Ph: (925) 827-2422 / Fax: (925) 827-4042Collective Bargaining Agreement • December 21st, 2016
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2016Effective and Termination Dates 12 41 Elimination of Restrictions on Production 8 (C) 35 Employer Responsibility 8 (D) 35 Employer’s Membership 2 (E) 4 Employer's Recognition of Committee as Bargaining Agent 2 (B) 3 Favored Nations (Other Agreements) 1 (D) 2 Foreman – Wage Rates 4 (A) 15 Foremen - Status 4 (D) 16 Fringe Benefit Rates 4 (A) 11 Future Rate Increases 4 (A) 12 Garnishments / Wage Assignments 8 (F) 35 General Conditions 8 34 General Provisions 1 1 General Savings Clause 8 (H) 36 Geographic & Market Conditions 8 (A) 34 Geographic Coverage of Agreement 1 (B) 1 Grievance Procedure – Board of Adjustment 10 (A) (3) 37 Grievance Procedure 10 (A) 37 Grievance Timeliness 10 (A) (10) 39 Health & Welfare Benefits 4 (I) 17 Hiring Halls (Employment Office Localities) 3 (D) 5 Hiring 3 (E) 7 Holidays 5 (G) 26 Jurisdictional Disputes 10 (D) 40 Lunch, Rest & Heat Recovery Periods 5 (I) 26 Make-Up Day 5 (C) 23 Mobility of Employees 3 (C) 5