Rica Foods Inc Sample Contracts
QUANTUM LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC. ACQUISITION OF CORPORACION PIPASA, S.A.Acquisition Agreement • October 10th, 1996 • Quantum Learning Systems Inc • Services-educational services • Nevada
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 1996 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Standard Contracts
W.T. YOUNG AND )( CIVIL ACTION NO. GLEN YOUNG )( C-95-506 )( VS. )( )( QUANTUM LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC. )( JURYSettlement Agreement • October 10th, 1996 • Quantum Learning Systems Inc • Services-educational services • Texas
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 1996 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Exhibit 10-3Purchase Agreement • January 13th, 1997 • Costa Rica International Inc • Services-educational services • Florida
Contract Type FiledJanuary 13th, 1997 Company Industry Jurisdiction
WITNESSETH:Stock Purchase Agreement • October 13th, 1998 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing • Florida
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 1998 Company Industry Jurisdiction
WITNESSETH:Stock Purchase Agreement • November 18th, 1998 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing • Florida
Contract Type FiledNovember 18th, 1998 Company Industry Jurisdiction
WITNESSETH:Stock Purchase Agreement • October 13th, 1998 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing • Florida
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 1998 Company Industry Jurisdiction
WITNESSETH:Stock Purchase Agreement • November 18th, 1998 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing • Florida
Contract Type FiledNovember 18th, 1998 Company Industry Jurisdiction
EXHIBIT 4.1 Amended and Restated Note Purchase Agreement CORPORACION PIPASA, S.A., as Issuer CORPORACION AS DE OROS, as Issuer RICA FOODS, INC., as Parent $8,000,000 (U.S. Dollars) Principal Amount 11.96% Series A Senior Notes due January 15, 2005...Note Purchase Agreement • July 28th, 2003 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledJuly 28th, 2003 Company Industry
STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENTStock Purchase Agreement • October 9th, 2008 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledOctober 9th, 2008 Company IndustryBetween the party of the first part, SAMA VALORES, (G.S.), S.A., a company incorporated, domiciled and in existence under the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica, official identification card No. (xx-xx-xxxxx) (hereinafter “SAMA”), in its role as fiduciary agent for the Jaco-Belen Trust; MARCELA ARIAS VICTORY, a Costa Rican national, of legal age, married, an attorney, a resident of San Jose, Costa Rica, bearer of Costa Rican identification card No. (x-xxx-xxx); GILBERTH VALVERDE CASTRO, a Costa Rican national, of legal age, married, holder of an A.S. in Agricultural Sciences, a resident of the city of Managua, Nicaragua, bearer of Costa Rican identification card No. (x-xxx-xxx); ALFONSO JOSE SANDINO GRANERA, a Nicaraguan national, of legal age, married, an attorney, a resident of the city of Managua, bearer of Nicaraguan identification card No. (xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx); and MARTHA LORENA ICAZA OCHOA, a Nicaraguan national, of legal age, single, an attorney, a resident of the city of Managua,
Exhibit 10-1* Purchase Agreement for Construction and Trucking (Previously Filed)Purchase Agreement for Construction and Trucking • October 10th, 1996 • Quantum Learning Systems Inc • Services-educational services
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 1996 Company Industry
CONSULTING AGREEMENTConsulting Agreement • November 21st, 2006 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledNovember 21st, 2006 Company IndustryTHIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into effective as of the 1st day of October, 2006, by and between PIPASA, S.A., a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Company”), and SAMA INTERNACIONAL (G.S.) SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Consultant”).
CONSULTING AGREEMENTConsulting Agreement • May 13th, 2005 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledMay 13th, 2005 Company IndustryTHIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into this 12th day of May, 2005, by and between PIPASA, S.A., a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Company”), and SAMA INTERNACIONAL (G.S.) SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Consultant”).
BROKERS AGREEMENTBrokers Agreement • October 27th, 2005 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledOctober 27th, 2005 Company IndustryThis Brokers Agreement (the “Agreement”) entered into as of this 21st day of October, 2005, by and between CORPORACION PIPASA, S.A., a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Company”), and SAMA INTERNACIONAL (G.S.) SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, a corporation organized under the laws of Costa Rica (the “Broker”).
Amendment to Trust Agreement, dated May 21, 2004, by and between Corporacion Pipasa, S.A. and Corporacion As de Oros, S.A., as Trustors, Banco Improsa, S.A. as Trustee and various of the Company’s lenders (translated from Spanish)Trust Agreement • August 16th, 2004 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing
Contract Type FiledAugust 16th, 2004 Company Industrythousand seven hundred forty eight, page seventy seven and two hundred sixteen, entry ninety two and two hundred thirty three, and which the undersigned notaries certify; (b ) Luis Liberman Ginsburg, of legal age, married once, Doctor en Economía, resident of San José and bearer of identification card number one – three hundred forty zero twenty five, as Manager with the faculties granted as Attorney-in-Fact without limit of sum of BANCO INTERFIN S.A., domiciled in San José, Avenida Las Américas, North from the National Stadium, legal entity three-hundred one-cero thirty and four thousand five hundred forty nine, being recorded and effective, as per Mercantile Section of the Public Registrar Volume one thousand seven hundred twenty nine, Entry two hundred twenty, Asiento two hundred eighty eight; and which the undersigned notaries certify (d) Gerardo Alfredo Sanabria Piretti, of legal age, single, Master in Business Administration, resident of Cartago, bearer of the identification card
Commercial Establishment Brokerage and Intermediation AgreementCommercial Establishment Brokerage and Intermediation Agreement • October 27th, 2005 • Rica Foods Inc • Poultry slaughtering and processing • Dorado
Contract Type FiledOctober 27th, 2005 Company Industry JurisdictionThe undersigned, ROLANDO CERVANTES BARRANTES, of legal age, married, Stock Market Broker, resident of San José, bearer of personal identity card number one-four hundred eleven-three hundred seventy seven, acting jointly with Mr. VICTOR OCONITRILLO CONEJO, of legal age, married, bearer of a Master in Business Administration, resident of Tibás, bearer of personal identity card number one-six seven six-zero seventy two, who are judicial and extra-judicial representatives, with the most general faculties, without amount limit, of the company SAMA VALORES (G.S.) SOCIEDAD ANONIMA, with corporate identity number three-one hundred and one , legally registered in the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry, at volume , folio , hereinafter and for purposes of this contract referred to as “ Sama” and GUSTAVO BARBOZA VEGA, of legal age, single, Public Accountant, resident of San Jose, with personal identity card number: , in his capacity as General Attorney-in-Fact, with an Amount Limit of two h