Agreement No.: PS21-072 1 Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. SERVICE AGREEMENT Volvo Car...

Agreement No.: PS21-072 1 Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. SERVICE AGREEMENT Volvo Car Technology and Polestar Performance AB Procurement services performed in China related to Polestar 3 car model manufactured in USA Agreement No.: PS21-072 2 APPENDICES Appendix 1 – Service Specification Direct Material Procurement Appendix 2 – Service Charges Appendix 3 – Governance Structure Appendix 4 – Template Financial Reporting Appendix 5 – Sustainability Requirements Agreement No.: PS21-072 3 This SERVICE AGREEMENT is entered into between: (1) Volvo Car Technology (Shanghai) Co, Ltd., Reg. No. 91310000568010754, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Peoples Republic of China (“Volvo Cars” or “Service Provider”); and (2) Polestar Performance AB., Reg. No. 556653-3096, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Sweden (“Polestar” or “Purchaser”). Each of Volvo Cars and Polestar is hereinafter referred to as a “Party” and jointly as the “Parties”. BACKGROUND A. Volvo Cars is an experienced manufacturer of Volvo branded cars. It is understood that Volvo Cars is not normally a service provider. B. Polestar is engaged in manufacturing and sale of Polestar branded high-end electric performance cars. C. The Parties have agreed that Volvo Cars shall manufacture the Polestar Vehicle. D. The Parties have agreed that Volvo Cars shall provide services concerning the Polestar Vehicle to Polestar. E. In light of the foregoing, the Parties have agreed to execute this Agreement. 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them below. All capitalised terms in singular in the list of definitions shall have the same meaning in plural and vice versa. 1.2. “Affiliate” means 1.2.1. for Polestar, any other legal entity that, directly or indirectly, is controlled by Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC; 1.2.2 for Volvo Cars, Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Car AB and any other legal entity that, directly or indirectly, is controlled by Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Car AB, however, for the avoidance of doubt, not Polestar or its Affiliates; 1.2.3 “control” for this purpose meaning ownership or control of at least one-hundred per cent (100%) with regard to Polestar Affiliates, and fifty per cent (50%) with regard to Volvo Cars Affiliates of the voting stock, partnership interest or other ownership interest of such legal entity. The Parties, however, agree to renegotiate this definition of “Affiliate” in good faith if it in the future does not reflect the Parties’ intention at the time of signing this Agreement due to a restructuring or reorganisation in relation to either of the Parties. Agreement No.: PS21-072 4 1.3 “Agreement” means this Service Agreement including all of its Appendices as amended from time to time. 1.4 “Appendix” means the appendices to this Service Agreement. 1.5 “Background IP” means the Intellectual Property Rights either; owned by either of the Parties; or created, developed or invented by directors, managers, employees or consultants of either of the Parties to which the Party has licensed rights instead of ownership and the right to grant a sublicense prior to the execution of this Agreement, and any Intellectual Property Rights developed independently of this Agreement. 1.6 “Confidential Information” means any and all information regarding the Parties and their respective businesses, whether commercial or technical, in whatever form or media, including but not limited to information relating to Intellectual Property Rights, concepts, technologies, processes, commercial figures, techniques, strategic plans and budgets, investments, customers and sales, designs, graphics, CAD models, CAE data, statement of works (including engineering statement of works and any specification), targets, test plans/reports, technical performance data and engineering sign-off documents and other information of a sensitive nature, that a Party learns from or about the other Party prior to or after the execution of this Agreement. 1.7 “Data Room” means the secure environment personal approved access information sharing platform agreed to be used between the Parties in relation to this Agreement. 1.8 “Disclosing Party” means the Party disclosing Confidential Information to the Receiving Party. 1.9 “Force Majeure Event” shall have the meaning set out in Section 15.1.1 below. 1.10 “Industry Standard” means the exercise of such professionalism, skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would normally be expected at any given time from a skilled and experienced actor engaged in a similar type of undertaking as under this Agreement. 1.11 “Intellectual Property Rights” means Patents, Non-patented IP, Know-How and rights in Confidential Information to the extent protected under applicable laws anywhere in the world. For the avoidance of doubt, Trademarks are not comprised by this definition. 1.12 “Know-How” means confidential and proprietary industrial, technical and commercial information and techniques in any form including (without limitation) drawings, formulae, test results, reports, project reports and testing procedures, instruction and training manuals, tables of operating conditions, specifications, component lists, market forecasts, lists and particulars of customers and Suppliers. 1.13 “Non-patented IP” means copyrights (including rights in computer software), database rights, semiconductor topography rights, rights in designs, and other intellectual property rights (other than Trademarks and Patents) and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect anywhere in the world, in each case whether registered or

Agreement No.: PS21-072 9 3.1 Provision of services Specification of Services The Parties have agreed upon the scope and specification of the Services provided under this Agreement in Appendix 1 . The Services shall be provided for the production of [***]in Charleston plant. Making available the Results Volvo Cars shall make the Results (or if not finalised, any part of the foregoing that has been finalised) available to Polestar within the timeframes specified in Appendix 1, but under all circumstances promptly after any part of the Results has been finalised. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Volvo Cars shall not provide any Results into the Data Room unless Polestar makes a service request. Polestar may request that Volvo Cars shall provide Polestar certain Results by electronically loading files with the relevant information into a Data Room and otherwise provided as agreed between the Parties e.g. through knowledge transfer meetings. For clarity, if there are any further costs spent to administrate the provision of certain Results as requested by Polestar under the foregoing, Polestar shall be required to pay such costs in accordance with arm’s length principles. Subcontractors The Parties acknowledge that Volvo Cars may use its Affiliates and/or subcontractors to perform the Services under this Agreement, provided that Volvo Cars informs Polestar thereof. Volvo Cars shall however remain responsible for the performance, and any omission to perform or comply with the provisions in this Section 3, by any Affiliate to Volvo Cars and/or any subcontractor to the same extent as if such performance or omittance was made by Volvo Cars itself. Volvo Cars shall also remain Polestar’s sole point of contact unless otherwise agreed. 3.2 Service Requirements All Services shall be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Agreement, including Appendix 1. Polestar shall provide Volvo Cars with instructions as reasonably required for Volvo Cars to be able to carry out the Services. Volvo Cars must continuously inform Polestar of any needs of additional instructions or specifications required to perform the Services. 3.3 Intellectual Property Rights Ownership of existing Intellectual Property Rights. Each Party remains the sole and exclusive owner of (i) any Background IP and other Intellectual Property Rights owned prior to the execution of the Services under this Agreement, (ii) any Intellectual Property Rights developed independently of the Services in this Section 3, and (iii) any Intellectual Property Rights which are modifications, Agreement No.: PS21-072 10 amendments or derivatives of any Intellectual Property Rights already owned by such Party. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute an assignment of, or license to use, any Trademarks of the other Party. Ownership of Results. In the event any Results are created as a result of the Services provided by Volvo Cars (or if applicable, any of its appointed Affiliates or subcontractors) under this Agreement, the Parties agree that Volvo Cars shall be the exclusive owner of such Results, including all modifications, amendments and developments thereof. Hence, all Results shall automatically upon their creation stay with Volvo Cars. Volvo Cars shall further have the right to transfer, sublicense, modify and otherwise freely dispose of the Results. 3.4 Results. Volvo Cars hereby grants to Polestar a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual (however at least fifty (50) years long (however, in no event shall such time exceed the validity period of any IP or Background IP included in the license described hereunder)) and non-assignable license to, within the Territory and only in relation to the Polestar Vehicle and Other Polestar Branded Vehicles: Use, in whole or in part, the Results; if applicable, Use any Background IP embedded in or otherwise used in the development of the Results to the extent such license is necessary or reasonably necessary to make Use of the license granted to the Results; and design, engineer, Use, make and have made, repair, service, market, sell and make available products and/or services based on, incorporating or using the Results and any Background IP referred to in (a) and (b) above, in whole or in part. The license granted to Polestar in accordance with Section 3.4.1 shall be fully sub- licensable to Polestar’s Affiliates, but shall not be sub-licensable to any Third Party without prior written consent from Volvo Cars, which shall not be unreasonably withheld (whereby a sublicense/license to a Third Party which is a competitor of Volvo Cars is an example of what could be deemed unreasonable) or delayed. For the avoidance of doubt, Volvo Cars shall be free to Use and to grant licenses to the Results and any Background IP to Volvo Cars’ Affiliates and any Third Parties without prior written consent from Polestar. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement shall be construed as to give the other Party any rights, including but not limited to any license rights (express or implied), to any Background IP, except as expressly stated herein. 3.5 Limitations in relation to Third Party IP in relation to Volvo Carss. Polestar acknowledges that certain IP incorporated in the Results is owned by Third Parties (i.e., Suppliers to Volvo Cars). For example, the Third Party Suppliers, engaged by Volvo Cars, have developed certain vehicle parts, components or technology and pursuant to an agreement between Volvo Cars and the relevant Third Parties, Volvo Agreement No.: PS21-072 11 Cars has a license to the Third Party’s IP, but may not automatically be allowed to license or assign the technology to any other party without the Third Party’s consent. Volvo Cars shall when sourcing development from any Third Party secure that Volvo Cars obtains all the rights necessary in order for Polestar to be able to make use of the Results to the extent set out in this Agreement. In case there are any limitations relating to Third Party IP, Volvo Cars shall inform Polestar without undue delay when becoming aware of such limitations and the Parties agree and acknowledge that such Third Party’s IP shall not be licensed or assigned to Polestar until the relevant consent has been given by the Third Party. Volvo Cars shall make it´s best efforts to mitigate such limitations and if necessary, support in finding an alternative solution to the reasonable satisfaction of both Parties. Volvo Cars shall inform Polestar without undue delay once consent has been given. 3.6 Polestar brand name For sake of clarity, it is especially noted that this Agreement does not include any right to use the “Polestar” brand name or Trademarks, or refer to “Polestar” in communications or official documents of whatever kind. This means that this Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use the “Polestar” brand name or “Polestar” Trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. 3.7 Volvo brand name Correspondingly, it is especially noted that this Agreement does not include any right to use the “Volvo” brand name, or Trademarks, or refer to “Volvo” in communications or official documents of whatever kind. The Parties acknowledge that the “Volvo” Trademarks as well as the “Volvo” name is owned by Volvo Trademark Holding AB and that the right to use the name and the “Volvo” Trademarks is subject to a license agreement, which stipulates that the name, Trademarks and all thereto related Intellectual Property Rights can only be used by Volvo Car Corporation and its Affiliates in relation to Volvo products. This means that this Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use the “Volvo” brand name or “Volvo” Trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. 4. SERVICE CHARGES AND PAYMENT TERMS 4.1 Service Charge In consideration of Volvo Cars’ performance of the Services under this Agreement, Polestar shall pay to Volvo Cars the Service Charges under the payment terms as further described in Appendix 2. 5. AUDITS During the term of this Agreement, Polestar shall have the right to, upon reasonable notice in writing to Volvo Cars, inspect Volvo Cars’ books and records related to the Agreement No.: PS21-072 12 Services and the premises where the work to finalise the Services is carried out, in order to conduct quality controls and otherwise verify the statements rendered in this Agreement. Audits shall be made during regular business hours and be conducted by Polestar or by an independent auditor appointed by Polestar. Should Polestar during any inspection find that Services do not fulfil the requirements set forth herein, Polestar is entitled to comment on the identified deviations. Volvo Cars shall, upon notice from Polestar, take the actions required in order to fulfil the requirements. In the event the Parties cannot agree upon measures to be taken in respect of the audit, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue to relevant governance forum on high governance level. 6. TEMPLATE FINANCIAL REPORTING 6.1 The Parties agree that the basis for calculating the Service Charges shall be transparent and auditable to Polestar and be done based on the template attached as Appendix 4. 7. DELAYS, DEFECTS ETC. 7.1 Delay In the event Volvo Cars risks not to meet an agreed deadline or is otherwise in delay with the performance of the Services, Volvo Cars shall inform Polestar of the reasons for and consequences of not meeting the deadlines and shall[***]. If the Start of Production of the Polestar Vehicle in the Territory is delayed due to factors beyond the control of either Party, including but not limited to the Service Provider (including its agents, Volvo Cars, or subcontractors), then the Parties shall[***] . 7.2 Defects in delivery of the performance of the Services In the event the Services and/or the Results, Results Polestar Technology, Results PS Unique Volvo Technology, or any part thereof, after having met a Gate, deviate from the requirements set forth in the Service Specification, or if the Services otherwise does not meet the requirements set forth in this Service Agreement, Volvo Cars shall,[***]. Polestar shall not be responsible for costs that relate to poorly executed Services or Services having been performed by personnel not qualified for such Services, in breach of Section 2.2.2, as long as such costs would not have occurred had the Services been properly executed or performed by qualified personnel. 7.3 Effects of Polestar’s actions Notwithstanding what is set out above in this Section 7, Polestar shall be responsible for costs relating to delays which are due to Polestar’s non-fulfilment of any of its obligations under this Agreement or Polestars’ requests for changes to the Service

Agreement No.: PS21-072 13 Specifications. Further, any such delays which are due to Polestar shall give a corresponding extension of time to Volvo Cars for meeting any time plan. Notwithstanding what is set out above in this Section 7, Polestar shall be responsible for costs relating to faults and defects which are due to Polestars’ non-fulfilment of any of its obligations under this Service agreement. 8. WARRANTIES 8.1 General warranties Each Party warrants and represents to the other Party that: it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of its respective jurisdiction of incorporation or formation, as applicable; it has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized and approved, with such authorization and approval in full force and effect, and do not and will not (i) violate any laws or regulations applicable to it or (ii) violate its organization documents or any agreement to which it is a party; and this Agreement is a legal and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms. 9. INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 General The Parties acknowledge that all Services are provided to Polestar on an “as is” basis, without any warranties or representations of any kind (except for the warranties in Section 8.1 above), whether implied or express, and in particular any warranties of suitability, merchantability, description, design and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, completeness, systems integration and accuracy are expressly excluded to the maximum extent permissible by law. In addition, Volvo Cars does not[***]. The principles set out in this Section 9 is reflected in the Service Charges and the fact that Volvo Cars is not a Volvo Cars or consultant of systems or technical solutions, but merely a car manufacturer which normally only develops technical solutions for its own business purposes. The principles set forth in this Section 9 are exclusive. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing in this Section 9, the Parties agree that no other remedy whatsoever Agreement No.: PS21-072 14 under any statute, law or legal principle shall be available to Polestar in relation to the licenses and/or work to be granted and/or performed by Volvo Cars hereunder. 9.2 Polestar’s indemnification Polestar shall indemnify and hold harmless Volvo Cars and each of its Affiliates from and against[***]. Polestar shall indemnify and hold harmless Volvo Cars and each of its Affiliates from and against[***]. Volvo Cars shall after receipt of notice of a claim related to Polestar’s use of any Volvo Cars’ Background IP from Volvo Cars, or a claim which may reasonably be indemnifiable pursuant to Section 9.2.2 above notify Polestar of such claim in writing and Polestar shall following receipt of such notice, to the extent permitted under applicable law, at its own cost conduct negotiations with the Third Party presenting the claim and/or intervene in any suit or action. Polestar shall at all times keep Volvo Cars informed of the status and progress of the claim and consult with Volvo Cars on appropriate actions to take. If Polestar fails to or chooses not to take actions to defend Volvo Cars within a reasonable time, or at any time ceases to make such efforts, Volvo Cars shall be entitled to assume control over the defence against such claim and/or over any settlement negotiation at Polestar’s cost. Any settlement proposed by Polestar on its own account must take account of potential implications for Volvo Cars and shall therefore be agreed in writing with Volvo Cars before settlement. Each Party will at no cost furnish to the other Party all data, records, and assistance within that Party’s control that are of importance in order to properly defend against a claim. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Neither Party shall be responsible for any indirect, incidental or consequential damage or any losses of production or profit caused by it under this Agreement. Each Party’s aggregate liability for any direct damage arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be limited to[***]. The limitations of liability set out in this Section 10 shall not apply in respect of damage; caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or caused by a Party’s breach of the confidentiality undertakings in Section 11.2 below. Agreement No.: PS21-072 15 11. GOVERNANCE 11.1 Governance The Parties shall act in good faith in all matters and shall at all times co-operate in respect of changes to this Agreement, including its Appendices as well as issues and/or disputes arising under this Agreement. The Parties agree that governance in respect of this Agreement shall be handled in accordance with what is set out in the Governance and Change Structure in Appendix 3. The governance and co-operation between the Parties in respect of this Agreement shall primarily be administered on an operational level. In the event that the Parties on an operational level cannot agree, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue in accordance with what it set forth in the Governance and Changes Structure in Appendix 3 to this Agreement. In the event that the Parties cannot agree on a joint solution for handling disagreements or disputes, a deadlock situation shall be deemed to have occurred and the procedure set forth in Section 17 shall apply. 11.2 Changes During the term of this Agreement, Polestar can request changes to the Service Specification, which shall be handled in accordance with the governance procedure set forth in Section 11.1 above. Both Parties agree to act in good faith to address and respond to any change request within a reasonable period of time. The Parties acknowledge that Volvo Cars will not perform in accordance with such change request until agreed in writing between the Parties. For the avoidance of any doubt, until there is agreement about the requested change, all work shall continue in accordance with the existing Service Specification. 12. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 12.1 All Confidential Information shall only be used for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. Each Party will keep in confidence any Confidential Information obtained in relation to this Agreement and will not divulge the same to any Third Party, unless the exceptions specifically set forth below in this Section 12.1 below apply, in order to obtain patent protection or when approved by the other Party in writing, and with the exception of their own officers, employees, consultants or sub-contractors with a need to know as to enable such personnel to perform their duties hereunder. This provision will not apply to Confidential Information which the Receiving Party can demonstrate: a) was in the public domain other than by breach of this undertaking, or by another confidentiality undertaking; b) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party before its receipt from the Disclosing Party; c) is obtained from a Third Party who is free to divulge the same; d) is required to be disclosed by mandatory law, court order, lawful government action or applicable stock exchange regulations; Agreement No.: PS21-072 16 e) is reasonably necessary for either Party to utilize its rights and make use of its Intellectual Property Rights; or f) is developed or created by one Party independently of the other, without any part thereof having been developed or created with assistance or information received from the other Party. 12.2 The Receiving Party shall protect the disclosed Confidential Information by using the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the dissemination to Third Parties or publication of the Confidential Information, as the Receiving Party uses to protect its own Confidential Information of similar nature. Further, each Party shall ensure that its employees and consultants are bound by a similar duty of confidentiality and that any subcontractors taking part in the fulfilment of that Party’s obligations hereunder, enters into a confidentiality undertaking containing in essence similar provisions as those set forth in this Section 11.2. 12.3 Any tangible materials that disclose or embody Confidential Information should be marked by the Disclosing Party as “Confidential,” “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof. Confidential Information that is disclosed orally or visually shall be identified by the Disclosing Party as confidential at the time of disclosure, with subsequent confirmation in writing within thirty (30) days after disclosure. However, the lack of marking or subsequent confirmation that the disclosed information shall be regarded as “Confidential”, “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof does not disqualify the disclosed information from being classified as Confidential Information. 12.4 If any Party violates any of its obligations described in this Section 11.2, the violating Party shall, upon notification from the other Party, (i) immediately cease to proceed such harmful violation and take all actions needed to rectify said behaviour and (ii) financially compensate for the harm suffered as determined by an arbitral tribunal pursuant to Section 17.2 below. All legal remedies (compensatory but not punitive in nature) according to law shall apply. 12.5 This Section 11.2 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement without limitation in time. 13. TERM AND TERMINATION 13.1 This Agreement shall become effective as of 1st of May 2021 and shall remain in force during the performance of the Services, unless terminated in accordance with Section 13.2 below. 13.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect in the event; the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Agreement, which has not been remedied within sixty (60) days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or

Agreement No.: PS21-072 SERVICE AGREEMENT APPENDIX 1 SERVICE SPECIFICATION Direct Material Procurement Services, [***]VCCH Charleston 1. GENERAL 1.1 This Service Specification Direct Material Procurement Services is a part of the Agreement executed between Volvo Cars and Polestar. This Service Specification sets out the scope and the specification of the activities that shall be performed under the Agreement, the division of responsibilities between Volvo Cars and Polestar and the applicable time plan for the performance of the activities. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Any capitalised terms used but not specifically defined herein shall have the meanings set out for such terms in the Service Agreement. In addition, the capitalised terms set out below in this Section shall for the purposes of this Service Specification have the meanings described herein. All capitalised terms in singular in the list of definitions shall have the same meaning in plural and vice versa. • “Procurement” – Involves both commercial purchasing and quality assurance of suppliers and their products and services. • “Direct Material Procurement” – Purchasing from and quality assurance of suppliers of car component tooling, car components, vehicle software and related development activities. “FMTM” or “Future Model Technical Meeting” means the operational level, cross- functional alignment meeting between Service Provider and Purchaser as further defined in Appendix 3 (Governance and Change Structure). “Indirect Procurement” – Purchasing of non-production material, Services and IT. “SQM” means Volvo Cars Quality Management, function within Direct Procurement that quality assures suppliers and the car components that they supply to Volvo Cars. ”GC” or “Global Counsel” means Volvo Car Procurement´s meetings/meeting for decisions on supplier selection as further described in Appendix 3 (Governance and Change Structure). 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 The Parties have agreed that Volvo Cars will be the service provider of Direct Procurement activities to source and quality assure suppliers and their products to the Polestar Vehicle for Polestar in regards to the localization of P519 to Charleston until the project reaches the FSR milestone (Job 1 + 90 days). The overall objectives of the activities are to source the best suppliers at a competitive cost level, in a timely manner and based on Volvo Cars standards. Agreement No.: PS21-072 3.2 The services of Indirect Procurement are not included in this specification and will be subject to a separate specification. 3.3 The service is for sourcing work and other common car program assignments as specified in this document and does not include yearly price negotiations. It does not include managing supplier claims of extraordinary kind, or any other special projects or activities. Such activities require a separate Service Request(s) by Polestar. 3.4 The Direct Material Procurement services includes the below categories, as defined in Appendix 5. • Polestar Technology (Category 1) components • PS Unique Volvo Technology (Category 2) components • Volvo Technology (Category 3A and 4) components • Common Polestar Technology (Category 3B) components 3.5 The principles for payments and sharing of cost for vendor tooling (Category 2, 3A, 3B and 4) are not included in the Agreement and will be subject to separate agreements. 4. ASSUMPTIONS/PREREQUISITES 4.1 The Procurement services will be carried out according to and within Volvo Cars existing sourcing process and approval levels. Volvo Cars Procurement will follow the already established functional forums, where Procurement is required for the sourcing process. Sourcing Strategy (bidders list) and Sourcing Decision (final supplier) will be approved in Global Xxxxxxx (“GC”). The governance process is described in Appendix 3. 4.2 At the supplier selection for Polestar Technology components (Category 1) and if reasonable, PS Unique Volvo Technology components (Category 2) Polestar is responsible to participate in the FMTM and GC and is regarded as one of the Stakeholders and will have final say in the SCM. At the supplier selection for common components, (Category 3A, 3B and 4), Polestar may be invited to be present in the SCM. Volvo Cars will provide all SCM material to Polestar when material is officially filed prior to SCM or related decision meeting. 4.3 Prior to FMTM and SCC meetings, Volvo Cars and Polestar will align about the alternatives for Polestar unique local vendor tooling financing and the terms for the supplier sourcing. 4.4 Volvo Cars Procurement requires all Engineering Statement of Work (“ESOW”) to be agreed and signed-off between Volvo Cars and Polestar R&D before sourcing is commenced. 4.5 Sourcing decisions will be based on multiple parameters such as quality, technical capability, sustainability, strategic consideration, and price. All price calculations are based on landed cost. 4.6 To adhere to Volvo Cars standards, the Volvo Cars Purchasing Terms & Conditions will be used towards the suppliers at sourcing and contract signing. Volvo Cars Charleston plant payment terms: [***] Agreement No.: PS21-072 4.7 Information which is part of the Result generated under this Agreement will be shared with Polestar upon request based on Procurement Information Sharing principles in Polestar Shared Technology Working Principles (STWP). Polestar recognizes that the information will be provided within a reasonable timeframe considering Volvo Cars´ resource constraints. Volvo Cars will not share benchmark data without the consent of the supplier. 4.8 Volvo Cars Procurement functions will work in their normal line organisation while providing this service to Polestar and may work with other projects in parallel. 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICE ACTIVITIES 5.1 The service will be provided in three main phases: 1. Strategic - strategic alignment for Polestar Vehicle. Volvo Cars Procurement is responsible to lead the overall strategic work including CBP, localization and vendor tool finance strategies and benchmarking and will align the strategy and the targets with Polestar. 2. Sourcing - Volvo Cars Procurement will lead the sourcing including team set-up, planning, execution, negotiation, contract, including performing needed supplier financial/quality/sustainability assessments. 3. Industrialization – Volvo Cars Procurement will lead the industrialization including, risk assessment, PPAP and capacity verification. 5.2 The service deliveries will be the following: • Sourcing work including cost estimates and capacity leading up to a Sourcing Strategy and Sourcing Decision in SCM/SCC: Request new capacity (RWC) and RFQ out to supplier ESOW/specification alignment Quotation analysis and cost estimates, negotiations with suppliers Plan/prepare c/o sourcing in VGS, get internal approvals leading to approval • Prepare supplier contracts , or amendments to existing contracts (to be signed by Polestar) and feedback Contracted Weekly Capacity (CWC) to SP-tool • Place build, tool, prototype, engineering and production orders (blanket) and price updates. Ordering will be done in SI +/SAP with Polestar order template when Polestar owned tool orders in accordance with Appendix 5. For Volvo Cars Procurement to be able to place orders in SI+, Polestar unique suppliers need to be registered and included in supplier base system VSM/Parma. Polestar orders will be approved in SI+ according to Volvo Delegation of Authority. • PSW/PPAP per part number, approved by Volvo Site SQM including Verified Weekly Capacity. Should PPAP/PSW not be reached at FSR, Volvo Cars will continue to work until 100% is approved. • 0 km Supplier quality assurance up to[***]. Agreement No.: PS21-072 5.3 Volvo Cars Procurement will perform procurement deliveries through the following functions and their activities: • Procurement program leader (PPL) define overall sourcing strategy. Coordinate the different functions and services that are provided in this Agreement within Volvo Cars and be the link between Volvo Cars Procurement and Polestar Program and functions working with Polestar Vehicle • Direct material Polestars – Perform supplier evaluation (SEM) if needed, lead the sourcing, negotiation, supplier selection and contract signing. • Cost estimator – Perform cost estimates based on LCE and OCE and communicate with the Polestar as needed. • Site SQM – Perform supplier quality evaluations (i.e SEMAT) and APQP/PPAP/PSW • Resident SQM – Plant situated SQM, will secure supplier quality at launch and 0 km supplier quality assurance. • Sustainability team – Perform supplier sustainability evaluations (i.e SAQ, conflict materials etc). 5.4 In addition Volvo Cars Procurement will provide all management and business support needed to support the different functions and processes with decisions and business analysis to support these decisions. 5.5 Cost targets per commodity for Unique Polestar Technology components will be set based on program affordable defined by project management prior to sourcing. Deviations from set cost targets for Unique Polestar Technology commodity will be aligned in operational program meetings and then agreed in SCM/SCC, including participation from Polestar. In the event a deviation cannot be agreed in SCM/SCC, the issue will be escalated according to the governance process described in Appendix 4. Cost target for common components will follow the already established Volvo Cars internal process. If required as part of the sourcing work the initial year-over-year cost reductions (LTA’s) for Polestar Technology components will be handled based on case-by-case basis and according to supplier strategies and based on alignment with Polestar. The handling of year-over-year cost reductions (LTA’s) including tracking and managing savings for Polestar Technology components after SOP will be agreed between the Parties in a separate agreement. 5.6 Polestar will be informed of the overall progress of the sourcing including potential deviations from targets in overall program management forums where Polestar is invited. 6. TIMING AND DURATION 6.1 The activities shall commence on 1 May 2021 and end no later than[***]. 6.2 The milestones and deadlines that are defined by the Volvo Product Development System (“VPDS”) for [***]in Charleston shall apply for the deliverables under this Agreement.

Agreement No.: PS21-072 7. ESTIMATED HOURS 7.1 The Parties estimated for hours that are required to perform the Services is described in Appendix 2 8. THE PURCHASER´S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1 Polestar must follow the already established process within Volvo Cars to provide volume plans and information with specification of take-rates and variants that allows Procurement Capacity and volume pre-requisites team to provide a SP (volume/capacity pre-requisites) to the sourcing VCC Polestar. 8.2 Polestar is responsible to participate in the FMTM and GC meetings, according to Section 4.2 8.3 Polestar is responsible to provide approved funding of vendor tooling investments for Polestar Technology unique vendor tooling and agreed cost targets in front of negotiations with suppliers. 8.4 Polestar will abide to Volvo Cars supplier strategies and, with Volvo Cars R&D agreed, Commodity Business Plans (“CBP”). 8.5 Polestar will always be ultimately responsible for the Purchase Orders placed in Polestars name and accordance with the principles in this Agreement or otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, (i.e. payments, volume). 8.6 If requested by Volvo Cars Polestar should give input for sourcing of suppliers for Polestar unique technology components. For the sake of clarity Polestar is entitled to provide input according to Section 4.2 8.7 If requested by Volvo Cars Polestar should participate in supplier strategy work for Unique Polestar technology components. For the sake of clarity Polestar is entitled to provide input according to Section 4.2 8.8 Polestar will keep a Power of Attorney updated and available for each of Volvo Cars legal entities to act on Polestars behalf. The purpose is to avoid any confusion towards suppliers and clarify that Volvo Cars has the authority to deliver the direct material procurement services for Polestar. 8.9 Polestar will need to sign supplier agreements and attachments (i.e. Framework Purchasing Agreement, ESOW, final price sheet, Volume pre-requisites etc) for Polestar Technology according to Polestar Delegation of Authority. If requested, Volvo Cars will use Polestar templates when acting on Polestars behalf. ______________________________ Agreement No.: PS21-072 1 SERVICE AGREEMENT APPENDIX 2 SERVICE CHARGES 1. GENERAL 1.1 This Appendix 2 stipulates the rules and principles for the Service Charges payable by Purchaser to Service Provider for Services delivered under this Agreement. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Any capitalised terms used but not specifically defined in this Appendix shall have the meanings set out for such terms in the Agreement. In addition, the capitalised terms set out below in this Section 2 shall for the purposes of this Appendix have the meanings described herein. All capitalised terms in singular in the list of definitions shall have the same meaning in plural and vice versa. 3. SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 The Service Charge for the Services according to the Service Specifications in Appendix 1 will be based on the actual hours required for the Services to be performed by Service Provider as set forth below this Appendix 2. 3.2 The Parties acknowledge that the Service Charges set forth in this Appendix 2 for Service provided in 2021 and 2022 are the actual Service Charges. 3.3 The Parties also acknowledge that the Services Charges for Service Provided in 2023 and 2024 are estimation of the amount of hours required for the performance of the Services and that this estimation may differ from the final actual number of hours charged by Service Provider. Hence, the Service Charges will ultimately be invoiced based on actual hours, not on estimated hours. However, the Parties have[***]. 3.4 The hourly rates that are used to calculate the Service Charges shall be determined by Service Provider on an annual basis in compliance with applicable tax legislation, including but not limited to the principle of “arm’s length distance” between the Parties. The hourly rates shall be calculated using the cost plus method, i.e. full cost incurred plus an arm´s length mark-up. All costs Service Provider has in order to perform the Services shall be reimbursed by Purchaser. Other cost will be charged based on actual arm's length cost, not estimated cost 3.5 The hourly rates for 2021, 2022 and 2023 are outlined in Appendix 2A . The hourly rate for 2024 should be communicated to Purchaser no later than 31 December 2023. 3.6 The Service Charges (actual amounts for 2021 and 2022 and estimates for 2023 and 2024) for Services provided by Volvo Cars are outlined in the table in Appendix 2A. Agreement No.: PS21-072 2 4. PAYMENT TERMS 4.1 The Service Charges for the Services Provided by Volvo Cars and Volvo Car Technology (Shanghai) Co,. Ltd under this Service Agreement, shall be invoiced and paid in accordance with the payment terms set forth in this Section 4. 4.2 The Service Charges for 2021, 2022 should be invoiced within 45 days of the signing of this Agreement and payable by the Purchaser within 45 days of the of such invoice, provided all necessary permits from authorities, as applicable, have been received. 4.3 The Service Charges for 2023 should be invoiced no later than 31 January 2024 and payable by the Purchaser within [***]of the of such invoice, provided all necessary permits from authorities, as applicable, have been received. 4.4 The Service Charges for 2024 shall be invoiced on a quarterly basis, at the end of each quarter and payable within [***]after the date of such invoice, provided all necessary permits from authorities, as applicable, have been received. 4.5 All Service Charges referred to in this Agreement shall be invoiced and paid in SEK or USD. 4.6 All amounts referred to in this Service Agreement are exclusive of VAT and surtaxes but inclusive of Withholding Tax applicable in accordance with local legislation. 4.7 Service Provider is responsible for charging and declaring sales tax or other taxes as follow from applicable law. Any applicable sales tax on the agreed price will be included in the invoices and paid by Purchaser. 4.8 Payment made later than the due date will automatically be subject to interest for late payments for each day it is not paid and the interest shall be based on[***]. 4.9 Any paid portion of the Fee is non-refundable, with the exceptions set out in this Agreement. Agreement No.: PS21-072 1 SERVICE AGREEMENT APPENDIX 2A SERVICE CHARGES – VOLVO CARS The Service Charges (actual amounts for 2021 and 2022 and estimates for 2023 and 2024) for Services provided by Volvo Cars are outlined in the table below: [***]