WELL DISCLOSURE. Sellers shall disclose the existence and location of any sells on the Subject Property and shall indicate if any xxxxx have been properly sealed.
WELL DISCLOSURE. The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any xxxxx on the described real property. 🞏 A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. 🞏 I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of xxxxx on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate.
WELL DISCLOSURE. Except for any xxxxx disclosed to Buyer in writing, Xxxxxx is not aware of any xxxxx on the Property.
WELL DISCLOSURE. The City certifies that the City does not have knowledge of xxxxx on the real property.
WELL DISCLOSURE. Buyer acknowledges that Seller disclosed in writing to Buyer information about the status and location of all xxxxx on the Property known to Seller by delivering to Buyer a disclosure statement indicating the legal description and county, and a map drawn from available information showing the location of each well to the extent practicable to Seller. The Buyer acknowledges that the disclosure statement indicated, for each well, whether the well was in use, not in use, or sealed. - The quit claim deed given by the Seller must include the statement specified in Section 9D of this Purchase Agreement.
WELL DISCLOSURE. [Check one of the following:] Seller certifies that Xxxxxx does not know of any xxxxx on the Property. _X_ Xxxxx on the Property are disclosed by Seller on the attached Well Disclosure form.
WELL DISCLOSURE. Seller knows of no xxxxx on the Property and hereby makes the disclosure pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 103I.235(1). At the time of Closing, Seller will deliver any required well certificate pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 103I.235(1) and if no such well certificate is required, shall include on the deed the statementthe Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any xxxxx on the described real property.”
WELL DISCLOSURE. Seller certifies that Xxxxxx does not know of any xxxxx on the Real Property and will so certify on the Deed delivered at closing.
WELL DISCLOSURE. [Check one of the following:] [x] Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any wells on the rexx xxoperty. [ ] Wells on the real property xxx disclosed by Seller on the attached Well Disclosure form.