Aracruz Cellulose S A Sample Contracts
Exhibit 4.3 - p. 3 rights in the Company or which contradicted or restricted the effects of the Original Agreement; (vi) the parties of the Original Agreement, including the Shareholders, entered into on June 30th, 1989, the "First Addendum of...Shareholders Agreement • June 30th, 2004 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills • Rio de Janeiro
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2004 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Standard Contracts
EXECUTION VERSION FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE Dated as of February 6, 2002Supplemental Indenture • June 30th, 2003 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2003 Company Industry
AMENDED AND RESTATED DEPOSIT AGREEMENTDeposit Agreement • June 20th, 2007 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills • New York
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2007 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Exhibit 99.1 On the date hereof, ARACRUZ CELULOSE S/A ("ARACRUZ" or "the Company"), for the purposes of what is set forth in article 118 of Law 6404, enacted on December 15, 1976, received and filed in its own records a shareholders agreement (the...Shareholders Agreement • February 7th, 2003 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills
Contract Type FiledFebruary 7th, 2003 Company IndustryOn the date hereof, ARACRUZ CELULOSE S/A ("ARACRUZ" or "the Company"), for the purposes of what is set forth in article 118 of Law 6404, enacted on December 15, 1976, received and filed in its own records a shareholders agreement (the "Shareholders Agreement") dated February 5, 2003, entered into by and between, on one side, Arapar S/A and Lorentzen Empreendimentos S/A (collectively "Grupo Lorentzen") and, on the other side, Sodepa Sociedade de Empreendimentos, Publicidade e Participacoes S/A ("SODEPA"). Each of the Parties holds approximately 28% of Aracruz' voting shares.
ARACRUZ CELULOSE S.A. LOGO] [GRAPHIC OMITTED] ARACRUZ CELULOSE S/A and ARACRUZ TRADING S/A, on one side, collectively hereinafter referred to as ARACRUZ, and KLABIN S/A and KLABIN DO PARANA PRODUTOS FLORESTAIS LTDA., on the other side, collectively...Acquisition Agreement • June 2nd, 2003 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills
Contract Type FiledJune 2nd, 2003 Company IndustryARACRUZ CELULOSE S/A and ARACRUZ TRADING S/A, on one side, collectively hereinafter referred to as ARACRUZ, and KLABIN S/A and KLABIN DO PARANA PRODUTOS FLORESTAIS LTDA., on the other side, collectively hereinafter referred to as KLABIN, have executed today an agreement for the acquisition by ARACRUZ of all shares held by KLABIN of RIOCELL S/A (RIOCELL), a company with headquarters at 367, Rua Formosa, 12th floor, in the City of Sao Paulo, state of Sao Paulo, with National Taxpayers' Identity nr. 05.148.712/0001-76. The purchase price for those shares was US$ 610,500,000.00, which is subject to adjustments, based on any changes in RIOCELL's balance sheet prior to the closing of the transaction, as well as from any changes that may occur in transactions of such nature.
EXECUTION VERSION MASTER INDENTUREMaster Indenture • June 30th, 2003 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills • New York
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2003 Company Industry Jurisdiction
SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT ARAPAR S.A, with head offices at Av. Augusto Severo, 8 - 7o andar, parte, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, registered in the National Register of Legal Persons - CNPJ-MF - under No. 29.282.803/0001-68 ("ARAPAR") and LORENTZEN...Shareholder Agreement • June 30th, 2003 • Aracruz Cellulose S A • Pulp mills • Rio de Janeiro
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2003 Company Industry Jurisdiction