Zone. Unless otherwise specified, all references herein to times of day shall be references to Eastern time (daylight or standard, as applicable).
Zone. The boundary of Zone 1 runs northwest and north from Køge Bugt (Køge Bay) along the western boundary of the municipali- ties of Vallensbæk and Herstederne (intersecting the main Co- penhagen-Roskilde road at km 16.0), after which it follows the western boundary of Ballerup parish and then goes along the southern and western boundaries of Værløse parish until the southern boundary of Farum parish immediately west of Farum Sø (Farum Lake). From here it follows the boundary between Ganløse and Farum parishes in the northwestern direction, turn- ing to the east towards Slangerupbanen (the Slangerup Light Railway); then it follows the railway line until it enters the parish of Lynge, after which the boundary of Zone 1 goes along Lynge parish’s eastern boundary northeast and then on along the west- ern boundary of Blovstrød parish in the northern/northeastern di- rection until, immediately after having passed the Kongevejen road (at km 26.8) it encounters the boundary of Karlebo parish which goes along the south-eastern side of the Store Dyrehave forest. From that point the boundary of Zone 1 follows the parish boundary northeast along Store Dyrehave; then it goes northwest to the Grønholt Hegn forest and on along its south-eastern side until the northern boundary of Karlebo parish which it then fol- lows eastwards to the Øresund strait immediately south of the Laveskov forest.
Zone. The City created the Zone and requested that the County participate by depositing a certain percentage of the County ad valorem tax received on tax increments within the Zone into a tax increment fund which is to be utilized for purposes as allowed in Section 311.011 of the Act and as recommended by the board of directors of the Zone and as approved by the City. The Zone was initially 31.936 acres. The Parties now agree to decrease the Zone to 23.61 acres, which is as described in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Zone of M.V.R. …………. SCHEDULE-B