ContractClinical Study Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020CLINICAL INVESTIGATOR AGREEMENT - TRIPARTITE no.08/OVZ/17/015-P SMLOUVA O ZABEZPEČENÍKLINICKÉHO HODNOCENÍ – TROJSTRANNÁ č. 08/OVZ/17/015-P This Clinical Study Agreement (this “Agreement”) when signed by all parties, will set forth certain agreements by and between Tato Smlouva o zabezpečení Klinického hodnocení (dále jen „Smlouva“) pokud je podepsaná všemi smluvními stranami nastavuje dohodu mezi PPD Investigator Services LLC,with its registered address at 929 North Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401, USA,Company ID: 46-2919241 ("CRO") PPD Investigator Services LLC,se sídlem 929 North Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401, USAIČO: 46-2919241(dále jen „CRO “), and a Fakultni nemocnice Ostrava, registered address at 17. listopadu 1790/5, 708 52 Ostrava, Czech Republic, entitled to act and sign: MUDr. Josef Srovnal, associate director for medical care. Incorporation deed of the Ministry of Health of Czech Republic dated 25th November 1990 no. OP-054-25.11.90Company ID no.: 00843989 T