Tim S.A. Sample Contracts
SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND OTHER COVENANTS entered into by and among OI S.A. - IN JUDICIAL REORGANIZATION TELEMAR NORTE LESTE S.A. - IN JUDICIAL REORGANIZATION OI MÓVEL S.A. - IN JUDICIAL REORGANIZATION and, on the other hand, TIM S.A. TELEFÔNICA...Share Purchase Agreement • April 30th, 2021 • Tim S.A. • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2021 Company IndustryOI MÓVEL S.A. - In Judicial Reorganization, a privately-held corporation, registered with the National Register of Corporate Taxpayers (the “CNPJ”) under CNPJ No. 05.423.963/0001-11, with headquarters and principal place of business at Setor Comercial Norte, Quadra 3, Block A, Edifício Estação Telefônica, ground floor (part 2), Brasília - DF, CEP 70.713-900, herein represented pursuant to its bylaws (“Oi Móvel” or the “Seller”);
Standard Contracts
LETTER LOAN AGREEMENTLoan Agreement • April 30th, 2021 • Tim S.A. • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone) • New York
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2021 Company Industry JurisdictionBNP Paribas (the “Bank”) is pleased to make available to TIM S.A., a corporation duly constituted and domiciled in the Federative Republic of Brazil and enrolled with the CNPJ under number 02.421.421/0001-11, with domicile at Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, 850, Blc 01, Salas 501 a 1208, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22775-057 (the “Borrower”), an uncommitted term loan facility on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth below.