Phoenix, Arizona 85014
Phoenix, Arizona 85014
This is an annuity contract. Subject to the provisions of the contract, and in consideration of any purchase payment you make and we accept, we will make annuity payments starting on the Annuity Date we show above.
Please read the contract carefully; it is a legal contract between you and Pruco Life Insurance Company. Expense charges applicable to the contract are shown on a Contract Data page. If you have a question about the contract, or a claim, see one of our representatives or get in touch with one of our offices.
Signed for Pruco Life Insurance Company, an Arizona Corporation.
/s/ XXXXX X. XXXXXX /s/ XXXXXX X. XXXXXX - - ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- Secretary President |
(VFM--96) Page 2
Annuitants(s) First Annuitant XXXX XXX Male, Issue Age 35 Co-Annuitant XXXX XXX Female, Issue age 35 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Basic Contract Information
Contract Number xx xxx xxx Contract Date September 1, 1996 Annuity Date September 1, 2051 Beneficiary Class 1 Xxxxxx Xxx, son of Annuitants Class 2 Xxxxx Xxxxx, sister of Xxxx Xxx - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Purchase Payments
The purchase payment paid on the Contract Date is $10,000.00.
The minimum initial purchase payment is $10,000.00. The minimum subsequent purchase payment is $1,000.00.
Other Minimums
The minimum withdrawal amount is $500.00.
The minimum Interest Crediting Rate on Interest-Rate Investment Options is 3%.
Expense Charges
The expense charges deducted from the contract fund (see the Contract Fund provision for a complete description of the fund and how it increases and decreases) are:
(VFM--96) Page 3
Daily Mortality and Expense Risk Charge - the maximum daily charge is .00340349%, which is equivalent to an annual rate of 1.25%.
Daily Administrative Charge - the maximum daily charge is .00041065%, which is equivalent to an annual rate of .15%.
Annual Administrative Charge - the charge is $30.00. It is deducted on the Contract Anniversary and when a surrender (i.e., full withdrawal) of the contract occurs, if the contract fund at the time is then less than $50,000.00.
The transaction charge for each transfer after the first 12 in a contract year is $25.00. We reserve the right to limit the number of transfers in order to comply with federal, state or local law.
Withdrawal Charge
The withdrawal charge (see the Withdrawals provision for a full discussion of how this charge is applied) is a percentage of the amount withdrawn that is subject to the charge, and depends on the Contract Year in which the withdrawal is made.
Year of Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx ------------------ ----------------- 1 7% 2 6% 3 5% 4 4% 5 3% 6 2% 7 1% 8 and later 0% |
(VFM--96) Page 3A
Investment Options
Interest-Rate Investment Options
As of the contract date, two interest-rate investment options are available, a one-year fixed-interest-rate option (the Fixed-Rate option) and a seven year market-value-adjustment option (the MVA option). Interest is credited at declared rates to amounts held in each of these options. For the MVA option, if money is withdrawn prior to the end of the maturity date, there will be a market-value adjustment, which may increase or decrease the value of amounts in that option.
Variable Investment Options
The following variable investment options are available through allocation to subaccounts of the Pruco Life Flexible Premium Variable Annuity Account. We reserve the right to limit the availability of the below options, if necessary, in order to comply with federal, state or local law.
Variable Investment Options (Subaccounts) Available
Money Market Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Diversified Bond Portfolio Equity Portfolio
Prudential Xxxxxxxx Portfolio Global Portfolio
Stock Index Portfolio
High Yield Bond Portfolio
Equity Income Portfolio
Prudential Xxxxxxxx Portfolio Global Portfolio
Stock Index Portfolio
High Yield Bond Portfolio
Equity Income Portfolio
Equity Income Portfolio
Equity Income Portfolio
International Stock Portfolio
OCC Accumulation Trust Managed Portfolio
OCC Accumulation Trust Managed Portfolio
OCC Accumulation Trust Small Cap Portfolio
V.I. Value Fund
V.I. Growth and Income Fund
V.I. Growth and Income Fund
(VFM--96) Page 3B
CONTRACT NO. XX XXX XXX CONTRACT DATA CONTINUED JANUS Aspen Growth Portfolio Aspen International Growth Portfolio MFS Emerging Growth Series Research Series WARBURG PINCUS Post-Venture Capital Portfolio XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Allocation of Invested Premium Amounts The Prudential Series Fund Global Portfolio 40% The Prudential Series Fund Equity Portfolio 30% Janus Aspen Growth Portfolio 10% One-Year Fixed-Rate Option 10% Seven-Year MVA Option 10% |
For any portion of the purchase payment allocated on the Contract Date to an interest-rate investment option, the interest rates are:
One-Year Fixed-Rate Option 6% Seven-Year MVA Option 8% - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF CONTRACT DATA (VFM--96) Page 3C |
(Only we can endorse this contract.)
(VFM--96) Page 4
We, Our, and Us.--Pruco Life Insurance Company, an
Arizona corporation, or any affiliated company.
Arizona corporation, or any affiliated company.
You and Your.--The owner of the contract.
Annuitant(s).--The person or persons named on the first page. If two persons are named, one of the two is named on page 3 as First Annuitant, the other as Co-Annuitant. In that case, the Beneficiary provision of the contract will be based on the death of the last survivor of the persons so named.
Payee.--A beneficiary who has a right to receive a settlement under this contract.
Contract Date.--The date we receive the initial purchase payment. We show the Contract Date on page 3.
Contract Year.--A year which starts on the Contract Date or on a Contract Anniversary.
Business Day.--Any day the New York Stock Exchange is open for business.
Annuity Date.--The date our first annuity payment to you is due. We show the Annuity Date on page 3.
WHEN PERMITTED The initial purchase payment must be paid on the Contract Date. Subsequent purchase payments may be made at any time before the Annuity Date. Minimum purchase payment amounts are shown on a Contract Data page; we reserve the right to establish a maximum amount. INVESTED PURCHASE Corresponding to each purchase payment, there is an PAYMENTS "invested purchase payment." This is the balance of the purchase payment after we make any applicable deduction for: (1) state and local premium taxes; and (2) any other type of tax (or component thereof) measured by or based upon the amount of the purchase payment we receive. ALLOCATIONS You may allocate all or a part of an invested purchase payment to one or more of the investment options described below. The allocation of the initial invested purchase payment is shown on a Contract Data page. You may change the allocation of future invested purchase payments at any time. The change will take effect on the date we receive your request. If, after the initial purchase payment, we receive a purchase payment without allocation instructions, we will allocate the corresponding invested purchase payment in the same proportion as the most recent purchase payment you made (unless that was a purchase payment you directed us to allocate on a one-time-only basis). We reserve the right to establish minimum percentage and dollar amounts for invested purchase payment allocations. (VFM--96) Page 5 |
OPTIONS AVAILABLE As shown on a Contract Data page, two types of interest-rate investment options were available on the Contract Date: fixed-interest-rate option (Fixed-Rate option) and market-value adjustment option (MVA option). We may add other options in the future. Each option may be divided into interest cells (described below). INTEREST RATES The annual interest rates applicable to the interest-rate investment options on the Contract Date are shown on a Contract Data page. We will credit interest each day on amounts allocated to any of these options at the daily equivalent of the rate shown for that option. Interest rates for future allocations or transfers to interest-rate investment options will be declared when those allocations or transfers are made. The declared rates will never be less than the Minimum Interest Crediting Rate shown on a Contract Data page. INTEREST CELL An interest cell is created whenever you allocate or transfer an amount to an interest-rate investment option. We credit interest to the amount in each interest cell daily at a specific rate declared for that interest cell until the earliest of: the date it is withdrawn; the date it is transferred to another investment option; the maturity date (the date the cell was established plus the number of years it is expected to remain in effect); and the date as of which a death benefit is determined. An interest cell's declared rate is guaranteed if the amount in that cell is held to maturity. Withdrawals and transfers from an MVA interest cell are subject to market-value adjustments, which may increase or decrease the cell's value. Withdrawals may also be subject to a withdrawal charge, which is described in Withdrawals below. At the maturity date of an interest cell, you may elect to transfer the amount in the cell into any of the investment options available on that date. Once you have made an election and we have received it, it may not be reversed. If you do not make an election to transfer within 30 days following the maturity date, we will transfer the amount in the interest cell on the maturity date to an interest-rate investment option with the same duration to maturity as the maturing interest cell. Amounts that are transferred into the same interest-rate investment option during the 30-day period will receive the appropriate rate for that option, effective as of the maturity date. Amounts that you withdraw, or transfer into any different investment option, during the 30-day period will receive interest from the maturity date to the date of withdrawal or transfer at the rate that would have applied to those amounts if you had taken no action within the 30-day period. (VFM--96) Page 6 |
VARIABLE SEPARATE "Variable Separate Account" refers to the Pruco Life ACCOUNT Flexible Premium Variable Annuity Account, its successors, if any, and any other variable separate accounts we add in the future. We established this account to hold and invest the assets that support this contract and variable annuity contracts like this one. The Variable Separate Account is divided into divisions called "subaccounts," and the subaccounts available to you on the Contract Date are listed on a Contract Data page. We may establish additional subaccounts. Any income and realized or unrealized gains and losses in a subaccount are credited to or charged against that subaccount. This is without regard to income, gains, or losses in other investment options. SEPARATE ACCOUNT We may invest the assets of different subaccounts in INVESTMENTS different ways than are shown on a Contract Data page. We will do so only with the consent of the SEC and, if required, of the insurance regulator where this contract is delivered. We will always keep assets in the Variable Separate Account with a total value at least equal to the amount credited to all the subaccounts under contracts like this one. That portion of the assets of the Variable Separate Account equal to the reserves and other contract liabilities with respect to the Variable Separate Account shall not be chargeable with liabilities or obligations arising out of any other business we conduct. To the extent that those assets exceed that amount, we may use them in any way we choose. VARIABLE INVESTMENT We show the options available on the Contract Date OPTIONS on a Contract Data page. We may offer additional options. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACT FUND The term "contract fund" refers to the total of all amounts credited to your contract as of any date as a result of your initial purchase payment and the increases and decreases described below. Note that this is not the same as the "cash value" of the contract, which is described under Withdrawals below. On the contract date, the contract fund is equal to the initial invested purchase payment. After that, the fund as of any day is determined by starting with the fund at the end of the previous day and adjusting it for items that increase it or decrease it. Items that increase the contract fund are: invested purchase payments; positive investment results in a variable investment option; interest credited to an interest-rate investment option; and any positive market-value adjustment associated with a transfer or withdrawal. Items that decrease the contract fund are: withdrawals and the charges associated with them; negative investment results in a variable investment option; mortality and expense risk charges; administration charges; any applicable federal, state, or local taxes charged to the contract; and any negative market-value adjustment associated with a transfer or withdrawal. Investment results are credited daily. Mortality and expense risk charges are deducted daily. There are two administration charges: one is deducted daily, and one is deducted on the Contract Anniversary and at the time of a surrender. Other charges may be assessed only if the appropriate event occurs. The maximum charges we may deduct are shown on a Contract Data page. (VFM--96) Page 7 |
MARKET-VALUE The market-value adjustment (MVA) is made when a ADJUSTMENT (MVA) withdrawal or transfer is requested from an MVA option. It is used to calculate the amount available for withdrawal or transfer, and the amount remaining after the withdrawal or transfer. It applies only to the interest cell from which the withdrawal or transfer is made (no market-value adjustment will apply to an interest cell in the event of a withdrawal or transfer within the 30-day period following the cell's maturity). We determine the amount available for withdrawal from a cell in two steps. We first determine a "market-value factor." This is based on the time remaining to maturity of the interest cell and the difference between the declared interest rate for that cell and a current rate that we establish. We then multiply that interest cell's portion of the contract fund by the sum of 1 plus the market-value factor. The formula for the market-value factor is shown below. To calculate the interest cell's portion of the contract fund after the withdrawal or transfer, we first subtract the amount withdrawn or transferred (including any charges) from the interest cell's original portion of the contract fund. The remaining amount, divided by the sum of 1 plus the market-value factor, is the interest cell's portion of the contract fund after the withdrawal or transfer. MARKET-VALUE FACTOR The market-value factor is determined as: (M/12)x(R-C), where: (M) is the number of whole months (not less than one) to the interest cell's maturity date; (R) is the interest cell's declared interest rate expressed as a decimal; for example, 5 percent = .05; and (C) is the current rate referred to above, in effect on the date of the withdrawal or transfer, for a period to maturity one year longer than the number of whole years remaining until the interest cell's maturity date as of the date we receive your request. This rate is also expressed as a decimal. The market-value factor will never be greater than 0.4 or less than minus 0.4. EFFECT OF MARKET-VALUE If the current interest rate is higher than the ADJUSTMENT interest cell's declared interest rate, the market-value factor will be negative, and we will reduce the contract fund by more than the sum of the withdrawal and the withdrawal charge. If the current rate is lower, the market-value factor will be positive, and we will reduce the contract fund by less than the sum of the withdrawal and the withdrawal charge. (VFM--96) Page 8 |
You may transfer amounts into or out of investment
options, subject to the following restrictions:
options, subject to the following restrictions:
1. We impose a transaction charge, shown on a Contract Data page, if you make more than 12 transfers in a Contract Year. The charge is taken pro-rata from the investment options from which the transfer is made.
2. You may not make a transfer from an interest cell in the Fixed-Rate option, except during the 30-day period following the cell's maturity date, or under a plan for periodic transfers that we make available to all owners of contracts like this one.
3. You may not make a transfer from an investment option to the same investment option.
The transfer will take effect as of the end of the valuation period on the date we receive valid notification from you, if that is a Business Day. Otherwise, it will take effect on the next Business Day. A valuation period is the period of time from one determination of the value of the amount invested in a subaccount to the next such determination. Such determinations are made once each Business Day, generally at 4:15 p.m., New York City time.
Any amount transferred from an MVA cell is subject to a market-value adjustment, unless the transfer is made in the 30-day period following the maturity date of the interest cell. If you do not direct us otherwise, when we transfer money from a Fixed-Rate option or MVA option, we will take the money first from the oldest eligible interest cell in the option.
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Amount Available for You may make a withdrawal at any time prior to the Withdrawal Annuity Date while at least one Annuitant is living (the minimum withdrawal amount is shown on a Contract Data page). The total amount available for withdrawal at any time is the "cash value" of the contract. The cash value is equal to the contract fund, plus or minus the market-value adjustment of all amounts in MVA options, minus the withdrawal charge and the administrative charge that may apply for a surrender of the contract. Withdrawal Charges A withdrawal charge may apply if you make a withdrawal during the first seven Contract Years. The amount of the charge is a percentage, shown on a Contract Data page, of any amount to be withdrawn in excess of the applicable charge-free amount described below. If you ask for a withdrawal of a specific dollar amount, we will deduct enough from the contract fund to provide the withdrawal charge and provide you the amount you asked for. If you request a percentage withdrawal, unless you direct otherwise, we will apply that withdrawal pro-rata across all investment options. The requested percentage will be applied to each investment option in determining the gross amount withdrawn. In this instance, any applicable withdrawal charge, in addition to the withdrawal, will be applied pro-rata across all investment options. The withdrawal charge will never be greater than that permitted by any applicable law or regulation. Allocation of You may direct that a withdrawal be made from either Withdrawals an interest-rate investment option, a variable investment option, or both. If you direct that some or all of a withdrawal be made from an interest-rate investment option, you may direct that the withdrawal be made from a specific interest cell or cells. If you do not specify the investment option or options from which the withdrawal is to be made, here is how we will allocate the withdrawal. We will take the withdrawal (and the withdrawal charge) on a pro-rata basis from all investment options. Within the interest-rate investment options, we will take the withdrawal first from the oldest eligible interest cell or cells in those options. Charge-Free Amounts Certain amounts (the charge-free amounts) may be withdrawn without incurring a withdrawal charge. The charge-free amount available in any current Contract Year is equal to: (a) 10% of any portion of total purchase payments made in the current and all prior Contract Years in excess of total purchase payments withdrawn in prior Contract Years; plus (b) any charge-free amount available in the prior Contract Year that has not been withdrawn; plus (c) any portion of the withdrawal amount in excess of: the sum of all purchase payments made reduced by the amount of all prior withdrawals. For purposes of determining withdrawal charges and charge-free amounts, withdrawals are always assumed to come first from purchase payments. Waiver of Withdrawal We will waive all withdrawal charges upon receipt of Charges due proof that a sole or last surviving Annuitant is Terminally Ill, or has been confined to an Eligible Nursing Home or Hospital continuously for at least three months. See the General Provisions for definitions of these terms. This waiver is not available if the contract has been assigned. |
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You may designate or change a beneficiary to receive any amount due if the sole or last surviving Annuitant dies before the Annuity Date. You may initiate a change to the beneficiary designation by completing a change form, which you can obtain from us or from your representative. We may also ask you to send us the contract. The change will take effect only when we process the request. Then any previous beneficiary's interest will end as of the date of the request, even if no Annuitant is living when we process the request. Any beneficiary's interest is subject to the rights of any assignee we know of.
When a beneficiary is designated, any relationship shown is to the Annuitant (First Annuitant if two Annuitants are named on page 3) unless otherwise specified.
To show priority among beneficiaries, we will use numbered classes, so that the class with first priority is called class 1, the class with next priority is called class 2, and so on. If two Annuitants are named on page 3, the term "Annuitant" refers to the last surviving Annuitant. The following statements apply to beneficiaries unless a Contract Data page, contract endorsement or change request that we have processed specifies otherwise:
1. One who survives the Annuitant will have the right to be paid only if no one in a prior class survives the Annuitant.
2. One who has the right to be paid will be the only one paid if no one else in the same class survives the Annuitant.
3. Two or more in the same class who have the right to be paid will be paid in equal shares.
4. If none survives the Annuitant, we will pay in one sum to the Annuitant's estate.
Before we make a payment, we have the right to decide what proof we need of the identity, age or any other facts about any persons designated as beneficiaries. If beneficiaries are not designated by name and we make payment(s) based on that proof, we will not have to make the payment(s) again.
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If a sole or last surviving Annuitant dies before the Annuity Date, then, when we receive due proof of death and any other documentation we need, the beneficiary is entitled to receive a death benefit equal to the greatest of:
(a) the contract fund as of the date we receive due proof of death and any other documentation we need;
(b) the total invested purchase payments made less the total withdrawals made (including withdrawal charges); and
(c) The minimum guaranteed death benefit less certain withdrawals described below. On the third Contract Anniversary, we set the minimum guaranteed death benefit equal to the contract fund. On each subsequent triennial Contract Anniversary, the minimum guaranteed death benefit is reset to the greater of: (1) the previous minimum guaranteed death benefit less total withdrawals made in the prior three Contract Years; and (2) the contract fund as of that Contract Anniversary. For death occurring between triennial Contract Anniversaries, we subtract from the minimum guaranteed death benefit any withdrawals made since the latest triennial Contract Anniversary.
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If an Annuitant dies on or after the Annuity Date, the payout provision then in effect will govern whether and to whom we will make any payment.
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Choosing an Option You may use the contract fund as of the Annuity Date, plus or minus any market-value adjustment, to provide an income to the Annuitant(s) by choosing one or more of the options we describe below at any time before the Annuity Date. But, for any annuity option, we will first deduct any charge for taxes attributable to premiums, and any applicable withdrawal charges, described below. We offer the same annuity options to the Payee that we offer to an Annuitant. And we determine monthly payments for the Payee in the same way we do for an Annuitant. Your right to choose an option is subject to all these conditions: (1) You must ask for the option in writing and in a form which meets our needs. (2) You must send the contract to us to be endorsed. (3) If we require it, you must give us due proof of the date of birth of the person on whose life an annuity payment is based. (4) We must have your request, the contract and any required due proof(s) of the date(s) of birth before the Annuity Date. The option you choose will take effect on the Annuity Date if: (1) the person on whose life the annuity is to be based is living on that date; (2) the first payment under the option will be at least $50; and (3) you do not void the choice by making a later choice before the Annuity Date. If two Annuitants are named in the contract and both are living, payment will be based on the life of the First Annuitant, as named on page 3. Options Described When we use the word Annuitant in the following paragraphs we mean the Annuitant for whom the annuity described was chosen and who is to receive payment under the annuity. For an Annuitant, the first payment under these options will be made on the Annuity Date. For a Payee, unless a later date is requested, the first payment will be made on the first day of the earliest calendar month on or after the day we have received the request for the payout and due proof of the Annuitant's death and such claim forms and other evidence as may be satisfactory to us. Here are the options we offer. We may also consent to other arrangements. Option 1 (Installments We will make equal payments for up to 25 years. The for a Fixed Period) Option 1 Table shows the minimum amounts we will pay. Option 2 (Life Income) We will make monthly payments for as long as the person on whose life the payout is based lives, with payments certain for 120 months. The Option 2 Table shows the minimum amounts we will pay. Option 3 (Interest We will hold an amount at interest at the rate Payment) indicated below. At your choice, we will pay the interest annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly. Other Payout Options We may offer other payout options. Contact one of our representatives or one of our offices for information. When No Option If no choice takes effect on the Annuity Date, Chosen payout under Option 3 (Interest Payment Option) will become effective. Interest Rate Payments under any of the options will be calculated assuming an effective interest rate of at least 3% a year. We may include more interest. Withdrawal Charges If you choose Option 1 or Option 3, we will apply a withdrawal charge in the same way as we would if you had made a withdrawal (see Withdrawals). Any amount used to provide income under Option 2 may be withdrawn without charge. If you choose any other method of payment not described in this contract, we will tell you if it is subject to a withdrawal charge. |
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Amounts Payable For Options 1 and 2, we will use the table below to compute the minimum amount of the annuity payment. If the Annuity Date is not a Contract Anniversary, we will adjust the amounts accordingly. When we computed the amounts we show in the Option 2 Table, we adjusted the 1983 Table a to an age last birthday basis, less three years; we used an interest rate of 3 1/2% per year. If the age is over 80, the rate for age 80 will be used. |
Number Monthly of Years Payment -------- ------- 1 $84.65 2 43.05 3 29.19 4 22.27 5 18.12 6 15.35 7 13.38 8 11.90 9 10.75 10 9.83 11 9.09 12 8.46 13 7.94 14 7.49 15 7.10 16 6.76 17 6.47 18 6.20 19 5.97 20 5.75 21 5.56 22 5.39 23 5.24 24 5.09 25 4.96 |
Multiply the monthly amount by 2.989 for quarterly, 5.952 for semi-annual or 11.804 for annual.
Amount of Annuity Payment for
each $1,000 applied on the Annuity Date
Amount of Annuity Payment for
each $1,000 applied on the Annuity Date
AGE MALE FEMALE AGE MALE FEMALE --- ---- ------ --- ---- ------ 41 $3.88 $3.67 61 $5.25 $4.79 42 3.92 3.70 62 5.36 4.89 43 3.97 3.74 63 5.48 4.98 44 4.01 3.78 64 5.60 5.09 45 4.06 3.82 65 5.73 5.20 46 4.12 3.86 66 5.87 5.31 47 4.17 3.90 67 6.01 5.43 48 4.23 3.94 68 6.15 5.56 49 4.28 3.99 69 6.30 5.70 50 4.35 4.04 70 6.46 5.84 51 4.41 4.09 71 6.62 5.99 52 4.48 4.15 72 6.79 6.15 53 4.55 4.21 73 6.96 6.31 54 4.62 4.27 74 7.13 6.49 55 4.70 4.33 75 7.30 6.67 56 4.78 4.40 76 7.48 6.85 57 4.86 4.47 77 7.66 7.04 58 4.95 4.54 78 7.83 7.24 59 5.05 4.62 79 8.00 7.44 60 5.15 4.71 80 8.17 7.64 |
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Quarterly Report We will send you a report four times each calendar year until the Annuity Date. It will show the contract fund, the cash value, the death benefit as of the report date, the guaranteed minimum death benefit as of the report date, interest and any other credits applied during the period covered by the report, and charges and withdrawals during the period covered by the report. The report will include any other data that may be required where this contract is delivered. You may ask for a report like this at any time. But, except for the four reports we send you during the year, we have the right to charge a fee for each report. The Contract This document forms the whole contract. Contract Modifications Only one of our officers with the rank or title of vice president or above may agree to modify this contract, and then only in writing. Change of Annuity You may change your Annuity Date if we consent. Any Date such change will be subject to conditions that we then determine. Ownership and Control Unless we endorse this contract to say otherwise: (1) the Annuitant (the First Annuitant, if two are named) is the owner of the contract; (2) while any Annuitant is living the owner alone is entitled to any contract benefit and value, and the exercise of any right or privilege granted by the contract or by us; (3) if two Annuitants are named and the First Annuitant dies while the Co-Annuitant is living, the Co-Annuitant will become the owner; and (4) if there is no Co-Annuitant and no contingent owner has been named, on the death of the owner, the beneficiary becomes the owner for purposes of Section 72(s) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor provision. Currency Any money we pay, or which is paid to us, must be in United States currency. Misstatement of Age If any Annuitant's stated sex or date of birth or or Sex both are not correct, we will change each benefit and the amount of each annuity payment to that which the total purchase payment amounts would have bought for the correct sex and date of birth. Also, we will adjust the amount of any payments we have already made. Here is how we will do it: (1) We will deduct any overpayments, with interest at 5% a year, from any payment(s) due then or later. (2) We will add any underpayments, with interest at 5% a year, to the next payment we make after we receive proof of the correct sex and date of birth. Incontestability We will not contest this contract. We consider all statements made in the application for this contract to be representations, not warranties. Proof of Life or Death Before we make a payment, we have the right to require proof of continued life or proof of death, and any other documentation we need to make the payment, for any person whose life or death determines whether or to whom we must make the payment. Page 15 (VFM--96) |
Assignment We are under no obligation to comply with or honor an assignment unless we receive it, or a copy of it. We are not obliged to see that an assignment is valid or sufficient. If any Annuitant is living on the Annuity Date and an assignment is in effect on that date, we have the right to pay the cash value in one sum to the assignee. This contract may not be assigned to a tax-qualified retirement plan or program without our approval. Deferring Payment We will usually pay any death benefit or withdrawal promptly. If the death benefit or withdrawal is to be paid from a variable investment option, we have the right to defer that payment for any period during which the New York Stock Exchange is closed for trading (except for normal holiday closing) or when the Securities and Exchange Commission has determined that a state of emergency exists which may make payment of the death benefit or withdrawal impractical. Changes We reserve the right, upon 90 days notice to you to: 1. restrict or refuse to accept any purchase payment; 2. establish minimum percentage and dollar amounts for invested purchase payment allocations; 3. change any or all terms and provisions of the Annuity Settlement Tables, but only with respect to any portion of an annuity settlement deriving from purchase payments made on or after the effective date of the change and from earnings on those purchase payments; and 4. make any changes required by law. Participation This contract is eligible to participate in our (Dividends) divisible surplus. We do not expect that any dividends will be payable on or before the Annuity Date. While any payout provision or arrangement is in effect, the contract will share in our surplus to the extent and in the way we decide. Page 16 (VFM--96) |
Terminally Ill We consider someone terminally ill who has a life expectancy of six months or less. Proof of Terminal Illness must include a certification by a licensed physician. Eligible Nursing Home An institution or special nursing unit of a hospital that meets at least one of the following requirements: 1. It is Medicare approved as a provider of skilled nursing care services; 2. It is licensed as a skilled nursing home or as an intermediate care facility by the state it is located in; or 3. It meets all the following requirements: (a) It is licensed as a nursing home by the state it is located in; (b) Its main function is to provide skilled, intermediate, or custodial nursing care; (c) It is engaged in providing continuous room and board accommodations to 3 or more persons; (d) It is under the supervision of a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN); (e) It maintains a daily medical record of each patient; and (f) It maintains control and records for all medications dispensed. Institutions that primarily provide residential facilities are not eligible nursing homes. Eligible Hospital An institution that meets either of the following requirements: 1. It is accredited as a hospital under the Hospital Accreditation Program of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; or 2. It is legally operated, has 24-hour a day supervision by a staff of doctors, has 24-hour a day nursing service by registered graduate nurses, and either: (a) It mainly provides general inpatient medical care and treatment of sick and injured persons by the use of medical, diagnostic and major surgical facilities. All such facilities are located in it or are under its control; or (b) It mainly provides specialized inpatient medical care and treatment of sick or injured persons by the use of medical and diagnostic facilities (including x-ray and laboratory). All such facilities are located in it, are under its control, or are available to it under a written agreement with a hospital (as defined above) or with a specialized provider of these facilities. An eligible hospital is not an institution, or part of one, that: (a) furnishes mainly homelike or custodial care, or training in the routines of daily living; or (b) is mainly a school. Page 17 (VFM--96) |
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Variable Annuity Contract with Flexible Purchase Payments. Annuity payments starting on Annuity Date. Benefit payable as stated upon death before Xxxxxxx Date. Contract values reflect investment results. Market-Value-Adjustment option subject to market-value adjustments. Eligible for annual dividends as stated under Participation.
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