Visitors to and Conduct on School Property. Comments and questions at a regular meeting may deal with any topic related to public education in Unit #2 Schools. Questions asked by the public shall, when appropriate, be answered by the President or referred to staff members present for reply. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Board or administrative staff for consideration and later response. If deemed advisable, the items may be scheduled as subsequent agenda items. A brief narrative explaining how the issue will be handled by the District and/or information to answer specific questions will be provided within five (5) working days to persons appearing before the Board. Note: It is not practical for the Board to make intelligent decisions on important questions without complete information and study. Although the Board will hear the presentation, it may not act on an item that is not listed on the agenda for the Board meeting. The matter shall be referred to the Superintendent for study. Also, complaints on the part of individual citizens or groups within the community will not normally be heard by the Board until efforts have been made to resolve the issue in accordance with established complaint policy. The Board of Education will not permit the use of its open meetings for attacks by public speakers on the personal integrity, character, or competency of any Board member, staff, or other persons. In addition, discussion of matters which are currently under legal review will not be permitted. If any person feels compelled to share viewpoints of this nature, the individual may submit the viewpoints in writing to the Secretary of the Board who will provide copies to each Board member. It shall be the policy of the Board of Education not to discuss persons or personnel by name, except in closed session, unless board action or the Superintendent's recommendation to the Board make it necessary. The presiding officer shall be responsible for the adherence to this policy, and it shall apply to any person in attendance at a meeting of the Board of Education. The President may interrupt or terminate an individual's speaking privilege if the speaker's comments are disruptive or obscene. The President may interrupt to caution an individual that a personally directed statement may be slanderous or defaming and that the individual will be personally liable for his/her statements. The Board will have the final decision if the President's ruling is challenged. The President may deny any individual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct of a meeting may be threatened by the person's appearance. Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2.06, Open Meetings Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:220 (Board of Education Meeting Procedure), 8:10 (Connection with the Community), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property) Adopted: August 13, 2019 The Board governs using written policies. Written policies ensure legal compliance, establish Board processes, articulate District ends, delegate authority, and define operating limits. Board policies also provide the basis for monitoring progress toward District ends. Anyone may propose new policies, changes to existing policies, or elimination of existing policies. Staff suggestions should be processed through the Superintendent. Suggestions from all others may be made to the Board President or the Superintendent. A Board Policy Committee will consider all policy suggestions, and provide information and recommendations to the Board. The Superintendent is responsible for: (1) providing relevant policy information and data to the Board,
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Samples: School District Policies, School District Policies, School District Policies
Visitors to and Conduct on School Property. Comments and questions at a regular meeting may deal with any topic related to public education in Unit #2 Schools. Questions asked by the public shall, when appropriate, be answered by the President or referred to staff members present for reply. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Board or administrative staff for consideration and later response. If deemed advisable, the items may be scheduled as subsequent agenda items. A brief narrative explaining how the issue will be handled by the District and/or information to answer specific questions will be provided within five (5) working days to persons appearing before the Board. Note: :It is not practical for the Board to make intelligent decisions on important questions without complete information and study. Although the Board will hear the presentation, it may not act on an item that is not listed on the agenda for the Board meeting. The matter shall be referred to the Superintendent for study. Also, complaints on the part of individual citizens or groups within the community will not normally be heard by the Board until efforts have been made to resolve the issue in accordance with established complaint policy. The Board of Education will not permit the use of its open meetings for attacks by public speakers on the personal integrity, character, or competency of any Board member, staff, or other persons. In addition, discussion of matters which are currently under legal review will not be permitted. If any person feels compelled to share viewpoints of this nature, the individual may submit the viewpoints in writing to the Secretary of the Board who will provide copies to each Board member. It shall be the policy of the Board of Education not to discuss persons or personnel by name, except in closed session, unless board action or the Superintendent's recommendation to the Board make it necessary. The presiding officer shall be responsible for the adherence to this policy, and it shall apply to any person in attendance at a meeting of the Board of Education. The President may interrupt or terminate an individual's speaking privilege if the speaker's comments are disruptive or obscene. The President may interrupt to caution an individual that a personally directed statement may be slanderous or defaming and that the individual will be personally liable for his/her statements. The Board will have the final decision if the President's ruling is challenged. The President may deny any individual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct of a meeting may be threatened by the person's appearance. Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2.06, Open Meetings Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:220 (Board of Education Meeting Procedure), 8:10 (Connection with the Community), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property) Adopted: August 13, 2019 The Board governs using written policies. Written policies ensure legal compliance, establish Board processes, articulate District ends, delegate authority, and define operating limits. Board policies also provide the basis for monitoring progress toward District ends. Anyone may propose new policies, changes to existing policies, or elimination of existing policies. Staff suggestions should be processed through the Superintendent. Suggestions from all others may be made to the Board President or the Superintendent. A Board Policy Committee will consider all policy suggestions, and provide information and recommendations to the Board. The Superintendent is responsible for: (1) providing relevant policy information and data to the Board,:
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: School District Policies, School District Policies, School District Policies
Visitors to and Conduct on School Property. Comments and questions at a regular meeting may deal maydeal with any topic anytopic related to public education in Unit #2 Schools. Questions asked by the bythe public shall, when appropriate, be answered by the bythe President or referred to staff members present for reply. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Board or administrative staff for consideration and later response. If deemed advisable, the items may be maybe scheduled as subsequent agenda items. A brief Xxxxxx narrative explaining how the issue will be handled by the bythe District and/or information to answer specific questions will be provided within five (5) working days to persons appearing before the Board. Note: It is not practical for the Board to make intelligent decisions on important questions without complete information and study. Although the Board will hear the presentation, it may not maynot act on an item that is not listed on the agenda for the Board meeting. The matter shall be referred to the Superintendent for study. Also, complaints on the part of individual citizens or groups within the community will communitywill not normally be normallybe heard by the bythe Board until efforts have been made to resolve the issue in accordance with established complaint policy. The Board of Education will not permit the use of its open meetings for attacks by public bypublic speakers on the personal integrity, character, or competency of competencyof any Board member, staff, or other persons. In addition, discussion of matters which are currently under currentlyunder legal review will not be permitted. If any person anyperson feels compelled to share viewpoints of this nature, the individual may submit maysubmit the viewpoints in writing to the Secretary of Secretaryof the Board who will provide copies to each Board member. It shall be the policy of policyof the Board of Education not to discuss persons or personnel by namebyname, except in closed session, unless board action or the Superintendent's recommendation to the Board make it necessary. The presiding officer shall be responsible for the adherence to this policy, and it shall apply to any person applyto anyperson in attendance at a meeting of the Board of Education. The President may interrupt mayinterrupt or terminate an individual's speaking privilege if the speaker's comments are disruptive or obscene. The President may interrupt mayinterrupt to caution an individual that a personally directed personallydirected statement may be maybe slanderous or defaming and that the individual will be personally liable personallyliable for his/her statements. The Board will have the final decision if the President's ruling is challenged. The President may deny any individual maydenyanyindividual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct orderlyconduct of a meeting may be maybe threatened by the bythe person's appearance. Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled regularlyscheduled Board meeting. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2.06, Open Meetings Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:220 (Board of Education Meeting Procedure), 8:10 (Connection with the Community), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property) Adopted: August 13, 2019 The Board governs using written policies. Written policies ensure legal compliance, establish Board processes, articulate District ends, delegate authority, and define operating limits. Board policies also provide the basis for monitoring progress toward District ends. Policy Development Anyone may propose maypropose new policies, changes to existing policies, or elimination of existing policies. Staff suggestions should be processed through the Superintendent. Suggestions from all others may be maybe made to the Board President or the Superintendent. A Board ABoard Policy Committee will consider all policy suggestionspolicysuggestions, and provide information and recommendations to the Board. The Superintendent is responsible for: (1) providing relevant policy information policyinformation and data to the Board,, (2) notifying those who will be affected bya proposed policyand obtaining their advice and suggestions, and (3) having policyrecommendations drafted into written form for Board deliberation. The Superintendent shall seek the counsel of the school attorneywhen appropriate. Policy Adoption and Dissemination Policies or policyrevisions will not be adopted at the Board meeting at which theyare first introduced, except when: (1) appropriate for a consent agenda because no Board discussion is required, or (2) necessaryor prudent in order to meet emergencyor special conditions or to be legallycompliant. Further Board consideration will be given at a subsequent meeting(s) and after opportunityfor communityinput. The adoption of a policywill serve to supersede all previouslyadopted policies on the same topic. The Board of Education policies are available for public inspection in the administrative office during regular office hours. Copyrequests should be made under the District's Access to Public Records Policy. Board Policy Review and Evaluation The Board of Education will monitor its policies and consider whether anymodifications are required. Superintendent Implementation The Board will support anyreasonable interpretation of Board of Education policymade bythe Superintendent. If reasonable minds differ, the Board will review policyand consider the need for further clarification. In the absence of Board of Education policy, the Superintendent is authorized to take appropriate action. Suspension of Policies The Board, bya majorityvote of members present at anymeeting, maytemporarilysuspend a Board policynot established bylaw or contract. The failure to suspend with a specific motion does not invalidate the Board action. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.5. CROSS REF.: 2:150 (Committees), 2:250 (Access to District's Public Records), 3:40 (Superintendent) Adopted: August 13, 2019 Actor Action Superintendent Receives PRESS issue. Replaces current sample policies in the Policy Reference Manual with revised versions. Directs designated support staff to copymemo (blue sheets), working sheets (yellow sheets), and current district policyin those areas, and distribute them to policycommittee. In the case of clean-up language (no content change), directs designated support staff to make changes to district policymanual on computer file. Policy Committee (or Committee of the Whole) Meets and considers recommended updates. Decides which changes require Board discussion and which do not (consent agenda items.) Policies recommended for revision are submitted to the district's legal counsel for review. Superintendent Directs designated support staff to include copies of recommended changes and copies of the blue memo sheets from PRESS in the monthly Board packets. Policy Committee (or Committee of the Whole) Presents changes to the Board at a regularlyscheduled meeting. Full Board Discusses changes which require discussion and announces first reading of the policyupdates. All interested parties, the Board, staff, parents, students, and communitymembers have a month to consider the recommended changes. At the next regular meeting, votes to revise existing policy, delete existing policy, or add new policyper the committee's recommendation. Superintendent May need to change existing administrative procedures or create new ones to implement policychanges. Superintendent Directs designated support staff to update district policymanual on computer file, add revision date or adoption date for new policies, make copies of new policyfor each manual copy, prepare update sheet with return form, and send packet to those responsible for keeping a manual updated. Persons responsible for keeping copies of manual updated Follow the directions on the update sheet - adding the new, replacing the revised, and removing anydeleted policies. Date, sign, and send the return forms to the support staff designated to receive them. Superintendent Directs designated support staff to follow up on anyreturn forms not received within a set time frame (e.g., 2 weeks). DATED: September 19, 2006 Anyone (Superintendent, School Board member, staff, parent, student, communitymember, or Board Attorney) Brings a concern that maynecessitate a new policyor a current policy's revision to the attention of the School Board. Policy Committee (or Full Board) First, answers these questions to decide whether new policylanguage is needed: 1. Does the IASB Policy Reference Manual provide guidance? 2. Is the request something that should be covered in policy(i.e., Board work) or is it something that should be handled bythe staff (i.e., staff work)? 3. Is it alreadycovered in policy? Checks for policies that cover similar or connected topics using tools such as search engines, cross references, and indexes. Second, uses a 4-step process to draft new policylanguage: 1. Frames the question and discusses the topic. 2. Requests the Superintendent to provide research, including appropriate data, and input from others, such as, those who maybe affected bythe policyand those who will implement the policy. 3. Assesses existing policyand decides whether new or revised policylanguage is needed. 4. Drafts or requests the Superintendent or Board Attorney to draft, language addressing the concern that aligns with the Board's mission, vision, goals, and objectives. Third, decides whether the new language should be included in an existing policyor added as a new policy. Assigns anynew policyan appropriate location and number. The PRESS coding system reserves policynumbers ending in a '0' and '5' for PRESS material. Local districts are encouraged to use policynumbers ending in even numbers other than '0'. Full Board Conducts a first reading of the policythat is recommended for adoption or revision. During the next regular meeting, conducts a second reading. Asecond reading allows the Board to hear feedback from interested parties, including staff, parents, students, and communitymembers; however, State law does not require two readings. Superintendent Confers with the Board Attorney as appropriate. Manages the Board's compliance with the Open Meetings Act. Ensures that, as appropriate, the agendas for the Board Policy Committee and School Board include discussion and action to consider, adopt, or revise Board policies. Manages the process for approving new or revised administrative procedures, and revisions to employee and student handbooks. Communicates all policyand procedure revisions or adoptions as appropriate to staff members, parents, students, and communitymembers. Designated support staff After a policyis adopted or revised, updates the District's policymanual master electronic file and adds adoption dates. Archives "old" policy. Follows district process for updating paper and online manuals. Assistant Superintendents, Directors, and Building Principals Reads the adopted policyand follows the Superintendent's process for updating administrative procedures, and changes to employee and student handbooks within their assigned building(s). DATED: September 20, 2011 Full access to the District's public records is available to anyperson as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), this policy, and implementing procedures. The Superintendent or designee shall: (1) provide the Board with sufficient information and data to permit the Board to monitor the District's compliance with FOIAand this policy, and (2) report any FOIArequests during the Board's regular meetings along with the status of the District's response.
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