Your minimum payment. You may pay your account balance in full at any time. By the payment due date shown on your account statement, you must pay at least the minimum payment. To calculate your minimum payment, we add $10 to the amount of interest and fees shown on your account statement. In addition to that amount, we also add to your minimum payment the larger of: • any amount past due on your account statement; or • the amount by which your new balance exceeds your credit limit. If your new balance is $10 or less, you must pay the full amount.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Bmo Mastercard Cardholder Agreement, Bmo Mastercard Cardholder Agreement, Bmo Cashback® World Elite®* Mastercard®* Cardholder Agreement
Your minimum payment. You may pay your account balance in full at any time. By the payment due date shown on your account statement, you must pay at least the minimum payment. To calculate your minimum payment, we add $10 to the amount of interest and fees shown on your account statement. In addition to that amount, we also add to your minimum payment the larger of: • · any amount past due on your account statement; or • · the amount by which your new balance exceeds your credit limit. If your new balance is $10 or less, you must pay the full amount.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Bmo Mastercard Cardholder Agreement
Your minimum payment. You may pay your account balance in full at any time. By the payment due date shown on your account statement, you must pay at least the minimum payment. To calculate your minimum payment, we add $10 50 to the amount of interest and fees shown on your account statement. In addition to that amount, we also add to your minimum payment the larger of: • any amount past due on your account statement; or • the amount by which your new balance exceeds your credit limit. If your new balance is $10 50 or less, you must pay the full amount.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Credit Line for Business Mastercard® Cardholder Agreement