Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made, effected, instrumented and/or executed at Kolkata on this
November 17th, 2020
  • Filed
    November 17th, 2020

SMT. SUTAPA ROY (PAN – AHHPR0349B), wife of Sri Asit kumar Roy, daughter of Late Sunit Kumar Chatterjee, by faith – Hindu, by Nationality – Indian, by occupation – Service, (2) MISS SUMITA CHATTERJEE (PAN – BBBPC3553K), daughter of Late Sunil Kumar Chatterjee, by faith – Hindu, by Nationality – Indian, by occupation – house hold work, both are reSsiding at 878, R.N. Tagore Road, P.O. – Bediapara, P.S. – Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700 077, hereinafter jointly referred to and called as the “OWNERS” (which term or expression shall unless otherwise excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include his legal heirs, executors, administrators, authorized representatives, nominees and assigns) of the FIRST PART. The owners / Vendor is represented through their Constituted Attorneys SMT. DALIA BISWAS (PAN – AMDPB6483B), wife of Sri Nabakumar Biswas, by faith – Hindu, by occupation – Business, residing at 824, R.N. Tagore Road, P.O. Bdeiapara, P.S. – Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700

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