Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

March 9th, 2023
  • Filed
    March 9th, 2023

TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) PAGE SECTION 16.0 WAGES 66 16.1 Pay Scale 59 16.2 Initial Hire 59 16.3 Promotions 59 16.4. Promotional Probationary Periods 59 16.5 Demotion 59 16.6 Transfers 59 16.7 60 16.8 Pay Differential 60 Pay Plan 61 SECTION 17.0 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVEEQUIPMENT (PPE) 73 17.1 Safety Committee 73 17.2 Health Insurance 73 17.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 73 17.4 Health Screenings 75 17.4 Safety Bonus 63 SECTION 18.0 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 78 18.1 Uniforms 78 18.2 Shirts 79 18.3 Care of Uniforms 79 SECTION 19.0 LAYOFF 81 SECTION 20.0 DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE 83 20.120.2 Steps of Discipline Reprimands 8384

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