The Home School Compact is a written agreement between the school, parents, and students. It is jointly developed with input from students, parents, and school staff, and outlines how parents, the school staff, and students will share in the...Home School Compact • November 27th, 2023
Contract Type FiledNovember 27th, 2023Shared Responsibilities for: School Staff As a School we will: Parent/CaregiverAs a parent/caregiver, I will: Student As a student, I will: High Quality Curriculum and Instruction ESSA, Section 1116(d)(1) • Review assessment results to determine strengths and needs• Use the BCPS curriculum to plan high quality instruction that will improve students’ academic performance• Give students timely feedback • Talk to my child about what is happening at school and the importance of working hard in school.• Make sure my child goes to school every day on time• Make sure my child does homework and schoolworkregularly • Do my best and work hard• Come to school on time and prepared to learn• Pay attention in class and ask questions when I don’t understand• Complete all my assignments• Follow the rules of the school Parent-Teacher Conferences ESSA, Section 1116(d)(2)(C • Hold at least one parent/teacher conference annually, where Home School Compact and student achievement is discussed• Provide mu