Annex ALocal Area Agreement • September 7th, 2010
Contract Type FiledSeptember 7th, 2010PI ref Lead Member/ Chief Officer Polarity Frequency of reporting formate.g. % PIDescription Q1Outturn LBH -Target 2010/11 Pressure Point Additional Comments LAA NI 32 Cllr Ed Mayne Low Quarterly Number Repeat incidences of domestic violence. 10 19(25%reduction on 25 repeat incidents) 1.6% During the setting of the baseline figure in 2009/2010, the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) was being established and this resulted in a low level of repeat victims which reflected the insufficient referrals made by agencies. There were 25 repeat cases from the 183 referrals made. Work is continuing to ensure the attendance of all key partners to enable effective delivery. The priority in this financial year has been the training provision to partners to ensure familiarity with Home Office guidance on procedures and to make sure the referral process of repeat victims as the referral levels have, and will continue to, increase in comparison to the previous year. In Q