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Xxxxxxxx and X. X. Xxxxxxx, “Coded cooperative data exchange for a secrect secret key,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Transactions on Information Theory, Honoluluvol. 62, HI, July 2014no. 7, pp. 776–7803785–3795, July 2016. [1629] T. T. MapokaX. Xxxx and X. Xxxxx, “Group Mutual dependence for secret key management protocols for secure mobile mul- ticast communication: A comprehensive surveyagreement,” International Journal in Proceedings of Computer Applications44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 2010. [30] I. Csisza´r and X. Xx¨rner, Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems. Akade´miai Kiado´, Budapest, 1981. [31] X. Xxxxxxxxx, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency. Springer, 2002. [32] X. Xxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, and X. Xxxx, “On the optimality of secret key agreement via omniscience,” CoRR, vol. 84abs/1702.07429, no. 12, pp. 28–38, December 20132017. [17Online]. Available: xxxx:// [33] B. E. Jung, “An efficient group key agreement protocol,” IEEE Commu- nications Letters, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 106–107, February 2006. [18] I. Csisza´r X. Xxxxxx´r and X. Xxxxxxx, “Secrecy capacities for multiple terminalsmultiterminal channel models,” IEEE Trans. Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 5054, no. 126, pp. 3047–30612437–2452, December 2004June 2008. [1934] X. Xxxx, “Linear perfect secret On tightness of mutual dependence upperbound for secret-key capacity of multiple terminals,” arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.3200, 2008. [35] X. Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxx, and X. Xxx, “Multivariate mutual information inspired by secret-key agreement,” in ProcProceedings of the IEEE, vol. IEEE Infor- mation Theory Workshop103, Paraty, Brazil, October 2011no. 10, pp. 723–7261883–1913, Oct 2015. [2036] X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxx, X. Xxxxx, and X. XxxxxxxXxx, “On the communication complexity of secret key generation in the multiterminal source modelInfo- clustering: A mathematical theory for data clustering,” in ProcIEEE Transac- tions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. IEEE International Symp2, no. on Information Theory, Honolulu, HI, July 20141, pp. 1151–115564–91, June 2016. [2137] S. Nitinawarat X. Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, and X. XxxxxxxXxxx, “Perfect omniscience, perfect secrecy and Xxxxxxx tree packingChange of multivariate mutual information: From local to global,” IEEE Trans. Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56PP, no. 1299, pp. 6490–65001–1, December 20102017. [2238] X. Xxxxx, “Common information and secret key capacity,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 5627–5640, September 2013. [23] S. Nitinawarat, C. Ye, X. Xxxx, X. XxxxxxxX. Xxxx, and X. XxxxxxQ. T. Sun, “Secret key generation for a pairwise independent network modelCombinatorial flow over cyclic linear networks,” in IEEE TransInformation Theory Workshop (ITW), Sep. 2013, pp. 1–5. [39] X. Xxxx, “Cyclic linking network,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryTheory Proceedings (ISIT), July 2013, pp. 789–793. [40] X. Xxxxxxx and X. Xx¨rner, Information theory: coding theorems for discrete memoryless systems, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [41] X. Xxxxxxxxx, “Polymatroidal dependence structure of a set of random variables,” Information and Control, vol. 5639, no. 121, pp. 6482–648955 – 72, December 2010. [24] X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxxxxxx, “Fault-tolerant secret key generation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, MA, July 2012, pp. 1787– 17911978.
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Xxxxxxxx and X. X. Xxxxxxx, “Coded cooperative data exchange for a secrect secret key,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Transactions on Information Theory, Honoluluvol. 62, HI, July 2014no. 7, pp. 776–7803785–3795, July 2016. [1629] T. T. MapokaX. Xxxx and X. Xxxxx, “Group Mutual dependence for secret key management protocols for secure mobile mul- ticast communication: A comprehensive surveyagreement,” International Journal in Proceedings of Computer Applications44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 2010. [30] I. Csisza´r and J. Ko¨rner, Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems. Akade´miai Kiado´, Budapest, 1981. [31] A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency. Springer, 2002. [32] X. Xxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, and X. Xxxx, “On the optimality of secret key agreement via omniscience,” CoRR, vol. 84abs/1702.07429, no. 12, pp. 28–38, December 20132017. [17] B. E. Jung, “An efficient group key agreement protocol,” IEEE Commu- nications Letters, volOnline]. 10, no. 2, pp. 106–107, February 2006. Available: xxxx:// [1833] I. Csisza´r and X. Xxxxxxx, “Secrecy capacities for multiple terminalsmultiterminal channel models,” IEEE Trans. Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 5054, no. 126, pp. 3047–30612437–2452, December 2004June 2008. [1934] X. Xxxx, “Linear perfect secret On tightness of mutual dependence upperbound for secret-key capacity of multiple terminals,” arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.3200, 2008. [35] X. Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxx, and X. Xxx, “Multivariate mutual information inspired by secret-key agreement,” in ProcProceedings of the IEEE, vol. IEEE Infor- mation Theory Workshop103, Paraty, Brazil, October 2011no. 10, pp. 723–7261883–1913, Oct 2015. [2036] X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxx, X. Xxxxx, and X. XxxxxxxXxx, “On the communication complexity of secret key generation in the multiterminal source modelInfo- clustering: A mathematical theory for data clustering,” in ProcIEEE Transac- tions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. IEEE International Symp2, no. on Information Theory, Honolulu, HI, July 20141, pp. 1151–115564–91, June 2016. [2137] S. Nitinawarat X. Xxxx, X. Xx-Xxxxxxxxxx, and X. XxxxxxxXxxx, “Perfect omniscience, perfect secrecy and Xxxxxxx tree packingChange of multivariate mutual information: From local to global,” IEEE Trans. Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56PP, no. 1299, pp. 6490–65001–1, December 20102017. [2238] X. Xxxxx, “Common information and secret key capacity,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 5627–5640, September 2013. [23] S. Nitinawarat, C. Ye, X. Xxxx, X. XxxxxxxX. Xxxx, and X. XxxxxxQ. T. Sun, “Secret key generation for a pairwise independent network modelCombinatorial flow over cyclic linear networks,” in IEEE TransInformation Theory Workshop (ITW), Sep. 2013, pp. 1–5. [39] X. Xxxx, “Cyclic linking network,” in IEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryTheory Proceedings (ISIT), July 2013, pp. 789–793. [40] X. Xxxxxxx and X. Xx¨rner, Information theory: coding theorems for discrete memoryless systems, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [41] X. Xxxxxxxxx, “Polymatroidal dependence structure of a set of random variables,” Information and Control, vol. 5639, no. 121, pp. 6482–648955 – 72, December 2010. [24] X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxxxxxx, “Fault-tolerant secret key generation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, MA, July 2012, pp. 1787– 17911978.
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