CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The same date in each subsequent year as your Contract Date.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. An anniversary of the Effective Date of this Contract.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The same day and month as the Contract Date each year that the contract remains in force.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The Contract Anniversary is the same Day and month as the Contract Date each year that the contract remains in force. CONTRACT DATE The Contract Date is the date from which Contract Anniversaries, contract years, and contract months are determined. Your Contract Date is shown under Contract Data.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The same month and day as the Issue Date each calendar year. Contract Value: The Variable Account value attributable to this Contract on, or prior to the Annuity Date. Contract Year: Any period of 12 months commencing with the Issue Date or any Contract Anniversary.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The Business Day on or immediately following each one-year anniversary of the Issue Date. CONTRACT OPTION(S). The Contract Options for this Contract are the Fixed Account and the Index Account.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. A Contract Anniversary is a 12-month anniversary of the Contract Date.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. The anniversary measured from the Issue Date of this contract. If an annual anniversary of the Issue Date occurs on a date that is not a Valuation Date, the Contract Anniversary is the next Valuation Date.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. If there are Joint Annuitants, the Annuity Date will be based on the younger Annuitant’s birthday. If you did not select an Annuity Date in the application for this Contract and you have a Qualified Contract, distribution at an earlier age may be required. The Annuity Date may be changed by providing proper notice to us at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the current Annuity Date or new Annuity Date, whichever is earlier, subject to any applicable state law or the Code. The new Annuity Date may not be earlier than the first Contract Anniversary and must occur on or before the later of the Annuitant’s 90th birthday or the tenth (10th) Contract Anniversary, or earlier, as required by any applicable state law or the Code. If there are Joint Annuitants, the Annuity Date will be based on the younger Annuitant’s birthday. You should consult with your Qualified Plan administrator before you elect an Annuity Date.
CONTRACT ANNIVERSARY. Each one year anniversary of the Issue Date.