Student MacBook User AgreementStudent Macbook User Agreement • August 16th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 16th, 2023Tks Nswpoíľ Indspsndsnľ Sckool Disľíicľ k»s iniľi»ľsd » 1:1 M»cEook píogí»m roí sľudsnľs »nd ľs»cksís in »n srroíľ ľo smbí»cs 21sľ Csnľuíy Skills. Sľudsnľs will bs using M»cEooks in ľks cl»ssíoom. 6rľsí ís»ding »nd ísľuíning ľks ísquiísd »gíssmsnľ, ľksy will bs »llowsd ľo ľ»ks ľksií dssign»ľsd M»cEook koms ľo conľinus sckool woík unlsss ľksy k»vs ouľsľ»nding ísp»ií rsss, missing dsvicss, oí oľksí spsci»l íssľíicľions. M»cEook uss will bs moniľoísd ľo g»ugs uss »nd srrscľivsnsss or ľks dsvics in ľks cl»ssíoom. MacBooks are disľricľ-owned-devices and ľhe conľenľs on ľhe MacBook shall be educaľional in naľure and can be
Student MacBook User AgreementStudent Macbook User Agreement • November 29th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 29th, 2022Tks Nswpoíľ Indspsndsnľ Sckool Disľíicľ k»s iniľi»ľsd » 1:1 M»cEook píogí»m roí sľudsnľs »nd ľs»cksís in »n srroíľ ľo smbí»cs 21sľ Csnľuíy Skills. Sľudsnľs will bs using M»cEooks in ľks cl»ssíoom. 6rľsí ís»ding »nd ísľuíning ľks ísquiísd »gíssmsnľ, ľksy will bs »llowsd ľo ľ»ks ľksií dssign»ľsd M»cEook koms ľo conľinus sckool woík unlsss ľksy k»vs ouľsľ»nding ísp»ií rsss, missing dsvicss, oí oľksí spsci»l íssľíicľions. M»cEook uss will bs moniľoísd ľo g»ugs uss »nd srrscľivsnsss or ľks dsvics in ľks cl»ssíoom. MacBooks are disľricľ-owned-devices and ľhe conľenľs on ľhe MacBook shall be educaľional in naľure and can be