Standard Contracts
ContractIndenture of Conveyance • September 12th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 12th, 2020THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made, effected, instrumented and/or executed at Kolkata on this day of , Two Thousand Twenty (2020) A.D.
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made at Kolkata on this day of Two Thousands (20 _ _ ) A.D.Indenture of Conveyance • November 30th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 30th, 2020SRI SANJAY BOSE s/o Late Chittaranjan Bose (PAN No. AFUPB7363J Adhar No. 2695-4544- 3369), AND SRI SANJIB BOSE alias SANJIB BASU son of Late Chittaranjan Bose (PAN No. AJDPB3184E, Adhar No. 4208-9250-1743), all resident of Village Latibpur, P.O. Uluberia, R.S.,
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made, effected, instrumented and/or executed at Kolkata on thisIndenture of Conveyance • November 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 17th, 2020SMT. SUTAPA ROY (PAN – AHHPR0349B), wife of Sri Asit kumar Roy, daughter of Late Sunit Kumar Chatterjee, by faith – Hindu, by Nationality – Indian, by occupation – Service, (2) MISS SUMITA CHATTERJEE (PAN – BBBPC3553K), daughter of Late Sunil Kumar Chatterjee, by faith – Hindu, by Nationality – Indian, by occupation – house hold work, both are reSsiding at 878, R.N. Tagore Road, P.O. – Bediapara, P.S. – Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700 077, hereinafter jointly referred to and called as the “OWNERS” (which term or expression shall unless otherwise excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include his legal heirs, executors, administrators, authorized representatives, nominees and assigns) of the FIRST PART. The owners / Vendor is represented through their Constituted Attorneys SMT. DALIA BISWAS (PAN – AMDPB6483B), wife of Sri Nabakumar Biswas, by faith – Hindu, by occupation – Business, residing at 824, R.N. Tagore Road, P.O. Bdeiapara, P.S. – Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE made this day of 20Indenture of Conveyance • September 12th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 12th, 2019partnership, constituted under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, having its office situated at No. 5, Chittaranjan Avenue, P. S. Bowbazar, Kolkata-700 072, represented by one of its Partners, Shri Apurva Salarpuria having been duly authorized in that regard by the other partners of the said LLP hereinafter referred to as the PROMOTER/DEVELOPER of the FIRST PART;
BETWEENIndenture of Conveyance • November 22nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledNovember 22nd, 2023
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made in Kolkata on this day ofIndenture of Conveyance • March 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2020RAGHUVAR DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 bearing Corporate Identity No. U70109WB2011PTC160592, having IT PAN: AAFCR1950E and its registered office at 249A, Motilal Gupta Road, Police Station and Post Office Haridevpur, Kolkata – 700082, District: South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India, being represented by one of its Directors, , son of
BETWEENIndenture of Conveyance • October 4th, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 4th, 2018having been incorporated in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1956 and an existing company within the meaning of the Companies Act 2013 having its registered office situated at No. 1 Garstin Place, Kolkata 700 001 P.S. Hare Street, P.O. GPO and represented by its Authorised Signatory Shri Ashok Kumar Baid (PAN ADJPB3557H) SON OF Late Suraj Mal Baid residing at Flat No. 47, Ironside Apartments, 11/3B Old Ballygunge 2nd Lane, Kolkata 700 019 P.S. Karaya P.O. Ballygunge hereinafter referred to as the VENDOR (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include its successor and/or successors in office/interest and assigns) of the ONE PART
BETWEENIndenture of Conveyance • January 19th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2019Pradip Chatterjee and daughter of late Nirmal Kumar Brahmachari residing at No. 19 Dr. U.N. Brahmachari Street (formerly Loudon Street) P.O. Circus Avenue P.S. Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700 017 hereinafter referred to as the OWNER (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include her heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns) of the FIRST PART
INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCEIndenture of Conveyance • October 15th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 15th, 2019
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE made this day of 2004 BETWEENIndenture of Conveyance • November 29th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 29th, 2022THE VENDORS (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include their respective heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators and/or assigns) of the First Part
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made at Kolkata on this the day of TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHTEENIndenture of Conveyance • October 9th, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 9th, 2018
ContractIndenture of Conveyance • November 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 17th, 2020THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made, effected, instrumented and/or executed at Kolkata on this day of , Two Thousand Twenty (2020) A.D.
BETWEENIndenture of Conveyance • March 29th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2019