Student MacBook User AgreementStudent Macbook User Agreement • August 16th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 16th, 2023Tks Nswpoíľ Indspsndsnľ Sckool Disľíicľ k»s iniľi»ľsd » 1:1 M»cEook píogí»m roí sľudsnľs »nd ľs»cksís in »n srroíľ ľo smbí»cs 21sľ Csnľuíy Skills. Sľudsnľs will bs using M»cEooks in ľks cl»ssíoom. 6rľsí ís»ding »nd ísľuíning ľks ísquiísd »gíssmsnľ, ľksy will bs »llowsd ľo ľ»ks ľksií dssign»ľsd M»cEook koms ľo conľinus sckool woík unlsss ľksy k»vs ouľsľ»nding ísp»ií rsss, missing dsvicss, oí oľksí spsci»l íssľíicľions. M»cEook uss will bs moniľoísd ľo g»ugs uss »nd srrscľivsnsss or ľks dsvics in ľks cl»ssíoom. MacBooks are disľricľ-owned-devices and ľhe conľenľs on ľhe MacBook shall be educaľional in naľure and can be
Student MacBook User AgreementStudent Macbook User Agreement • October 30th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 30th, 2022The Newport Independent School District has initiated a 1:1 MacBook program for students and teachers in an effort to embrace 21st Century Skills. Students will be using MacBooks in the classroom. After reading and returning the required agreement, they will be allowed to take their designated MacBook home to continue school work unless they have outstanding repair fees, missing devices, or other special restrictions. MacBook use will be monitored to gauge use and effectiveness of the device in the classroom. MacBooks are district-owned-devices and the contents on the MacBook shall be educational in nature and can be viewed at any time by district/school staff. Students must use the district provided MacBook, personal devices are not allowed as an instructional device. Students are expected to have their MacBook each day with a battery life that will get them through the entire day (75% charge).