilation by Other type of compilation not specified above 0 D01 Producer 0 D02 Director 0 D03 Conductor Conductor of a musical performance 0 D04 Choreographer Of a dance performance. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 38 D99 Other direction by Other type of direction not specified above 0 E01 Actor Performer in a dramatized production (including a voice actor in an audio production) 0 42 E02 Dancer 0 E03 Narrator Where the narrator is a character in a dramatized production (including a voice actor in an audio production). For the ‘narrator’ of a non-dramatized audiobook, see code E07 0 42 E04 Commentator 0 E05 Vocal soloist Singer etc 0 E06 Instrumental soloist 0 E07 Read by Reader of recorded text, as in an audiobook 0 E08 Performed by(orchestra, band, ensemble) Name of a musical group in a performing role 0 E09 Speaker Of a speech, lecture etc 15 E10 Presenter Introduces and links other contributors and material, eg within a documentary 32 E99 Performed by Other type of performer not specified above: use for a recorded performance which does not fit a categoryabove, eg a performance by a stand-up comedian 0 F01 Filmed/photographed by Cinematographer, etc 0 F02 Editor (film or video) 25 F99 Other recording by Other type of recording not specified above 0 Z01 Assisted by May be associated with any contributor role, and placement should therefore be controlled by contributorsequence numbering 2 Z02 Honored/dedicated to 32 Z98 (Various roles) For use ONLY with ‘et al’ or ‘Various’ within<UnnamedPersons>, where the roles of the multiple contributors vary 20 Z99 Other Other creative responsibility not falling within A to F above 0 00 Unspecified 0 01 Pseudonym May be used to give a well-known pseudonym, where the primary name is a ‘real’ name 0

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing typicallycontaining a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-coffee- table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 00 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘The Conquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’. Use only when Sentence or Title case are not possible (for example because of system limitations). Do NOT use simply because title is (correctly) in all caps (eg ‘BBQ USA’) 0 44 00 Undefined 0 01 Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource) The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation, as in ‘Pride and prejudice / Senseand sensibility / Northanger Abbey’ 0 02 ISSN key title of serial Serials only 0 03 Title in original language Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item 0 04 Title acronym or initialism For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg ‘JAMA’, ‘JACM’ 0 05 Abbreviated title An abbreviated form of Title Type 01 0 06 Title in other language A translation of Title Type 01 into another language 0 07 Thematic title of journal issue Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic 0 08 Former title Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title 0 10 Distributor’s title For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements not properly part of the title 4 11 Alternative title on cover An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book 7 12 Alternative title on back An alternative title that appears on the back of a book 7 13 Expanded title An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required for submissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency 7 14 Alternative title An alternative title that the book is widely known by, whether it appears on the book or not 25 01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISBN-10 10-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13 of the manifestation of the work) 0 14 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 0 11 ISTC International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated) 0 15 ISBN-13 13-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available (13 digits, without spaces or hyphens) 7 18 ISRC International Standard Recording Code 7 32 GLIMIR Global Library Manifestation Identifier, OCLC’s ‘manifestation cluster’ ID 34 33 OWI OCLC Work Identifier 34

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Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered notconsidered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay title may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 0 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘TheConquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’ 0 00 Undefined 0

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Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay title may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- long-form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-coffee- table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 00 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘The Conquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’. Use only when Sentence or Title case are not possible (for example because of system limitations). Do NOT use simply because title is (correctly) in all caps (eg ‘BBQ USA’) 0 44 00 Undefined 0 01 Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource) The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation, as in ‘Pride and prejudice / Sense and sensibility / Northanger Abbey’ 0 02 ISSN key title of serial Serials only 0 03 Title in original language Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item 0 04 Title acronym or initialism For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg ‘JAMA’, ‘JACM’ 0 05 Abbreviated title An abbreviated form of Title Type 01 0 06 Title in other language A translation of Title Type 01 into another language 0 07 Thematic title of journal issue Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic 0 08 Former title Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title 0 10 Distributor’s title For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements not properly part of the title 4 11 Alternative title on cover An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book 7 12 Alternative title on back An alternative title that appears on the back of a book 7 13 Expanded title An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required for submissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency 7 14 Alternative title An alternative title that the book is widely known by, whether it appears on the book or not 25 01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 0 11 ISTC International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated) 0 15 ISBN-13 13-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available (13 digits, without spaces or hyphens) 7 18 ISRC International Standard Recording Code 7 32 GLIMIR Global Library Manifestation Identifier, OCLC’s ‘manifestation cluster’ ID 34 33 OWI OCLC Work Identifier 34 A01 By (author) Author of a textual work 0 A02 With With or as told to: ‘ghost’ or secondary author of a literary work (for clarity, should not be used for true ‘ghost’ authors who are not credited on the book and whose existence is secret) 0 38 A03 Screenplay by Writer of screenplay or script (film or video) 0 A04 Libretto by Writer of libretto (opera): see also A31 0 A05 Lyrics by Author of lyrics (song): see also A31 0 A06 By (composer) Composer of music 0 A07 By (artist) Visual artist when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of reproductions of artworks 0 A08 By (photographer) Photographer when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of photographs 0 A09 Created by 0 A10 From an idea by 0 A11 Designed by 0 A12 Illustrated by Artist when named as the creator of artwork which illustrates a text, or the originator (sometimes ‘penciller’ for collaborative art) of the artwork of a graphic novel or comic book 0 29 A13 Photographs by Photographer when named as the creator of photographs which illustrate a text 0 A14 Text by Author of text which accompanies art reproductions or photographs, or which is part of a graphic novel or comic book 0 A15 Preface by Author of preface 0 A16 Prologue by Author of prologue 0 A17 Summary by Author of summary 0 A18 Supplement by Author of supplement 0 A19 Afterword by Author of afterword 0 A20 Notes by Author of notes or annotations: see also A29 0 A21 Commentaries by Author of commentaries on the main text 0 A22 Epilogue by Author of epilogue 0 A23 Foreword by Author of foreword 0 A24 Introduction by Author of introduction: see also A29 0 A25 Footnotes by Author/compiler of footnotes 0 A26 Memoir by Author of memoir accompanying main text 0 A27 Experiments by Person who carried out experiments reported in the text 0 A29 Introduction and notes by Author of introduction and notes: see also A20 and A24 0 A30 Software written by Writer of computer programs ancillary to the text 0 A31 Book and lyrics by Author of the textual content of a musical drama: see also A04 and A05 0 A32 Contributions by Author of additional contributions to the text 0 A33 Appendix by Author of appendix 0 A34 Index by Compiler of index 0 A35 Drawings by 0 A36 Cover design or artwork by Use also for the cover artist of a graphic novel or comic book if named separately 0 A37 Preliminary work by Responsible for preliminary work on which the work is based 0 A38 Original author Author of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an author of the current edition 0 A39 Maps by Maps drawn or otherwise contributed by 4 A40 Inked or colored by Use for secondary creators when separate persons are named as having respectively drawn and inked/colored/finished artwork, eg for a graphic novel or comic book. Use with A12 for ‘drawn by’. Use A40 for ‘finished by’, but prefer more specific codes A46 to A48 instead of A40 unless the more specific secondary roles are inappropriate, unclear or unavailable 5 29 A41 Paper engineering by Designer or paper engineer of die-cuts, press-outs or of pop-ups in a pop-up book, who may be different from the illustrator 7 38 A42 Continued by Use where a standard work is being continued by somebody other than the original author 7 A43 Interviewer 7 A44 Interviewee 7 A45 Comic script by Writer of dialogue, captions in a comic book (following an outline by the primary writer) 29 A46 Inker Renders final comic book line art based on work of the illustrator or penciller. Preferred to code A40 29 A47 Colorist Provides comic book color art and effects. Preferred to code A40 29 A48 Letterer Creates comic book text balloons and other text elements (where this is a distinct role from script writer and/or illustrator) 29 A51 Research by Person or organization responsible for performing research on which the work is based. For use in ONIX3.0 only 39 A99 Other primary creator Other type of primary creator not specified above 0 B01 Edited by 0 B02 Revised by 0 B03 Retold by 0 B04 Abridged by 0 B05 Adapted by 0 B06 Translated by 0 B07 As told by 0 B08 Translated with commentary by This code applies where a translator has provided a commentary on issues relating to the translation. If the translator has also provided a commentary on the work itself, codes B06 and A21 should be used 0 B09 Series edited by Name of a series editor when the product belongs to a series 0 B10 Edited and translated by 0 B11 Editor-in-chief 0 B13 Volume editor 0 B14 Editorial board member 0 B15 Editorial coordination by 0 B16 Managing editor 0 B17 Founded by Usually the founder editor of a serial publication: Begruendet von 1 B18 Prepared for publication by 2 B21 General editor 2 B22 Dramatized by 2 B23 General rapporteur In Europe, an expert editor who takes responsibility for the legal content of a collaborative law volume 2 B24 Literary editor An editor who is responsible for establishing the text used in an edition of a literary work, where this is recognised as a distinctive role (in Spain, ‘editor literario’) 6 B25 Arranged by (music) 7 B26 Technical editor Responsible for the technical accuracy and language, may also be involved in coordinating and preparing technical material for publication 15 30 B27 Thesis advisor or supervisor 23 B28 Thesis examiner 23 B29 Scientific editor Responsible overall for the scientific content of the publication 30 B30 Historical advisor For use in ONIX 3.0 only 37 B31 Original editor Editor of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an editor of the current edition. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 37 B99 Other adaptation by Other type of adaptation or editing not specified above 0 C01 Compiled by For puzzles, directories, statistics, etc 0 31 C02 Selected by For textual material (eg for an anthology) 0 31 C03 Non-text material selected by Eg for a collection of photographs etc 31

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Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not arenot considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay title may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-coffee- table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when usedwhen distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 0 02 Title case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on all significant words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subordinate conjunctions) thereafter. Unless they appear as the first word, articles, prepositions and coordinating conjunctions remain lower case, eg ‘The Conquest of Mexico’ 0 03 All capitals For example, ‘THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO’. Use only when Sentence or Title case are not possible (for example because of system limitations). Do NOT use simply because title is (correctly) in all caps (eg ‘BBQ USA’) 0 44 00 Undefined 0 01 Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource) The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation, as in ‘Pride and prejudice / Senseand sensibility / Northanger Abbey’ 0 02 ISSN key title of serial Serials only 0 03 Title in original language Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item 0 04 Title acronym or initialism For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg ‘JAMA’, ‘JACM’ 0 05 Abbreviated title An abbreviated form of Title Type 01 0 06 Title in other language A translation of Title Type 01 into another language 0 07 Thematic title of journal issue Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic 0 08 Former title Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title 0 10 Distributor’s title For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements not properly part of the title 4 11 Alternative title on cover An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book 7 12 Alternative title on back An alternative title that appears on the back of a book 7 13 Expanded title An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required for submissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency 7 14 Alternative title An alternative title that the book is widely known by, whether it appears on the book or not 25 01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 0 11 ISTC International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated) 0 15 ISBN-13 13-character ISBN of a manifestation of work, when thisis the only work identifier available (13 digits, without spaces or hyphens) 7 18 ISRC International Standard Recording Code 7 32 GLIMIR Global Library Manifestation Identifier, OCLC’s ‘manifestation cluster’ ID 34 33 OWI OCLC Work Identifier 34 39 ISCC International Standard Content Code, a ‘similarity hash’ identifier derived algorithmically from the content itself (see xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxx). <IDValue> is the 27-character case-sensitive string (including one hyphen) comprising the Meta-ID and Content-ID components of a full ISCC generated from a digital manifestation of the work. Use only with ONIX 3.0 50 A01 By (author) Author of a textual work 0 A02 With With or as told to: ‘ghost’ or secondary author of a literary work (for clarity, should not be used for true ‘ghost’ authors who are not credited on the book and whose existence is secret) 0 38 A03 Screenplay by Writer of screenplay or script (film or video) 0 A04 Libretto by Writer of libretto (opera): see also A31 0 A05 Lyrics by Author of lyrics (song): see also A31 0 A06 By (composer) Composer of music 0 A07 By (artist) Visual artist when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of reproductions of artworks 0 A08 By (photographer) Photographer when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of photographs 0 A09 Created by For example of editorial concept, of board game, etc 0 50 A10 From an idea by 0 A11 Designed by 0 A12 Illustrated by Artist when named as the creator of artwork which illustrates a text, or the originator (sometimes ‘penciller’ for collaborative art) of the artwork of a graphic novel or comic book 0 29 A13 Photographs by Photographer when named as the creator of photographs which illustrate a text 0 A14 Text by Author of text which accompanies art reproductions or photographs, or which is part of a graphic novel or comicbook 0 A15 Preface by Author of preface 0 A16 Prologue by Author of prologue 0 A17 Summary by Author of summary 0 A18 Supplement by Author of supplement 0 A19 Afterword by Author of afterword 0 A20 Notes by Author of notes or annotations: see also A29 0 A21 Commentaries by Author of commentaries on the main text 0 A22 Epilogue by Author of epilogue 0 A23 Foreword by Author of foreword 0 A24 Introduction by Author of introduction: see also A29 0 A25 Footnotes by Author/compiler of footnotes 0 A26 Memoir by Author of memoir accompanying main text 0 A27 Experiments by Person who carried out experiments reported in the text 0 A29 Introduction and notes by Author of introduction and notes: see also A20 and A24 0 A30 Software written by Writer of computer programs ancillary to the text 0 A31 Book and lyrics by Author of the textual content of a musical drama: see also A04 and A05 0 A32 Contributions by Author of additional contributions to the text 0 A33 Appendix by Author of appendix 0 A34 Index by Compiler of index 0 A35 Drawings by 0 A36 Cover design or artwork by Use also for the cover artist of a graphic novel or comic book if named separately 0 A37 Preliminary work by Responsible for preliminary work on which the work is based 0 A38 Original author Author of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an author of the current edition 0 A39 Maps by Maps drawn or otherwise contributed by 4 A40 Inked or colored by Use for secondary creators when separate persons are named as having respectively drawn and inked/colored/finished artwork, eg for a graphic novel or comic book. Use with A12 for ‘drawn by’. Use A40 for ‘finished by’, but prefer more specific codes A46 to A48instead of A40 unless the more specific secondary roles are inappropriate, unclear or unavailable 5 29 A41 Paper engineering by Designer or paper engineer of die-cuts, press-outs or of pop-ups in a pop-up book, who may be different from the illustrator 7 38 A42 Continued by Use where a standard work is being continued by somebody other than the original author 7 A43 Interviewer 7 A44 Interviewee 7 A45 Comic script by Writer of dialogue, captions in a comic book (following an outline by the primary writer) 29 A46 Inker Renders final comic book line art based on work of the illustrator or penciller. Preferred to code A40 29 A47 Colorist Provides comic book color art and effects. Preferred to code A40 29 A48 Letterer Creates comic book text balloons and other text elements (where this is a distinct role from script writer and/or illustrator) 29 A51 Research by Person or organization responsible for performing research on which the work is based. For use in ONIX3.0 only 39 A99 Other primary creator Other type of primary creator not specified above 0 B01 Edited by 0 B02 Revised by 0 B03 Retold by 0 B04 Abridged by 0 B05 Adapted by 0 B06 Translated by 0 B07 As told by 0

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

Value Label Notes Iss Rev. 13 US textbook In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not arenot considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade titlemay title may be) 17 14 E-book short ‘Short’ e-book (sometimes also called a ‘single’), typically containing a single short story, an essay or piece of long- form journalism 27 15 Superpocket book In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg Italy «supertascabile». For use in ONIX 3.0 only 39 16 Beau-livre Category of books, usually hardcover and of a large format (A4 or larger) and printed on high-quality paper, where the primary features are illustrations, and these are more important than text. Sometimes called ‘coffee-coffee- table books’ or ‘art books’ in English. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 42 17 Podcast Category of audio products typically distinguished by being free of charge (but which may be monetised through advertising content) and episodic. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 18 Periodical Category of books or e-books which are single issues of a periodical publication, sold as independent products. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 44 01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that<IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers 0 02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits 0 03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 0 04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB 1 05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France 1 06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set) 6 15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product 15 22 URN Uniform Resource Name 8 35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library) 29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France 24 36 38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when usedwhen distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. For use in ONIX 3.0 only 41 00 Undefined Default 0 01 Sentence case Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg ‘The conquest of Mexico’ 0

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Samples: Onix for Books Codelists

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