Xxxxxx and X Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx and XX. Xxxxxx.
Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxxx "CRYSPLOT: A New Tool to Visualize Physical and Chemical Properties of Molecules, Polymers, Surfaces, and Crystalline Solids" J. Comput. Chem. 00 (0000) 0000-0000
Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxxx. Key-agreement in ad-hoc networks. In Nordsec’99, 1999. [4] X. Xxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxx. Authenticated Group Key Agreement and Friends. In 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, pages 17–26. ACM, November 1998. [5] X. Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxx. Communication complexity of group key distribution. In 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November 1998. [6] X. Xxxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxx. Random oracles are practical: A paradigm for designing efficient protocols. In 1st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1993. [7] Xxx Xxxxx. The Decision Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx problem. In Third Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, number 1423 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 48–63. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany, 1998. [8] Xxx Xxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. Applications of multilinear forms to cryptography. To appear in Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society. [9] Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. Provably authenticated group Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx key exchange — the dynamic case. In Xxxxx Xxxx, editor, Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT ’2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Gold Coast, Australia, 2001. International Association for Cryptologic Research, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany. [10] Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. Provably authenticated group xxxxxx-xxxxxxx key exchange. In Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, editor, 8th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2001. ACM Press. [11] Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxxxx. A secure and efficient conference key distribution system. In X. Xx Xxxxxx, editor, Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT ’94, number 950 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. International Association for Cryptologic Research, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany, 1995. final version of proceedings. [12] X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxx, X. Xxx, X. Xxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxxx. The VersaKey framework: Versatile group key management. [13] Xxxxx Xxxxx. Zero-knowledge undeniable signatures. In X.X. Xxxxxxx, editor, Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT ’90, number 473 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 458–464. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany, May 1991.
Xxxxxx and XX. Xxxxxxxx & X.X. Xxxxx; thence with the United States of America's boundary North 33 degrees 37' West 2733.00 feet to the U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 52 in the north line of Section 17, which is the south line of Section 8; thence North 37 degrees 38' West, 416.00 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 53 at the northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 8; thence North 1 degree 35' East, 977.00 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 54 at the northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the SW 1/4 Section 8; thence North 35 degrees 59' West, 1633.00 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 55 at the southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 8; thence North 88 degrees 50' West, 332.00 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 56 at the southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of Section 8; thence with the south line of the Northeast quarter, Section 7 North 88 degrees 50' West, 330.00 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 57; thence leaving the said South line, North 1 degree 23 minutes 15 seconds East, 1966.31 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 58; thence, leaving the United States of America's boundary South 89 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds East, 410 feet, passing a metal marker at 385.00 feet, to a point in the 423-foot contour on the shore of Pickwick Landing Lake; thence with the 423-foot contour as it meanders in a southeasterly direction to a point; thence, leaving the contour, South 61 degrees 19 minutes 05 seconds West, 534.50 feet, passing a metal marker at 17 feet, to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 49 in the south line of the Northeast quarter of Section 17 and in the boundary of the United States of America's land; thence with the United States of America's boundary and the south line of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, North 89 degrees 19 minutes West, 260.20 feet to U.S.-T.V.A. Monument 50; thence leaving the said south line, North 0 degrees 24 minutes 16 seconds East, 420.42 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL III: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 18, T-3-S, R-13-W, Colbert County, Alabama, thence North 0 degrees 48 minutes East along the West line of said Section 18 a distance of 4085.36 feet to a point; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes East a distance of 2003.88 feet to a concrete monument and the point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 0 degrees 02 minutes West a distance of 450.00 feet to a point on a chain link f...
Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxxxxx. Ontology Negotiation: How Agents Can Really Get to Know Each Other. In Proceedings of the WRAC 2002, 2002.
Xxxxxx and XX. Xxxxxx, Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness and Wellness Xxxxxx Publishing Company Fourth Edition. Flexibility results will not be used in determining overall level of requirements, or receipt of incentives described in this Article.
Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxx. The must preorder revisited: An algebraic theory for web services contracts. In CONCUR, volume 4703 of LNCS, pages 212–225. Springer, 2007.
Xxxxxx and XX. Xxxxxx shall have executed and delivered the Contribution Agreement and performed their respective obligations thereunder.
Xxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxxx “CRYSPLOT: a new tool visualize physical and chemical properties of periodic systems”
Xxxxxx and XX. Xxxxxxx in 1872 from the Beaver River, Utah (Cope and Yarrow 1875). They noted that this species was abundant in the areas where they made their collections. In 1889, X. X. Xxxxxx collected least chub from the Provo River drainage and noted that they were “extremely common in the pools of water about the mouth of the Provo River and in the carp ponds next to Utah Lake” Figure 1. Current and historical distribution of least chub in relation to the receding Bonneville and Provo Lake shorelines. (Jordan 1891). Jordan and Evermann (1896) stated that the least chub occurred in “tributaries of Great Salt Lake and Xxxxxx Lake” and that they were “excessively common in ponds and warm pools”. X. X. Xxxxxx (1936) noted that the distribution of least chub included the Beaver River, Parowan Creek and Clear Creek. He also stated that it was “found in the Provo River and fresh water ponds around the Great Salt Lake. Xxxxxx collected several specimens from the Provo River in 1931 as well. Least chub have also been collected from the northeastern edge of the Bonneville Basin in Salt Lake and Xxxxx counties. The Michigan Museum of Zoology contains specimens that were in a small brook outside of Salt Lake City in 1871 and again in 1933. Xxxxxxxxx and Smart (1954) collected least chub in 1953 from Big Cottonwood Creek, in Salt Lake County and Xxxxxx Xxxxx collected least chub near Centerville and in Farmington Bay, Xxxxx County, in 1964 and 1965, respectively (Xxxxxxx 1989). The first recorded collection of least chub in Snake Valley was thought to be by X. Xxxxx in Xxxxx Xxxxx in 1964. An extensive least chub survey was conducted by Xxxxxxx et al. (1979) in the Bonneville Basin. The only least chub populations located were from Snake Valley including the Xxxxx Xxxxx complex, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Spring complex, Callao Spring complex, Twin Springs and in Xxxxxx Springs. No least chub were recorded in the lower reaches of the Ogden River, Big and Little Cottonwood Creeks, Provo River, or from numerous springs and ponds in Juab, Xxxxxxx and Tooele counties. Xxxxxxxxx (1985) surveyed the same sites as Xxxxxxx et al. did in 1977 and only found least chub in the Xxxxx Salt Xxxxx complex and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Spring complex. He did, however, find least chub in Xxxxxx and Central Spring. Xxxxxxx (1989) surveyed the same springs in Callao but did not collect any least chub in these springs. Xxxxxxxxx found a few least chub in Xxxxxx Springs during 1984 and indicated that they were not very ...