EXHIBITOR TERMS AND CONDITIONSExhibitor Agreement • August 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 18th, 2023Background: The 2024 Hanger LIVE Meeting (the “Meeting”) is sponsored by Hanger, Inc. The contract terms and conditions set forth in this agreement (this “Agreement”) regarding terms and conditions of renting booth space at the Meeting (“Exhibit Space”) have been established for the mutual benefit and protection of exhibitors, attendees, and Hanger, Inc. Any additional terms and conditions contained in the Exhibitor Service Kit or other communications will be considered an integral part of this Agreement. All exhibitors that desire to participate in the 2024 Hanger LIVE Meeting (“Exhibitors,” and individually, an “Exhibitor”) shall agree to the terms and conditions in this Agreement and shall execute any documentation requested by Hanger, Inc. memorializing such agreement.