May 5, 1989 LB 84Legislative Bill • September 19th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 19th, 2022SENATOR LAMB: W e ll, Mr. President and members, one more time I rise to strenuously oppose this motion. The four o f u s h ad an agreement that w e t h ought was fair and equitable,a s f ai r an d equitable as we could get for the various segments of p r op e r t y owners in the state. Now, we have all had different opinions as to what the pr oblems o r nonproblems as to constitutionality were. We think we have them solved. But there is no guarantee. Now, if t h ere s h ould b e a pr o b lem, t hen the b a lance i s disrupted, if one part of the bill becomes la w and another p a r t of the bill does not become law, because then you have given one segment of taxpayers property tax relief, you h ave n o t g i v en another group, if that happens. I don't think it will happen, I h ope i t d oe sn ' t h ap p e n , but the possibility is there. So i t